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Review of About Dad  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh My! I am inspired yet again by one of my all-time favourite writers - right here at Writing.Com! Jacky Author Icon ... One of her newest items for "Daily Flash Fiction ChallengeOpen in new Window. titled:
"About DadOpen in new Window. - Another great little gem and I found myself getting lost in the clearly outlined world of these characters.

*Apple**Quill* I would love to create an anthology with this writer... Australia and America united ... I might hold a poll for an eye-catching title! But I'll also have to get writing myself so that I can offer up some Flash Fiction of my own! *Shock2*
Review of Bad Days at Work  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This item "Bad Days at WorkOpen in new Window. by laulao89 really spoke to me today! Perhaps they're right! *Shock2* Because I am quite burnt out and that fact is undermining me in many ways - not least in my creative interests.

*Apple**Quill* In just a few, succinct lines the power of this message punches home! And boy! Do some of us need a reminder that there is life after a cruddy job which is unrewarding and thankless not to mention underpaid. I am sure that the writer was receiving some Divine Intervention when they wrote this 3-liner ... not succumbing to embellishment ... sticking with 'The Program' - Well Done!

And Happy 15th WDC Anniversary! *BalloonO* *ConfettiB*

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Review of How To Get Viewed  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Item ~ of the most important items to read. 36 ways to get viewed!

by Theday Author Icon who is Celebrating 20 Years at WDC!

*Apple**Quill* This really is an 'article' for Newbies and a reminder to all members... I especially like the advice about polls - they are fun and quick to do. I liked all the advice and I recommend this item to all other members! *Star*

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Review of Calling  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This item "CallingOpen in new Window. was written by Jimminycritic Author Icon in July of 2008 - and we are helping them celebrate 13 Years at WDC! *Delight*

*Apple**Quill* This appears to be a non-rhyming poem and it's short but well expressed. I've gained a new appreciation of poetry since joining myself, just a year ago... Well thought out and poetically expressed thoughts don't need length and duration... just aptness and poignancy.

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Review of Pickle Lip Balm  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Laugh* Here's something to lift one out of the doldrums! This item "Pickle Lip BalmOpen in new Window. written by 17th WDC Anniversary Celeb. Zhen Author Icon *Think* Perhaps they should be writing for Gift Cards or Advertising moguls! It sure lifted my spirits up and ... for the season of Summer - I might be willing to give that' a try ~ who knows! *Wink*

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Item "Home is and so is my heartOpen in new Window. was written by Chibithulu (Alyssa) Author Icon last year during covid - when inspiration became a resource for many'. A lovely, simply expressed poem about inner strength really - and where the writer derives that strength from.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Item "Silver AnniversaryOpen in new Window. was written byQueenNormaJean marching on! Author Icon just a couple of pre-covid years ago..*Think* ~ and it's also their 16th WDC Anniversary! *Delight*

*Apple* *Quill* This was a delightful and easy read - just what the Dr ordered, so to speak! *Wink* The story was like a morning canter on one's horse through the meadows down to the local, country roadside cafe - with a quick gallop home! Sheer pleasure and satisfaction! Great writer that *Crown*

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Item "Silver AnniversaryOpen in new Window. was written by QueenNormaJean marching on! Author Icon just a couple of pre-covid years ago..*Think* ~ and it's also their 16th WDC Anniversary! *Delight*

*Apple**Quill* This was a delightful and easy read - just what the Dr ordered, so to speak! *Wink* The story was like a morning canter on one's horse through the meadows down to the local, country roadside cafe - with a quick gallop home! Sheer pleasure and satisfaction! Great writer that *Crown*
Review of The Rule  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem/prose "The RuleOpen in new Window. is macabre in content and in the overall impression it makes. Written by LacyLashes Author Icon it reminds me of how sinister and sadistic the human being can be. As a sentient species we are creepy. A dystopian planet...

*Apple* *Quill* The writer captures the horror, barely contained in the human game... Well done.

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Review of Everlastin' Love  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This poem "Everlastin' LoveOpen in new Window. was written by David O'Haolin Whalen Author Icon in July 2013 and it is his 12th WDC Year! Happy Anniversary! *BalloonB* *PartyHatP*

*Apple**Quill* Really nice set up on the page! The centering and font make a big impression and made me want to read on. I loved the nostalgia and regret that was expressed and could relate to some of those things...


is one thing
That seems to be lackin’
In this ol’ boy’s life


Like the lack of
Family memories
A good home
And a lovin’ wife

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Review of Fear  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
The item "FearOpen in new Window. is prose, in style and is an honest and unpretentious read. Written by Dorianne Author Icon in April this year. Happy 15th WDC Anniversary!

Fear is Natural and may help us to survive. But what I liked about the written piece, were the things that the writer described which helped them overcome the feared silence like the ticking clock and her own heartbeat.

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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This item "The Power of InspirationOpen in new Window. was written by Joyous Author Icon in December 2013. Happy 11th WDC Anniversary by the way!

*Apple**Quill* I was inspired by the way you retold and saw the old man who in your words was ... "crying out for someone to remember it for him. Perhaps he wanted to see the inspiration in someone's eyes again, and feel a bit of the glow of pride..."

It's a very good piece and deserves an airing too! Lest We Forget, eh? Well Done!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
This item "Annabelle's ValentineOpen in new Window. was written by RoyalMQ Author Icon early 2014 and it is time to say Happy 12th Year WDC Anniversary!

*Apple**Quill* The story - with a few modifications - could be entered for a women's magazine for the week/month of Valentine's Day Celebrations. It has a good 'readability factory' and would suit the romance genre which is popular with these magazines.


You wrote: Her parents had went gone off shopping on the boardwalk leaving her alone as usual at the beach house they were renting

Yes, I think that is a grammatical error - what do you think? Also - I think the font could be bigger - it makes it easier to read online. Just a suggestion.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
This item, "An Effortless JourneyOpen in new Window. was written by Vertika Saxena Author Icon in August 2020. Happy First WDC Anniversary by the way!

It is evident that English is not the writer's first language but they have managed to convey their message on the Effort of Effortlessness - (and may our individual canvasses remain white and unstained...) Great use of analogy - picturesque speech. Well worth the read! *Star*

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Rated: E | (4.0)
This item "The World is Getting SmallerOpen in new Window. was written in August 2020 by Gerry104 Author Icon - Happy First Year Anniversary at WDC! *ThumbsUpL* *Delight*

*Apple**Quill* A free verse style to relate an upbeat poetic observation on nature - prettily written - nothing to criticize and plenty to enjoy! Well Done!

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Review of Short Words  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Congratulations on your First Year Anniversary at WDC! This item "Short WordsOpen in new Window. was created in September of 2020 by Starlena Author Icon - and with lockdowns around the world - I'm guessing that creating a puzzle like this helped fill in the time! *Think*

*Apple**Quill* Very entertaining and clever - I hadn't thought about how many short - 3 letter words there were! Ate; Out; Two; Too; Gig; Tab; and many more! Well done.

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Rated: E | (4.0)
This item "what are we supposed to beOpen in new Window. was written mid May in 2017 - and it's time to wish you a Happy 6th Year WDC Anniversary!

*Apple**Quill* Where every second line rhymes to regale the reader with a cause of slim hope that all is not lost - entirely! Just six lines. Minimalist maybe... but it sure got the message across - well done!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
"And The Trees DancedOpen in new Window. was written by Margaret Author Icon around the end of May in 2028.
Attributing anthropomorphism to objects - or people - The writer has used this technique to bring together an orchestra in the bush - ... do I hear a Renaissance Mozart Concerto in the making? *Piano* *Music2*

*Apple**Quill* Well written and although no expert on poetry ~ I know what I like! Happy 16th WDC Anniversary!

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Review of MY GRANDCHILDREN  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
In Memory of SHERRI GIBSON Author Icon WDC Anniversary 3rd May 2006 ~

Before my time - but memories and Grandchildren live on! As I opened this portfolio my eyes were drawn to SHERRI GIBSON Author Icon's pictures of her three Grandchildren! The most precious gift for all Grandparents ~ the joy of knowing that another generation will follow us onwards...

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Review of Moon  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
"MoonOpen in new Window. was created by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon on June 19th, 2016 - about a month after joining WDC - perhaps to get their portfolio started? ... and was written for a comp, I see. A very simple, elegant 3-liner and it is of course, a Haiku (to the quarter moon). Lovely!

Happy 5th Anniversary!

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Review of Why Do I Yearn?  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Why Do I Yearn?Open in new Window. was created by iluvhorses Author Icon first, in July 21st, 2017 and modified to a degree, a month later. Happy 10th WDC Anniversary! *BalloonO*

*MugO* *Books2* A Free Verse which uses evocative language creating vivid feeling and imagery of a life lived fully, as indicated by the well chosen words.

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Review of Imponderables  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
"ImponderablesOpen in new Window. created October 8th, 2017 by Zeke Author Icon who is celebrating 14 years at WDC! This free verse certainly had me pondering! Not things that I would usually wonder about, but now that you mention it... *Think* There's nothing for it - but to include this little excerpt, below:


The Pierced Pagoda Lady
Why aren’t her ears pierced?

The Vacuuming Shoe Salesman
Does he do this at home for practice?

The Lingerie Clerk
Why is she old and fat?

The Antique Dealer
Did he collect these things when they were new?

The Beautician
Who does she go to for her hair?

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Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
"Salute To Bob HopeOpen in new Window. A Poem written about (a) father when he was in the Navy in WWII - by VictoriaMcCullough Author Icon in March of 2006 and is a lovely tribute to her father and makes an engaging tale told, through the medium of verse. Happy 19th WDC Anniversary!

Excerpt *Down*

The clairinet Dad
held in his hands
claims a shot in its
case from a grazed
bullet. It never
leaves my memory
as I think of it
as the story was told
to me, years later.

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Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
"Finding Out I Had A Half SisterOpen in new Window. was written by a Dear and Generous WDC Member, Princess Megan Rose Author Icon who has an amazing portfolio filled with really interesting items, such as this one!

*Apple**Quill* I picked this story because I now have a similar one! I have learned that I am a Grandmother to a 2 and a half year old Grand-daughter (August) and Grandson (October) - both born in 2018 via an IVF program) - to two different families via my youngest son - who gets updates and can meet them anytime that they choose - especially after they turn 18! *Shock2*

*Apple**Quill* Princess Megan Rose Author Icon recounts a realistic evolution of meeting and getting to know a new and previously unknown family member - in her case - a sister! *Delight* For some reason it pleases me to read that they keep in touch and were able to get to know one and other. Thankyou for sharing and Happy 19th WDC Anniversary! *Heart*

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Review of Stalled  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
"StalledOpen in new Window. is a 24 Syllable Poetry -6-4-2-3-3-3-3 - Entry created onJanuary 30th, 2020 by ElF Author Icon and it is harder to do than you'd think! *Shock* This poem creates quite vivid imagery and I read it a few times ... it really became quite meditative to read and consider and it resonated with me - in my current situation.

Happy 13th Anniversary at WDC!

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