From The Desk Of: Ainsley Jo Phillips a.k.a. The PenLady
As I've mentioned in the second review I gave since getting back to reviewing:
Review of "Broken Windows" 
...there were several reviews that I'd put in line to write about but didn't get back to until a few hours ago and began to write them between a number of other things that were competing for my time.
It is now a whole other day (October 15 instead of October 14), and this is one of the reviews where I'd actually done more than simply get it arranged to be reviewed all those many months ago.
I'm placing between two green lines what I'd actually started out writing about this one several months ago, and I'll continue with the review below the bottom one of the green lines.
I first discovered Kweene Nectarous when she gave a delightful review of my "Invalid Item" This took place just a little bit ago. (Note: I've decided to store this draft and get back to it later, so more time will have passed before I get back to finishing this review and sharing it...)
Anyway, I decided to check her out and see what kinds of things she wrote.
I found that she was a newbie -- first establishing herself on what would have been the 98th birthday of my uncle, Finley Ralph Jobe: July 16, 2017.
She also mentioned in her profile information that she would review upon request.
I thoroughly enjoyed the review that she did of my pumpkin poem, so I hope you'll take her up on her offer.
Anyway, I found out that she had written three poems that all sounded as if they were about romance and decided to read them in the order that they had been written.
From the first poem, I gathered that she was crushing on some guy from a distance and was deciding to keep it that way for some reason -- but why?
The poem never really said.
Was he married? Was she married?
Were they both single and had been good friends but, now, she was realizing that she had developed feelings for him; didn't believe that the feeling was mutual; and that she didn't want to make him uncomfortable by spilling the beans, so she had simply decided to love him secretly
As it would turn out, the poem wasn't one about a woman secretly crushing on some man but, instead, a woman crushing on another woman.
This also seems to be the first poem in a trilogy that went into their story.
For some reason, she couldn't express her feelings about the other woman -- but, yet, (based on the third poem in the trilogy) the woman seemed to have strong feelings for her, too.
The writer of the poem seemed to be the one who was less experienced in this type of love (Had she always considered herself to be a straight woman but some sort of neediness such as a failed heterosexual relationship had led her to have gay feelings?) than the object of her passion.
This possibility wasn't brought out in this first poem but seemed to be what might have been going on based on the reading on the final poem that seemed to be a kind of reflection on and summary of this relationship.
Each of these three poems stand alone while, at the same time, linking together to share parts of a single story.
Here are links to the other two poems...
"Those Eyes...." 
"Addiction vs. Obsession" 
Besides these three poems, Kweene Nectarous 's portfolio contains two other visible items with both being folders.
One of them is called "Invalid Item" and, as the name implies, contains three fun puzzles to solve.
The other one is called "SJS" and contains one secret (or it was the last time I checked)item.
The poem trilogy was placed here in July of last year (2017), and the folders were placed here on November 9, 2017 -- 81 years after the births of Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, & Mary and my much-missed angel-of-a-neighbor, Jenny, who passed away on Primary Election Day this year (May 8).
It's fitting that a folder of puzzles would be placed here on Jenny's final earthly birthday, as she loved solving puzzles.
The last time that Kweene Nectarous was visibly online here was February 10 of this year -- though it's quite possible that she could be hanging around here but set to private.
If she's reading this review, I hope she'll return and share more of her life with us. If someone she knows is reading this, I hope they'll let her know that we want her back.
This review template was finished on Sunday, October 14, 2018 and now comes with a sheet showing all reviews I've written on or before that date:
|  | Invalid Item  This item number is not valid. #2170615 by Not Available. |
It also includes this link that I believe you'll enjoy opening:
FINALLY, here's my ongoing progress report with the things I'd planned to get done sooner being (OBVIOUSLY) gotten done later:
"Invalid Entry"  |