Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/allenshana
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261 Public Reviews Given
261 Total Reviews Given
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I am still developing a "Review Style" so how it is today is nothing like it was last month nor will it be like it is next month. I will never share negativity with the author because it is unnecessary. You can give encouragement through advice and that is what I will do. I will give my honest opinion on what may add to a piece, but I will also give encouragement on writing, story, and presentation. I love to give feedback to authors because I love to see how stories evolve.
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I will carefully look at the entire piece and break it down to see if it could benefit from a second look. When looking at a piece for review, I look at flow, consistency, word choice, punctuation, grammar, and personality. Each piece that someone writes is a story that they want to tell and it is a reviewer's job to add helpful insight into how that could be accomplished.
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My favorite genres are Young Adult, Emotional, Dark, Fiction, Fantasy, Drama, and Dystopian Fiction.
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While I like most genres, my least favorite genres are Historical, Political, and erotic.
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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Spacecat Author IconMail Icon! Hey there! My name is Shana. I'm back to wander through your portfolio. I am glad that you are participating this month because you have many great pieces of work that you have shared. I read "The Darkness WithinOpen in new Window. and wanted to leave my thoughts of it with you. Please keep in mind that these are the thoughts and opinions of a single reader. Everyone has their own styles, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. I hope that nothing I say will come across negatively, and if it does, please tell me so that I will not make that mistake again. Please take whatever is good and toss out whatever doesn't apply. *Smile*

*Flowerw* This is a review from "WdC Kind HeartsOpen in new Window. *Flowerw*

*StarB* First Thoughts: The title drew me in. "The Darkness Within" makes me wonder what type of darkness is this about? I am not a big poetry buff, so if anything I mention doesn't apply, feel free to point that out to me. I didn't know what to expect with this piece except that it would be dark and emotional. The description that you provide does a good job of pulling the reader in and spiking their curiosity. So, I read on.

*StarB* As I Read:From the first line, I can sense the emotion in this poem. I can relate to the question of if anyone would remember us once we are gone. This life is so fleeting that it makes me wonder what my life ill mean once I'm no longer here. I think you made the right choice with opening with that line. This sets the tone for the rest of the piece.

Each line brought a clearer picture of the pain that this individual is feeling. It breaks my heart to see someone hurting that badly and how they feel that nobody cares. It doesn't matter who they are or where they are from...every single life matters greatly. So, seeing the pain they are suffering through breaks me apart. Nobody should have to feel that way. Unfortunately, this is a reality for too many people when nobody should have to feel that way.

*Notepad* Line(s) of Note:
why should I care
what you think now
when my heart was beating
you couldn’t care less
---- I chose these lines because of the weight they bring. There is so much truth in those 17 words that it made me stop and think for a moment. How many times have I made it seem to someone like I didn't care about their pain or their hardships? I think that is a question we should ask ourselves often because if we don't love the people we meet, what's the point? Everyone needs someone.

*StarB* Closing Thoughts: This poem was very eye opening for me. The emotion in it feels so real and I could imagine reading this a little too late to help the writer. That would be a nightmare that would last a lifetime. Thank you for sharing this with us. I think people will read it and either relate to it or learn from it. The message of this poem is something we need to take very seriously.

Thank you for sharing this with us. You are very talented and I can’t wait to read more from you. *Smile*

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Dearest Lynda,

Thank you for sharing this with us. You've shared something very personal to you, and I am sure that others will see the strength in that just as I do. Your perseverance is admirable and I hope that we can all find that strength inside of us that pushes us forward when we just want to lay down and quit because it's not the same as it used to be.

I am very blessed to have found you here on WDC. Thank you for sharing this *Smile*

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Spacecat Author IconMail Icon. I came across your portfolio from "WdC Kind HeartsOpen in new Window. and took a look through your writing. You are a talented writer and I am glad I was given the opportunity to read some of your work. I read through "In Memory Of My DadOpen in new Window. and wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on it. Please keep in mind that these are only the thoughts of a single reader. Please take whatever is good and toss out whatever doesn't apply. I hope that nothing I say comes across negatively and please let me know if it does so I won't make that mistake again.

The title of this piece caught my eye because I lost my mother, so I understand how important it is to create memories for them, and as a writer, how important it is to create a piece dedicated solely to them. Before I say anything else, I want to say sorry I am for your loss. I know it must be an extremely difficult time in your life. That difficulty never goes away, but over time it gets a little easier to deal with.

Immediately, I can see how much pain this has brought you. My mom also died suddenly, and what got me the most was that I couldn’t say goodbye to her. I couldn’t tell her how much I loved her or what she meant to me. Knowing what that feels like, I am glad you were able to get all of this down into words. Did it help at all? I hope that it helped you to find a little bit of peace within your pain.

I obviously didn’t know your father, but after reading this beautiful Eulogy, I feel that you expressed his character in such a way that even strangers will see his epicness. Your memories show a soft and memorable side to him. He sounds like a wonderful man. I bet that if he was reading this that he would smile with happiness that you have shared such a fondness of him as I am sure he had those some fond memories of you.

I know that nobody’s words can take away the pain that such a loss creates, but I will leave you with a quote that I have found strength from…”Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.” Granted it’s from The Wonder Years, it reminds me that the ones we have lost aren’t truly gone as long as we hold memories of them in our hearts. For a long time, I couldn’t even think about my mom, but now it’s the memories of her that makes me feel like I can still be next to her.

I know that we’ve never talked before, but I wanted to tell you that if you ever wanted, or needed, to talk, I am here. *Smile*

Thank you for sharing such a personal part of who you are with us.


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there! This is Shana from "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. and come to you during our November Dare To Review Power Raid. I hope that this review finds you doing well! I found this poll through a list of various activities on WDC and was eager to see what it was all about. I'm glad I came across yours and wanted to leave you with my thoughts on " A small world: Are you international?Open in new Window. as a whole. Please feel free to take anything I say and toss out whatever doesn't apply. Please keep in mind that these are simply the ideas of a single reviewer. Everyone has their own style, preferences, and ideas, so I hope nothing I say comes across negatively, and if they do please let me know so that I won't make that mistake again. *Smile*

Overall Impression...

*AsteriskG*First Thoughts -This poll caught my attention because intercultural studies is something I hold very dear. I love learning about different cultures and immersing myself in them. Living in Louisiana, USA limits that passion, but there are different surprises now and then that remind me of the "outside world". This poll is one of those, so thank you for sharing it!

*AsteriskG*Forum Look - The opening image caught my attention. I think it's cute and relative to the title. It helps to show how unique the poll is. The other image suits it just as nicely and really pushes the idea home. I love the phrase "it takes all colors to make a rainbow." That saying is very true. I like the italic font used because it sets it apart from a general poll. The extra flair adds to it.

*AsteriskG*Title - The title "A Small World: Are You International" is a great title for the poll. It's self-explanatory and eye-catching. It piqued my curiosity and ensured I would vote on it.

*AsteriskG*Ideas That May Add - Nothing came to mind that may add to the poll.

Final Thoughts - I liked this poll and am glad that I came across it. The options are thought out and explained well. Everything made sense and was relevant to the concept. All in all, you did a fantastic job on this!

Have a blessed day.

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there! This is Shana from "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. and come to you during our November Dare To Review Power Raid. I hope that this review finds you doing well! I was browsing through contests when I came across yours. I am a fan of contests here on WDC because I always find new and interesting ones. I'm glad I came across yours, and will return later on to enter some rounds, and wanted to leave you with my thoughts on the contest as a whole. Please feel free to take anything I say and toss out whatever doesn't apply. Please keep in mind that these are simply the ideas of a single reviewer. Everyone has their own style, preferences, and ideas, so I hope nothing I say comes across negatively, and if they do please let me know so that I won't make that mistake again. *Smile*

Overall Impression...

*AsteriskG*Forum Look - The forum looks well put together. The graphics are eye catching and fit with the theme. Font colors are used in a way that emphasizes important information and separates the different sections of the forum. I feel that it looks perfect. The colors, graphics, and look aren't distracting. Instead, it caught my attention and held it.

*AsteriskG*Title - The title "The Lighthouse Poetry Contest" fits the theme because it is a Christian contest and we are taught to bring the light into the darkness of the world. What better way than a lighthouse? Now, I don't know if that was the intention of the title, but that is what I thought of when I was reading through the forum.

*AsteriskG*Ideas That May Add - I can't think of anything that may add to this contest. The rules are easily found and explained. The rating fits the item. I wasn't confused about anything as I read through it. You did a great job with plainly explaining everything.

Final Thoughts - This is an interesting idea and I am glad that you chose to share this with the WDC community. I don't know how I didn't come across it before, but I am going to be sharing this with others that I think would benefit from it.

Have a blessed day.

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lynda Miller Author IconMail Icon! Hey there! It's Shana from "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. This review is part of your winning auction package and it has been my pleasure to write it for you. I am a fan of yours and have yet to come across a story of yours that I don't like. You are a very talented writer and it's an honor to be able to see inside your creativity. Your portfolio is filled with all types of stories, and I am eager to get my hands on some more of them. I read "Lets play Barber Shop!Open in new Window. and wanted to leave my thoughts of it with you. Please keep in mind that these are the thoughts and opinions of a single reader. Everyone has their own styles, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. I hope that nothing I say will come across negatively, and if it does, please tell me so that I will not make that mistake again. Please take whatever is good and toss out whatever doesn't apply. *Smile*

*StarB* First Thoughts: I was excited to read this short story because it sounded like a fun little tale. Now, as I say that, I begin to wonder if there will be any type of twist that would take it away from the fun tale. However, it was a gamble I was willing to take, so I read on.

Oh, and before I move on, I wanted to point out that the exclamation point in the title “Let’s Play Barber Shop!” added a child-like wonder to the story. It fit the description very well.

*Reading*As I Read: Where did the inspiration from this story come from? Is it from personal experience or a product of an active imagination? Either way, it's been interesting! The descriptions you use throughout your story are very vivid. We see the children drenched in humidity and then, when that is more of a negative aspect of the Texas weather, we get to see the beauty of the roses. To me, it was a nice balance. The colors are a beautiful selection and I can imagine what they would look like.

*Books1**Books3* Characters: I work with children at school, at church, and I have a five year old sister. It is nice to see a story with children as the main characters because it reminds me of their innocence and how they see the world. It’s amazing to me how magical the most mundane things can be to them. I think you have done a great job with showing that through your characters. Randy and Sue, also, both sound like children which can sometimes be difficult to accomplish. I know that I’ve had to redo some of my children’s dialogue in stories because they sound too grown-up, but you have done a great job with it. Not that your story or dialogue is juvenile. What I mean is that your story is polished along with retaining a child-like element to the story that assures the reader that it is really being told through a child's experience.*Smile*

We also get to meet the parents, a young girl named Christina, and her parents. Christina is the unfortunate bearer of a game gone wrong, but her character holds true to a child’s personality.

*Books1**Books3* Plot Structure/ Development:
The scene of the story gets set up right away in the first sentence and paragraph. I like how you cut to the chase with that. We see that the children are enjoying themselves outside in a Texas summer. I’ve been to Texas, and live in Louisiana, so the description of the humidity hit me with recognition. It can be miserable to deal with, so seeing the kids enjoying themselves was nice. Unintentionally, you have already drawn me into the story.

Enter a new family and a young girl for Sue to play with. What do two young children do when they are together? These two decide to play barbershop. I think it was a great choice for them because it was very realistic. The story unfolds in such a way that I can easily see my little sister as Sue. I just hope my sister doesn’t try to cut my hair when I sleep or anything.

I loved the conclusion of the story because it stayed true to a child’s perspective. Her mind was on how cool their game was and how neat Christina’s hair looked instead of the repercussions of the act.

*Books1**Books3* Writing Style:In my opinion, dialogue can be a difficult part of a story to write. However, I have never seen any difficulty with it in your stories. You are a great storyteller and it seems, to me at least, that the art of dialogue comes easy to you. I know in concept dialogue must seem easy…it’s talking to one another, but to have it fit perfectly inside of a story can be a bit tricky at times. How do you feel about your dialogue skills? Your opinion is all that truly matters. But, if you do feel that this is something that doesn’t come easy to you, I hope this will be an encouragement for you to rest assured in your ability.

As a whole, you do very well with your stories because they are entertaining, creative, and engaging. The scenes are set up well and the characters complement it well. I have yet to read a story of yours that I didn’t really enjoy reading. Whether it is a children’s story or a detective story or one of the many other’s from your mind, you do a great job in telling it.

I pointed out a few things below in “Things That May Add” which may benefit from a second look. Every writer has their own writing style. I am just pointing out some opinions I formed from reading your story. I hope none of it comes across negatively. I picked out what caught my eye, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are incorrect or not a good choice. I am simply trying to shed some light with an outside opinion.

*PenR*Things That May Add: There were only a few things that I noticed. Mostly it was just small things, or possible corrections, and overall you did a great job with editing this piece!

"Sue," her mom shouted, it's time to come in and get your bath. The Wheeler's will be here with their little girl, Christina, pretty soon.”
”Sue,” her mom shouted, “it’s time to come in and get your bath. The Wheeler’s will be here with their little girl, Christina, pretty soon.” With this, I just put another set of quotation marks after shouted,

WOW, mom is going all out.Wow, mom is going all out, she thought.
I like to put internal dialogue, like above, in italics so that it is easier for the reader to distinguish between that and the rest of the story. Everyone has their own preferences, but I thought I would point that one out. *Smile*

The whole house smelled of pot

roast and bread as they cooked in the oven.

The whole house smelled of pot roast and bread as they cooked in the oven. I just removed the extra line space.

This was her favorite desert.
This was her favorite dessert. I just added an extra s to make it dessert.

“I’ll get it" dad said " Hi Chuck, Dianne, come on in and have a seat. Who is this pretty little girl you brought with you?”
”I’ll get it,” dad said. “Hi Chuck, Dianne, come on in and have a seat. Who is this pretty little girl you brought with you?” With this sentence I just added commas after itand said.

"We have a daughter name Sue and she is five. Sue, come out and meet Christina,”
”We have a daughter named Sue and she is five. Sue, come out and meet Christina.” I added the letter d to name and changed the final comma to a period inside the quotation mark around Christina.

Can I get you anything? A drink, water?”
”Can I get you anything? A drink? Water? I added quotation marks before can. I also put a question mark after drink to simply show an alternative way to say it. As I read that sentence, this is what popped out to me. But, then again, it’s just personal preference and not anything wrong with it.

"You have a beautiful daughter," Evelyn said. When is your next one due?”
”You have a beautiful daughter,” Evelyn said. “When is your next one due?” I added quotations before when.

*Notepad* Line(s) of Note:
"This is pretty, I want mommy to see it," Christina said excitedly. I chose this line because it epically expresses a child’s mind. Here, Sue just butchered the girl’s hair, a big no no in an adult’s eyes, yet to them it was the coolest thing ever. C’mon, we’ve all done it. Well, at least I hope it hasn’t just been me who has played barber shop as a child. It’s safe to say that my mother wasn’t all too happy either. Plus, even after all of that, Sue still thought Christiana’s hair was awesome. It shows the mindset of a child very well. Good job on that.

*StarB* Closing Thoughts: I really enjoyed reading this story. I am very grateful that you bid on my package because it's been fun to read through your stories. There are more reviews to come, and I truly appreciate your patience with it all.

I want to leave you with the following encouragements:
You are a brilliant writer who has a true, innate, gift.
You have overcome a lot of obstacles just to pursue your love of writing and that alone makes me admire you and your perseverance. It's a testament of what a love of writing can help to overcome.
And, finally, you have been an amazing and supportive member of this community and I want to thank you for that.

Thank you for sharing your passion and talent with us *Smile*


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there Brudnell Author IconMail Icon! My name is Shana. I saw this post on the HUB page, and the title caught my eye, so I clicked on it, and it brought me here! This was the perfect post to read before I go to bed because it got me thinking about God's grace and favor. You pointed out that we receive favor from God and, therefore, in turn, we can show favor to others. I couldn't agree more with you on this. Something my mother always says is - and it's a paraphrase of something she once read - "the things we go through in this life aren't necessarily for us, but for us to reach out to others." This is what your words remind me of. It's amazing to see the impact that God has in our lives, but we can't keep that to ourselves. We must share it with others, we must help others, and we must glorify God through it all.

Thank you for sharing this. I know that it's gotten me thinking and will get others thinking as well. I pray that you will be blessed through this.

God bless,
Review of Enchanted Tales  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Choconut Author IconMail Icon! I am Shana from "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. This review is part of a gift from the auction and it has been my pleasure to write it for you. I took a browse through your portfolio and was excited by all of the creativity that I found! I read "Enchanted TalesOpen in new Window. and wanted to leave my thoughts of it. Please keep in mind that these are the thoughts and opinions of a single reader. Everyone has their own styles, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. I hope that nothing I say will come across negatively and if it does, please tell me so that I will not make that mistake again. Please take whatever is good and toss out whatever doesn't apply. *Smile*

*StarB* First Thoughts: I chose this piece because the title intrigued me. I love fairytales and fiction of the sort. It seems to be a popular topic lately so I wanted to see what route you would choose to take. The title “Enchanted Tales” is enough to pique my curiosity and ensure that I will continue to read on to find out which tales and why are they considered to be enchanted. *CheckG*

*Reading*As I Read:I will be honest (what is said here stays here), I had to look up “fusty” to know exactly what it meant. I could figure it out with the sentence, but I had never heard it before. For me, that is something I really enjoy. I love when a story teaches me something and makes me learn. I know that not every reader enjoys that, but if it carries your voice across into your writing then I am all for it. *Smile*

*Books1**Books3* Characters: The story opens up with Martha whose dream has been to open up a book store. She sees this dreaming coming to life and she is happy with it. Her emotions are easily seen through your descriptions of the store. It’s small but she loves it.

Additional characters, such as Martha’s father and brothers, are mentioned within five paragraphs. This worked well because we get to learn a little more about the main character’s background. It’s just a glimpse which is enough for the moment.

When you introduce the father’s dialogue, it matched well with the picture you’ve already painted of him. Character consistency is a vital aspect to a successful story. This also sets the stage for her first spell. It all flows well together.

*Books1**Books3* Plot Structure/ Development: We are introduced to the main character right off. The scene is introduced in a gradual way which avoids an info dump. A steady pace is set up which carries on throughout the story.

Once Martha finds the book, we can feel something is about to change. You described the uniqueness of the book well. It created a deep curiosity that needed to be satiated by reading on. Again, we see a good amount of description without it becoming exaggerated. After the first spell is cast, the story’s pace picks up a little, showing the tension it has created. The dialogue flows well within the narration and pushes the scene forward.

I liked how you presented the spell and counter-spell. The way that the spell morphed into what she needed added more of an insight into the magic of the story. It was a nice surprise.

The ending of your story fit very well. The conflict of the spell on her father was cleanly resolved. What I mean is that I, as the reader, wasn’t left wondering if everything worked out or confused about the resolution. It was a smooth resolution. I like how it ends with her father about to read another spell, without knowing that magic was real, and Martha realizes the danger of it. It gives her character more depth because she is now privy to information that most people are not aware of. This opens up an opportunity for more of this story. If you ever decide to add more to this story, please let me know because I would love to read more about Martha and her adventures. I think this story could even be made into a novel-length story that would keep the readers hooked from the beginning, to the middle, and to the end.

*Books1**Books3* Writing Style: The first thing I noticed about your writing style was your use of descriptives. You add, in my opinion, the perfect amount of detail to give the reader a good picture of the scene, but you don’t bog the story down with flowery descriptions and excessive synonyms. This can be something that is hard for a writer to master, but I felt you did a great job with it. *CheckG*

I pointed out a few things below in “Things That May Add” which may benefit from a second look. Every writer has their own writing style. I am just pointing out some opinions I formed from reading your story. I hope none of it comes across negatively.

As I read your story, I could see a personal touch to your writing. Your narration was unique and made me smile. Just as I had seen Martha as happy early on, the narration mirrors that emotion. I could see her telling this story in first person just as easily as you tell it now. It would be interesting to see this story in first person point of view to see an inside look into Martha’s emotions/reactions/thoughts of her entire perception of the world changed. She went from a world with no magic to a world where she casted a spell on her father. That is a huge change in her life and I’m curious about how it would affect her.

*PenR*Things That May Add: “Mrs. Weeks shook her head and sighed.” I was a bit confused when I read this because the last name “Weeks” hadn’t been mentioned before. It made me wonder if I had missed a character introduction into the scene or if it was indeed Martha’s mother. By mentioning Martha’s last name earlier in the story, or mentioning one of her parents by name their full name, or even mentioning something about “Her family, the Weeks, have lived next to Mr. Castle since she was a child.” This would allow the last name and some backstory in.

”As she said the final word, there was a flash of light. It was unmistakable.” There is nothing wrong with these sentences. I am pointing these out as an example. There are times in your story, like the one above, where the narration flow seems a bit choppy. Variation in sentence length is a great thing to have in your story. I’m going to give an example of what a rewritten sentence may look like just so you can see what different sentence lengths may look like. This is all about your own person wringing style though.

“As she said the final word, there was an unmistakable flash of light.”

“There was an unmistakable flash of light as she said the final word.”

Another example is: “It was different with Martha. Not just because she was a girl. Her adventures took place inside her head. He didn’t understand. Of course, he was proud of her, but he couldn’t let her know.” Again, there is nothing wrong with this, but I am pointing out the flow of these sentences.

What if it looked something like: ”It was different with Martha and not just because she was a girl. Her adventures took place inside of her head but he didn’t understand. Of course he was proud of her, but he couldn’t let her know.”

“Martha turned her thoughts to her father as she fingered through the ‘D’ section of books. Her mother told her how proud he was, but Martha wasn’t sure she believed her. It angered her, he was never positive about her life.” ——these sentences caught my eye because they seemed a little out of order. Martha turned her thoughts to her father here, but up above we’ve already been talking about her father. Also, you mention twice that her father was proud of her, but she either didn’t see it or she hadn’t felt it. What if you said: “Martha turned her thoughts to her father as she fingered through the “D” section of books. Her mother told her how proud he was, but Martha wasn’t sure she believed her. He was never positive about her life and it angered her.” (I reworked “It angered her, he was never positive about her life” because it’s a comma splice and the part before and after the comma can stand as individual sentences.) Then after that you could explain about Martha’s father never understanding her passion for reading. And now I realize how confusing that may sound. So let me rewrite it without all the added thoughts I shared.

….That’s why she chose the name for her book store; ‘Enchanted Tales’.
Martha turned her thoughts to her father as she fingered through the ‘D’ section of books. Her mother told her how proud he was, but Martha wasn’t sure she believed her. He was never positive about her life and it angered her.

Martha’s father never understood her passion for reading. Her three brothers were adventurous sportsmen. As children, they always played with their Dad and as adults he felt at ease in their company. It was different with Martha and not just because she was a girl. Her adventures took place inside of her head but he didn’t understand.

Grumbling to herself….

“The book’s cover was a mix of green, red and gold, the colours all melting together to make a swirling mist.” This sentence seemed a little awkward to me. It may benefit from a second look. Perhaps reworking the sentence may make it flow better. An example may look like: The book’s cover was a mix of green, red, and gold. The colours melted together to create a swirling mist.

*Notepad* Line(s) of Note: She could hear the voices of its authors as she touched it. ——I chose this sentence because when I read it, I wondered about what it made her feel. I would love to know how it affected her and what was running through her mind at that moment. Did the voices scare her? Was it overwhelming? I think if you explored that moment in the story, it would add even more depth to your story.

*StarB* Closing Thoughts: Short stories can be difficult for a writer to make successful because you have less room than a novel to introduce characters, set up a believable plot and scene, and to play out an entire story. This is one reason why I love short stories so much. It shows a writer’s potential and style. After reading your story, I feel that you accomplished this well. You told an interesting story that kept me hooked until the final word. You are a talented writer and I can’t wait to read more from you *Smile*

Thank you for sharing this with us. I love your creativity!

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello there! This is Shana from "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. I came to your portfolio to fulfill a review package from Andy~hating university Author IconMail Icon!

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I found your port, started browsing through your items, and had no idea where to even begin. Your portfolio is very impressive! I had many options, but I found a couple that caught my eye. This review is for the first piece and there will be another coming your way soon *Smile*. The first piece that caught my eye was "Princess ClaudetteOpen in new Window.. After reading it, I would like to share my thoughts of it with you. Please keep in mind this is simply the opinion of a single reader. Everyone has their own writing style, preferences, and thoughts. Feel free to take whatever is good and toss out whatever doesn't apply.*Smile*

*StarfishB*First Thoughts: This story caught my eye because of the name and description. The name “Princess Claudette” gave me the impression of a young, energetic princess. However, the description, “A darkened mansion - buried memories” gave me the impression of something opposite. Right there, before I even begin the story, I am already invested in it. I like the brief description because it raises many questions.

What do you mean darkened mansion?
Metaphorically buried memories or are they buried with bodies?
What does Princess Claudette have to do with all of this?

These are just a few of the questions I wondered as I got comfy and ready to read. I believe you have figured out how to hook your reader, whether or not it was a conscious move on your part.

*StarBr*As I Read: Your opening line is a good hook because it raises more questions. Why did she need to steady her breathing? Within the first fifteen words, you have set up a scene that contains a lot of potential. After the first line ends, the scene looks dark and dreary. There seems to be something negative going on, but we don’t know what.

As the story proceeds, it continues to shine. I love the imagery you have chosen for this story. It sets the scene well by painting the picture in my mind. The character of Claudette is written very well. She is jumpy and nervous, but curious and driven at the same time. She is worried, but she needs to figure out what is going on. It makes her very relatable.

I like how you are able to keep up the tension of the scene as Claudette inspects the noise. I can imagine this scene playing out with everyone on edge to find out what is around the corner and what is making the noise. The introduction of the next character brought everything full circle. I hadn’t seen that coming. I think it is a perfect ending. The twist at the end of the story gave me an “aha” moment. This story played out very nicely.

*StarfishR* Things That May Add To It: I know this piece was for a flash fiction contest, and therefore must follow certain rules and limitations, so please feel free to ignore anything that doesn’t apply here. I’m going to point out a couple things that I saw which may add to the story. Again, like I said in the beginning, everyone has their own writing styles and preferences. This is no way intended to come across negatively.

The atmosphere had changed so suddenly it almost made her jump. There is nothing wrong with this sentence, but I think it could possibly benefit from a little reworking. The following sentences are examples of what it could possibly look like. That atmosphere suddenly changed and made her jumpy. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed and she jumped. Then the atmosphere changed, making her jumpy. I don’t know if those ideas would suit your story and your vision or not, but they are possibilities. Is it necessary that we know she almost jumped? What stopped her from jumping? That is why I considered using the word "jumpy" which suggests she feels uneasy because of the change in atmosphere. Sometimes words we use aren’t necessary and the battle is finding them and deciding whether or not we will use them.

All the doors looked the same: closed and unwelcoming. All, that was, apart from one that stood ajar, enticing her in. These two sentences sounded a little awkward as I read them. Maybe something like the following may help… All of the doors were closed and unwelcoming, except one that was ajar, enticing her to go in. All of the closed doors appeared unwelcoming, but one was open and it was enticing her to enter. The reason I point these two sentences out is because you repeat the idea that the doors were similar. “All the doors” “same” “All, that was apart from one”. If you rework the sentence to cut out the repetition, I think it will be a strong sentence that will captivate the readers because the fact that one door stands out from the rest is a strong image for us to notice. And the reader will notice it even if you don’t point it out for them clearly like you already have. *Smile*

*StarBr* Line(s) of Note: The air felt like icy treacle as it made its way into her lungs. —— I chose this line because it paints this vivid image of the cold swirling towards her and as it nears her, and enters her body, it leaves a noticeable path in the way it came from. However, that is just how my mind interpreted it.

*StarfishB* Closing Thoughts: Short stories can be difficult to master. The writer has to find a way to share their story with a limited time frame and a limited space. Every word counts because there are only so many that you get to use. You have to set up a scene, create drama, introduce characters, plot, and emotion all the while moving your story forward. Where novels get 100+ pages to do all of that, you get an itty bitty amount in comparison. This is why I admire short story writers who know how to take a story and make it explode whether it is short, medium, or long.

You have done a terrific job with this story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I am curious about the inspiration though. I know you had a prompt, but what gave you the idea to go this way with it? I think it’s fascinating that you were able to make this out of that. If you ever decide to make it into a longer story, please let me know. I would love to read more about it.

I am going to be taking another gander through your portfolio and will be sharing a few more thoughts. Until then, I want to thank you for sharing your awesome creativity with us. I can’t wait to see more from you.


Review of The Storms  Open in new Window.
for entry "Calming the StormOpen in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there! This is Shana from "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. I randomly came across your writing and decided to take a peek. I really enjoyed what I found and believe me when I say that I really needed it today. I decided to read/review "The StormsOpen in new Window. and wanted to leave my thoughts with you. Please keep in mind this is simply the opinion of a single reader. Everyone has their own writing style, preferences, and thoughts. Feel free to take whatever is good and toss out whatever doesn't apply.*Smile*

*StarfishB*First Thoughts: Not all of us are brought up in faith. I have been a follower of Christ for three years now and, in that time, I have realized that the stories from the Bible aren’t something of the old days. Yes, everything happened many many many years ago, but we can still relate to those stories today. Something that used to be difficult for me was to read passages from the Bible and play it out in my mind. I had a hard time understanding the full meaning of the passage because I couldn’t see it clearly. This is one reason why I absolutely love stories like this one. You bring life to these amazing words and you present a story that we can see play out. Thank you for that *Smile*

*StarBr*As I Read: You broke up the story with engaging questions and personal testimony. You made me, the reader, feel a part of the story you’re sharing. I really like that you chose to do it that way. It’s not just a story, but also a devotion or study or even a mini-sermon. There is so much potential here that it makes me excited.

*StarfishR* Things That May Add To It: You did a fantastic job with this piece. The only thing that really caught my eye that would possibly benefit from a second look are purely visual and not very important. In the first half of the piece, if you go back and add a space between the paragraphs, it would be a bit easier for the reader as they read through it. Then the final section that starts with “Oh, and one last thing to remember…” may benefit the same way. But like I said, it was just a visual change and not important to the story itself.

*StarBr* Line(s) of Note: It is important to remember that God can use our prayers (even our most selfish, egocentric prayers - as some prayers are) to reach out and help others. And sometimes God will use the storms in our lives to display His awesome power to non-believing bystanders. How many people in those other boats do you think went away not believing Jesus was the Messiah?
I chose this portion of your piece because these words stood out to me. I know that I often feel like I can’t voice myself or that my prayers are selfish or not worthy. But, you are absolutely right when you say that God can use our prayers to reach out and help others. You know, I never caught the part about the other boats before. That’s a fascinating new thing I will need to go back and explore.

*StarfishB* Closing Thoughts:You have a gift. God gave you the ability and desire to write for a reason. Today was a day that I really really needed to read this. Your words have and will touch those who read/hear them. Thank you for sharing this with us. Thank you for being open with your thoughts. You have been blessed to be a blessing to others. Keep up the fantastic work!

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Review of The Worst Job  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there! This is Shana from "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. I happened across your writing and decided to take a peek. I really enjoyed what I found! I decided to read/review "The Worst JobOpen in new Window. and wanted to leave my thoughts with you. Please keep in mind this is simply the opinion of a single reader. Everyone has their own writing style, preferences, and thoughts. Feel free to take whatever is good and toss out whatever doesn't apply.*Smile*

*StarfishB*First Thoughts: The title,"The Worst Job", made me stop and think about what the job could be. Some may think being a fry cook is the worst job while others think that being a garbage man may be the worst job. So, right off the bat you piqued my curiosity which was fueled then with the description "I'm not evil, I just fell into it".

*StarBr*As I Read: Short stories can sometimes be difficult to effectively pull off. You have a small time frame to tell an interesting story like a 120 page book would, but in a different way. This means that every word, every description, and ever movement counts. As I read your short story, I feel that you were able to accomplish this *Smile*. In a mere 255 words, you were able to tell a story that would hold the reader's attention even if it were a 200 page book.

You did a great job with giving your characters a unique voice. The dominant female perfectly portrayed a villain. I don't know if she was maybe an evil businesswoman, politician, or perhaps a black market tycoon. We didn't get those answers, but your story painted enough of a picture to where we don't NEED those answers. We may WANT them (as I really do because you have made me curious), but they aren't essential to the tone of the story.

*StarBr* Line(s) of Note: Who knew stumbling into an evil empire would be as simple as answering a want ad?
I chose this line because it was the perfect comedic addition to wrap the story up. It opens up many doors if you ever want to expand on this. ***IF you do, please let me know because I would love to read more*** The story starts out filled with tension and ends on a lighter note.

*StarfishB* Closing Thoughts:I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story. You have a knack for storytelling and I hope to get the opportunity to read more from you. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
This is an amazing idea :)
for entry "VitOpen in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*StarR**StarR*Hello there Escape Artist Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. I have been enjoying your story so far and can't wait to read more. I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on it, but please remember that these are simply the thoughts of a reader. Please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these suggestions are helpful! After reading the chapter "Vit" from "Threads in the TapestryOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile**StarR**StarR*

*Ornament4G*First Thoughts: I grabbed a cup of hot tea, settled down on the couch, and opened up the next chapter of this story. I was excited to see what else you had in store for us with this tale of yours. While reading any story, I crave every bit of detail I can get so I can see the same story from many sides. I love to read different character's perspectives and see the world through their eyes. You did a great job with that through Sam and now you are doing a fantastic job through Vit as well. I feel you have accomplished a great feat in that.

*Ornament4S*As I Read: I have never been to Russia so I appreciated your detailed scenes. As you introduce us to the character of Vit, you also introduce us to this stunning and dangerous landscape. Since I have not experienced what you describe, I don't know how close to reality it is, but it doesn't matter because the picture you paint is the one I needed to see. I do wonder how much of the Russia scene is from experience or research. While reading it, I felt you took your time to craft this scene and it certainly shows and pays off. With your interesting descriptions, the readers are able to see this land without dealing with the negative effects such as freezing temperatures and harsh winds.

The characters you have created are witty, intelligent, strong, and fascinating. I can't wait to see what other people you have for us to meet. So far the characters are well-rounded and unique in their own ways. They are very realistic which is important. I am sure their personalities will create a lot of humor and drama when they are thrown together in the situation they will find themselves in.

*Ornament4S*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics. Nothing caught my eye that may benefit from a second look. You have a very polished piece as always *Smile*

*Ornament4S*Favorite Line(s): It doesn't matter what we do until we accept ourselves. Once we accept ourselves, it doesn't matter what we do. I chose this quote because it's perfect. If we don't believe in ourselves, we won't live up to our full potential. We can't do that unless we accept our faults as well as our strengths. After reading about Sam (I apologize if how I saw him isn't how you meant for him to come across), I feel this quote reflects him. We get to see the broken shadow of a badass man who commanded respect and knew how to get things done. I feel that once he begins believing in himself and accepts himself he will be the force to be reckoned with that he used to be.

*Ornament4G*Closing Thoughts: I have found myself learning a lot from this story already. Like I've said before, I'm not one who knows much when it comes to the military genre or military in general. There are a lot of phrases and words I don't know the meaning of, but that's something I enjoy because it's teaching me something new as I go and look for the meaning. I think it helps a story when it keeps the reader learning and guessing.

I can't wait to read more. You have crafted a very intriguing story that I am not hooked on. This is one I will have to see through to the end. I hope you keep up the fantastic work! I am sure many readers will appreciate your hard work *Smile*


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for entry "Dead SoldiersOpen in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*StarR**StarR*Hello there Escape Artist Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. As part of your auction package, I have been taking a look at this epic story of yours. I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on it, but please remember that these are simply the thoughts of a reader. Please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these suggestions are helpful! After reading the Dead Soldiers chapter of "Threads in the TapestryOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile**StarR**StarR*

*Ornament4G*First Thoughts: Being a fan of your writing, I am excited to read more of your creations! You are a very talented writer who has an innate ability of capturing your reader in a suspenseful and intense web until finally they are swallowed whole by your story (but in a good way). Having read some of your previous works, my mind wondered how you would spin this story. The title "Dead Soldiers" holds countless possibilities so I was curious to read on.

*Ornament4S*As I Read: The quote by Henry Kissinger was a great beginning. It sets up your story well. It's a raw and real opinion.

I am curious about where the inspiration for this piece came from.

You have done a great job at setting the tone for the reader and painting a vivid picture of what your character is seeing and experiencing. I love how detailed your stories are. As a reader, I have no issues with understanding a scene because you lay it out very well.

Even though I don't know much about military issues, I found myself not only intrigued by your story but also following along. There were a few parts with terminology that I didn't fully understand, but for the most part, your thoughts and details came across clearly.

I think you clearly and effectively kept us close to Sam's emotions. To me, that's the best part of a story. As Sam experiences new things, or when new turns pop up, you share with us what he sees, thinks, and feels. I love it! Sam is a very interesting character. Seeing how he is now makes me wonder what he was like back in the day. I imagine he was a serious force to be reckoned with. I can see that he still is and I am sure this journey will help bring him back to himself.

I love how easily your story flows. As you know, it's an essential part of any story. Your thoughts, actions, and scenes flow flawlessly from one to another.

*Ornament4S*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics.
There was only one thing that caught my eye. As always, you have pulled off a spotless piece. After the break, in the paragraph "The memory faded. It always did", there is the word "adrenalin" which should have an 'e' on the end. I think it just got left out *Smile*

*Ornament4G*Closing Thoughts: I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this review to you. This story is intriguing and already has caught my attention. Military stories don't usually grab my attention, but you have presented an undeniable gem. I have a feeling this story will gain a lot of appreciation and favor among those who are able to read it. Like I have said before, I am a fan of yours. However, even if this was the first time I read any of your writing, this story would still hold the same attention it currently does.

You have done a terrific job. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.


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Review of White Khmer Junky  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there {user: nefelibata}!Thank you for taking the time to send a review request to me. I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "White Khmer JunkyOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: This story caught my eye from the title. "White Khmer Junky" obviously made me curious, but then the description made the curiosity even stronger. The fact that it was based on true events made me wonder how the story was going to turn out. I was more than a little apprehensive of how it would end, but if you had taken the time to write it out, then its a story that needs to be read.

*StarB*As I Read: I felt the way you have written this story gives even the unfamiliar a foothold to understanding it a little better. I personally haven't dealt with this level of addiction or the consequences of it, but your style of writing gives the reader more of an inside look to it. The reader is able to walk through the scene with the character and this helps the reader to see a new perspective to something they may not understand.

*StarB*Line(s) of Note: "...I felt the nostalgia spread over me like emotional butter. I was back. Back in My Kingdom. Where I was the Lord of Pharmaceuticals, the Emperor of Debauchery and the King of Sin." ---- I chose this line because it shows Michael's perspective well and seems to explain his character as well.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: The character, Michael, is presented in such a real way that I could easily imagine him standing next to me. I felt the character was what made the story that much more realistic. He wasn't sugarcoated or gift wrapped. He was uncut, unpolished, and real. The account given about him shows the reader what the situation was like and how he perceived it. I think it's stories like these that make a lasting impact on someone because it's not something that is unimaginable. It's truth for many.

Thank you for sharing this story with me. It broke my heart as I read it because I know part of this is a reality for many people. I couldn't imagine going through what Michael did. This was the first time that I have seen an inside perspective of all of this and I want to thank you for that. This does make me extremely curious to know where this story came from or what inspired it. If you'd be willing to share that, I am all ears. If not, I completely understand. I really do appreciate the request and I truly hope my words have been beneficial. I am looking forward to reading more from you. From this story alone I see a talent you have with exploring harsh truths and relating that for others.


Review of Aquarius  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Ribbon* Hello 👼intuey Author IconMail Icon! I was looking through your portfolio and came across this piece. I wanted to drop a quick review of what I read! You are a fabulous writer who is extremely talented with storytelling as well as creativity. I hope you will always continue to share that talent with others because your words need to be heard *Smile*

*StarB*Thoughts: I chose this poem because my mother was an Aquarius. I clicked on it because I was curious to see which words it would contain. I wanted to see if I could relate it to my mother and it perfectly fit her! I like how you were able to take something so simple like this Zodiac sign and transform it into an understandable example for any reader to relate to even if they have no previous experience with the idea of Zodiac signs. I love how you took this idea and formed it into poetry. You did a fantastic job on this and I can't wait to read more of the treasures found inside your portfolio!

Keep up the amazing work!!


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Review of The Swings  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there 👼intuey Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. This review is part of your package winning from The Zodiac Commission. I am sorry it took a few days, but I am excited reading through your portfolio. I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Everyone has a different writing style so please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "The SwingsOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: You are a strong writer. I've read a few of the things you've written before now so I was excited to get the opportunity to read more! I chose this piece because of the title "The Swings" mixed with the picture provided made me wonder what the story would be about. Immediately my curiosity was probed and my interest was raised.

*StarB*As I Read: I love your opening lines. I have read stories that ranged from child-like up to very graphic so I honestly didn't know what way you'd go. That curiosity, knowing it could go any which way, ensured I'd move onto more of the story. I really wanted to know how/why she got her own personal swing. Establishing the setting this early on was a great move. It immediately gave me a grasp on where the story took place and was able to put it into context.

*StarB*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics.
Nothing caught my eye that may benefit from a second look! This piece was polished and presented very well!

*StarB*Line(s) of Note: I painted it red. ---- I chose this line because it was very unexpected for me. You did a great job with the twist and the suddenness of it complemented the situation perfectly.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: Oh My Word! As I was reading the story, I was thinking how nice and sweet it is. The children's excitement made me smile as I imagined myself as one of them, pulling my mother to the new amusement park. I was happy your character was having so much fun! Your word choice and flow lulled me into a happy, blissful, ride through the story. Then, out of nowhere, you pulled a huge plot twist! I was completely taken aback by it and that in itself shows how talented you truly are. This was a fantastic read and even though your character didn't have the best outcome, the story itself was A+ material. Good job on it *Smile*.


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for entry "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there Escape Artist Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. This review is part of your package winning from the Zodiac Commission and it was my pleasure to be introduced to such an amazing story. I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Everyone has a different style and a different voice so please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading chapter three of"Threads in the TapestryOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: The picture and quote that you provide at the beginning of each chapter really helps to catch the reader's eye. The previous two chapters gave us a great insight into Merci and her history. It helped us to understand a little bit of what plagues her. With what I have learned about the story so far, I was very curious to see what would happen next. I would like to point out that you easily grabbed my attention right away and you have held it through your vivid descriptions, plot twists, and intriguing characters.

*StarB*As I Read: I thought the relationship between Merci and Mandela was priceless. I was happy she had that type of comfort with her cat because I am sure Mandela has been an integral part to Merci's life. Reading about her interaction with Mandela, it made me feel that should anything major happen in future chapters (which we know it will) she would be able to adapt easier because of her survival training from her father as well as her ability to be alone. This thought is backed up as we learn more about her not playing well with others.

*StarB*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics.
There was only one thing that caught my eye that may benefit from a second look!

“So, here we are, she said with a sigh. (Close off the sentence with quotations after are)

*StarB*Line(s) of Note: “Okay, brat cat," she yelled, hearing a pitiful mewing coming from the stairs leading down to the front yard. ------ I chose this line because as I read it, I laughed. I could imagine your character doing exactly this and it brought a playfulness to my image of her.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: You describe the setting very well. You are talented with storytelling and this is seen through the easy and natural progression of your story, near-flawless presentation, and strong character and plot development. This story is fantastic and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it so far. I am very curious to see where all you take it. You did a great job with this chapter and I hope that you will continue to share your talent with the world because you are able to create stories that bring a reader in and push them through amazing journeys.


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for entry "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there Escape Artist Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window..This review is part of your winning package from The Zodiac Commission. I just finished the second chapter and wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Everyone has their own preferences and style so please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "Threads in the TapestryOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: This chapter opens up with a wonderful description of the setting we find Merci in which I thought helped set the scene right off the bat. We got a good introduction to Merci, but I was curious to know more about this character. The first chapter left me with too much curiosity and not enough answers. It effectively brought me back for more of the story *Smile*

*StarB*As I Read: I could only imagine what Merci was going through with being rejected time after time without any answers as to what was happening to her. This frustration was finally calmed a bit as we learned of the explanation given to her by Mr. Bannon. I like the more scientific approach you present. Even if a reader wasn't fond of supernatural themes, they would be able to read through this and approach it more openly because of the way you explain the possible science of it. I do, however, like the mystery that is left when the question "why" is asked. It kept me curious about the entire situation and I yearned to know the answer.

I was excited to get more back story on Merci. She comes off as a strong character so one would assume that something happened to define that strength. The introduction of the journals was a great step. It gives a personal insight into the past while "showing" the reader her story. It was crazy to think of a nine year old going through this, but then again, it helps to explain her strength and courage as an adult.

*StarB*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics.
Nothing caught my eye that may benefit from a second look!

*StarB*Line(s) of Note: I walked straight shouldered into my father's camp two hours early. My filthy body was welted with midge bites, tasseled with a colorful assortment of leeches, and still burning from a severe case of vine-rash. These superficial wounds would heal quickly, but the five-inch gash would endure as a lifelong reminder that I had outfoxed an eighty-pound panther with nothing but a sharp stick and naked intellect. It was a good day. --- I chose this part to note because of how much insight it gives to the reader in regards to Merci's character. It shows her strength, courage, determination, and perseverance.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: This chapter was equal parts exciting and epic. This story is amazing and I believe I am officially hooked on it. I can imagine myself going into a bookstore, seeing this, and immediately grabbing it. It's a fantastic story already and it's only chapter 2! That's an amazing feat to accomplish. You engage your reader's imagination so well that they will be captured by each word on the page. I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!


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for entry "MerciOpen in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there Escape Artist Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. This review is part of your winning package from The Zodiac Commission and it was my pleasure to read this well-written story. I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on the chapter I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Everyone has their own preferences and styles so please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "Threads in the TapestryOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: The first thing that caught my eye was how contradictory the last name Pleasant and the "distant, haunting" echos are. It piqued my curiosity and I wondered if it was intentional or just a nice coincidence. As I read it, that contradiction served to create suspense of what was yet to come. It was a fantastic opening paragraph that paved the way for the rest of the chapter. I knew it would be good and you did not disappoint!

*StarB*As I Read: You have a beautiful talent with words. I have read a few of your things before and that stuck out to me then just as it does now. Through your vivid descriptions, I was able to easily imagine the scene you present. The way you explored the flashback of Marci's demon and the circumstances surrounding that really helped to add a good sense of suspense and horror to this already intriguing story. It was perfectly explored for us to imagine it. Great job on that!

Your introduction of Merci's Hyper-Leucism created more questions about the story. Why does she have it? How does it play into the story? How has it affected her life? This effectively kept me engaged with the story and ensured I would read on to find the answers. It did make me curious to know where the inspiration for that came from. I like how you didn't go with a run-of-the-mill difference and added a new layer of mystery about Miss Pleasant.

*StarB*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics.
Nothing caught my eye that may benefit from a second look. Your chapter was polished and presented well.

*StarB*Line(s) of Note: Every living thing on Earth suffers from our existence. --- I chose this line because of how much truth it holds in its simple nine words. It provoked me to consider its meaning and I agree with the statement. I like how you placed it on the Redwood as I felt it helped to reinforce the statement. I also wonder how that will play into the story or if it will only exist in this chapter.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: Your writing brilliantly showcases your impressive talent of storytelling. I was hooked on this chapter from the beginning and was on the edge of my seat until the ending line because you were able to pull me into the story while engaging my curiosity and imagination. This story already demonstrates the great potential it has and I am eager to read more. I hope you will always explore the amazing worlds your mind creates.


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Review of The Cramps (2)  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there MrsDesjardins2012 Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. I read Chapter One already and I wanted to see what would happen next with Katy. After reading Chapter 2, I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "The Cramps (2)Open in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: The title of this chapter and description suggests that hard times are ahead for Katy. I was hesitant to read it because of that, but I also wanted to see what would happen to Katy and how she'd deal with it. This is a traumatic story, but I am hoping that something good will be found through the pain.

*StarB*As I Read: I was hoping that a magic wand could be waved and everyone ends up completely happy and content for the rest of their lives, but I know unfortunately that's not the case. This is a real situation for Katy and my heart breaks for her yet again. As I got to the second line, I was hit with the situation at hand. As a writer, you were able to explore this scene well enough for the reader to be able to understand it (as much as possible without actually being there) and you explained the situation well, in this chapter, so that the reader would be able to picture it. This draws the reader in and they become emotionally invested in the story and want to provide comfort for the characters even though they can't.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: Your chapter was written very well and you added good details that helps the reader to envision the hospital room and the chaos going on around them. I like how you gave a description of Dr. Blackwell as if she was the focus of the doctors/nurses/personnel because of her determination to stop the contractions. Katy, as described, is an incredibly strong woman and I admire her for it.


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Review of The Collapse (1)  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there MrsDesjardins2012 Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. I came across your piece randomly on a search for a new story to read. I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "The Collapse (1)Open in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: The title suggests a tone of seriousness. I read on to the description and saw that the collapse was related to a mother losing someone. I almost stopped there because I didn't know how personal this piece would be, but I decided to read on and after reading it I decided to leave this review. I usually don't leave reviews on personal pieces that I read because of how serious some of the stories are. However, with this one, I wanted to share a little encouragement. To share a personal story is difficult at times, but it can also touch many people. I feel that with "The Collapse" you have done just that.

*StarB*As I Read: The line, "She had been forced to meet Grief today, but her son was still alive." gave me hope. It also helped me to see the situation more clearly. I have never been through what Katy is, but I was able to feel her confusion, grief, and pain in each word that was told. My heart broke for her as I learned of the ultrasound results. This first part helps the reader to see the circumstances that surround Katy. We are introduced to her through her pain and suffering and it immediately made me want to comfort her.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: I know that this story may or may not have a happy ending, but that is not why I am reading it. I am reading it because it's an important story that you have decided to share with the world (or at least the WDC world). There is a reason that you took the time to put your thoughts onto the screen. I don't know if this is a personal story or not, but it's the reality of many women. I am sure your words will touch many and has the potential to help others find comfort, even if its solely in them not being alone. It takes courage to put a story like this up for all to see and I hope other readers will recognize that. Thank you for sharing this story and as I read more, I am going to continue reviewing it because I want to see what unfolds with Katy while sharing the encouragement that will come with reading this piece.

Thank you for sharing this story and I hope you continue writing because you are a talented writer *Smile*


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*RibbonR* Hello there sindbad Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. I saw your portfolio on the Lightning List for the Power Reviewers, and found yours to be very interesting! I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "Life becomes beautifulOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: I was intrigued by the thoughts of what would make life beautiful in this story and I was also excited to see the view "on our existence with respect to God." There are many opinions out there on this subject, but I was curious about yours. I have seen many that try to denounce God and his involvement, but I've seen fewer Pro-God opinions. Intrigued, I read your thoughts.

*StarB*As I Read: I like how you set it up in a dialogue. It helped me to visualize this conversation taking place. Also, it helped me to relate it to my own life when I've spoken to God, and felt like he was responding or the lack thereof. You easily pulled me into this piece and held my attention with your Q and A.

*StarB*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics.
why are we then constantly unhappy? (Capitalize why.)
Looking inside, you awaken.Eyes provide sight. (Put a space before Eyes.)
Always count your blessing, not what you are missing. (Put a space before Always.)
God: when they suffer they ask, "why me?" (Capitalize when)

*StarB*Line(s) of Note: Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. --- I chose this line because it made me stop and reread it. Your sentence is simple in structure, yet complex in concept. I know that I suffer from worry, and I know that many others do as well, so this is a great reminder for all of us.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: I felt that you explored your idea very well and presented a great piece. I loved reading your Q&A and was curious about where the inspiration came from. Was it one experience in particular or just general imagination? I think you picked important questions that many of us often wonder about. I felt it was helpful and inspiring to read "God's" answers and I could tell that you put your heart into the dialogue. I found this to be an encouraging piece that I am about to fan because it is one I think I will benefit from reading more than once. Great job and I hope to browse more of your portfolio!


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there Lynda Miller Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. Boo! I hope you're having a good day so far! I know that after reading this story, mine has gotten a bit more interesting! I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. I included anything that I noticed, but just because my eye picked it up, doesn't mean that it is necessarily correct or fits your writing style *Smile*. Please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "Was this for real?Open in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: I wanted to sneak into your portfolio and read a story. I chose this one because of the description that you provide. Seeing that it was a horror story, mixed the description, my curiosity ran wild. I liked the line "Summertime raged outside our window and the air-condition was running full force to keep the heat out." This line helps the reader to visualize the scene and what I imagined was a miserable night. One thing I noticed straight off is that the story may be more visually appealing if you add paragraph spacing to it.

*StarB*As I Read: I was curious to find out more about this little man. I think that you did a great job with creating suspense surrounding Mr. Scary guy! You also did a great job with exploring the narrator's emotions throughout the scene. I could easily imagine myself in that situation because you described it so well.

*StarB*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics.
Summertime raged outside our window and the air-condition was running full force to keep the heat out. (You can switch air-condition for air-condtioner. According to Merriam-Webster, that's the correct noun to use.)

My sister was asleep in the opposite bed beside me. (This sentence may work better if you remove opposite since you use the word "beside" as well. It may flow better if you make it: "My sister was asleep in the bed beside me.")

Finally, sleep seemed reach for my eyes.(You can add "to" before reach. "Finally, sleep seemed to reach for my eyes." I like this visual that you give because you personify sleep.)

I turn onto my side and closed them. (Your story may flow better if you make it "close" instead of closed in order to keep the same tense the same throughout it.)

I turn to go back to slleep. (sleep)

Now, I could visibly see that this little man was very annoyed at me. (I believe it should be 'very annoyed with me' instead of at since you are directed it to a person instead of a situation. I could be wrong, but I looked up what I could on it and the results suggest it being 'annoyed with me.')

I try to move my legs, They want bend. (Make 'they' lowercase and did you maybe mean ",they want to bend" or ",they don't want to bend." ?)

I say to the little man, What do you want?" (Add quotations before what and you can make it lowercase)

She is witin inches away. (within)

The little man just sits and stars. (stares)

I should not have laughed or scofed. (scoffed)

I should have listened to him, looked at him to see what he waned. (wanted)

*StarB*Line(s) of Note: hen I asked myself, was it real Sue? How do you know it wasn't? You could not move that was for sure. It left me with wondering, will he come back and why did he come in the begining?
Now I am grown with daughters of my own, but the memory of that little man has never gone away. --- I chose this bit because it shows the effect that the man had on Sue. It was a lasting effect and this part leaves a lot of room for expanding the story if you ever decide to!

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: Thank you for sharing this story. I enjoyed reading this tale of Sue and this strange, evil man. I thought you told a great story and I enjoyed watching it unfold. *Smile*


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*RibbonR* Hello there Lynda Miller Author IconMail Icon! This is Shana from the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.. I came back to your portfolio because I thoroughly enjoyed the writing I previously read of yours! I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts on what I just read, but please remember that these are merely the personal thoughts of a reader. Please take whatever is good and toss back whatever doesn't apply. I hope these thoughts/suggestions are helpful! After reading "War and The Men Who Fight ItOpen in new Window., I have the following comments to offer...*Smile*

*StarG*First Thoughts: I clicked on this story because of your title. In my mind, there were many ways that you could go with a title like this, so I was curious to see which way you'd go. I like your first sentence, because it caught my attention and the fact that it was in bold, helped to emphasize it.

*StarB*As I Read: You developed and presented this scene well. The action was well paced and it kept my attention. I felt that your dialogue between the characters fit the scene well and also helped to draw the reader in even more to the situation the soldiers found themselves in. It made me wonder what I would do in that situation and if I would respond like the sergeant did or if I would freak out. I would probably freak out. I also like how you started the story out with the locket and ended it with the same. It helped to close the story for the reader and it became a symbol of hope.

*StarB*Things That May Add To It: The suggestions or corrections can be found in italics.
The sun had hit the metal just right, and that's when the Sargent noticed it. (sergeant)

"This is my wife and new born baby daughter," he had said with pride (newborn)

Yet, he couldn't bring himself to say that to the weary soldier. (there's an extra space between weary and soldier that you could remove. I only mention it because I saw it as I was reading, but don't want it to seem like I was trying to nitpick.)

" Private Brady, get that missile set up?" (There is an extra space before Private)

*StarB*Line(s) of Note: Sargent Weems had looked at the young soldier and thought, son, don't get your hopes up right now. A month is a long time out here and you never know what's around the next corner. --- I chose this part because I felt that it explained the reality of a soldier's life well. There are no promises. It's a sad, but true, reality.

*StarG*Closing Thoughts: I am glad that I was able to read this story. I think that you are a talented writer and I think I have become a fan of your work. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!! Keep up the fantastic work!!


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