Hi, MF  . Thank you for asking me to review your work.
It is a long read (and that's okay), but it does need some work on structuring. You introduce an aspect of love but then abandon it in the next sentence and move onto another topic. It breaks up the flow of your work. I had to re-read some portions to see how a sentence fit in with the previous one, then realize it did not.
Also, keep font sizes consistent and avoid using bold type only for emphasis. There did not appear to be a reason for highlighting certain passages.
I made some comments/suggestions/questions in the first few pages, but these are my humble opinion only. Take what advice you like and trash the rest. This is your work. I'd be happy to read it again after some editing.
There are many secrets behind love. The meaning of true love is a unique and passionate bond that connects you to another person alongside a warm personal attachment and a balance of healthy sexual desire. There are many ways you can deeply love someone and not get confused with certain terms. Let's jump directly into them.
There are many ways you can deeply love someone: [This is a repeat of a sentence just above.]
Listening to someone speak can brighten their day and allow them to open up to you emotionally. This would be healthy if it also reciprocates back to you. The ability of reassurance is very attractive as well, to remind a person how much you love them and not be inconsistent with your love.
Being selfless meaning not being selfish and offering your help towards their lives in any way you can by also understanding their needs and also communicating your needs. [This sentence needs some punctuation and some structuring. What are the subject and verb?]
Accepting mistakes and apologizing for them means a lot. When a person makes a mistake, we can't necessarily blame them for their errors but rather we can try to communicate and see whether they truly are sorry for their mistake by observing observe and the way they act after making their mistakes.
[The word ‘mistake’ appears four times in this paragraph. Think about using a synonym for a couple of them.
[Start a new paragraph. The change from making and accepting mistakes to making time for romance is abrupt. Are the ideas connected?]
Make time for some romance, whether it's for physical touch or long-lasting talks. The quality of honesty and integrity in a relationship is always telling the truth about how you feel and what you expect out of your partner. Respecting each other's opinions and also making time to love yourself and live your own life,but it doesn't mean that you can't balance your love for a person with your personal life., this[Start new sentence] This means total commitment and allowing a person to enter your life and to be a part of it. Laugh together, and share your daily routine, but ask your partner about their lives and allow the time to ask some deep questions to each other. Many people won't necessarily tell you everything unless asked a very good question. Compromise, be flexible, make time for them and that shows true love. Compromising, being flexible, and making time for them shows true love.
Complimenting won't hurt. One of the most important things is to act on each other's fantasies and be the person your partner wants to share a deeper secretive bond whether it's to text them in a romantical way or make them feel excited., it [Start new sentence] It is very important to feel confident and know your limits to what you're saying and not make them feel nervous. Finding common interests in each other and expressing how you wish to be loved by each other is the sweetest thing ever.
Relationships fail because we need to be are not willing to give someone what they crave and need, not the thing that we like giving, because it is very easy to give the thing over and over again, through repetitive acts, that may be the thing we find comfortable giving, and we keep giving it. The key to relationships is to listen well enough, communicate to know their craving, and then give them that exact thing.
[What is ‘the thing’? That needs to be explained. Also, from “Relationships fail” to “we keep giving it” is one sentence. It needs to be broken down into two or more sentences.]
Anxiety and Love:[You don’t use many headings in your work so either start using at the beginning or don’t use them at all. In this case, it was in the body of the paragraph. Other times you put it on a line above and then underline it. Be consistent.]
Most people don't know that the reason they have so much anxiety and stress is because they have a dysregulated nervous system. Your body shows you a different world when you're in this state. People's voices become more threatening; noises become louder & and the world seems like it's out to get you. Now consider that you've been living in this state for years. That isn't your fault, but you can work to heal your nervous system & and reduce stress and anxiety. Love can be a big trigger for that and learning to explain this situation to your partner or whether they have it, it's important to understand them and give them all the love you possibly can.
Your body tells you that you're in love. It is like a drug addiction; it is like being drunk. Your pupils dilate, and you may feel a little sick. Being in love might give you superpowers. That desire to just become just to become better and work more. This is true because love is a great inspiration to become a better version of yourself and if someone strips it off you, it can hurt a lot. Heartbreak can lead to the loss of appetite or overeating. [This section is a huge distraction from what you’re trying to convey. I’m sure there is a much better place for it elsewhere.] You won't be able to keep your eyes off of your partner. Your voice might get higher. You will worry when they're not around you. When you fall in love, this will mess with your hormones. Your hormones will go out of control and erratic and bring you to the extent you would never do for it. It is important to understand your partner and be there for them. Your sex drive will be the highest in a while which kills depression but can instantly turn low and trigger anxiety.
Moving on to the tricky part [What ‘tricky part’?] is the natural stage where you feel like your love is diminishing. When you start having doubts about your partner, it is important to let them know beforehand and communicate with them. Whether they don't match a certain need you want or whether they aren't sharing a characteristic, let them know and it will be much greater [Much greater than what?]. Do not just give up on your partner when it's been the start [The start of what?], give them time and patience, alongside effort. Acknowledge other reasons why you love a person. Some of these can be that you feel safe with them, that you both trust each other.
Their ability to listen, they acknowledge your differences and still make an effort to you. A way you can communicate easily is by simply just talking about your emotions, identifying areas of conflict rather than keeping them to yourself, connecting through physical and emotional intimacy, checking in about relationship boundaries, and body language. They encourage you do to your own thing and whether they meet your own needs. A person can't immediately know what you wish for them unless you communicate more often. Seeing it every day, they respect you. A loving partner will share your strengths and desire to build yourself, strengthen your bonds, and grow together. You practice good communication and experience true love. If it doesn't feel easy to talk to them, you need to let them know. Communication is the most important thing in a relationship and being there for each other is the most fundamental need.
}"The terrifying thing about a love like this is that the same person who makes you feel so indestructible can have the power to shatter you with mere absence."
How do you know if you're in love? You're okay with making sacrifices for them, no matter how hard it gets, whether it's your time or sharing a part of your life with them. You feel comfortable being yourself around them. You can't stop talking about them. Thinking about the future. You want to introduce them to your friends and family.
Arguments in Love [See my comments above.]
Unfortunately, arguments will be met. Both sides will have their share of outbursts due to their own needs not being met. This is important to not give up or cut your partner midway through it. If you or your partner puts the effort or interest to understand each other's perspective, then that is called love. Ways Some ways you can make it better is by watching your tone and stopping bringing up the past. Whether it's words that you regret, you should listen to the other person and hear what they got have to say. It is important to know why these arguments occur.