Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/blue21
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Review of Ecstacy  
Review by Blue
Rated: E | (5.0)
Are you speaking of taking a nice, long hot shower? I f not I apologize but this is what I gathers, especially now that it is cold out side and a shower feels like the most amazing thing in the world. I love how short and simple this is, it seems delicate and the tone is warming, much as if I should be sitting in front of a fire, or relaxing underneath hot water as it beats against my head; slightly like a massage I think. My two favorite lines are "Wondering is it a sin?" and "I cocoon myself in a towel". The sin line because things that offer you pleasure can be considered a sin, such as someone who eats chocolate whilst they fast, or taking a cookie before a meal. It may not be a sin defined by the church but a sin none the less. Cocoon is such a good word for what one days when they wrap themselves in a towel seeming to try and preserve the heat of the shower, and just the feeling in general. Fantastic piece.

Review by Blue
Rated: E | (5.0)
I get the the feeling as you write I am going to really come to hate this blacksmith of yours or he is going to take me buy surprise. I look forward to reading the next chapters as I finish with this. This was quite the uplifting piece the whole river scene is fantastic and I love how you big beasty and so playful and puppy like and incredibly smart to grab the boys things and remember where to put them back at. On to the end, as soon as his mother said guests I knew the blacksmith was coming, for what reason I had not a clue but all I could think of was BUSTED, however it seems I was wrong, at least for now. It is incredibly sad his friend has died, and I can not wait to see how the werewolf will react to the boy and him being upset. your writing is fantastic and moving, and you are one of few who can maintain my attention, and perhaps it is due to the fact we have similar writing styles, just very different interests in going about things. Again, I look forward to your next chapters.

Review of Seven years later  
Review by Blue
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am throughly glad you recommended this to me. I do not like werewolves in the least bit, but I do adore your creature in this story. He not only has his big beastly characteristics as one should but there are the puppy like ones such as him wagging his tail as well as his human qualities. Perhaps that is why I do not like werewolves; there is absolutely no way to relate to them. They are big and beastly, mean and usually the bad guys. For examples, Lupin in Harry Potter loses his mind, all of them in the first 2 underworld movies, I have not seen the third and I don't think the Twilight wolves are considered werewolves but if they are well, I do not care for Twilight.

I really like the main characters seeming desperation for his friend Rolf. You can feel his longing for him and his excitement as you get the feeling he is hoping the new creatures voices is that of Rolf's. Also, the though of him getting eaten amused me, and his shock when he was licked and then nothing happened was my favorite scene along with the coziness and cuddling in the bed. A very prominent human characteristic.

I noticed a few spelling errors here and there and an oddly structured sentence with a repetitive word. Perhaps that is the way you wanted it?

I do know however I was surprised when it ended, I would have liked more. I would like to know who the werewolf is, what is his relation to Rolf and if Rolf will come back to the boy. Also, I'm guessing mother will find out, seeing as she has such an instinct as is described. However I do not think that she will be one to freak out, perhaps she has shared her own time amongst werewolves, thus resulting in her uncanny ability to know and for warn about things. Again, I really do adore this piece of writing.

Review by Blue
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow, what a ride that must have been. Movies and writing a blog. I am glad were able to maintain your resolution so well; and what writing practice. I have recently decided to dive head first into writing a novel, however I have no set up, an outline never he jumped into my. Thanks years of English classes for not reminding me. Anyways, I see an outline as kind of a hindrance too because you could get through a portion of it and realize you forgot things that could be important keys of your piece. Outlines make me feel like I am stuck, perhaps this is not the same with you. I wish you the best of luck with your novel writing.
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