Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/bambam1252
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12 Public Reviews Given
152 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by bambam1252
Rated: E | (2.5)
This has good imagery but it lacks sensual input it is visual with a brief leaves rustle audio intrusion. And there is no emotion in the work. Perhaps that is by design with the change of seasons theme. Still while it coveys poetic rhythm, what is it's point other than to capture scene? Poetry should reveal something not describe something.
Review by bambam1252
Rated: E | (2.0)

a combination of hagiography and rant.

It doesn't work for this reader...But remember I am just a member of Writer's.com, not an expert, VIsit my port for an understanding if I have any clue about reviewing based on my writing.

The imagery is good, especially in the rant which is 75% of the poem.

the final benediction does not bring a believable ending to the passionate rant against those who abuse the system

It doesn't work,

I recognize the emotions but the ending benediction does not do justice to either the beginning rant against injustice or the reason the writer trusts in God 's resolution. Expand why you trust in the face of such a failing


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by bambam1252
Rated: 13+ | (1.5)
Just another writing.com member expressing opinion so take it for what it is worth,

Tighten the verbiage, The fewer words the better, don't use adjective or adverb you really don;'t need to advance the scene. For example in your opening::

Robert hated what he knew he must do.;

why not Robert hated what he had to do.....


how about this edit;

Robert did not set out to love Lisa, but he loved her. And Lisa returned his love

keep the narrative active

remove all adjectives and adverbs and restore them judiciously. Most descriptive sentences do not need them and are degraded by their use. for example the use of just is meaningless and does not add to the narrative

Lisa sensed what was coming just by Robert’s expression:

why not Lisa sensed what was coming by Robert’s expression

you get the idea...

there are other needles adverb and adjectives but I trust you can tighten up the narrative on your own.

The subject is not a short story, more of a lice of life piece. Short stories require a plot line and ending. This a conundrum, a man who finds himself in love with a woman convention says he cannot have,

There is a story here, but we need to learn about how they came to this place.

Write on!


Review of A Fishing Trip  
Review by bambam1252
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I've done some editing, take it for what it's worth; just an opinion from a guy who may or may not know what he is doing.

I know what it means to put your heart into a piece so please do not take this as negative criticism. You have written a nice pirce about the bond between a father and son that is found in their special experience of fishing on Saturday.

SO other than the edit, here are some observations.

I find it's best in dialogue to avoid the "he said and just set the dialogue apart in quotes.

I believe it's best to keep sentences short unless there is descriptive details that need to be conveyed. So, see what you think of my editing.

It was a nice piece and conveyed a good sense the bond of a special time between dad and son.

the edited version is below.

The helicopter’s searchlight filled my room with light, its heavy engines filled the night. Sleep was not an option, so I awoke reluctantly and swung my legs from the bed resting my bare feet on the carpet floor and got ready for my Saturday fishing trip with my brother and Dad.

My father had many jobs in his life. He did drove delivery trucks, painted houses. I once found an old McDonald’s name tag in his drawer.

The job he held for the longest, and what he enjoyed most, was the job that kept him away on most Saturdays, as short order chef at a downtown hotel.

My brother’s bedroom door was closed but I could see blue light that escaped below the threshold and hear the electronic music of his video games. I barged in in spite of his desire for privacy. “Hey. You have to get ready. We are going fishing.”

“I’m not going fishing.”

“What? Quit playing. We have to go load up our gear. Dad wants to leave by six o’clock.”

I watched him in silence for a few minutes before shrugging my shoulders and leaving his room. The door slammed behind me.

My father was already dressed in his favorite brown denim jacket and waders when I found him slaving away over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

He took the same care with my lunch as he did when making those high class meals for his hotel guests.

“Good morning, son. Are your ready to catch a ton of fish?” His voice was a cheerful whisper; he didn’t want to wake my mother.

“How many do you think we will catch?” I asked.

I stood next to him and helped prepare sandwiches.
“I found some of the best worms ever this morning. Those fish better watch out because we might just catch every last one of them in that lake.”

He brushed a playful fist against my cheek.

“Dad, why doesn’t Tony want to go fishing with us?”

My father raised a finger to his lips, scratched his chin and said, “I guess he just isn’t cool enough; I will finish up these sandwiches, You go ahead and get your gear into the truck.”

It didn’t take long to find my fishing rod and tackle box in the garage. It was a red white and blue pole with stars and stripes decorating the length. I remember the day we went to WalMart and bought it.

As the sun rose over the mountains to the east, there was a chill in the air and I decided to fetch my jacket.

I propped myself up into the truck bed and placed my gear next to my father’s poles and tackle box.

He came from the house and handed me a toolbox full of sandwiches and jumped behind the wheel.
Dad turned the ignition three times before the engine roared to life. I was sure the noise woke the whole neighborhood. He headed up the street with a fog of black smoke in our wake.

We passed few other cars on the drive. Mr. Wilson’s BMW passed us heading west. He was sipping coffee from Starbucks and speaking into a headset. There was also a city bus with a few passengers that we had to pass because it was going too slow.

After a while I saw a brown sign; Public Fishing, my father turned right and the truck bounced down a short dirt road before we found a spot at the front of an empty parking lot.

I smiled.

“Looks like we are the first ones here,” Dad said. “The good spot is ours.”

“Yes,” I pumped my fist in the air.

A short walk along a worn path took us through trees and underbrush. I made sure to stay away from the poison oak. Dad pointed them out.

The lake was stunning. The sun reflected like a vision and the skyscrapers of the city simmered on the water.

Three crows chased an eagle before the raptor soared high into the sky above its tormentors.

The path we followed crossed an fallen tree covered with moss. I jumped on it with my arms stretched out, to keep my balance, and inched my way to its end, and jumped off a few feet from the lake’s edge, and started to prepare my fishing rod. Dad joined me and within minutes our lines were in the water with red and white bobbers drifting on the surface.

The first hour gave us nothing more than bobbers floating aimlessly across the water. But it was fun; it was just Dad and me; we talked about school and work and made fun of my lazy brother.

Dad took the top off of a thermos and poured a bit of orange juice into the cup. He handed it to me and asked if I was ready for a sandwich. I nodded and took a sip. He placed his pole on a stand made of two sticks and went into the toolbox to find the food. I heard a loud plop come from the lake and looked to find Dad’s bobber was gone. “Here we go!” He said.

Dad fought for a minute; he let the fish play with the line to tire him out, and then he landed a nice little perch. “What do you think, son?”


“I bet he tastes good too.” He laughed.

“Hey, look out now! Looks like you got one too!”
My bobber was gone! I fought my urge to reel him in as fast as I could. Instead, I did as Dad had done and reeled slowly before letting the fish play with the line. The fish was strong and I thought my line would break, but I got him onto the bank.

It was another perch, twice as big as the other. Dad rubbed his strong hand across my head and “great job.” I nodded and got to work setting the fish on a stringer.

“Well what do we have here,” said a voice. A woman was standing on the downed tree slowly making her way toward the bank. “Looks like I found a couple of handsome fisherman.”

When she jumped off of the log and walked toward us, I stood still. Her boots were big and covered with mud, like she had been hiking in the woods for hours. Her jeans were damp and dirty with mud and grass stains. She looked a bit older than my sister, who was off at her first year in college, and her pale skin was littered with goose bumps and scratches. Her red hair was a wet mess and lay down to her shoulders. “You guys having any luck?”

“Good luck so far,” said Dad. He held up his fish and pointed to mine.

She smiled a mouth full of straight white teeth, bent her knees and put her green eyes within inches of mine “Did you catch that big one all by yourself?”

I simply nodded.

“Wow! You are a strong and handsome little boy.” She placed her hand on my head and messed my hair. Other than two teachers and a kid I got in a fight with, I had never been touched by a white person. “Well you two have good luck the rest of the day.” And with that, she jumped back on to the downed tree and disappeared.

Dad looked at me and shrugged his shoulders and we set back to fishing. We stayed at the lake for another two hours and landed four more fish between us and had one of the best times on the lake ever.

As we walked back to the truck I thought about the woman with her fiery red hair, dirty clothing and breathe that smelled like bitter cigarettes and potato chips. I half hoped to come across her again on the trail. But we didn’t see her.

My father dropped his gear and stood as still as a statue when we got back to the parking lot. The lot was full of cars, but his truck was gone. Stolen. He did his best to smile at me and talk about the awesome day of fishing in order to distract me from the stolen truck and my tearful eyes.

I don’t know how long the walk home took but when we got there my feet were sore and I imagined my father’s back was sore from carrying me and all of the gear the last mile or so. I jumped into my mother’s waiting arms. She was excited over the fish we caught and didn’t complete her question about the truck when my father slowly shook his head.

That night with the kitchen smelling of fried fish and potatoes, we sat around the table and enjoyed the day’s catch. My brother stabbed at the biggest fish, but Dad told him that I caught it and it was mine to eat. I stuck my tongue out at my older brother and he kicked me under the table.

As the news came on the television, my brother picked up the remote and tried to change the channel. But my father placed a hand on his and held the remote in place.
On the screen there was a newsman and a lot of policemen, all of them standing near Dad’s truck! One of the police officers had his arm around a handcuffed red haired woman. The newsman explained that the suspect, the very same woman that we had met at the lake, had stabbed and killed her fiancé the night before in a neighboring county. The authorities had spent all night chasing her with helicopters and boots on the ground before losing her trail. She was caught running a red light on the north side of town in an old truck that had been reported stolen early in the day.

I looked at my father with wide eyes and put my hand on my head, right where she touched me. Dad looked back at me, and laughed.

Review by bambam1252
Rated: E | (3.0)
This is an opinion and should be taken in that vein. It is meant to encourage and suggest ways to improve. All reviews reflect the personal style and taste of the reviewer.

I am a bit of a minimalist so I think this piece can be improved by tightening the narrative. There are redundancies and adjectival additions that do not add to the emotion of the scene or the description of events.

And it is a good story line; it flows as an unveiling of a revelatory experience of compassion and understanding. Try to stay in the aeroist (simple past) and avid the participle (words ending with "ing"). Keep sentences short and to the point. In conversation we tend to run on in writing we should be brief, clear and to the point.

Here is a rewrite that tightens things to show you what I mean by tighten:

I wasn’t paying attention as we drove away from school. I didn’t realize we weren’t going home until we arrived at the mall. Maybe Mom is buying me ice cream to make up for my bad day. I know my teacher called her; she usually does when I disrupt the class.

“Mrs. Baker, Michael has been putting his hands on his classmates again.”

She doesn’t understand even though it’s been explained to her many times. I can’t help it. I can’t help making the grunting noises and touching people. I can’t help blinking my eyes. I try to control it. I sit by myself. I try not to bother people. I have a neurological disorder with vocal and motor tics that I can’t control. The only hope I have is to try to stay calm. My classmates do not want to play with me. They do not understand. This is the life of a person with Tourette Syndrome. I will have no friends and the only people who understand are my parents.

I was still thinking about this when my mom pulled in to a parking space. I looked out the window and realized this wasn’t the mall with the ice cream shop. I followed her through the parking lot and she stopped at a karate studio. I looked at my mom and she must have read my mind because she told me we were going to meet with the teacher. Did she want me to learn to beat the kids up that teased me? That was a great idea. I’ll show them what happens when they laugh at me!

We went inside and stood in a big open room with a bunch of kids standing in lines. They were listening to a man in a white uniform and watching a boy about my age punch a big blue bag. Suddenly I didn’t think this was a good idea. There must be twenty or thirty kids! Did my mom really think I could hang out with them? Doesn’t she know they will hate me?

I started to get nervous. How could I stand there with them and not touch something? They would hit me before I even got a chance to put my hands up and then I’d be in trouble with this teacher too! The more I thought about this, the more nervous I became. The tics started and I could feel the grunting noises in my throat and couldn’t stop touching my mom’s leg. My eyes blinked so fast I was gave myself a headache.

I concentrated hard to be calm and then the room exploded with noise and movement. The kids once standing in lines were now bouncing up and down taking turns yelling and punching a bag.

“I want more noise and more moving.” The teacher said. I liked the sound of that; it was something I did all the time. I closed my eyes and pictured myself standing next to the teacher like the other kids. After a few minutes, the noise stopped and my daydream ended. The class was over and we followed the teacher into his office. My mom began telling him that I don’t have many friends and that the kids at school haven’t been nice. I looked at the teacher as they talked. I stared at his black belt with gold writing and then noticed his hand rhythmically opening and closing. I noticed he moved his head from side to side. I could hear my mom talking, but all I could do was stare at his hands and head movements.

My trance was broken when hee teacher tapped me on the leg. With a big, understanding smile, he asked me how long I’ve had Tourette Syndrome. "I've had it since I was eight." he said. I knew at that minute my dream of understanding would become reality.

This is an opinion and should be taken in that vein. It is meant to encourage and suggest ways to improve. All reviews reflect the personal style and taste of the reviewer.

Review of Devil's Tower  
Review by bambam1252
Rated: 13+
Nicely done....not my genre but your writing is crisp, you dialogue attentive and believable and you plot line good. The development is good, as the reader progresses through events easily and with interest.

There is not much character development other than the interaction of dialogue. The reader does learn about the characters but nothing about motivation or background for either the story line or characters. That is not t bad thing if this is a scene.

This is obviously not a short story - but a scene within a larger story; the reader is dropped into an developing story - near the end.

Keep up the good work.

Review by bambam1252
Rated: E | (3.0)
nice playful story. Something you could develop easily into a story book for children.

a few quibbles that are just my opinion and carry the weight of of a cyber nanosecond:

“Cookies, I said,” said the Cookie Jar

the double said is distracting , perhaps drop the I said.

Carefully, he poured the flour from his mom’s
cup into his dad’s, making a mountain shape at
the top.

“Good!” he said, pleased.

These can be one paragraph as they are same person.

Look for times you can drop the identification of speaker as it is implied in the sentence. They can stop the flow of the scene.

ending is abrupt. not sure what to do with it; perhaps a little longer summation of their cookie making.

nice story.
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