Hi Destiny, I have 3 cats, how I got 3 is a story for another time. When I got to the part where you occupied the space the cat lay next to, I thought, so who would the cat cuddle up to. I sleep on my side, and when I wake in the morning I often find my youngest cat on my hip, just balancing there. Or, I wake to find her by my head, usually when I've had bad dreams. As if she knows. I thought to myself, who would your cat sleep next to at night. People may not understand why someone is gone, but they understand what has happened. Animals are very different in what they understand, but they still feel, and I wondered about your cat having not only nobody to sleepalongside at night, but unable even to sleep in your room, and have no idea why.
This was such a positive piece, I know my heart cried out as I was reading the start, because I recognised the feeling. But then my heart leapt for joy at such wonderful deep felt words as you came to the realisation that the mark you've made on the world is unique, and maybe it's been a bumpy one, sometimes more like being swept down a mountain like an avalanche, but, in that time you've made an impact, especially as you came out of the other side of some very dark times. Being swept away downhill, out of control like in an avalanche is absolutely no fun. However, you survived it, and saw the sun again after being in the dark.
This piece shows, that, despite still having spells of depression, you have found a way through, a way to walk clear of the avalanche and live. Not only live, but have the ability to inspire others on maybe how to avoid some of their own avalanches in the first place.
Bless you my friend.
Stay strong.
![My Garden [#2126189]
Woodland Garden designed by my sister. A peaceful place for me and the wildlife.](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) |