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In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is one of the most motivating, inspiring things that I’ve ever read! I desperately needed to read this. Every single thing you have written in this piece resonates with me in a profound way. One of my writings in my portfolio
— "On the EdgeOpen in new Window. if you care to read it— speaks about how I am afraid of stepping out and living, but I really really want to, and know that I should. It ends with me basically begging for somebody to ‘just push me.’
Truly, strangely, I feel like this writing of yours, is some sort of response to my plea— it is the ‘push’ I’ve been desperately needing! *Delight*

I cannot thank you enough for writing this piece, and sharing it with all of us here on WDC. Your vulnerability and openness about your journey— all of your fears, dreams, stumbling blocks, and successes— is going to change more lives than just mine. I’m sure of it. *HeartV*

My heart is so happy for you, and how much your life has been changed for the better! I hope that every day, you are surrounded by new reasons to choose joy. You deserve the best this life has to offer! I know I’m just a stranger, but I’m PROUD of you!

Please keep writing, as well! Your insightfulness and your transparency, when paired with your writing ability, are wonderful gifts that will take you far. I believe in you. *BigSmile* *HeartY*

Hugs, (If you’re a ‘hugger’)
DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Takiwatānga  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Thank you so much for writing this, and letting all of us see inside your mind, and your day-to-day life with Autism! I absolutely ADORE this word that you have found, and its meaning— I truly do think it is a perfect, and most-beautiful way to describe those who are on the Autism spectrum!

I can definitely understand why you feel that you cannot yet relate to those who have already been diagnosed for years, and have since had time to come and see their diagnosis in a more positive light. Despite your current feelings though, I appreciate that you are able to see that there ARE positives— you KNOW they exist— but you admit that in this moment, you just can’t bring yourself to focus on them. That is a brave and admirable distinction that you have made, and I’m proud of you for being so honest with yourself— and US— about it! Never let ANYONE— not even YOURSELF— make you feel ashamed for your feelings, or the stage of acceptance that you are currently in. There is no ‘universal handbook’ for this process— as much as we sometimes wish there was. Where you are in your journey of processing this diagnosis, and re-discovering yourself, is exactly where you are ‘supposed’ to be! There is no timeline, there is no ‘right way’ to do this— there is only ‘your way,’ and ‘your way’ is the BEST way, for you! *HeartV*

As you know, my little sister was also recently diagnosed with Autism— she is 23— so I know, by watching her go through this process, herself, that it is a hard journey to go through when you have already reached ‘adulthood’ and already spent so long feeling so isolated and ‘inexplicably different.’ Yes, it helps to have the diagnosis/the ‘label’ now, but I know that for my sister, one of the things she says is hardest to grasp, is wondering how different things could’ve been if she was just diagnosed sooner. Maybe a lot would be different— maybe you would’ve had more support, and more like-minded people to surround yourself with— or maybe not; maybe it would’ve been just as hard, and just as ‘lonely,’ but just in a different way. We don’t know— and sometimes, that’s one of the hardest things to accept.

What I DO know though, is that NOW, you have people in your corner! People who care about you, and care to understand you. People who are by your side, and ‘along for the ride’ no matter how bumpy, or confusing, or strange it may get. People like ME, who accept you for every facet of you— even the ones neither of us have discovered yet! And that, my friend, is what is so beautiful about your writing, and your advocacy for Autism, and the way it has effected your life— as this journey goes on; as your confidence grows; as your openness grows, there will be more and more people like me, coming to stand in your corner, and by your side. And I am willing to bet that a LOT of these people will be just like you— part of the Autism community, and finding their way in the world— no longer alone because they found YOU & your writings!

Never, ever stop being vulnerable, and expressing yourself through this medium. One day, you will look back on these writings and think, ‘wow. I can’t believe how far I’ve come!’ *HeartY*

I may not have Autism, but I see you. I am PROUD of you. I see GREATNESS in you. Keep going, and keep being YOU— the world needs YOU. *BigSmile* *HeartW*

Your friend,
~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Mephistopheles  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Wow! I will truly never grow tired of you brilliantly vast vocabulary, and your unique, steady cadence! Every time I read your poems, I walk away thinking, "This is a man that has truly mastered the English language." Every word feels like it has been taken under your command, and directed to its most powerful position possible. Genuinely, I read your poetry, and I am left in awe— every. single. time.

The premise of the poem really tugged at my heartstrings. It breaks my heart that you have gone through such loss and heartache, and that you feel that whoever you lost has taken a piece of you with them that you can never get back. I don't know if this helps or not, but sometimes, I like to think about that space that once held a piece of me, not being just empty now, but rather, as it now being filled by a piece of that person that I lost, instead. I tell myself that instead of losing a piece of myself, I have gained a new, unique part of me that I can more freely love because it had once been part of somebody that I loved more than I loved myself.

Finally, I'd like to just say again: I am so overjoyed that you are now part of the WDC community, and it feels good to see you being welcomed with open arms already, on your Newsfeed post. I am happy that I could return the favor in giving you another space for you to broaden your audience, and expand your horizons— just as you, and everyone else did, on the Zoom call last month when I joined and shared.

Welcome to WDC! You really do fit right in! I am so excited, and proud of you. I believe in you and your talent, and I am honored to call you my friend. Never stop writing— you never know how many you will reach! *HeartY*

Always in your corner,

~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of I'm Fine  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Your Honest Friend,

I LOVE the premise of this project. I feel like we are kindred spirits, in a sense. I, too, am in my 20s (25 to be exact), and I have made so many mistakes along the way. Everything you said— especially in the first 2 paragraphs of your ‘Dear Diary’ entry— resonated with me on a very personal level. *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

First, I just want to say that I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! I say this, not only because I admire your transparency, but also because you are ALIVE. I don’t know you, but just from this one post, it is obvious that you have been through a lot— things that could’ve crushed you, and almost very-nearly did— but you are still standing; hoping, and hanging on, for a better future. A better LIFE. As scary as I know the prospect of that is! And trust me— I KNOW. After all, I do just happen to be a ‘black belt’ in ‘self-sabotage,’ LOL.

I feel like my writing style is very similar to yours. I pride myself on ‘realness,’ and transparency about everything in my life, and in my mind. Some of my works are a little ‘uncomfy’ for people to read, simply because I don’t hold back when it comes to addressing things that I’ve done, or that have happened to me, or that I feel are important subjects to talk about. I have a feeling that you’ll be able to relate to a lot that I’ve written, and I hope that you’ll read some of the things on my portfolio, and let me know what you think. I would love to get to know you, and interact with you more. I feel like we could be great friends, and lift each other up throughout our own journeys. *HeartV*

In my writings, I’m sure you’ll be able to tell a lot of these things, but I just wanted to put it here, too.
I’m 25, and my life is kind of a s***show. *Rolling* I wanted to be a Victim’s Advocate, but some terrible things happened at the college I was at, and now I don’t know how to get there, so I have rerouted towards a career in writing. I mostly freelance for now, but Im hoping that’ll change, soon.

I live with my mom, who is also my best friend— she truly has saved my life so many times. She is my rock. I also have two younger sisters— one is 23, and married now, and we are very close. We have been our whole lives, despite the craziness I’ve kind of put my family through. The other is my ‘bonus sister’ or ‘step-sister,’ as most would call her, and she is 15. She is my mini-me, and I love her so much, but I don’t get to see her as often as I like. My relationship with my dad is kinda complicated.

I, too, have struggled with Major Depressive Disorder from a very young age. I have attempted suicide many times— one almost worked, and landed me in a 3-day coma in the ICU. I have also spent my own fair-share of time in inpatient psych hospitals (3, to be exact). On top of the Depression, I’m diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), Panic Disorder, PTSD, and Borderline Personality Disorder (although I don’t tell many people about that one because of the stigmas that are associated, but for some reason, I feel I can be honest with you.) To make a long story short, life hasn’t been easy for me, and I’ve questioned my purpose on this Earth quite a lot— way too much, honestly.

If you want to read some of my works, I’ll link a few here that I think you’ll relate to the most, just from reading your post:
"The Weight and the SeaOpen in new Window.
"Empty SpacesOpen in new Window.
"On the EdgeOpen in new Window.

Finally, I just want to say: WELCOME TO WDC! I only joined in October 2022, and it has seriously turned my entire life around. This place feels like ‘home’ for me, and the people here are amazing. This is the kind of community I’ve searched for my whole life, and I really do feel like you’ll love it here, and grow to feel the same! *BigSmile* I am SO HAPPY you’re here, and I am SO PROUD of you for making it here! I know that you don’t know me, but the minute I saw the title of your work, and began reading your piece, I felt my heart tug me towards you— so, I mean it when I say that from now on, you will ALWAYS have me in your corner! So, PLEASE feel free to message me, any time! Whether it’s questions about the site, questions about me, you’re in need of a venting session or conversation, or you need some encouragement— perhaps even someone to sit in the darkness with you until you see the light again— I. Am. Your. Girl. *HeartV*

You are going to change so many lives with your honesty and openness— and by embarking on this journey, you’re going to change your own, too! I can feel it. Your story matters— YOU matter— and I am so so glad that you exist! Please keep sharing— I can’t wait to see the even more amazing person that you are going to grow into! *PoseyY*

With open-arms,
~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, fellow poet!!

I saw in one of the 'Community' tabs (I can't remember the name of it) that you said this is your first public poem, and I just want to say that you are definitely meant to be here!!! I LOVE that your words are powered by truth— while it may be a harsh reality, and there may be many people that don't want to acknowledge it, I think that this poem perfectly encapsulates the cycle we are partaking in, as the human race, as a whole; as well as the role that individual generations have played in the destruction of our world, and society. It is a sad reality, but definitely something that needs to be more acknowledged, and then acted upon— if not for our own sake, or the sake of the Earth, then at least for the sake of those who come after us. I think that your poem gets that idea across in a beautiful (from a writing style standpoint) way.

There are a few grammatical changes that I would— personally— make, such as changing some of the capitalized first words of various lines to lowercase, and adding a few commas/breaking up sentences, here-and-there. Overall though, I think that this is a brilliant 'first public poem,' and I am so glad that you have shared it with us all! Welcome to the WDC family! I hope to see more of you around— I can't wait to read more of your works in the future. I believe in you. Your voice matters, and the stories you hold within you have tremendous value! Never forget that. Keep on writing! I'm proud of you! *BigSmile*

Hugs, (if you're a 'hugger')
~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

P.S. If you have any questions about anything I said in this review, or about WDC in general, please feel free to message me! I'm relatively 'new' myself— I joined in October of 2022— but I will always try to help the best that I can. *GreetR*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Forgiven  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

WOW. Just, 'wow'. This poem gripped me by the throat, and laid me at the altar of 3 distinct emotions: anger, agony, and understanding. I understand because I have been this woman. I have loved— and thus, forgiven— the wrong, most unfit, and abusive people wayyy too many times. I am so thankful that my little sister learned from watching my mistakes, so I never saw her have to go through what I went through, but I have seen close friends fall prey to this cycle more often than I care to remember— and it breaks my heart every. single. time.

As much as I find myself looking back on those relationships, and wanting to shake or slap some sense into myself— I will NEVER shame anyone else for making the same mistake. Unfortunately, I think that most people end up making it— at one point, or another. Would 'love' really be 'love' without the side effect of irrationality, in one way or another? I don't think so. The key is to find the person that brings out the fun side of your love-fueled 'insanity'— rather than the reckless one.

To write about this situation so well, I feel you must've lived it yourself, or very closely lived it by second-hand. I also get the sense that if you did personally experience this, you are now, out of the situation— thankfully. Still, I would just like to say, as a reminder (we can never get 'too many'): YOU are WORTHY of every good, and beautiful thing this life has to offer! YOU deserve BETTER— the BEST, in fact! Most importantly, YOU are inherently valuable, and lovable. YOU MATTERALWAYS. *HeartW*

As the second 'first place winner' of Stormy's January Poetry Newsletter Contest, myself, I want to congratulate you on your win!!! I don't know how long you have been here on WDC (I just found WDC this past October), or how many contests you have entered thus far (this is my second), but I know that no matter how seasoned the writer, encouragements such as winning a contest like this, serve as great boosts to our confidence— and ultimately, to who we become, as writers, in the future. I, personally, consider it a great honor for my poem to have won, and been featured, right 'beside' yours, this month. *StarStruck* I take it as a sign that, even though the voice of my brutally scathing inner-critic is often deafening, I must be a better writer than a think, if I were ranked in the same place as you. *Mindblown*

You are so extremely talented, and I loved this piece of yours. You described exactly what it feels like to be trapped in the throes and cycles of a toxic love that is so bad, yet so comfortable, and real, at the same time. Definitely keep writing, and be proud of your abilities, skills, and who you are as a person; you DESERVED this win, and to be recognized! I am so glad that you exist! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2* *Party*

~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of A mother’s love  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

I originally went to your portfolio after reading your review of my last poem, just so I could try to maybe get a better perspective on who YOU are, before I responded to your perspective on my poem. During my journey of scrolling through your page, it was this writing of yours that called out to me to read it the most– so I did.

When I tell you that reading that last line opened the floodgates… I mean it. My heart was aching for your whole family all throughout your piece, but especially for you and your daughter– and the rift between y’all that I could feel growing with each and every line. Ending your story with her declaration of love to you filled my heart with so much joy, and hope; just as I’m sure you felt when she actually said the words to you.

I really, truly appreciate your vulnerability in writing, and posting this very difficult part of your story. Transparency when speaking about hard subjects is so crucial, and when that skill is in the hands of a writer, the results are even more uniquely potent & empowering. I hope that you are genuinely aware of how valuable your voice is! *HeartV*

I don’t know how long ago you wrote this, but I hope that things are still on an upward trajectory between you, your husband, and your daughter! I know that even after reading all that you have written here, I am still a stranger who doesn’t truly know all of the intricacies of your entire situation, but I do want to say that from what you’ve said about your daughter’s struggles, I feel like I can relate to her on quite a few levels– and I feel like I have put my own mom in your shoes a few times, as well. I don’t know what your daughter’s DOC is, or where she’s at in her recovery– but I too turned to self-medication to deal with my diagnosed severe anxiety disorder, Major depressive disorder, & complex-PTSD. There were many times where I had given up on myself, & in-turn, pushed everybody who loved me away– to the point where they almost gave up on me, too. Through it all though, it has been my mom who has been my rock (and God), & even in my lowest moments, when I had let all my anger at myself & at the world & at my stupid chemically-imbalanced brain consume me, I was still aware of how incredibly blessed I was to have to have been born into having the mom that I have.

Trust me when I say, too, that my mom & I have gone through hell & back. We have had times in our relationship where the things I have done– the choices I made– caused her to kick me out of the house, or send me away to live somewhere else for a bit, or even led to us not talking for weeks; there were times we’d even get in screaming matches & I would run away. I screwed up a lot, and she made some mistakes too, but in the end, I came to realize that all of us are going through this ‘life’ thing for the very first time. I can’t blame her for not knowing the exact right way to respond to the pain I was in, or the things I was doing– she was just trying her best; praying that it would be enough to get us all through the worst of it alive and in one piece!

Anyways, I guess I’m saying all of this because I want you to know that even with all of the pain, and chaos, and heartache you & your daughter have been through, I’d like to think that– just like me with my mom– deep down, your daughter doesn’t hold any resentment towards you. She doesn’t blame you for not knowing exactly what to do, or how to help. I obviously can’t speak for her– I know that I don’t even know either of you– but I thought it might bring you some peace to get some insight from someone who may be able to have a similar perspective as her.

I hope that none of this comes off wrong, or as if I am overstepping– please feel free to let me know if I am. I just know that when I finally said some of these sentiments to my own mom (about never blaming her, or holding any hostility), I was shocked by the visible relief she wore on her face as she realized that I genuinely meant it. I had honestly always thought it was obvious– of course I love my mom; of course I don’t hate her, or blame her for my struggles. In my mind, it was preposterous that I’d ever think otherwise– I didn’t even know that it needed to be said. When I think about it deeper though, it makes sense. I mean, I let my own insecurities and experiences, etc. tell me all the time that nobody loves me & nobody wants me around– even when from the outside looking in, just about everyone else can tell the opposite is true. Why would my mom be any different? Because she’s a mom? I think that as daughters (or sons), we grow up believing our moms our larger-than-life– that y’all are indestructible superheroes that can carry the weight of anything; we fail to realize that y’all are human, just like us. And just like us, y’all need to be reassured of your value every once in a while.

I’m sorry that I practically wrote a novel in this review, but hopefully you understand why I wrote so much. I still need to think on how I want to respond to your review of my poem, which is why I originally came to your portfolio– to learn more about you so I could come from a place of empathy– but I promise that I will respond! I hope that you & your daughter’s relationship is healing, and that she is on the path to recovery. Your family is on my heart! I hope you know how much of a treasure you really are– YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are LOVABLE and WORTHY, and you are a great mom. Merry early-Christmas! Please keep writing– your voice is so powerful, and I can tell how cathartic it is for you. *HeartV* *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Mountains  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

This poem brought my heart so much happiness and joy to read! The shift in your tone was so palpable, that as I was reading, I quite literally felt as if I had been sitting in a dark room myself, when all of a sudden, a switch got flipped and the walls fell away, and I was shrouded in warm, beaming sunlight. *RainbowL**Sun**RainbowR*

I don’t even personally know you, but I am celebrating your happiness in this new season of life, as if it were my own! *Party* I know how petrifying, depressing, and even angering it can feel when you are looking into your future & all you have in the pit of your stomach is dread & uncertainty– knowing that you can’t stop whatever is about to happen; there truly is no turning back– and I. am. so. freaking. PROUD. OF. YOU. for going out there and making the most of this part of your destiny! You very well could’ve chosen to be stubborn and refuse to move on from grieving your past ‘home,’ but you made the decision to accept the change and move forward; I cannot tell you enough how freaking badass that is.

I hope that you continue to find little pockets of treasure in your new home, each and every day! Please keep writing, too– the way you convey your emotions is unique & purposeful. As a fellow poet who writes from the heart, that is something that I deeply value in your work. I look forward to reading more from you in the future, & interacting with you more regularly– I have a feeling that we would make fast friends if we were to have met in ‘real life.’ *HeartV*

Big Hugs & Lots of Love!(if you’re a hugger) *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is so incredibly beautiful, and it portrays the heart of Jesus so well. I am so proud of you for leaning on Him and accepting His help when I know from experience that sometimes it feels like it would be so much easier to just turn to your previous substance of choice instead. Your words speak to me at my core; I think that you could relate to some of my writings as well, but especially one in particular– which is centered around the same theme as your poem, essentially. Here’s the link if you want to read it:
 Irrefutable Whispers Open in new Window. (ASR)
Because of God’s undeniable faithfulness, it’s never too late to run back to Him. 🤍
#2283516 by DestinyAwaitsDarling Author IconMail Icon

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that even though I’m a stranger, I am so incredibly proud of you for the unwavering faith that you continue to display! I NEED you to know that your story MATTERS. Please keep sharing it, always. I am so incredibly glad God created you. I know that you make Him proud. 💜

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This story brought a huge smile to my face. Even though I know it wasn’t Jesus on the other line, I still feel like, in a way, He answered you. Maybe that’s silly of me to say, considering that’s just how phone’s work- of course you would get a response if you punched in the right numbers- but I truly believe that was God’s way of telling you that whenever you needed Him, He was there; really and truly, not just in a hypothetical, impersonal, intangible way, but in a deeply personal, so-close-you-can-feel-it way. Thank you so much for sharing this story; it gave my heart such joy to come across it, and I know that your writings are sharing the joy of the Lord to others, too. Never stop letting Him use you, and your writing, as His vessel- you were created for this. 💜

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Reading this poem, all I could think was, “this is exactly why I write- she nailed it.” There really is so much power in the written word, and I love that this community was created so that all of us could get together and truly allow ourselves to be impacted so deeply by our fellow writers’ works. It is clear that you have a genuine appreciation for other people and their stories, and personally, I think that’s one of the best qualities someone can have. 💛 Thank you for being such a caring soul. Please, never stop writing. I am so glad you exist. 💜

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem really resonated with me. I’ve been in a few relationships like this, and you described all of the feelings of it so well, from every aspect. Please keep writing! I read both poems in your portfolio, and I can already see the progress you’re making. I will be looking out for new writings of yours- I just know I’m going to love them all. 💜 Be proud of yourself for stepping out and sharing your words, & your story with this community- I recently did so (2 weeks or so ago) after YEARS of being really afraid to share my writings with anyone, and I’ve come to find that the people on this platform are some of the kindest, most uplifting people you will ever meet. So, welcome, lovely! And remember, you belong here. 💛

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I understand the meaning of this poem well, and the way you worded this sentiment is striking. I love that even though it’s clear that you blame yourself for the relationship’s demise-and you could choose to dwell on that pain- you still cherish the beautiful moments and memories, and you refuse to give them up. You’re still fighting against the darkness and demons- you’re not letting them win. I love that. You are such a badass, and I hope that you never stop fighting against those demons- make them pay for underestimating you! Keep writing- I can’t wait to read more of your work. 💜

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem reminds me a lot of one I wrote- it’s called “Frontlines” & it’s on my portfolio if you’d like to read it!

Needless to say, every single line resonated with me. I absolutely loved the metaphors you used, and I think you are a phenomenally gifted writer, and human being.

It’s such a strange and unjust feeling when you spend your whole life being the protector of your family/friends/etc, always sacrificing your well-being and sanity just to push yourself a little harder and try to make them a little happier, just for only your mistakes to ever be brought up. It’s devastating. I hate knowing that somebody else out there (you) is experiencing the same thing I have been for so long. I’m so sorry. I hope you know that you have always deserved better- and as much as it hurts, I think it is so incredibly powerful that you still have such a good, loving, protective heart that still desires to put everything on the line for the people you love. I am so glad you exist. Please keep sharing your story. 💜

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is so inspiring and powerful- thank you for writing/sharing it! 💛 After all the pain I’ve been going through at the hands of my old, lifelong church, these words were exactly the encouragement and truth that I needed to hear. God is reaching people through your poetry; you are making a profound impact people like me. God bless you. 💜

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Day 1 Prompt  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
First, I’m pretty new on this platform, too, but I just wanted to welcome you to this amazing community! I can’t wait to interact with you more, and read more of your writings, as you add them. 💜

I am so sorry that your relationship with your mom isn’t really much of a relationship at all. I don’t even have to know you to know that you always deserved better; a mom who was present, and loved you with no bounds. I hope you know that her inability to be that for you has never been a reflection of you- not even a little bit. It’s a character flaw, a heart issue, on her part that only she has the ability to change.

Anyways, I really can’t wait to see all of the great things you write in the future! Please don’t ever stop- you, and your story matter. 💜 Please feel free to check out my works, and also know that my inbox is always open if you need someone to talk to. Once again, welcome to the community- from one newbie to another!

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In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow. This poem brought me to tears. I desperately needed this reminder of God’s faithfulness, and the hope we have in Him. 🥹 I could literally feel His presence beside me as I read your words. Please keep writing- I can’t wait to read more of your work. God bless you. 💜

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In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This poem was such a wholesome and uplifting read. 🥰 As someone who has gone through a lot of darkness in her life, it is always refreshing to come across people who give off such genuinely kind and caring vibes- and that is exactly the vibe I get from you, through this poem of yours. Please keep writing & spreading light- the world desperately needs it. 💛
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Review of A Displaced Man  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just binge-read all of your poems, and I felt as if I had a soul-connection to every single one. Just reading your bio/introduction thingy had me thinking that we may be kindred spirits, but now I feel like reading your writings has just confirmed it. 💜 It is evident that you have gone through darkness and trauma, but you also have a voice that is so powerful, and so moving, and I pity anyone who has the nerve to underestimate you or your resiliency. Please, never stop writing- your story matters, & you deserve to be heard. I’m so glad you exist, and I hope I get to interact with you more in the future. 🖤

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Review of Loss of Color  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I just binge-read a good majority of your poems, but this one really resonated with me; it brought back that hollow feeling in my chest that I’ve experienced so many times before when the realization of having been abandoned would finally hit me. I loved the way you structured this poem too, in regards to the spacing. Your passion for writing is evident, and your writing style is so unique to yourself that it’d be hard not to love your work. I can’t wait to read more. 🖤

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In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
As I was reading your writing, tears were streaming down my face because every single word was resonating with me so deeply that it hurt. I felt like I was reading my own thoughts- my own experiences, without even having written them down myself. I wish I could give you the biggest hug in the world right now (if you’re a hugger).

I want you to know that I see you, and I hear you, and you’re not alone. You can’t physically see me, but I am in this weird limbo you speak of in your writing, too- and I know how it feels to feel like there is nowhere that you belong, and that the one place where you are supposed to feel safest- at church- actually just feels lonely and anxiety-inducing. I have a few poems up on my portfolio about my own grievances with the church- and I’m still writing more because I, too, still cannot stop thinking about all of the pain they’ve caused me, and writing is my way of coping with it. Maybe you’ll be able to relate to some of them.

All of this is to say that when I read your work, I understood exactly what you meant because I am currently living it, too. I see you. God sees you. And I want you to know that my page will always be a safe place for you if you ever want to message me and talk- about this, or about anything else. I can just tell that you are the kind of person, & Christian, that reminds me of why even though I may have left the church, I will never turn my back on Jesus. I hope you know how proud He is of you. Just as you said: Jesus is in your heart- and even through just a screen, that fact is so beautifully evident to me. I am so glad you were created, and I hope you know that YOU MATTER. God is doing great things through you, even if you can’t see them right now. Heck, He used you & your writing just to make me feel less invisible. So, keep writing, keep sharing your story- I can’t wait to see what God does through you next. 💜

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Review of In Which I Obey  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I truly felt the sting and sass of this poem leap right off the “page”- which I LOVED! There is nothing that gets my blood boiling faster than entitled people that look down on others, and I absolutely adore the way in which you used your poetry to call those kinds of people out, & metaphorically slap them right across the face; the second-hand catharsis was good for my soul. Keep writing- you’re phenomenal at it! 💜
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I absolutely LOVE this poem, and the meaning behind it. You truly do bring glory to God through your writings, and that in itself is more valuable than any review I, or anyone else, could give. Your Father in Heaven is proud of you- keep writing. 💜
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I just joined this platform a few days ago, and I’ve been trying to find ways to get more involved, and to find more friends, and I stumbled upon this group. I would love to join, if you would please approve for me to do so! I love the entire mission of this group, and I hope to hear back from you soon. 💜
Review of The Old You  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I felt this writing of yours resonate with me to my core. I have experienced this shift in a friendship/connection myself, and it truly is such an unbearable experience to go through; you put it into words perfectly. It is such an empty feeling when someone you once knew better than anyone has suddenly become a stranger to you- it is unsettling in the worst ways, and you try so desperately to remind them of who they once were, or who y’all once were together, but for whatever reason, deep down, you know your efforts are in vain, and the dread in the pit of your stomach that comes with the realization that your life with them as you knew it is over, is almost so heavy that it’s physically sickening. I’m so sorry you know, & have experienced it well enough to have written about it so clearly & succinctly. I hope that writing all of this out served as a step towards your healing 💜 please keep writing- you are amazing at it!

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