Your Honest Friend,
I LOVE the premise of this project. I feel like we are kindred spirits, in a sense. I, too, am in my 20s (25 to be exact), and I have made so many mistakes along the way. Everything you said— especially in the first 2 paragraphs of your ‘Dear Diary’ entry— resonated with me on a very personal level.  
First, I just want to say that I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! I say this, not only because I admire your transparency, but also because you are ALIVE. I don’t know you, but just from this one post, it is obvious that you have been through a lot— things that could’ve crushed you, and almost very-nearly did— but you are still standing; hoping, and hanging on, for a better future. A better LIFE. As scary as I know the prospect of that is! And trust me— I KNOW. After all, I do just happen to be a ‘black belt’ in ‘self-sabotage,’ LOL.
I feel like my writing style is very similar to yours. I pride myself on ‘realness,’ and transparency about everything in my life, and in my mind. Some of my works are a little ‘uncomfy’ for people to read, simply because I don’t hold back when it comes to addressing things that I’ve done, or that have happened to me, or that I feel are important subjects to talk about. I have a feeling that you’ll be able to relate to a lot that I’ve written, and I hope that you’ll read some of the things on my portfolio, and let me know what you think. I would love to get to know you, and interact with you more. I feel like we could be great friends, and lift each other up throughout our own journeys.
In my writings, I’m sure you’ll be able to tell a lot of these things, but I just wanted to put it here, too.
I’m 25, and my life is kind of a s***show. I wanted to be a Victim’s Advocate, but some terrible things happened at the college I was at, and now I don’t know how to get there, so I have rerouted towards a career in writing. I mostly freelance for now, but Im hoping that’ll change, soon.
I live with my mom, who is also my best friend— she truly has saved my life so many times. She is my rock. I also have two younger sisters— one is 23, and married now, and we are very close. We have been our whole lives, despite the craziness I’ve kind of put my family through. The other is my ‘bonus sister’ or ‘step-sister,’ as most would call her, and she is 15. She is my mini-me, and I love her so much, but I don’t get to see her as often as I like. My relationship with my dad is kinda complicated.
I, too, have struggled with Major Depressive Disorder from a very young age. I have attempted suicide many times— one almost worked, and landed me in a 3-day coma in the ICU. I have also spent my own fair-share of time in inpatient psych hospitals (3, to be exact). On top of the Depression, I’m diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), Panic Disorder, PTSD, and Borderline Personality Disorder (although I don’t tell many people about that one because of the stigmas that are associated, but for some reason, I feel I can be honest with you.) To make a long story short, life hasn’t been easy for me, and I’ve questioned my purpose on this Earth quite a lot— way too much, honestly.
If you want to read some of my works, I’ll link a few here that I think you’ll relate to the most, just from reading your post:
"The Weight and the Sea"
"Empty Spaces"
"On the Edge"
Finally, I just want to say: WELCOME TO WDC! I only joined in October 2022, and it has seriously turned my entire life around. This place feels like ‘home’ for me, and the people here are amazing. This is the kind of community I’ve searched for my whole life, and I really do feel like you’ll love it here, and grow to feel the same! I am SO HAPPY you’re here, and I am SO PROUD of you for making it here! I know that you don’t know me, but the minute I saw the title of your work, and began reading your piece, I felt my heart tug me towards you— so, I mean it when I say that from now on, you will ALWAYS have me in your corner! So, PLEASE feel free to message me, any time! Whether it’s questions about the site, questions about me, you’re in need of a venting session or conversation, or you need some encouragement— perhaps even someone to sit in the darkness with you until you see the light again— I. Am. Your. Girl.
You are going to change so many lives with your honesty and openness— and by embarking on this journey, you’re going to change your own, too! I can feel it. Your story matters— YOU matter— and I am so so glad that you exist! Please keep sharing— I can’t wait to see the even more amazing person that you are going to grow into!
With open-arms,
~DestinyAwaitsDarling |