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Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
Back to the good ole chapters with lots of action. I like this chapter, and its ending wants me to turn the page like your past chapters. I'm hoping for the best for everyone and can't wait to see what happens.

“No!” Zek screamed. Zek stood frozen in pain and fear while the limb limp body of his friend was thrown to the floor.

“We will see about that,” Zek shot back. He took a step towards toward the approaching attackers, and gritted his teeth in pain while his hands grew hot
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really hope Nylia didn't die. This is much better than the last chapter, but I can tell you haven't put as much work into these chapters as the first chapters. This still didn't grab my attention as much as the first ones, but it's good enough that I didn't want to put it down. I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm still wondering if the brown crystal will ever be pulled out of Zek, and if Nylia was somehow saved.

A quiet sound in the distance caught his attention, and he sprang toward it. The boulder he had stood upon began to grind as to rolled; I don't understand what you're saying in the last few words he paid no heed to the landslide behind him, and instead focused on the path ahead.

A large stone had begun to roll downhill towards toward him, and he ran to intercept it with renewed vigor.

“These pathetic soul mages sought life as well,” he responded. “Your death quick this doesn't make since will be a mercy in these wild lands.”

To the Peacekeeper it sounded like voices on the wind but they were too distant for him to be certain. I would delete for him sounds better without it.

He began his descent from the hill; he moved slowly down the hillside towards toward the camp.

The choking delete choking it makes it sound weird man he held aloft reached into his belt and pulled out a long shard of sharp crystal.

“I come in peace, and you repay me with violence. It is clear to me now why you burn wood like savages; it's because you don't know better. Perhaps I was wrong to seek your assistance,” the Peacekeeper said. delete the spaces between here “Even so, I bring you this gift of justice.”

“Th' closest town be Avila, 'n th' south... but if they passed through our land...” the man started.

“Then your men were killed,” the Peacekeeper said. “There were two of them. I am told they wore robes, and one had silver hair. I will find this 'Avila' and wait for them. If your men chance upon them resting, or if they this should be you not they can find a way to bring them to me, your reward will be great.”
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (3.5)
Okay this chapter isn't my favorite. I find that it's slow to read, and it was easier for me to get destracted. I think this is because the most part you are describing the area as they walk through it. I would fix this by using more action to bring out the descriptions of the surroundings. This chapter is rated lower b/c it didn't hold my attention like your other chapters did. I'm still going to read on b/c all your other chapters were so good, but this one needs some work.

Mason and Zek emerged from the dense trees; they had come at length into a green clearing. the second part of this sentence is off. I would revise it.

He looked off again towards toward the mountains, and took a deep breath of the brisk morning air.

He stood. He stretched his arms and legs while Zek rested. using the He twice in a row and the way this is written slows it all down. I would revise it like this: He stood and stretched his arms...

The mountains seemed seemed is a word that publishers frown upon especially when it isn't needed. I've read this in the Idiots Guide to Getting Your Book Published. I think if you delete seemed it wouldnt' take away from the impact of this sentence. beautiful from here, but Mason knew that climbing through jagged rocks would be slow going.

“There!” Mason said. His finger pointed to a group of stones had created a large overhang; beneath the roof they saw a dark crevice with a narrow entrance.

“That it has,” Zek replied with a yawn. He closed his eyes. typo forgot to hit enter to start another line The gentle heat from the crystal flames had begun to dry Zek's tattered robe, but Mason noticed he still shivered lightly from the cold.

Another look towards toward the door of the cave showed Mason that the chaos outside was still constant. He was glad to have a roof over his head and a fire by his side. Mason felt like he could still explore for another day, and he knew that getting any sleep would be difficult. He laid back next to the quiet flames, and saw that Zek had already drifted off to sleep. these last few paragraphs read a little slowly with all the detail. Maybe if you mix more action to describe some of the details it won't read as slow.

“We head towards toward the sunset. There is a river called the Warwin Rush,” Mason replied.

“I know, brother, I used to do this too. Anytime my main character was talking to her mom I may put a mom in the dialogue, but if you read it out loud you realize that most of the time it sounds funny. Would you talk to your brother and call him brother this many times while talking to him. Don't over use it and only use it when it's necessary. ” Mason said. “We need to find some kind of settlement. Somewhere with clothing and supplies.”

With the circumstances that had allowed their escape i'm not sure on this, but it feels like a comma is needed here. Without it the sentence is hard to read, so if a comma isn't correct then a revision is in place. Mason had not thought to bring any food along the way.

“I can't believe you almost roasted it,” Mason joked. His voice was a whisper. Zek shot him a playful glance in response. Moments passed, and neither of the boys wanted to move. The creature quickly lifted its head from the ground, and seemed another seemed that is unneeded in my opinion. Actually I think it'll make more of an impact if you removed seemed to look directly at them.

“I think it noticed us,” Mason said. kinda redundant since you just said that the creature looked right at them, but if you say "I think it noticed us," Mason whispered when the creature quickly lifted it's head and looked directly at them. For some reason it doesn't seem redundant that way. My opinion.

“Back!” Mason screamed. The creature turned its attention towards toward him, but refused to move.

The animal leapt from its position, and flew towards toward Mason's face. Sharp claws moved towards toward his eyes.

When the trees finally became sparse, became sparse does not settle right for me, but it's not a big deal. Keep it or revise it's up to you. I just wanted to comment how I felt as I read. Mason knew that the Warwin Rush would not be much further.

They continued towards toward it, and slowly it became a louder loud, no er is needed roar.

“Prepare yourself, Zek, this should be amazing,” Mason said with a raised tone. His voice struggled to be heard over the nearly deafening roar since you already used roar I would just say sound here or a different word to mean loud sound of the water's edge.

They slowed their pace to put great care into each step; the moonlight reflected over a seemingly endless torrent ahead of them.

The boys laid I believe this will be lay. Lay is the past tense of Lie you would Lie down on a sofa, but Laid is the past tense of lay and you lay down a book. So the correct past tense should be Lay. on the hard ground beside the flames and allowed themselves to rest.
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
The chapters are still going strong and I wouldn't change anything as of yet. I can't wait to move on to the next chapters and find what happens. Another chapter that is almost a 5 but because of a few mistakes I have to rate 4.5. good job

The Arcane Council sat behind the semi-circle only use a hypen before a prefix when it's two of the same vowels joined. This word does not need a hyphen. of carved stone that served as a table, and argued with the Arcane Masters who stood before them.

The Peacekeeper was only a rumor until the escape, and the council had loosed I would use a different word other than loosed. IT just doesn't fit right. Sorry I can't think of one at the moment or I would give a suggestion him into the public to quell any new thoughts of rebellion.
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
Again another good chapter. This one had a little more mistakes than the last one, but it's good. I still want to keep reading. Thanks for keeping me entertained. I still want to read on.

Zek you use Zek as the beginning of these two paragraphs it breask teh flow a little felt guilty for having passed so much energy into the pompous Shadow Magus, but he had heard Mason cry out; he simply snapped and could not hold back his anger.

He moved to the doorway and looked down the hall towards toward the exit. He saw a large mix of students and teachers near the doors. His first thought was to just run quickly and exit by force - he knew nothing would stop him within these walls.

He ran towards toward it, and the invisibility left him while he summoned a great flow of wind to carry him away.

His work done here, he turned back towards toward the center of the city.

He awaited for the next grenade, but it never came.

Zek's fingers twisted, and his hands moved towards toward the flying Felguard.

A sound from above him snapped his eyes open once again, and he saw Zeno's no s had a pained expression.

His arm wrapped around Mason's shoulders, and they began to move quickly towards toward the shield.

They looked through the azure barrier towards toward their destiny.

Zek raised himself from the ground with his hand over his chest. He examined his skin the no the with expectation of a new wound to pay for his soul-cast.
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
Another good chapter. I'm not bored at all yet. YOu're doing such a good job. I woud work on the towards thing. Other than that I can't think of anything to tell you. Everything is flowing well, and there is nothing that I would change.

Mason flew through the broken doorway, and ran quickly towards toward the university. Running through the streets was uncivilized by arcane standards, but Mason didn't care.

“Today we will imbue live crystal with varying degrees of shadow,” here you repeat in dialouge what you already said in the paragraph above. I would keep the dialogue and delete when you talk about this in the paragraph above. The instructor started.

“Now Feria, does anything in the arsenal of light compare to shadow space typo flame?” Magus Zeno asked. His voice was especially proud, and his black eyed flicked around the room to search for objection.

Against better judgment he got out of his seat, and he made his way towards toward Zek in an attempt to help him back to his desk.

The blindness faded from him slowly; he watched Zek's boots move towards toward him, and felt his friend helping him to stand.

Mason let go of his arm; immediately Zeno took a step towards toward Zek.

Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
Awesome ending to this chapter. Makes me want to turn the page to the next RIGHT NOW. Great chapter. I like it. NOt much that needs to be changed. Almost a 5 without any work on it.

With nobody in sight, Zek pried open the door, and he slowly closed it behind him. He descended the old stairway, and made his way into the narrow corridor. His hands began to burn with blue flames, and the corridor exploded with a flickering light.

He remained kneeling, and looked up towards toward the elder to await an answer.

Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this chapter good beginning and intro to Mason and his life. I'm wondering what's going to happen next. Is he going to go outside of the shield soon? Is he going to find his power that is hidden deep inside? Can't wait to read more. Good job. You do use towards a couple times in this chapter too, and I rated 4.5 for the few mistakes I found, but all in all when the mistakes are fixed it's a 5.

Mason's smile disappeared at once. The last thing he wanted was to be part of a demonstration of magic in front of his peers. He stood slowly, and noted that Zek already stood to should this be at his side? his side.

The hall was empty except for a few students; they spoke to each other in a group near the exit. Upon approach, one of the boys noticed Zek. Mason didn't recognize him, but Zek seemed to know who he was; Mason saw as his friend gave out a knowing nod. it seems you love semicolons. They shouldn't be over used and both of these can be removed and made into seperate sentences.

It had been over eight years now, and Mason smiled to ti may sound better here if you say as he realized or when he realized. Something along those lines realize that Zek was still saving him.

He imagined what his life would like be it seems that you mixed like and be outside the city of Arc, and he closed his eyes and smiled.
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
AS I read your prologue I began to be bored in the beginning. Just a little too much info for my taste, but then the action started and I moved to the edge of my seat. It was good and entertaining. Then it moves into the hospital scene I found tears starting to grow in my tears. You did a very good job. I rate it 4.5 for the few mistakes I have found. This isn't my genre so I'm not sure, but I don't know if the ominicent POV that you use for the first half of this prolgue is acceptable. You may need to revise it in Relik's POV. Also, I mention in my edits below that you use towards instead of toward and you have done this a couple more times in the chapter. Everything else seems to be fine, nice flow, great imagry. Can't wait to read more.

Line by Line edits:

A few carried an envious look in that the arcane master of wind magics need never ask for quiet to be heard. I had to read this sentence four times before my mind could put it all together and get what it was saying. I would revise it so it's easier to read

His eyes opened and began a drastic change from golden brown to an icy blue while he focused; a semicolon is only good when having a sentence that needs to be connected to the last sentence, or when you have a comma already in place and so the sentence don't look redundant with too many commas. Teh following sentence will have the same impact if left alone as it's own sentence. the air around him began to swirl and his words poured over the crowd amplified a hundred fold.

“Under the eyes of the Arcane University, and the great city of Arc, this fight will commence!” The announcer gently whispered. you say he whispered, but you have an exclaimantion mark. Which is it a loud voice or a whisper The audience was again overtaken by his powerful voice. “Contenders, ready yourselves...” He said, watching to see that both men again faced each other and bowed. “It begins!”

The champion stood relaxed and wore a look of confidence. He began to simply walk towards toward is the more correct term even though both are accepted, but for american english toward is perferred Melios with eyes fixed forward and an unchanging smile.

Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (5.0)
This seems like an awesome group. I'm glad you decided to take time out of your day to create a group to help people that can't help themselves. This group is what keeps Writing.com alive for many, many people. Thanks for all of y'alls hard work, and keep it up.
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a great song. I feel the emotion the push and pull of the unwanted love. I maybe would stress a little more why he/she doesn't want to love the person they think they are in love with, but I may be wrong. I get the feel that the other person is all a lie and just using the person singing the song.
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This chapter could use a lot more descriptions. I would love to see what Quinn's room looks like. It will give us a feeling of his personality and it will also ground us a little more into the settings. Is it plain with nothing to look at, or are there posters all over the walls of some hot chick or band? Does he use bright colors or dull colors? What does his mom look like? What was sarah wearing? What color is there carpet? ( I know that sounds out of place but it will give a since of his family. brown carpet always makes me think of a family that doesn't care about apperances, bright carpets are something I think people who want style in their lives)
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Great chapter. This gives a lot of insight on the life Kate has at home with her aunt, and why her aunt is scared for Kates attraction to Quinn. The feelings Kate has to go ahead and call quinn because of what her aunt says are spot on. It's sad that Arianne's only love has died and left a small sour spot, yet she's still fun loving it seems. From the past chapters I would have never suspected Arianne to be a fun loving hippy. Everything is described beautifully and I like how you keep Quinn on the top of Kate's mind during the entire chapter. Great Job
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a good chapter I liked it. It is a little long for me and it only really dragged in the one spot. I would like to see more details of the surroundings at the beginning. Also I think you could tighten it up a little bit. This will help with the dragging although I didn't think it dragged that badly. All the information after the secert can be kept in the chapter it just would be good if you could find a way to make it be told in a smaller dose. Before the secerts it moved fast then when I pointed at edit 91 it made the rest of the chapter slow down. I hope this helps
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This was my favorite chapter so far. Not much to comment on, but what I put in the edit points. I rated it a five because the edit points are mainly small things. It's great to finally see a little bit on how they got together and whatnot. I can't wait to read more. Now I'll go finish revising my 3rd chapter and email you when I think it's finished.
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
In one book I read it said that most romance publishers rarely publish first person POV. I don't know if it will still count when it's just the prologue and epilogue in first person, but just imagine that the person that first sees your work is one of those picky editors that hates first person romances. So she doens't read past your prologue because it's in first person. Now I'm just pointing this out. It looks like you may make it work and a publisher may look over that point to see if it will work. So far you book is great and if I don't get to the first chapter tonight I will get to it tomorrow.
Review of Macy's Adventure  
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'm reviewing your story for the Paperdoll gang. Most of what I say are just opinions. I am only here to try and help you through your writing experiences.


A dog takes a nap in the forest


Although dreams are cliched you describe the intensity of the moment well. great job.


I think once I noticed a present tense when it should have been past tense. Also, your POV is good but two things I found a dog wouldn't know, or see. The Hues of the trees wouldn't be noticed because a dog only sees in black and white. I would change that. Finally, the dog probably wouldn't know that his food is called kibble.


Good little dialogue.


You are good most of the time in your descriptions, but a few places could have used a little emphasize. Like instead of kibbles what does the dog think of the round brown peices of food.


The forrest during early evening.


Macy: A dog taking a nap which brings bad dreams.

Nothing was noticed


A cute little short story great for a little read, but I dont' see anything that will leave the reader inspired or thoughtful. Just happy. That might be where you were headed though. Keep up the good work and write on.


The late spring afternoon already hinted of the summer heat to come, and Macy was beginning began. delete the was. this tightens writing.

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Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Ronnie,

I'm reviewing your poem, "With words, I ran away..." for the Paperdoll Gang review forum. I am no expert on poems and have only written one so this is just my opinion.

Imagery: I don't know if imagery is used here. This is something I need help on.

Flow: A few places didn't flow well for me example:

So write I so you will know

Your work just needs some revisions

Rhyme: Everything seemed to rhyme fine.

Mood: A careing feeling came over me.

Likes: I liked teh mood that comes from this poem the most.

Suggestions: Revise it a few times and play with your words a little more

Overall: Great little poem and with revision would be quite good.

Hope this helps.
Amber Autry

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Review of Concrete Roses  
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Jewell,

I'm reviewing your poem, "Concrete Roses" for the Paperdoll Gang review forum. I am no expert on poems and haveonly written one so this is just my opinion.

Imagery: Good job.

Flow: Nothing seemed out of place too me.

Rhyme: Your rhyming is okay, but I think it can use some improvement. example: feign, rain

Mood: You have sucessfully given off a peacefull mood.

Likes: This poem was a great uplifter.

Suggestions: work on the words you use to rhyme together.

Overall: You did a good job. Keep up the good work.

Hope this helps.
Amber Autry

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Review of Letting Go  
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Joy,

I'm reviewing your poem, "Letting Go" for the Paperdoll Gang review forum. I am no expert on poems and have only written one so this is just my opinion.

Imagery: Awesome. I saw pain wrapped as a present and the whole nine yards. Great poem.

Flow: nothing seemed off to me.

Rhyme: Does not apply.

Mood: First sorrow then a small peice of happiness.

Likes: Your imagery is great and makes the mood stand out.

Suggestions: Nothing

Overall: Overall I loved this poem.

Hope this helps.
Amber Autry

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Review of Sunlight Dances  
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Willow,

I'm reviewing your poem, "Sunlight Dances" for the Paperdoll Gang review forum. I am no expert on poems and haveonly written one so this is just my opinion.

Imagery: You have good imagery, but one thing stood out that I didn't like. Sunlight danceing on dark. Sunlight can't dance on dark because sunlight is light, and can't be dark. It kind of turned me off the poem. The rest was great.

Flow: Everything flowed well.

Rhyme: You rhyme every line and it works beautifully.

Mood: Peacefulness, and everlasting love

Likes:The mood of your poem was excellent.

Suggestions: Take out the part where sunlight dances on the dark. It doesn't work. I know this means a revision to the rhymeing lines, but it will make the poem stronger.

Overall: Great poem with much potential. Would love to read it after a revision.

Hope this helps.
Amber Autry

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Review of Blue Roses  
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I'm reviewing your story for the Paperdoll gang. Most of what I say are just opinions. I am only here to try and help you through your writing experiences.


A young girl is killed and moves on to the after life.


Most of the story.


Omenicent POV I believe which is needed for this peice.


Great last words


Your descriptions are great. I don't know if you need to add anything.




Juliet: Young woman 11 years old. Seems she stood up for some kind of cause or something and got herself killed.

Christopher:The killer. Seems like he didn't want to really kill her or something.

Nothing that I noticed.


This is a great intorduction. The only problem I saw in this story was the part where you talk about the wake/funeral. After I read it a minute I was like what's the purpose of this section. It wasn't until the killer sat the blue roses down did I feel a purpose for that section so maybe minimize it or find more purpose in the peice. These are just my opinions this is great work. Write on.


nothing to comment on

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Review of Memories  
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'm reviewing your story for the Paperdoll gang. Most of what I say are just opinions. I am only here to try and help you through your writing experiences.


Cute story about two lifelong friends.


The connection the friends had.


First person POV is done well. Tense is good, and so is narration.




You incorporate some descriptions here, but it seems this is half show and half tell. I would show more of the story.


In the woods near water. Great place.


Main character: Loves her friend, and wants to keep up with her.

Sandra: the friend that's smarter and encouraging, but then grows up faster and seems the friendship may dissappear.

Nothing that I noticed.


Great story. The little bit of description you use is good. I noticed though that it seems that you move from the camping trip to college back to the camping trip. This kinda makes it seem the camping trip is after college. If it is not after college than move the information about college after the camping trip. After a revision or two this story should become a little more lively and interesting to it's readers. Great job. Keep up the work and write on.


Sandra and I and her parents I would say here: Sandra, her parents, and I were on our way to Oak Orchard for a week’s break from school.

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Review by Amber Autry
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm reviewing your story for the Paperdoll gang. Most of what I say are just opinions. I am only here to try and help you through your writing experiences.


A young man wants to marry his girlfriend after his mom dies.


I liked how you have his feelings for his girlfriend are played out. The emotion of his parents dying, and that it pushes him to propose.


You seem to be in the head of Joe, and you stay there, good. Your tense is fine, and your Narration could use a little work.




You play the out like he's telling a story leading to the moment of the ring. I don't like this. I would perfer you to describe every scene like it's happening then you could describe the scenes and whatnot. I can't picture anything in your story but the coat and gloves at the end.


You did not mention any time or place


Joe: A man with a good job, wanting to show his girlfriend he loves him so he is going to give her an engagement ring.

Sally: The girlfriend that is a little jeolous, and is worried about losing her job.

Nothing that I noticed.


I love your story. It's got a great plotline. The end is the best part. The only thing I didn't like and would change is the fact that you don't describe the scenes like they are happening, but like he's thinking back about what happened. This leaves it to where the reader doesn't get into the story as much b/c the scenes aren't happening in front of them. These are just my opinions. I hope they help.


I didn't see anything to comment on

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Review of The Scream  
Review by Amber Autry
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello, Koyel~TY RAOK

I'm reviewing your poem, "The Scream" for the Paperdoll Gang review forum. I am no expert on poems and have never written one so this is just my opinion.

Imagery: Awesome. It was like I was there.

Flow: I really don't know how the flow of poems should go, but I found a few areas that didn't transition well.

For Example:

she turns back to reveal her face.

It is a blank countenance,

this moves funny to me for some reason.

Rhyme: Does not apply.

Mood: I felt like a should be scared, but wasn't.

Structure: I see you have a few lines that all start with THE. I don't know if this should be the the structure area, but it was noticable.

Likes: I love the imagery and the build up of this poem. My favorite part is:

I jump right from my bed,

tip-toeing, I move toward the sound.

Suggestions: I would work on your flow a little bit, and I see a part where you break a line in mid thought. I don't really like that.

Overall: Great poem, needs some work.

Hope this helps.
Amber Autry

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