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Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great work on this one. I enjoyed mostly, the nice rhyme flow and meter. The subject chosen in this poem is an interesting one indeed. And also one which really makes the reader think about the matter. Once again, great job and thanks for sharing. Keep on writing work like this!!!
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I had to rate this one a 5.0!!! Great job in structure, subject, rhyme, and flow. I especially liked the metaphoric imagery used, as in your lines: Like petals of a desert rose--And, Majestic statues of iniquity. Great job and thanks for sharing. Keep up this type of writing!!!
B.L. Houghtalin
Review of sometimes  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nice job on this poem. I like the message within. Thanks for sharing, and keep up the good work.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is very beautiful and compelling. The words are descriptive and full of imagery. I see you are of a religious nature, and I commend you for that in such a secular world!! Thanks for sharing, and keep it up.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem is a nice change of pace because of the interesting subject matter. I truly enjoyed the imagery used in this one. Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing...
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Intriguing words and rhyme scheme... Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoy poems that are a bit abstract and really make the reader think. This one was not bad... As I was reading this poem, it made me think that it would make great lyrics to a song! Good job, and keep up the good work.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow, This is a very complete poem from start to finish. It paints a vivid scene of inner turmoil, and coming to terms with it. Good job on a very intriguing poem... Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review of Fall Awake  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Wow, good job on this one. It is nice to see some variety in subject and style. I like the reference of falling awake... It makes me think of one of those dreams where you are kind of just floating around and you strt to fall right before you wake up. Also, good work on the imagery used in this poem.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review of Deadly Wine  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Very well written, with a nice flow. It causes one to wonder, was the wine a metaphor for a person, or is it just refering to the drink itself? I like the comparison of liquid influence to bodily influence. There is not much I can suggest on this one for improvement. Very nice job!
B.L. Houghtalin
Review of Children  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey there Big Sister! I am so glad you found the chance to post some writings here. It fills my heart with emotion to read these writings, because they hit very close to home. I always knew you had a secret well of words and wisdom waiting to be tapped. I meant to visit your site sooner, but time is not a cooperating force. I have been very busy mowing cemeteries and laying stones and bricks. I am still working on finding the right company to help publish my book, but I am choosing carefully to assure the best output possible. Tell Nick and Alexis that I love them and miss them. Say hey to Chris for me. And tell yourself that I love you very much, and am very proud of your work. Good luck with your EMT training, and with everything else.
Love You and Miss You...
Little Brother Lee
Review of DAWNING  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like the inspirational content in this folder. It is a breath of fresh air in a smoky world!!!
Keep up the good things you are doing here at writing.com.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I liked this one. I found it to have a smooth meter and flow, with an ease of reading. Also, good choice of subject matter. The personification of death is always a good character to expand upon, for it is something that everyone must face at one time or another!! Thanks for sharing.
B.L. Houghtalin (Lee)
Review of The Muse  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)

I liked the comparison between you and a butterfly. It illustrates how much people can change. Good job on a beautiful poem.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review of The Clay  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked it. It had some most unexpected rhymes. Keep on writing!
Review of THE CRYING CHILD  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey. Great job on this one. I commend you for speaking out on the subject. Keep up the good work, and keep on writing. Also, I share many of the ideals that your poetry projects, and am therefore adding you to my favorites list.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
I liked the flow and meter of this poem. I can sense the emotion used while writing this poem, and I commend you for that. Some of the best poems, in my opinion, are ones that give the reader a connection to the author. Good job, and keep on writing.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wow, this was an unexpectedly deep and meaningful poem. I enjoyed the message and the subject matter. The only error I detected was the spelling of the word, "murderus", which is correctly spelled, "murderous". Other than that, this is a great job on a meaningful poem. Keep up the good work.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review of Asymmetry  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem did a good job on raising my eyebrows as well as my curiosity. I am not sure exactly what, if any meaning there is to this poem, but let me offer my interpretation. I find this poem to be one about the many different faces in the world, and the need to find unity. The painting of the spaceship , in my eyes, reflects the need to except every color and creed for what they are, and to explore different possibilities. Nice job in leaving this poem open to interpretation. Keep up the good work.
B.L. Houghtalin
Review of Poem  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
KAS, This was a nice poem, even though it was short and sweet. Sometimes it only takes a few words to say a whole lot!! Good job and keep on writing. I look forward to reading some more work of yours once it is posted...
B.L. Houghtalin
Review of Evergreen Angels  Open in new Window.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey mom, You did a good job on this poem. It hit close to home. Literally!!! I love you and thanks for being MOM!! Monday sounds good to me. I will give you a call in the next couple of days. -B.L.
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great job on this one Sasktoonie!! You really hit the point in a very iconic way that used great imagery. I liked the personification of things in this poem such as the forest, the sky, whale and eagle. I can relate to this subject for it is one that is close to my heart too. Keep up the great work.
-B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like the way this poem flows together. It holds elements of fantasy, as well as an overall interest keeping quality.
-B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Good job on forming a consistent view throughout the piece.
-B.L. Houghtalin
Review by B.L. Houghtalin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
What an excellent story of a wonderful time and a beautiful place. The imagery used in this short story was very persuasive. I felt like I knew the place of which you spoke. Great job on setting the place of subject in such a beautiful way!!! Keep up the good work that you are doing here. --B.L. Houghtalin
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