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Review of Do you matter?  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review on "Do you matter?". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give you feedback on how your story has affected me.

In answer to your questions, I'm hoping I do matter. I care about others who are going through the same things I go through in dealing with a mental disability. I'm not trying to attention. I know we are living in a chaotic world. I have overcome hurdles in my life that I am trying to overcome. I am doing better. Taking my medication helps with that.

I share what has helped me. I am going to self-publish some books if I can. I am 67 years old and even though there are people I come into contact with, there are times when I feel lonely. The stigma that goes along with this illness is terrible. I hope that more people will understand.

I respect your opinion even if I agree to disagree. I take what you say and try to learn from it.

I encourage you to keep writing. Writing is good for us. It helps to get things out and share with other people who may be able to help us.

I hope you are surrounded with blessings of friendship, good health, love, and happiness.

We all matter and that's what's important.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Chapter 1  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, and good evening to you!

I read your story "Shattered Pieces Left Behind", and I am doing a review for you. I am not a professional reviewer; however, I will do my best to give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

Yes, there was a time in my life when things seemed to be going well. I thought I had many friends, but they soon gave up on me when I told them I have a mental illness. I tried to work, but it was difficult for me. Through my faith in God, I miraculously was able to work for over ten years, which was enough to earn my social security disability. In the beginning, I was diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia. Years later it changed to a schizoaffective disorder. I will have this illness for a lifetime. I do the best I can to cope with comments from other people who don't understand this illness. I currently take two medications which are like miracle drugs for me. They are: Abilify (Aripiprazole, generic name) and Wellbutron (Bupropion, generic name). I have often been told to keep myself busy; this would make my depression go away. It never did fully go away. I am working on self-publishing books about my life story, poems, short stories, etc.

I can relate to what you're going through. I have been married and divorced twice to someone who struggles with mental illness. My second husband passed away in 2011, I believe it was. I am currently in a relationship with someone with the same diagnosis as I have. Though we have our issues, we try to work them out. My first breakdown started in October of 1974 and was hospitalize the first time in March of 1975.

I encourage you to write. It is good therapy. Don't give up on writing a book. It can help other people who are going through the same thing.

I hope I haven't rambled on and on about too much information. My goal is to help others cope with this illness. Animals are great! They are like part of your family.

I recommend you get an professional editor to go over your work. This will help your story to sound even better.

I hope you have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness surround you throughout your lifetime. You may find a special someone who will not abuse you.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am reviewing "Mind if I ask your time to rate this?". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give feedback on how your piece has impacted me.

I think it's great that something could remain hot or cold for 100 hours straight. It would be so wonderful if this were possible. I think there would be a lot of customers for the product Thermos 500 if this happened to be true. To have an idea such as this one is magnificent!

I encourage you to write. It sounds like you have a creative mind like I do.

I hope you have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of “Let it out”  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I have finished reading "Let it Out", and I will do a review for you. I am not a professional reviewer. I can give my feedback on how your short story inspired me.

Dancing is freeing. I like the freestyle form of dancing. I don't care if I have a partner, although it would be nice, I get myself out there on the floor and dance anyway. Dancing is a form of expression; I go where the music leads me. Having my choice and style of dancing is nice; I don't have to worry about stepping on anyone's toes. I have, from my experience of dancing that the best partner to have while dancing is a broom. It's amazing how many moves you can do when you have a broom in your hand. You don't have to be criticized hard by someone who can destroy your love of dancing. Criticism is harsh.

I encourage you to keep writing. I enjoyed reading your short story. I am excited that you shared your story with the public. It takes courage to do that. Don't give up when you are criticized for your writing.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I read your poem "Her Mask is Her Cover", and I will do a review for you. I am not a professional reviewer. I can offer my input into how your poem has impacted me.

Your poem was short but spoke volumes. I have a mental illness. I was diagnosed as having a schizoaffective disorder. I had a breakdown at the age of 17 and have had a hard time coping with it until the age of 50. I am now 67 years old. Medication has helped me when it became new. The medication is Abilify (the generic name is Aripiprazole). I also take an antidepressant called Welbutron (the generic name is Bupropion). These are the medications that were like a miracle drug for me. Before that, I was on medications that made me feel like I was 100 years old. Then, I had to deal with the stigma that's attached to the disease. I found that when I was telling the truth about what was happening, nobody believed what I was saying.

My faith in God was what held me together. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have been able to function.

I hope that sharing my personal information has helped you. I am working on getting some books published. I want to be able to self-publish. When I am successful in accomplishing this, I will be so happy. My goal is to be able to help people cope with their mental illness better. We will have a mental illness for a lifetime. This is rough; we must support each other through love and understanding.

I hope you will have many blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

I encourage you to keep writing. Don't give up. You are important. Always remember that.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Up For Days  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am doing a review of your poem "Up For Days". I am not a professional reviewer. I can give you feedback on how your poem has impacted me.

I enjoyed reading your poem. I relate to your poem because I stay up late writing most nights. I read my poems out loud. Sometimes they make perfect sense to me, but it may not to someone else. I laugh at what comes out on paper sometimes because it sounds too silly. What can anyone expect when you're up for days writing? We get groggy and what we are writing gets goofy. I surprise myself when I come up with a good poem, story, etc.

I encourage you to keep writing. Whether we're up late for days writing or not, write anyway; we can go back and make corrections later.

Have a great day. Wear a smile; it helps to be happy and humorous too. I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I read your story "Quest for the Homestead". I am giving you a review of your story. I am not a professional reviewer, but I can do my best to offer feedback on how your story has impacted me.

When you wrote this story, I could feel the emotion behind it. I admire you for having the courage to share your story with the public. The emotions felt at the time were understandable. You must have had a lot of questions that needed to be answered. My mother had dementia, and I know the struggles that come with this disease. Having a nice relationship with your mother can help you cope; it will give you hope. I knew my mother loved me because she told me how much she loved me daily. It would be devastating to find out that your father wasn't your father. Agent Orange was terrible, and it must have frightened you to see him in the condition he was in because of it. It was sad that your father was killed in a horrible automobile accident. It was nice that you were given a photo of the last time you were together.

The following paragraph went as follows:

"My brother could not conceive children; nor could I," she said. "Your mom and Curtis conceived you. I forgave him, but my brother could not forgive your mother; and, so, he left to join the Army. Her husband, your father, was killed in a horrible automobile accident soon after that picture was taken of you and him together" It was good for you to have that memory.

I made some minor corrections to the above paragraph. I hope you find my suggestions helpful.

When your mother had an affair because your brother could not conceive children, was shocking, no doubt. I know it's hard to forgive someone who has done that, but, it would be best for him to find forgiveness in his heart. If he does that, he will find a huge load lifted from his shoulders. He will find peace.

I encourage you to write. Your story can help someone else who has also gone through the same or similar situation.

I hope you receive blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness to last your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good afternoon to you!

I am reviewing "The Spring Child Fawn". Although I am not a professional reviewer, I can give you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

It was nice reading your poem. I know nature can be cruel sometimes. It's too bad that the fawn had a tragic ending. It would be nice to have the fawn survive and be on its merry happy way.

I encourage you to keep writing.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and Good evening to you!

I reviewed your poem "To The Man Who Deceived His Own Heart". Although I am not a professional reviewer, I can give you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

I wrote a poem "Cold-Hearted"
 Cold-Hearted  (E)
I wrote this Acrostic Poem thinking of a person who has suffered from a broken heart.
#2264230 by Anna Marie Carlson
when I went through a similar situation. I was told that I would be picked up at a certain time when I was dating, but they turned up being no-shows. I fell in love with some of them, but they didn't love me. When they showed up and we went on a date, they treated me like a stranger. That broke my heart.

I realize it must have been hard to write the way you felt. It takes courage to write your feelings down for the public to read. I admire your courage for taking this step.

I encourage you to keep writing. Other people can learn from your experience too.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

Don't let that guy destroy other relationships you may have; it's not worth it.

I hope you have a smile on your face today. Feel free to read my poem or any others you may want to read.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Life Goes On  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am reviewing your story "Life Goes On". Although I am not a professional reviewer, I can provide my best feedback on how your story has impacted me.

The third stanza reads as follows:

Once outside, from the labyrinth that was the hospital and into the lesser stale air. The blur that once clouded the man's eyes dispersed. He'd not long witnessed life's slow march to the bitter end unfold before him, and there was only silence for the encore.

I have a few suggestions to be corrected.

Once outside, and into the lesser stale air, from the labyrinth was the hospital.

The above was how it should be written I hope my suggestions were helpful. If you can have a professional editor to look over your work, it would help your story sound better.

I encourage you to keep writing. It's interesting at the end of your story when a soft cracked voice announced, "Dad, I'm pregnant, can you believe it? Life was beginning to have a new start.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing "Negative & Positive Thoughts". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can do my best to give you feedback on how your story has impacted me.

I have a suggestion to give you. On the first stanza, it reads as follows:

A negative thought can be like a glove,
But instead you could just go outdoors and look above,
And see a mysterious little white dove

Put a comma after instead and leave out the word just.

The second stanza reads as follows:

A negative thought can be like a bull's sharp horn,
From a beautiful ruby red rose's thorn,
But a positive one can be a lovely song being played from a horn.

You can leave out the word being.

The third stanza reads as follows:

A negative thought can be like soggy morning dew,
But instead I'd look up into the sky if the wind blew,
And see the vast sky's sapphire blue.

After the word like, add a comma, and after the word instead, add a comma.

I hope these suggestions were helpful. You may want to try to get an editor to help with the punctuation. This would help your story sound better.

I enjoyed reading your poem about nature. I encourage you to keep writing. The more you write, the better you'll become.

I hope you find blessings of friendship, good health, love, and happiness throughout your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good afternoon to you!

I am proud to review your love story "Engaged and Married". Although I am not a professional reviewer, I can give you feedback on how your story has impacted me.

Your story was both happy and sad. Being a Christian, we know your wife has gone to a wonderful place. Even though we know this, we still miss their presence here on Earth. I am happy to hear that her family is supportive of you. Always remember the wonderful memories you shared. She would not have wanted you to be sad.

On July 27, 2006, was the day I lost my mother. Life is emptier without her, but I remember the wonderful times we shared. I met my boyfriend the day before she passed away. There is a good story for that. I will share it at another time.

You should have a special day of remembrance for her on July 12. Having time to reflect is good.

I enjoyed reading your story. I am glad you shared it. Both of us shared the loss of someone we loved in July. Let's celebrate the happy times we had with them.

I hope you have many friendships, good health, love, and happiness. You are deserving of that. May you have many more blessings during your lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Finding Freedom  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, there, and Good afternoon to you!

I am doing a review for you on "Finding Freedom". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I am glad you found your way in life. What I wanted to do in life is to be happy with the one I love, and be with friends who genuinely care. I am 67 years old. It's a hard life today. A lot of people are angry. This is not good. My hope is for us to get along in society without fighting. I don't know what's happening to our freedom. It doesn't look good right now. I trust in my heavenly Father to put the right leader in charge of our country. It is scary at this point.

It's okay to be alone, but I would rather be alone with someone who genuinely loves and cares for me.

I remember when I was a teenager, I didn't want anyone telling me what to do. What I didn't realize was how bad society was. It used to be whenever you'd shake hands with someone, it was a done deal. There was a trust factor; your word was solid. I believed I could adapt to changes okay, but, now, I see the benefits and the destruction of our freedom for making choices. I wish time would go back a little. I sit back, relax, and hope the best for our future.

I hope you will have blessings of friendship, good health, love, and happiness to last a lifetime.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Untitled  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good afternoon to you!

I am doing a review of "Untitled". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can share how your story has impacted me by giving you feedback.

You are off to a good start. I have a suggestion that might help. If you jot down some ideas for a title for your story; you can decide which title looks the best. I know you can do this. I have faith and confidence in you. It takes a lot of work to be a writer, but the more you write, the easier it will be. It takes practice. When you're finished writing, read it back to yourself out loud. This way you can find out how you sound. I do this myself.

I encourage you to keep writing. Don't give up. You did well; you wrote something down to share with the public. It takes courage to do this. I am proud of you for taking the first step. If you get criticized too much, take what you can from it, and proceed with your writing. You will get there.

I hope my review has helped you. I hope your life will be filled with blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness.

Don't get frustrated with your writing. If you become frustrated, take a break and return to it later. You will have fresh ideas on what to add to your writing.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am doing this review for you on "Nights of Dreamless Slumber". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can do my best to give you feedback on my impression of your poem.

The last four stanzas of your poem read as follows:

Theres more of that I want to write
but that's only for me and the moon to know.
When the lights are dim, and the moon arose
I'll be writing like I never intend to be.

If I were lucky enough and have the stars on our side
we could finally meet again in the end,
and I could bring you the thousands of letters I write
that I desire to give to you in the night.

So when the time has come and you had seen
the bunch of papers left of me,
glowing under satin sheets of light
that screams for you to set them free.

Please read them in the night
So that the moon can join in delight,
of what they had helped to make
To give to you until this day.

I have a few minor suggestions for you to correct:

1. The first line should be: There is more of rather than Theres more of.
2. The fourth line should be: I'll be writing like I never intended to be rather than
I'll be writing like I never intend to be.

It's nice to know that you want to set the papers free of what's left of you when you're gone. This is how I feel about all the writing I have done, so others can read what I've written. I want others to enjoy reading my material.

I enjoyed reading your poem. You expressed yourself very well.

I encourage you to keep writing. I am certain other people would like to read your work.

I hope your life is filled with blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review for you on "How to Look Naturally Beautiful and Attractive". I am not a professional reviewer, but I will do my best to give you feedback on how your writing has affected me.

I enjoyed reading what you wrote about being beautiful and attractive. It was an interesting read. It was very well=written and informative. There were things who wrote that I wouldn't have thought of.

Feel free to read any of my work when you have the time.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, love, and happiness on a daily basis.

I encourage you to write. You have covered a great topic with your writing.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am going to give you a review on "A Magazine of Verse". I am not a professional reviewer, but I will do my best to give you feedback on how your poem had affected me.

I am not sure, but I am thinking that the magazine you're referring in your poem talks about guns.

The first stanza reads as follows:

All the days pavement has been black
with rain, but in our warm brightly-lit
Room, praise God,
I kept to saying myself,
And saying not a word,
Amen you Answered

If the rain has been black, it must have been from the bombs bursting in the air, which was the cause of black rain.

In the brightly-lit room, you were praising God. That was wonderful!

I encourage you to continue on with your writing. It does wonders for your heart to share with other people the experiences you've been through.

I hope you have blessings of joy, friendships, good health, love, and happiness throughout your life.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am going to give you a review on "The Everlasting Promise". I am not a professional reviewer, but I'll do my best in giving you feedback on how your poetry about love impacted me.

I love the whole poem. It is very romantic. The last two stanzas read as follows:

The bells danced harmoniously
She stood amidst the chapel light
With her eyes glistening so bright
and they began their sacred vows.

Time ceased its endless march
As their souls intertwined
The hearts sworn an eternal oath
When love's symphony played as one.

This showed genuine love as they began their sacred vows.

The first two stanzas showed their love from her point of view and his point of view.

The first two stanzas read as follows:

She walked down the aisle
Enrobed in a white gown
glazing the polished floors down
like the silent fall of winter's first snow.

He gazed at her with pearls
of tears rolling upon his cheeks
battling with the hues of his heart
with a crescent of delight

The bride and groom are very much in love with each other. Your poem was well-written. It talked about two people saying their vows to one another. She was beautiful and he was handsome in their attire.

I encourage you to write. It's does a heart good to express yourself to other people. I admire your courage as a new author branching out.

I hope your life is filled with blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness. You are deserving of that.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I am reviewing your short story on flash fiction entitled "One For Sorrow, Two For Joy". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can give you feedback on how your story impacted me.

It's sad when a mother loses a baby, especially when told that everything is happening the way it should be.

The part of your story that gave hope was as follows:

Yet again, Casey laid another white rose. Unbeknownst to her, the day would come when two magpies would meet her at the gates. The day she is joined by another child to visit her fallen angel. The good news is she had another child on the same day the two magpies joined her at the gates; the sad news is the child was there to visit the fallen angel.

I encourage you to write. It's good to get things written down to share with other people. Your story can be used to help someone get through an ordeal such as Casey did. It takes courage to share such a loss with someone. This was very brave of you.

I hope new blessings surround you with friendships, good health, love, and happiness.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Monday Thoughts  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing your short story "Monday Thoughts". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can offer you feedback on how your story impacted me.

Your thoughts about Monday are wonderful. I liked the following part of your story:

From the bustling streets of New York City, to the peaceful countryside of rural Germany, to
my digital life in Second Life, each place offers its own perspective on humanity. Despite their differences, all have a common thread - they are all part of our global community. Together, they make up the rich tapestry of my world.

I have two minor corrections for you to make your story better read.

1. Remove the comma after City in the first line.
2. Take out the word own before perspective.

I hope my suggestions are helpful to you.

I encourage you to write. If everyone could live by your thoughts, the world would be a better place for all of us.

I hope your life has many blessings, good health, love, and happiness. You are deserving of this.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Review of Warrior  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review on the nice story that you've written entitled, "Warrior". I am not a professional reviewer, but I can offer my interpretation by giving you feedback on how your story impacted me.

I liked how you presented yourself by having the courage to do different things. For that, you are a true warrior. I liked the following part of your story:

Each thudding heartbeat is my body reminding me
That I have battle wounds from greater things than this moment
And a spirit within me that simply can't be broken
Each thudding heartbeat is my body reminding me
That I can keep going.

I see a few minor corrections for you to think about.

Each thudding heartbeat in my body reminds me instead of is my body and reminds instead of reminding

And a spirit within within me that can't be broken. Leave out the word simply.

I hope these suggestions are helpful to you.

I encourage you to write. It takes courage to share your story with the public. This makes you a warrior.

I hope you are blessed with friendships, good health, love, and happiness daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing your poem "Talking to Strangers Who Claim to be Kin". I am not a professional reviewer. I am happy to provide you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

It's interesting how you get the same questions from strangers as you do from your kin. When you get to the age of leaving your family, you find out that it's been a long time since you've heard from them. When you hear from them, it's something else when you realize that you've been gone a long time. You miss out on what everyone else is doing. You don't seem to be included in the family conversations anymore.

Due to a misunderstanding between my sister and me, she doesn't say much of anything good about me. When I do see her, the same questions get asked time and time again. I tried to make things right with her, but she has kept some unforgiveness in her heart.

I encourage you to keep writing. You have legitimate questions you've written down in your poem. I can see other people relating to your poem as well.

I hope you have friendships, blessings, good health, love, and happiness surrounding you daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good morning to you!

I read "Questions and Thoughts...". I am going to give you a review of your work. I am not a professional reviewer. Giving you feedback on your work is something I am honored to do

The questions you've come up with are fascinating to me. It puts my brain in motion to learn new things. Pondering over things we're curious about is good for us. I'm sure you'll have fun coming up with more questions for our learning experience. I wouldn't have thought about the question you asked about the rainbows.

How come there are single rainbows and a double rainbow? I saw a triple rainbow once. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Triple rainbows are pretty awesome. A photograph I saw in a picture frame was of a triple rainbow. I saw this in a restaurant. I haven't heard of anyone seeing one.

I encourage you to keep writing. It's pretty amazing how you came up with these remarkable questions. It's good to be curious about why certain things are not called something else.

Blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness are the things I hope surround you daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am doing a review of "Can I Belong To You?" I am not a professional reviewer. I can offer you feedback on how your prose impacted me.

This is such a beautiful love story. I'm sorry it left you brokenhearted. I can tell how much love there was for this person. It made me want to start crying. I could feel the emotion behind this.

Getting into arguments is not a good thing. We need to de-escalate arguments; they're no good for a relationship. We need to agree to disagree.

I suggest you get a professional editor to read your story. They can help you make your story sound better.

I hope you are surrounded with blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness daily.

Anna Marie Carlson
Preferred Author
Review of Realization  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, and Good evening to you!

I am reviewing your poetry entitled, "Realization". I am not a professional reviewer. I can offer you feedback on how your poem impacted me.

I found your poem interesting. I remember dressing up as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve handing out presents to the kids. I looked forward to Christmas. I enjoyed opening up presents. It was a lot of fun. These days I look forward to Christmas to get my special boyfriend and me a photograph with Santa Claus.

When you get older (I am 67 years old), things begin to change. In my life, I don't get too many gifts. It's a rare occasion when I get some. My sister gives me a gift card for Christmas. This is something I can count on two days a year. Once on my birthday and one for Christmas.

I remember as a teenager wanting to have my own freedom by getting out of the house. Once this happens, life happens. There's a charge for rent on an apartment, electric and water bills, groceries, etc. When you're on your own, you begin to pay bills. After you pay all your bills, you will find that you don't have much to spend on yourself.

Times have changed. There's a lot of chaos and stress. Homelessness is around everywhere. It all changed when political parties began to fight with one another using words that would attack the other person by threatening them or destroying their reputation.

I encourage you to keep writing. I hope I have helped you. Don't be discouraged. Hang in there.

I hope you have blessings of friendships, good health, love, and happiness.

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