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Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Jackson, I thought I would pop across and read something of yours. I was right when I said that you have a wonderful way with words. I have just lost my mum, so I understand the connection you had with yours. I am sorry for the treatment you had from your father. In our era, parents could be cruel. But, what beautiful memories you have of your childhood home. I am from the UK, so I don't recognise many of the trees or cars that you describe. However, the memories of climbing any tree and pretending to be someone powerful like Robin Hood, is familiar. We lived in an urban area. My sister and I would race each other on our bikes, pretending they were horses, up and down our quiet street. I climbed a tree once,only to figure out once I was up there that I was afraid of heights. I had to get my friends to help me down. Good memories of childhood always outweigh the bad. But, you brought your home to life for me. The terror of those yellow jackets. I was running with you. The beauty of a hummingbird I can only imagine. We don't have them here. I did once stand for half an hour just staring at a dragonfly. I had never seen one before. I have removed frogs and toads from my home after they had been eating the huge amount if slugs we had, then had become disorientated and accidentally hopped indoors. I would just pick them up and put them outside again. They would just gratefully hop away. We had chickens, so we would always have fresh eggs. So, even in an urban house, there was great scope for nature. Thank you for just touching my heart with your words. I was there with you as you watched your memories fly past. It was wonderfully written with great description and a vibrancy that I haven't read in a long time. Thanks again. Angel

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Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi ya, Amethyst. I found you from a newsletter. What a beautiful way to describe the art of writing, in whatever form it is. It is always an adventure which is part what we see,and part what we've experienced.

'Guiding her characters through heartache and drama
Is her way to cope with heartbreak and trauma.'

Then it is all mixed with mountains of imagination. Writing, as you explained is a release of stress.

'Thinking deeply and fictionally about all that she knows
She handles stress creatively, striving to compose'.

I hope you continue to write, I feel there's an adventure waiting for you that you've not seen yet. I love the rhyming in your poem. I was told that rhyming is the hardest kind of poetry to write. I find it far easier than free poetry. Not everyone likes it. Thank you for sharing this, it was right up my street, so to speak!

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Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi slongent, I'm quite taken aback at the power of your words. They start so gentle, but there is the warning about love in the wrong heart. And, just how quickly that love turned dark. How often do we hear of the reality off stalking, suicide, even murder because of love in the wrong heart. A very well written poem. Thank you for sharing these words of wisdom we all should heed.

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Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
The hardest betrayal is that of a friend. I've gone through this a few times, it's so hard. I do have some very solid friends so I know the difference, but I haven't always, and it hurts when they turn on you, or even if they simply walk away.

I love the way you've written this, not only the words, but the presentation like the way you make the word'gone'fade away.
Well done Destiny

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Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Destiny
Isn't it strange how some places affect us and some places are affected by us. I have often said ypu don't have to be alone to feel lonely, you can feel alone in a crowded room.

Having adhd has meant I have to work extremely hard in social situations. People don't see this as I seem quite outgoing, if a bit over the top at times. But, everywhere I go has always been a challenge, filtering out noise in the background, being aware of people's moods and thinking I'd done something wrong, and trying to figure out when to open my mouth and say something. I would try to stay quiet, but then would come silences I couldn't cope with and I needed to fill them.

I spent so many years feeling as if I didn't belong, but now I've learned the difference between people being mad with me, and people just having a bad day and being fed up. I still have to work hard, especially when I'm unwell, and it can be exhausting trying to find your place when there doesn't seem to be a place with your name on it.

Some of us fit between the lines, that's why it feels we don't belong, but we do, we have unique gifts that don't belong on the lines. So, just remind yourself you were never meant to be on the line or in the box but outside the box and between the lines. That's where you can tell people where to find you if they ask.
Bless you.


Woodland Garden  designed by my sister. A peaceful place for me and the wildlife.

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Review of Empty Spaces  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Destiny, I have 3 cats, how I got 3 is a story for another time. When I got to the part where you occupied the space the cat lay next to, I thought, so who would the cat cuddle up to. I sleep on my side, and when I wake in the morning I often find my youngest cat on my hip, just balancing there. Or, I wake to find her by my head, usually when I've had bad dreams. As if she knows. I thought to myself, who would your cat sleep next to at night. People may not understand why someone is gone, but they understand what has happened. Animals are very different in what they understand, but they still feel, and I wondered about your cat having not only nobody to sleepalongside at night, but unable even to sleep in your room, and have no idea why.

This was such a positive piece, I know my heart cried out as I was reading the start, because I recognised the feeling. But then my heart leapt for joy at such wonderful deep felt words as you came to the realisation that the mark you've made on the world is unique, and maybe it's been a bumpy one, sometimes more like being swept down a mountain like an avalanche, but, in that time you've made an impact, especially as you came out of the other side of some very dark times. Being swept away downhill, out of control like in an avalanche is absolutely no fun. However, you survived it, and saw the sun again after being in the dark.

This piece shows, that, despite still having spells of depression, you have found a way through, a way to walk clear of the avalanche and live. Not only live, but have the ability to inspire others on maybe how to avoid some of their own avalanches in the first place.

Bless you my friend.

Stay strong.


Woodland Garden  designed by my sister. A peaceful place for me and the wildlife.

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Review of The Best Disguise  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Destiny, I still can't say I love myself at all. But, at the age of about 50 I began to appreciate who I was. I had to find that person first, I had no idea who she was. I'm 60 now and in 10 years I've got to the stage of accepting who I am. I don't see how I can love myself, but at ladt I've stopped thinking I'm a waste of space in this world. No matter how many people love you, and believe me, they genuinely do, your acceptance of you can only come from you. You may never love yourself, but accepting who you are is far more important in my mind, because then, what others think begins to fade away. The past never leaves, but it begins to lose its hold on you. I've experienced all that you wrote on this page, and once in a while I'm temporarily haunted again, but it's always very short lived. I can't always say I'm happy, but I'm far better than I was in the years gone by. I'm taking each day as I find it. It's so important to feel we can share writing like this, as we are all so good at putting on social masks and pretending we're all ok. But, so many may not be, and after reading what you've written, they will know they're not alone.
Bless you Destiny 🙂

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Review of Mind Games  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Destiny, I haven't struggled with physical violence within a relationship, I did with my dad, who was also good at manipulation. My mum was quiet and stood in the background, but I realised later she was a far bigger manipulator than my dad. I knew when he was angry, I knew why, even if I didn't agree with him. Mum would give us the silent treatment and we would never know if we'd done something wrong or not... The worst time for me was when I told a family member about things going on at home. She told my mum. One day there was a big argument between my mum and dad. I came home in the middle of it. My dad went for me, called me so many names and said I was a liar. The worst part came after as nobody in the house spoke to me for 3 months except to ask necessary questions. I was totally confused. Later, when I was an adult with my own children I got a call to say my dad had gone to my Nan's house (his mother in law) and sexually assaulted her. My mum's reaction to this was to say, oh so she was telling the truth then. I saw my mum, at that time, as a victim of my dad. Later, I looked back (hindsight is wonderful) and I saw the amount of times mum got her own way, even when we were children. Never allowing us to win games. Even as a young child we watched a tv programme and partway through you would have the choice of which window to watch a film through. My mum always had to have the arched window. I grew up knowing she always had that window. I was so young I knew no different except how angry she would be if I didn't let her have it...
Manipulation is cruel as it comes in so many forms. I did find it again within my marriage, sadly, which I ended after 23 years. It wasn't violent, but emotional manipulation, which is so hard in itself.
Destiny, I didn't intend to tell you all of this, but this piece you wrote reminded me just how sinister manipulation is. You've explained it so well, especially the way it's so easy to blame yourself for what's happening. I know now none of it was my fault. I hope others learn the truth of this through your words. God Bless you

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Review of Security  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Destiny, I love short poetry, sometimes we don't need a lot of words to say where we are or where we've been. This tells so much in just a few words. It also covers so many people's lives and just how they may feel, whatever the cause. Life can be so difficult for so many, a few words of understanding are so important so people know they aren't alone. Thank you for sharing.

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Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Heavy hearted, this is such a heartfelt poem. It is well written and well structured. The longer lines give it feeling, while the shorter ones give it impact, especially the repeating lines 'It hurts'.
I found just three very small errors, I think they are typing errors rather than errors in the poem.

'Someone they were to spend life with'
This feels as if it should say 'their life with'
'That one day she will give my the chance'
I think this should have 'me', not 'my'
And there is an extra 'the' in the last long line of the poem.

This is a poem straight from the heart and onto paper. Thank you for sharing this with us. Well done for a brilliant piece of work, from what feels like a very broken place.

Signature Picture

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Review of Randoms by Rach  Open in new Window.
for entry "Queen Elizabeth IIOpen in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Choconut, thank you for a heartfelt and beautifully written piece dedicated to this wonderful lady. I am crying with you, sad along with so many. I visited my Mum in her Care Home today, thankfully many in there don't understand what's happened. But a carer said to me, one man did and burst into tears when he heard the news. My mum loved the Queen, and I know she would have been devastated, so I'm glad she isn't aware enough to realise.
I felt the same as I was travelling by train today, as you said, everything was the same, people were chatting, going about their day, but it's not the same. I watched our new King greet his people today, yesterday they were the Queen's people, today they aren't and it seems strange that the change is so immediate. The Standard Flag flew over Buckingham Palace, it never flies at half made because it flies when a Monarch is in residence and we always have a Monarch. It's all so new and so strange. We will have new money, new stamps. And for the first time today, I looked at Charles and was pleased he had Camilla by his side. But the world has just gone on turning when it felt as if it should have paused, just for a moment.
RIP Queen Elizabeth 11

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Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi JCosmos, I am a Christian and I really liked your poem. I have also gone over and read some of your other published poems too. I'm intrigued by the factual aspect to your writing, alongside the Spiritual, as it should be. Faith, for those who have one, should be an integral part of their life, not something to put on show for others. Also I love that you asked the dog if he was God. People think God is so distant that He couldn't show up as a dog, but hey, why not! Great poem.

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Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Wolfkingdom, I often think about what we pass down to our children, it's a legacy far more important than money, which is what most people think of when they hear the word legacy. But, I think we give away a huge part of who we are, our knowledge, character etc, to our children, and hopefully, as you so eloquently write, it's 'Without asking for any mercy, we continue to pass on our Legacy'. We have to hope the legacy we leave behind is a positive one.
This was a very thought provoking poem, thank you.

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Review of Remainders  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Fynwy, I do like the analogy of writing, or not writing, specifically,with the fragile leaves. We expect leaves to be a certain way at a certain time, and the same can be said of our writing. Whethe4 it's other's expectation of when something should be completed, or the pressure we put on ourselves, it can be like trying to force grow plants. It can easily go wrong and all words, like the plant, can just disappear.
I loved your the description of what a hurricane does to leaves, I didn't know that, turning new leaves to skeletons was so powerful. New writing, like new leaves, is fragile, it can so easily be crushed and at times never recover, the author also.
Thank you for this beautiful analogy, it felt so real to me, I could see it all so clearly..

Review of Home in Your Eyes  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Kathie,I was touched by the delicate words of this poem, and what felt to me as one person helping another to repair a damaged soul. The last two lines were especially poignant for me as my sister and I went through the same very damaging experience as children, and then later, still young, both of us faced severe, but different health issues. The last two,lines of your poem reflect the difference between us, she always sees the bad around her, and rarely the good in people, whereas I'm the optimistic one who naturally tries to see the good in everyone. I am, however, very aware this isn't always the case.

The cry you put out in this poem for protection shows the person being written about has been badly hurt and has a very broken spirit. However, the whole thing runs in a positive direction, they've found someone who can help heal this broken soul and hopefully restore some of what's been lost. So beautiful
Review of Randoms by Rach  Open in new Window.
for entry "Semi-break?Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
It's good to see you looking after yourself, we often spend so much time looking after others, or are busy doing things, we forget to take care of ourselves. We then breakdown, physically, mentally, or both. So, rest well, take things as easy as you can, and enjoy your semi-break. Angel
Review of Whispers  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Winklett, I found your poem in a newsletter and was intrigued by the title. Having been the target on so many occasions of harsh words as far back as when I was in school to times in my adult life. I discovered adults can be no better than children, which I find sad. Your poem reflects this so well. I particularly liked two lines:

Words, just like arrows, cannot be un-done

Whispers unheard can speak louder than words.

But I also like the outright, in your face start to line 6, 'shut up', a complete contrast to the whispers in the title.

Having Adhd and having a son with Add, I know how important a lesson this is to learn, mostly speaking out of turn, or saying what'son your mind with no filter. Most people learn it naturally, others have to learn it in a different, it's a much longer and often more painful journey, but, like in your poem, it is an essential lesson to learn so as not to hurt the feelings of others.
Thank you again for sharing such and important and heartfelt poem. 😺 Angel
Review of The Excrescence  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Beholden, I have to say, I do have a bit of a fear of creeping things, roots that grow too fast, ants or any other creature that might crawl by the thousand and invade. I'm not generally scared of spiders unless in a film where lots of them occur at once. Anyway, you get the picture, so, as I was reading your story, you can imagine how creeped out I was feeling at this stuff having just appeared under Harvey's sink. The thought, later of those tendrils spreading so fast and just engulfing him was just a bit too much for me.

In short, a great story, it did exactly what it was meant to do, well, I didn't scream out loud but in my head, definitely.
It was well written and just how I love a short story of this length, it left the rest up to the imagination of the reader. To me it brought up memories of the Triffids along with the Red Weed from War of the Worlds. Thank you formtaking the time to write this, well done. 😺 Angel
Review of Aloneness  Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Zeke, I do understand how this feels, I like my own company, but so many people don't really get this. I felt the pull in your poem of the world pulling me in, just like you. It's hard for people to comprehend there are people who enjoy being alone. I have to say, I do enjoy the company of some people, but even them, it can only be for a certain length of time as I get people weary. I have two children and now a grandson, I love spending time with them, but still it's only for a limited time. I don't understand people who need the constant contact with others just as much as they don't understand me. Isn't life complicated 🙄. 😺 Angel
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Silver Moon, you really are a good story teller, I felt the thrill and then the fear that Sarah felt, not only of the fall, but of her parents finding out what she did, which is sometimes the worse fear of all. I love the ending, these are the endings my sister hates, she likes them all tied up neatly like your last one, this one you can make up your own mind as to what happened to her. I liked the flow of the dialogue, this is one of my challenges, I'm only now working much harder to include more of it. My preferred writing is poetry, not so much need for dialogue, and like your first one you can get away without it in a short story, but I enjoyed the interaction between the siblings, and it also reminded me of my childhood with my sister. She was younger than I was, but would be the one to get me into trouble, not often, but occasionally lol. Well done on a well written story. Oh, I'm not an expert, it's just my humble opinion, but I am honest. Thank you for the request 😺 Angel
for entry "DissidenceOpen in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I like this Hunter's moon. I think it looks great the way you've laid it out. Good luck in the competition.

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for entry "Jesus, Reign.Open in new Window.
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jay, it just goes to show you don't have to have many words to tell a complete life story. Brilliant.

Surprisingly an Owl
Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Ruwth, for people who've never experienced deliverance ministry done properly it can be a strange thing. I've experienced it several times in my life and I've always come out stronger the other side. I don't claim to completely understand it but I know it works. You've described it so we'll, with two people feeling their way through an experience neither of them are expecting, well done on explaining a very misunderstood part of Church life. Thank you for taking the time to write and for sharing this.
Surprisingly an Owl

Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Celtic Snow, isn't memory something we take for granted until something reminds us that it is fluid and no matter how hard we try to hold onto things they fade. I love your poem, you describe this so well, even those we love who are no longer with us eventually fade, we don't forget they were there, but their faces or certain things about them. It's heartbreaking and there's nothing we can do. When I was young, about 19 I lost all my short-term memory, I was unable to learn anything new. I had to have brain surgery, it was successful, however, it gave me a deep awareness of my memory and how fragile it is. It's also a powerful thing too, how we can remember things or people by certain things we see or smell, like the Cherry Blossom Tree, it triggers a memory that nothing else can. Such a powerful poem, it touched me because of my own experiences, thank you for sharing this.

Surprisingly an Owl

Review by Angel Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Fyn, I love this poem, it's a mixture of the facts of the volcanic eruption with the belief system of those who are indigenous to the area. It reminded me of one I wrote about Pompeii. I have a fascination with volcanoes, as you pointed out they are both creative and destructive. The damage they cause and the loss of life are devastating for those who live under their shadow, but without them, we wouldn't have the land we live on. They are the force that builds new land and they attract people from across the world to study them, or just admire the spectacle. Nature at it's most powerful is incredible but more often destructive sadly causing loss of lives and homes.
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