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Review of Morning Feeling  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
From The Desk Of:
Ainsley Jo Phillips
The PenLady

Newbie Kirple Author Icon arrived at WdC right on Christmas Day 2020 (today) and has, so far, shared this one beautiful piece of writing.

I don't even know if this writer is male or female, as he/she hasn't set up his/her bio block yet, and there's no clue in this single piece of writing re: gender, age, or anything else although it sounds as if he or she lives in the country somewhere.

Even though it's winter now (at least, where I live) the season that is the setting for this seems to be mid-to-late spring.

I believe that most of us (male or female; young, old, or in-between; living in the USA or somewhere else; being of various races, religions, incomes, etc.) will recognize this feeling of being half-asleep and half-awake where, right at that time, we just want to stay right where we are and live in that moment.

This is what Kirple Author Icon has done here, and I'd like to cordially invite you to read this and see if you agree that this newbie has done this very well. I look forward to reading more from this writer in the time ahead.

This review template was mostly finished on Sunday, October 14, 2018; updated on Friday, December 25, 2020; and has a Bitem Button (Below) to take you to a Sheet of reviews I've written on after 10/14/2018:
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#2170615 by Not Available.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Writing.Com 101  Open in new Window.
for entry "Community RecognitionOpen in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
From The Desk Of:
Ainsley Jo Phillips
The PenLady

Obviously, The StoryMistress Author Icon has got my number (and so will ANYbody who happens to click on the number (currently -- as in on Thursday, October 18, 2018 -- 163) beside my handle.

Anyway, I was going over to the to get some information to use in another review I plan to write before the day is over (and a.s.a.p.) when I came across this entry from this handbook  Open in new Window. being featured: "Community RecognitionOpen in new Window..

This entry and others in this book will prove to be very helpful when it comes to becoming more familiar with WDC and how to get the most out of it.

Each part of WDC that you want to know more about can be reached by clicking on the hyperlinked description of it.

These hyperlinks have been presented in an orderly outline with this being one of another interesting gem from there:

"Premium Membership Free TrialOpen in new Window.

This is a way to explore a (limited but still generous) number of the benefits of being a member at a higher level absolutely free for a month.

And, after that!?!

You will return to your previous level of membership until you decide to pay (every three months, every six months, or a year) for the higher level. This sneak-peek is not only open to those with paid memberships but, also, those with free memberships.

There are cases where members don't upgrade / don't upgrade for as long, but it isn't because they aren't interested. Instead, it's because they really can't afford it in spite of the fact that The StoryMaster Author Icon and The StoryMistress Author Icon do all they can to make membership in this amazing site as affordable as possible.

I've seen so much evidence of how much they really care about us and respect us and what we create here. Likewise, those they have chosen to be part of their Writing.Com Support Author Icon team.

Did you know that there is even a group here that helps members with upgrades,etc.? I'd like to introduce this group (using another entry from this amazing WDC handbook):

"RAOK (Random Acts Of Kindness) GroupOpen in new Window.

Trivia: Did you know that Random Acts Of Kindness Day  Open in new Window. is celebrated in the USA on February 17 -- which also happens to be the birthday of Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness!?! Watch this video about Larry that was taken on his 70th birthday (February 17, 2017), and this will be mentioned in it.

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

I'm going to talk about one more of the subjects you'll find in this handbook before I conclude this review.

Would you believe that it's now Friday, October 19 instead of Thursday, October 18!?! This is because I've been working on this review between doing a number of other things here and there, both online and in real life.

Anyway, there's a very important part of WDC I'll be covering here before signing off...

"If you believe in Forever,
this life is just a one-night stand..."

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]


[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]


"Request a Deceased Member Be MemorializedOpen in new Window.

Today is Tuesday, December 22, 2020, and I said I wouldn't write another review until this one is finished. There's more I could have said (all nice), but I want to get back to writing reviews, so this review is now finished...


This review template was finished on Sunday, October 14, 2018 and now comes with a sheet showing all reviews I've written on or before that date:

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#2170615 by Not Available.

It also includes this link that I believe you'll enjoy opening:

FINALLY, here's my ongoing progress report with the things I'd planned to get done sooner being (OBVIOUSLY) gotten done later:

"Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.
Review of New Territory  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
From The Desk Of:
Ainsley Jo Phillips
The PenLady

As I've mentioned in the second review I gave since getting back to reviewing:

Review of "Broken Windows"

...there were several reviews that I'd put in line to write about but didn't get back to until a few hours ago and began to write them between a number of other things that were competing for my time.

It is now a whole other day (October 15 instead of October 14), and this is one of the reviews where I'd actually done more than simply get it arranged to be reviewed all those many months ago.

I'm placing between two green lines what I'd actually started out writing about this one several months ago, and I'll continue with the review below the bottom one of the green lines.


I first discovered Kweene Nectarous Author Icon when she gave a delightful review of my "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. This took place just a little bit ago. (Note: I've decided to store this draft and get back to it later, so more time will have passed before I get back to finishing this review and sharing it...)

Anyway, I decided to check her out and see what kinds of things she wrote.

I found that she was a newbie -- first establishing herself on what would have been the 98th birthday of my uncle, Finley Ralph Jobe: July 16, 2017.

She also mentioned in her profile information that she would review upon request.

I thoroughly enjoyed the review that she did of my pumpkin poem, so I hope you'll take her up on her offer.

Anyway, I found out that she had written three poems that all sounded as if they were about romance and decided to read them in the order that they had been written.

From the first poem, I gathered that she was crushing on some guy from a distance and was deciding to keep it that way for some reason -- but why?

The poem never really said.

Was he married? Was she married?


Were they both single and had been good friends but, now, she was realizing that she had developed feelings for him; didn't believe that the feeling was mutual; and that she didn't want to make him uncomfortable by spilling the beans, so she had simply decided to love him secretly


As it would turn out, the poem wasn't one about a woman secretly crushing on some man but, instead, a woman crushing on another woman.

This also seems to be the first poem in a trilogy that went into their story.

For some reason, she couldn't express her feelings about the other woman -- but, yet, (based on the third poem in the trilogy) the woman seemed to have strong feelings for her, too.

The writer of the poem seemed to be the one who was less experienced in this type of love (Had she always considered herself to be a straight woman but some sort of neediness such as a failed heterosexual relationship had led her to have gay feelings?) than the object of her passion.

This possibility wasn't brought out in this first poem but seemed to be what might have been going on based on the reading on the final poem that seemed to be a kind of reflection on and summary of this relationship.

Each of these three poems stand alone while, at the same time, linking together to share parts of a single story.

Here are links to the other two poems...

"Those Eyes....Open in new Window.

"Addiction vs. ObsessionOpen in new Window.

Besides these three poems, Kweene Nectarous Author Icon's portfolio contains two other visible items with both being folders.

One of them is called "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. and, as the name implies, contains three fun puzzles to solve.

The other one is called "SJSOpen in new Window. and contains one secret (or it was the last time I checked)item.

The poem trilogy was placed here in July of last year (2017), and the folders were placed here on November 9, 2017 -- 81 years after the births of Mary Travers  Open in new Window. of Peter, Paul, & Mary  Open in new Window. and my much-missed angel-of-a-neighbor, Jenny, who passed away on Primary Election Day this year (May 8).

It's fitting that a folder of puzzles would be placed here on Jenny's final earthly birthday, as she loved solving puzzles.

The last time that Kweene Nectarous Author Icon was visibly online here was February 10 of this year -- though it's quite possible that she could be hanging around here but set to private.

If she's reading this review, I hope she'll return and share more of her life with us. If someone she knows is reading this, I hope they'll let her know that we want her back.


This review template was finished on Sunday, October 14, 2018 and now comes with a sheet showing all reviews I've written on or before that date:

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#2170615 by Not Available.

It also includes this link that I believe you'll enjoy opening:

FINALLY, here's my ongoing progress report with the things I'd planned to get done sooner being (OBVIOUSLY) gotten done later:

"Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The End  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
From The Desk Of:
Ainsley Jo Phillips
The PenLady

Marv and Betty were an elderly couple whose kids were grown with both kids and grandkids of their own, and Marv had just found out that he only had a few months to live.

So, he was thinking that they really needed to simplify their lives and move from their house into an apartment in a retirement community and were looking over brochures to find the very best one.

Of course, Marv wouldn't be there for too long, but he thought that Betty would be around for at least a few more years and that she might even find somebody in whatever retirement community they ended up in and would fall in love again (something that Betty couldn't imagine happening).

Somewhere along the line, they decided that a double-suicide might be the way to go -- but not the kind of suicide that would leave no doubt that this was their intent (for the reason of not wanting to take a chance of depriving their kids of their life insurance policy and because they didn't want their kids to feel bad) but one that would give the impression of their having died either of natural causes or else in some kind of freak accident while having fun.

It would be the latter option they chose, and they even bought new clothes for the occasion.

They actually enjoyed the journey to their destination.

So, what happened next?

Read the story to find out.

Quick-Quill Author Icon is a very versatile writer, and I'm going to point you to some other things to look at while you're over there reading this story by her.

"The Lottery by Shirley JacksonOpen in new Window.

"I'm BlueOpen in new Window.

"The Printed WORDOpen in new Window.

Image Protector
The Good/Bad Day Open in new Window. (E)
Candice wasn't having a good day
#1775033 by Quick-Quill Author IconMail Icon


This review template was finished on Sunday, October 14, 2018 and now comes with a sheet showing all reviews I've written on or before that date:

"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

It also includes this link that I believe you'll enjoy opening:

FINALLY, here's my ongoing progress report with the things I'd planned to get done sooner being (OBVIOUSLY) gotten done later:

"Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of 343 Firemen  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
From The Desk Of:
Ainsley Jo Phillips
The PenLady



"That was our third call and it's only 9:30. I haven't 'ad my breakfast or my coffee, so you ladies watch out," said fireman, Bill Walker to the men as they got settled in Engine 42 to head back to the station house.

This is the way that NeedingBeachDuf 🐠⛵🏝️ Author Icon's story begins: with the words of one tired and hungry firefighter named Bill Walker telling his crew that he was ready to get back to the station and feed his face after responding to three calls that morning that didn't even leave him time to enjoy a cup of coffee, much less eat breakfast.

In spite of being worn-out and hungry as a bear, Bill is still upbeat and joking around with the other firefighters aboard Engine #42.

Even though the title of this piece of flash fiction is called 343 Firemen, there were only four firemen mentioned as being aboard Engine #42 that morning:

Andy Kaplan (the driver); Hemi Lopez (who sounds as if he were easy-on-the-eyes in a kind of Tony Orlando way -- or, at least, had a mustache that would fit that description -- and loved a good laugh); Bill Walker (the hungry guy); and
Lieutenant Henry Abrams (who was talking to someone on his cell-phone and informing the other crew members that it wasn't quite time to head back to the station to eat, rest, etc. just yet).

This was a life of firefighters when they were on duty. They might be at the station and not get a call for the entire time that they were there -- or it might be such a busy day that food, coffee, etc. were something that they'd have to think about doing later when there was finally a lull in their activities.

At least one of them (Bill Walker) was a second-generation (or, perhaps, longer) firefighter.

As it would turn out, this fourth fire of a busy morning would be like no other they had even fought before.

NeedingBeachDuf 🐠⛵🏝️ Author Icon tells this story in a way that has us right there with these fun, good-natured guys and makes you feel them in your heart long after you've finished reading their story.

This is all I'm going to say for now except that it's highly-recommended reading.


This review template was finished on Sunday, October 14, 2018 and now comes with a sheet showing all reviews I've written on or before that date:

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#2170615 by Not Available.

It also includes this link that I believe you'll enjoy opening:

FINALLY, here's my ongoing progress report with the things I'd planned to get done sooner being (OBVIOUSLY) gotten done later:

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Black Cat  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Meet the late, great Captain Midnight who was "The Black CatOpen in new Window. who came with YankeeRuze Author Icon's very first apartment.

It was very clear that this former stray had found his forever home -- and that he's still very much missed by his human who has painted his very active life with her words.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of I Am A Nurse Cat  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

YankeeRuze Author Icon has returned to WDC after a long absence (after having registered with a username that is no longer in use here).

She was one of those people who wasn't around long enough to get established -- but that is going to be changing starting NOW, as she has already written a couple of cat poems, and this is one of them.

I'll be sharing the other one shortly.

This poem is about a cat who's a nurse -- and she reminds me a lot of Bambi, an adorable and sensitive miniature longhaired dachshund who's the perfect companion for my neighbor, Jenny.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Cold Stew  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The stew thickens and the PL*Skull*T thickens...

What was Claudine c*GlassesY*king up to bring about her wayward husband's demise -- and how could she be so sure of getting away with it with so many witnesses around?

The witnesses were, also, her accomplices -- her partners-in-crime -- who seemed to be going along with everything with each one in his or her place to help her to carry out her lethal mission when Tom arrived home.

They all seemed to be going along with her plan at the moment -- but what if one or more of them betrayed her and turned her into the authorities?

W*Skull*ULD this arrangement make it necessary for the B*Skull*DY C*Skull*UNT T*Skull* end up being M*Skull*RE than *Skull*NE!?!

How do a PH*Phone*NE call and the INF*Skull*RMATI*Skull*N found on a single piece of paper figure into the PL*Skull*T?

mothermeatloaf Author Icon has returned to WDC and will, hopefully, begin adding more of his amazing writings to his portfolio very soon!

Way back in the early part of the 21st Century, I was a regular reader of his, both at Epinions (where I first came across him) and here.

"Cold StewOpen in new Window. was the last thing he wrote here, doing so in March of 2004. A little over a month before (February 2, 2004}, my dad passed away in his sleep, and this was a time when I was helping my mom to take care of various things related to our life without our dad and husband.

This was, likely, why, until today, this was the only bit of writing in his portfolio that I hadn't gotten around to reading.

It had also been added two years after the other writings had shown up, so it's very likely that I didn't know that he was back to writing here again.

Anyway, it has made my morning that he has returned!!!

I have several things going on today, so it's time to finish this review -- which I'm going to do by tempting you to read even more of what kinds of fare mothermeatloaf Author Icon is great at cooking up and serving to hungry readers...

 Cannibal Open in new Window. (GC)
A sparse, stark look at our darkest places and the beast in all of us.
#412753 by mothermeatloaf Author IconMail Icon

!!! B*Skull*NE -- *Apple* -- tite !!!

P.S. The amount of GPs I chose to give is an obvious clue re: when I'd like to get some more delicious servings of mothermeatloaf Author Icon*Eat*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Weekly Goals  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

!!! *Shock2*Tonight, I lost my virginity*Shock2* !!!

Hey! It's not what you think!

It's not "THAT" kind of losing my virginity.

This was simply my first time to participate in this neat little exercise:

Image Protector
Weekly Goals Open in new Window. (13+)
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
#1949474 by The StoryMistress Author IconMail Icon

Already, I can see that it's going to be a real challenge for me to finish the 12 goals that I put down that I'd be meeting -- why, I even put down the wrong starting date.

Monday wasn't May 28. It was May 29 -- that's 29 as in the same number associated with 29th_Candidate (Remember that handle from the Glory Days of Epinions and why a certain hot guy called himself that?).

Furthermore, I began writing this review before midnight last night. Had I started writing it this morning, I would have started out by reporting that I lost my virginity "Last night" instead of "Tonight" ...But I won't be changing this, as I not only want to keep things authentic but, also, it probably wouldn't center as well on the page.

Obviously, I'm one of the people who could use a weekly goal-setting challenge like this one -- especially, now when I'm in the process of playing a lot of catch-up and can barely decide what I want to do first.

Since this is my first time at doing this, I'm going to share just what I wrote there as part of this review.

This truly IS a great motivator -- at least, it seems to be right now -- and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get fit/keep fit when it comes to meeting effective communication goals.

When sharing your goals, you don't have to do it with an Xtreme-to-the-max kind of flair (Doing this with my own was a personal choice...). Just share your plans in the discussion thread in a clear way on Monday and, then, return on Friday of the same week to let everybody who reads this know how you did.

As with the posting of this review, I've already accomplished 1/12 of #7...

Anyway, here's what I wrote...

Today is:
Monday, May 28, 2017
!!! ALL DAY LONG !!!
"!!! ALL DAY LONG !!!"
has already been going on
for almost the entire day

Having said this...

Let me get right to the point...

Which is:

I'm very serious about meeting several goals this week -- In fact *Right*

I'm so serious that I'm sticking my neck out and am going to list what I'd LIKE to have done by or before 6 p.m. on Friday, June 2, 2017:

(1.) Elle Author Icon has extended the time for her latest Merit Badge contest another week. At least, that's how it seems at the moment. I want to participate in this and have it finished & posted no later than sometime Wednesday.

(2.) My portfolio better organized -- including a much-better look to the profile section there.

(3.) The newsletter I've been talking about finally coming out when it's supposed to: on Wednesdays and Fridays.

(4.) At least five of my new blogs on which I've been working behind-the-scenes open to public viewing. Some are here, and some are elsewhere.

(5.) Submit at least seven items that aren't blog-entries.

(6.) Start doing prompt-inspired blogging on a regular basis again.

(7.) Do at least 12 public reviews between now and 6 p.m. Friday.

(8.) Enter at least three contests this week.

(9.) This item (last time I checked) has been viewed 75 times, and I want it to have at least twice as many views by Friday, so I'll do my part to get it exposed and see what happens:

"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

(10.) This is what's supposed to be my daily (or close-enough) non-prompt-inspired blog, so I want the activity in it to be stepped-up considerably over the course of this week:

"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

(11.) Work on making my sig-blocks more interesting and engaging.

(12.) Build a blog that will get non-members interested in joining WDC.

Anyway, I'm going to be keeping a copy of these goals handy using one of my notepads. Hopefully, Friday will find me sharing the good news that I was able to get everything done...

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon *Delight*


In short...If you really want some great motivation for getting your ducks in a line, start participating in this forum!!!

Your next chance (as of the writing of this review) will be on Monday, June 5, 2017 -- and, for the foreseeable future, every Monday-thru-Friday after that as well.


Review of The King's Planet  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I just posted the following in an In&Out (this one that I'm now reviewing) that I've just discovered while taking a break from working on two issues of my newsletter in one night (long story -- everybody receiving my newsletters in their email *the list of recipients has already been made out* will know the long story *or, at least, part of it* after they read them. Everybody else will have to wait until this coming Friday: May 5, 2017 unless one of the elite recipients decides to share before then.

Anyway -- back to the original train-of-thought...


which is that I just posted this there:

Hey Dad Author Icon !!! Would you believe that I turned 60 on 12/12/12!?! You turned 52, and I was born in '52 (as in 1952). I also turned 10 in '12, but that took place in February instead of December. Grits for ants? I've heard of cola for mice.

Anyway, it seems as if this place has been deserted since last summer until I came on the scene to liven it up a bit.

The last people before me -- catty Author Icon, Dad Author Icon, and Steev the Friction Wizurd Author Icon -- are three livewires, as well. Maybe, they could return and drag a few more people along with them.

Now, I don't know a lot about the one who designed this In&Out other than he goes byThe Unknown King Author Icon and hasn't been at WDC for a little over a year.

Of course, I was gone for even longer than that and came back, so being MIA for a period of time doesn't mean leaving for good.

Anyway.........This is a pretty neat place to drop by, so why not go check it out!?!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Here's my first (but not my last) contribution to Limerick City:

Before he arrived at the meeting,/The orange President had been eating/Some bean soup and kraut -- /So a stinker slipped out.../Gave a whole different meaning to Tweeting!!!

What's yours?

And here's another one:

A male and a female gnome/Have made Limerick City their home./If they like what you write,/Those cuties just might/Pin a Merit Badge onto your poem!

So, what's the hold-up? Get on over there and join the fun!!!
Review of Questions  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
What are you doing here?

What are YOU doing here?

Are you here to ask a question?

Why do you want to know?

Why not, when I'm naturally curious?

Do you want to change the subject to something more interesting?

Why should I want to do that?

Don't you think that this line of questioning is getting old?

What do you have against getting old?

Did I say that I had anything against getting old?

Are you one of those people who don't trust anybody over thirty?

Why would I be like that when I'm 45?

How do you stay looking so young!?!

How old do I look to you anyway?

Would you believe that I took you for 21?

Anyway...I think you have an idea now of how this game is played, so what's holding you up from getting right over to this IN & OUT and joining the fun?

How soon should I come over?

How about now?
Review of Steev's Place  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I don't believe it!!!

I've just discovered that I've never rated and reviewed this IN & OUT. I thought I had, because it's such an interesting place to hang out.

All I can think of is that I must have been about to review it at one time then got distracted by something else and never got back to it.

Anyway, this is a really fun IN & OUT ... very casual like going into your favorite hang-out and seeing who else is there, too.

From the very beginning when you're invited to ...

"Walk right in, sit right down... Daddy let the good times roll..."

...and you see the whimsical cartoon following that, you know you've come to the right place.

And Writing ML works here, too.

You'll also find a collection of some of Steev the Friction Wizurd Author Icon's favorite writers. This makes it easy just to click on a briefcase and snoop around a chosen writer's portfolio.

And -- joy-o-joy!!! -- there is even a list of some of his favorite IN & OUTs!!! If you share my love of IN & OUTS, you will appreciate this handy list.

Sometime today (or so I'm saying now), I'm going to put together a big noise-around newsletter, and this will be part of it.

Long live Steev the Friction Wizurd Author Icon!!!
Long live IN & OUTs!!!
Long live Writing.com and the amazing couple who made it all possible: The StoryMaster Author Icon & The StoryMistress Author Icon!!!
Review of A Bee and ME  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a cute story!!!

That bumblebee reminds me of the Bulldog character on the series Frasier: persistent, annoying, but kinda cute and whimsical as well.

Also, is a somewhat harsh version of Steve Urkel on Family Matters.

Steve never really seemed to have a clue of just how annoying he was while Bulldog not only had a clue but, also, used it to his advantage.

Yes...I believe that this bumblebee is more like Bulldog than Urkel -- even though Urkel is more of a buzzer who actually has progressed well beyond bumblebee into mosquito.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon *Delight*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of My Cat Spider  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very whimsical!

A fun look at what was going on the night before the writer's sixth Halloween.

One thing for sure:

Nobody was getting very much sleep that night!!!

The style of this poem is kinda jumbled -- which fits the mood of this story where everything seems to be jumbled due to everything going on at once.

If Dr. Seuss were still here, he could probably do a magnificent job of drawing these interesting characters.

I wonder how he would draw the cat spider. Would it look more like a spider *Spider* or a cat *Cat*?

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon *Delight*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Four-Word March  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I just left a naughty four-word contribution to this In & Out and can hardly wait to see who comes along to continue the message with four words of his/her own.

For all I know, somebody already has, as I got sidetracked in the middle of writing this review.

Anyway, this is a fun In & Out, and I'll be back...

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
If you were to change one word in the last line:




and have the title as merely "Moon Song" and the synopsis more general, you would have a poem that would apply to my own life.

This is because I'm continuing on in my new life while still mourning the parts of my life that were stolen from me by unscrupulous and greedy people who would do ANYthing to make sure that their agenda was carried out -- even commit MURDER via life-shortening medical decisions.

A recent dream I had placed my late parents and me in the kitchen/dining area of the house we had built for us back in 1967.

I was my current age, but they were about 40 years younger than they'd be now.

I felt all warm, fuzzy, and unconditionally-loved.

The radio was playing, and a familiar, comforting voice said:

"Hello, Americans! This is Paul Harvey! Stand by for NEWS!"

At that point, I woke up -- and, seconds later, I was in tears -- tears that were expressing both joy from the beauty of it all and pure, raw grief wrought from missing my precious mom and dad who were taken from me too soon.

I believe that most -- if not all -- of us have had our "6 moon songs" moments and can find ourselves in the lines of this simple poem.

I invite you to read it to see if this is true for you.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
I can't believe that I haven't rated and reviewed this before now, because I remember reading and loving this shortly after you wrote it.

For a period of time (from September 9, 2013 until September of 2014), I became a homeless person. I wasn't reduced to the level of homelessness experienced by the woman with whom you shared your tea, but I went from living on the farm where I'd grown up from shortly after my first birthday on with a roof over my head that included lots of living space and what you would expect to find in such a home: food, a comfortable bed, etc. to putting whatever I could grab up into storage and sleeping in my vehicle or sharing space with others. Occasionally, I could rent a hotel room from time to time to experience more personal and private space, but that was seldom in my budget and was usually a gift from friends.

During this time, I wasn't participating in Writing.com at all and am just now getting back into it. Am disappointed to see that you haven't written anything new since 2011 (and with a lot of it no longer visible), and I hope you're all right.

I came across something I had written in a blog about you several years ago, and it included a link to this beautiful story.

Anyway, I ended up living in Muncie for a little over two years before moving back to Anderson last November. I now get both Internet service and television through cable at home -- something I've not had since the summer of 2013 and am trying to both get caught up and going on ahead with my writing online. It takes longer than it might seem it should -- and, at this time, I'm dealing with some kind of flu-bug, which slows me down even more.

But it's great to be back, and I hope to hear back from you soon!!!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon *Delight*

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Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
I think that you and I have a lot to talk about, as we seem to be kindred spirits on this multi-faceted issue! After being away from WDC for way too long, it's nice to be back and to come across such a meaningful poem. People might not like what you have to say, but they need to hear it, so God bless you for having the courage to share this here!!!

Write On!!!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon *Smile*

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Review of I Remember When  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I remember those times, as I'm about to turn 16 for the 4th time on December 12. You did a great time of describing a truly magical era...


AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon *Smile*
Review of I Remember When  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I remember those times, too! I'll soon be turning 16 for the 4th time!!! You've done a great job of describing way-back-when...

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon*Smile*

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Rated: E | (5.0)
One thing you need to change about the story is where you accidentally went into third person with Billy after having him to tell the story in first person. It's near the end of the story. I'll write it as you wrote it and re-write it where it needs to be changed.


Please sir, I need help. Billy is that you, yes sir; my parent’s car is messed up, and I need help. The man called for police, and ambulance and Billy described where there were at.


Please sir, I need help. Billy is that you, yes sir; my parent’s car is messed up, and I need help. The man called for police, and ambulance and I described where there were at.


This is the first story I've read by you, so I assume I'll probably find out more when I read more stories, but is the Billy for whom you ghost write a real boy or a fictional character. I'd love to learn how you came to write his story.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Different things at different times inspire me to review such and such an item. I believe that, however, the majority of the reviewing I do is just something very random. That is, I see an item that grabs my interest from the information given about it, so I read it. After I read it, I'll review it. Plain and simple.

Most of the time, I find these items 100% randomly. However, I might find them by searching with keywords (e.g. Down Syndrome, death penalty) or using categories (e.g. "In & Out", "Mad-Libs") to stumble across the items. Anyway, I pretty much do all three Rs--Read, Rate, Review--very close to 100% of the time.

So, what's your personal take on reviewing? Please respond to this poll to let the owner of it know...
Review of My Guestbook  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Do you have some time to spare?
Would you like to let somebody know you care?

Then, take a look
At Jenny's guestbook--
And take a minute
To put yourself in it!

It doesn't take long
To add your words to it--
So, here are three words for you:
Just do it!!!

Here's something else that you can do:
Contribute your very own public review!!!

Review of Homeschool  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey, everybody!!! Check out my goddaughter!!! She rocks!!!

Back in 2002, she referred me here, and the rest his history. However, she was so busy raising her family that she let her own membership slide and even forgot her password and other information.

At my urging, she rejoined again in 2006--but I didn't even know that she had rejoined (obviously), as I just read this article today.

I sent her a message at Facebook to invite her to come over and read something I wrote, and I was pleased when she left me a wonderful comment. I decided to see if she had gotten around to writing anything yet--and I found this.

Remember: I thought that she had just now joined, but it turned out that she had joined in 2006.

Reading what she wrote took me back to when she first had decided to go into homeschooling. Her kids were very young then: first, second, and fourth grades

Here's an update now: They are now thirteen, fourteen, and almost seventeen.

Michelle has used a combination of homeschooling, unschooling, charter schooling, online schooling, and even some public schooling to educate them. The oldest has already graduated from high school at the age of SIXTEEN!!!

The next oldest has just graduated from eighth grade with even some high school courses under her belt. She will be starting public high school at Pendleton Heights High School (My old Alma Mater--GO ARABIANS!!!) in a matter of days and is one of the smartest young people in the USA--and, possibly, one of the smartest people in the world!!! The youngest is doing his schooling online and in his own way. He's also thriving!!!

I hope that, now that Michelle has rediscovered WDC, she'll be writing lots more about her experiences in educating her three amazing kids as well as other things about which she's in-the-know!!!

This 35 year old woman is one-of-a-kind (and I mean that in a very good way), and I'm not just prejudiced because she's one of my godchildren, either!!!

I strongly advise her to keep writing here, and I strongly advise you to become a fan and follower!!!

Proudly Yours--
Ainsley Jo Phillips *Delight*
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! Author Icon *Heart*

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