Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/abcoach21
Review Requests: ON
71 Public Reviews Given
95 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Lucy Baker Author IconMail Icon

Thank you for sharing your peom with us. I can recognise the chalenges you have with the subject of your poem. This came through especially with the repetition of each line that then was elevated through the verse to a positive outcome.

Reading it gave me a sense that each verse is potentially independent of each of the other verses and therefore you may wish to consider rearranging them to solidify the overall flow of the complete poem, especially as you end it on a high point.

Please continue to share your work on this site.

All the best.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Contractor  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Fantasy and Science Fiction So...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Eogin Author IconMail Icon. This is a review from abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author IconMail Icon!

After reading "The ContractorOpen in new Window. that I found on the Review Requests page, I have the following comments to offer. Please note that these are my personal reactions and observations. I acknowledge that this is your story and you should remain true to it.

*ButtonV*Overall Impression:

         You have asked for my comments in relation to this being a contest entry. Firstly, I wish you all the best in that.
         I enjoyed the story as it is one of my favorite genres and therefore the images you were creating were familiar to me.


         Your two main characters, Maya and ?? (I do not see who your other main character is) are well defined and it was easy for me to picture both of them. The dialogue that you used was consistent with the characters. Well done.


         From my understanding, the plot was one of post-apocalyptic Earth where there is a cleanup crew intent on getting away from this job. Evidently, he succeeds and is awarded a new posting.
         I was a little hard-pressed to identify the key climactic point of the story, although I would assume that it is where he receives notification that he is going to a new, better location.


         Your descriptions in the story are succinct and to the point. That is well done as you are able to keep the story moving forward throughout. Well done.

*Apple*Title, Description, Beginning, and End:

         The title to your story is fitting and I was able to reference it a couple of times through reading the story to understand the underlying premise of your story. Also, the title is nice and short that makes it memorable.
         The description of your story probably could do with a bit of a rewrite. Even though this is a contest entry, I think that we probably need to look at using this space to entice readers to read the story. Sort of like an elevator pitch for the story. It will also probably give you an opportunity to set some of the scene for the reader prior to them reading the story.
         I also wonder whether the first two paragraphs are really the true start of your story, or is it when your main character comes out onto the roof. I know it is important to ensure that the setting is properly detailed, but this could have been incorporated into the narrative later on. Questions I would be asking is why the roof and not the ground?
         Your ending certainly concluded the story on a positive note and I am assuming the reference there was to Star Trek.

         Finally, I would like to say that I enjoyed this story and appreciate that you have given me the opportunity to provide my opinion on it. However, remember that it is your story and I would encourage you to keep going. All the best for the contest.

abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author IconMail Icon

My signature for reviews

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Night Breathers  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Fantasy and Science Fiction So...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Sarah Author IconMail Icon

Please accept this review as my personal reaction to your story that I found when searching through the horror genre pages on WDC. I am completing this as part of "The ChallengeOpen in new Window.. My suggestions are simply my own personal opinion as it is your story to tell.

Initial Response:

         I found this story a relatively easy read as the narrative flowed from beginning to end.


         My understanding of the plot was that it was about a town that had a very peculiar ancestor that the town continued to remember. You then introduced this man's direct offspring and given the time period, created a sense of suspense into how this could have happened. From the narrative, I believe that you were working to repeat the two timelines in a manner of saying that history repeats itself.
         I would suggest that you review the narrative details and possibly strengthen the connection between the previous event and the current event to help drive the story from start to finish.


         Your story had a number of characters throughout. By the end of the story, I had a very clear understanding of who the people were and where they had come from. You also included some interesting bits of information about each of the characters.
         Can I recommend that you review each of the characters in your story and identify what each of them brought to the story.

Use of senses:

         I found your description easy to envision and you provided some lovely details about the scenes in your story. I could clearly smell the area and was particularly intrigued by the description of the "beady, blue cat eyes" at the start of the story. Throughout your story there were a number of places where your description was particularly interesting.

Once again, thank you for sharing this with me. Keep writing.

Fantasy signature image

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Hi schnuj0! After reading "I'm a Benevolent RulerOpen in new Window. I would like to share my observations. These observations are my personal views and you are free to respond as you see fit.

General comments:

I really enjoyed the flow of some of the rhythms you had in this piece. It was almost a Dr Seus type of prose that engaged me throughout the narrative. I also enjoyed some of your word choices that were certainly inspired. All in all I found that you were speaking directly to me and linking into all the things that I would consider important from a leader. Well done.


The use of short paragraphs that were of similar length provided a nice flow to the piece. This allowed it to be an easy read and certainly complimented the details being provided. Although I did enjoy the reference to the length of your piece at the midpoint, I do wonder whether it was actually needed. You would want the reader to become engrossed with your narrative thaat they would not bother whether it was two thousand words or five thousand words.
         Given that you structured this into unique paragraphs that dealt with specific elements, can I suggest that you have a look at the various "Big ticket" items you were dealing with. Realigning the paragraphs into a flow that supports your desired structure could be of benefit. For example, going from the home out and then back to home, or from the most important to the least important could be an idea. I felt that the piece was written as the thoughts were occurring to you. p.3 - pets; p.4 - relationships; p.5 - home; p.6 - food; p9 - environment; p.11 - environment; p.17 - environment


This was one of the strengths of this piece in my opinion. Your ability to have the essay flowing in a natural way while at the same time as providing the built in rhythms was excellent.
         There were parts in your language where it appeared that you were trying to force the rhythm a little harder than what was necessary. This detracted from the lovely voice you had going throughout the narrative. There are the stores and the shops each open until ten. But who shall be running them, we’ll that will have to be decided then.

         *Star* Finally, I would like to thank you for taking the time to create and share this item.*Star* Keep writing and I look forward to seeing more of your work. *Star*
          Please note that this review has been completed in line with "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window..

Fantasy signature image

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The 16:49  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Fantasy and Science Fiction So...  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Hi Jordan Young Author IconMail Icon! After reading "The 16:49Open in new Window. I would like to share my observations. These observations are my personal views and you are free to respond as you see fit.

General comments:

The tagline of a train moving faster than life certainly intrigued me and I read the story with expectation. I found that you covered a lot of information in a very short space and therefore probably did not allow yourself to expand on some of what was happening in the story.
         Attempted suicide is not an easy topic to deal with and I think you did really well in providing enough so that I could understand what was happening. Well done.


There was not a lot of information provided about the characters. Except for picking up that your point of view character is a student and the other character has some issues, there was not anything more to go on. I think it would be useful if something further was provided to help me feel a little more about the characters. A suggestion would be to have your point of view character needing something more in the other town than just his results. Maybe even he gets a little irritated with the other characters sighing and scratching.


The setting of the train certainly supported the story and the manner in which you linked the outward bound journey with the inward bound journey to the same train was well done. My suggestion here would be to consider bringing in the information about the brown spot earlier in the story so that when you recognise it on the return journey, the reader will do the same. Also, having been a train commuter for a long time, I know that we like to sit in the same carriage in the same seat when we are travelling, even if the train is a different one.


The plot is a strong one and one that, as I have already mentioned, you dealt with effectively. I also liked the way that the ending was the only possible ending your story was leading us to. This does not say that it was predictable, because it was not, but that the train's sudden emergency stop could only have been because of a suicide attempt.

         *Star* Finally, I would like to thank you for taking the time to create and share this item.*Star* Keep writing and I look forward to seeing more of your work. *Star*
         Please note that this review has been completed in line with "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window..

~~Image ID# 2025383's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with 30-Day Bloggers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Hi Whata SpoonStealer Author IconMail Icon! After reading "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. I would like to share my observations. These observations are my personal views and you are free to respond as you see fit.

General comments:

I am truly intrigued with this activity. The one thing that it appeals to me is that it allows me to share my opinion without the concern of having to be politically correct. You also reinforce this idea through repeating several times that you are looking for the participants opinion and that their opinion needs to be strong. I also enjoyed your use of colour and type and images throughout the activity to maintain my interest and keep me engaged till the end.

Rules and Regs:

The rules and conditions of entry are clear and easily understandable. As you know, being able to understand what is required for each activity helps to ensure the level of engagement is high. Also, the rules are limited to the important elements, allowing for the participants to engage their own judgement when submitting their entries.


I think that the level of rewards is generous and will certainly encouraga people to take part. One element that I really liked was the fact that you could see how many people had submitted an entry, thereby getting confirmation that the prizes are all available for distribution.

Submission and feedback:

The manner in which you have participants submit their entry is also a novel idea. Giving them an opportunity to provide you with some form of blurb in association with their entry gives the participants another opportunity to sell their opinion as well as have some practice of creating blurbs, which is considered one of the challenges for writers. Well done.

         *Star* Finally, I would like to thank you for taking the time to create and share this item.*Star* Keep writing and I look forward to seeing more of your work. *Star*
         Please note that this review has been completed in line with "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window..

Fantasy signature image
In affiliation with Fantasy and Science Fiction So...  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hi KnightScribe Author IconMail Icon! After reading "Daring Knights Of HavenOpen in new Window. I would like to share my observations. These observations are my personal views and you are free to respond as you see fit. I am also not going to provide any feedback on the grammar as this can be resolved at a later date, but will focus my feedback on the "Big ticket" elements as I see them.

General comments:

From the genre rating, this story is a Teen read and I think that with younger characters, you have managed to allow this story to be relateable to that group. I also liked the fact that there was action throughout the story that maintained my interest.


From the detail provided, I was able to get a nice image of Derek, a somewhat weaker image of Kaylin and the surprise of the man at the end was unclear to me. I believe that if you could provide some increased focus on what the characters are thinking and feeling through the story, this would allow the characters to become more real to the reader. I found myself challenged in parts with answering the question "Why would he / she do that?", especially when Derek is saving the girl from drowning and then tying her ankle.


I found the setting clearly described in most places and could easily picture the beach at the beginning and had some sense of the forest in the last scene. The description provided for the house was adequate, but I did find myself glossing over the description somewhat. Perhaps if there was a specific item in that setting that holds meaning for Derek would help with the setting. I also found that his journey through the shipwreck to be quite fast and was therefore unsure about the things he was finding. Your shopping-list style for the items found could possibly be summarized a little bit, or detail added to provide a reason for noting the items.


I definitely found the plot intriguing and was asking myself throughout what is going to happen next. You were therefore able to keep me wanting more. I am certainly interested to know what happens next, what does the man have to do with it, and is Kaylin going to be able to get away or not.

         *Star* Finally, I would like to thank you for taking the time to create and share this item.*Star* Keep writing and I look forward to seeing more of your work. *Star*
         Please note that this review has been completed in line with "Game of ThronesOpen in new Window..

~~Image ID# 2025383's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~
House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi JessCarsen Author IconMail Icon. This is a review from abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author IconMail Icon! After reading "My Aunt is BonkersOpen in new Window. that I found on the Reviewing page, I have the following comments to offer. lease note that these are my personal impressions.

*ButtonV*Overall Impression:

As a personal story directed to your diary, I found the narrator's voice strong and clear. You were also able to demonstrate some strong non-verbal feelings through the story that added to the suspense of the story.


My only recommendation would be to have a look at the words you are using. I wonder whether you could engender more sympathy from the reader through word choice,
eg. Remember three days ago, when I went out to collect the groceries, she ran off to tell the neighbours that I had killed a man and was in the process of dismembering his body in the bathroom upstairs?

could be rewritten as:
Just like the other day when I went to fetch the groceries. My so called 'Aunt' told the neighbours I had killed a man and was busy cutting him up in the bathroom.

*Heart*What I Like:

I enjoyed the brevity of the story and the way you were able to get to the climax of the story without sacrificing narrative. *StarfishB*

abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author IconMail Icon

This is an image of my signature for written items.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Hi Kiwi Author IconMail Icon! After reading "Chapter 1 - The DecisionOpen in new Window. that I found from "Please ReviewOpen in new Window., I have pleasure in sharing my observations. I am also doing this as one of the activities for "The ChallengeOpen in new Window..

You have asked for my opinion on whether I felt drawn to the first option or the second option. When faced with a choice like this, my immediate response is to ask which character do I need to become invested with. Who is the protagonist in your story and why is it that I should care?


I thought that there is definitely quite a lot in both your main characters here. There was evidence of their back story and their emotional reactions to what was happening. I did think that both characters sounded a little too similar in that they both did not want to be where they were as well as a similar type of thought process going on.


When I read the story the first time, I found it a little difficult to get a sense of the setting. I commend you for getting into the action straight away and letting me know what was at stake. For me, this was all happening in a sort of void and even though I knew it was a prison cell (I think), I was challenged as to understanding why Fay would have all the accoutrements of modern society when she was locked in a cell.


From my reading, it is evident that your story is one of the reluctant hero overcoming insurmountable odds. I am certainly interested in finding out how Fay will overcome her challenge and gain her freedom and whether Fang will be successful.

General comments:

I certainly feel that there is a lot going on in this opening that is good and will certainly take the story the full journey of the novel you are planning. I also think that you can achieve a strong narrative by including both character viewpoints so long as you can develop their individual voices some more.

*Star* Thank you for taking the time to submit this story for feedback. I wish you all the best for the future of this story..*Star*

My signature for reviews

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of I'm Happy  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Hi NathanQ7 Author IconMail Icon }! After reading "I'm HappyOpen in new Window. I would like to share my observations. These observations are my personal views and you are free to respond as you see fit.

General comments:

         The story was intriguing and it had be gripped right from the start. I really found myself been drawn through the story, wanting to find out what happened next. *StarfishR*


         I thought that your two characters were very well developed and it was clear from the writing that you had a vivid image of each of them. This came across in the description you provided. I was also impressed with the way you described the happy fellow and the way his appearance changed. *StarfishR*
         I did find though that with the level of detail you provided of the characters, I needed to pause and reread the description a couple of times to ensure that I had the same image you were wanting me to have. This pulled me out of the stary and prevented my own imagination from working. *Smile* I also found the description quite long and reading it on screen meant that I lost my place a couple of times. I would recommend that you think about breaking up the description a little and providing only the pertinent details to the reader. *QuestionV* Let us work for our enjoyment.
         I also commend you on keeping the number of characters to a minimum and the ending with the potential introduction of a new character certainly created some more intrigue. *StarfishR*


         The setting you created was easy to visualize with a common view. After all, everyone has probably seen either in person or at the movies, an alleyway. Your details provided allowed me to become grounded in the scene. *StarfishR* I do wonder though whether there is an opportunity to make this location a little more unique. After all, there is something strange going on here and through layering of some relevant details, this sense of mystery and strangeness can be developed a little more.


         The plot of your story was easy to follow and straight forward. *StarfishR* The way you drove your story meant that I was intrigued from the start through to the end. I also enjoyed the double jeopardy ending you provided. *StarfishR*
         My thought is that I do think that the ending, when I arrived at it, was possibly a little predictable. I am also curious about why it would be that your protagonist, after seeing this person shoot themselves, be so willing to accept the hat that was thrown at him. There is probably more to it than that, but I think your plot has suffered a little from this. *Smile*

All in all though, I enjoyed reading the story and spending my time captivated in the world of your character.

         *Star* Finally, I would like to thank you for taking the time to create and share this item.*Star* Keep writing and I look forward to seeing more of your work. *Star*

Fantasy signature image

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Colours of Space  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hi J.N. Moore Author IconMail Icon. This is a review from abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author IconMail Icon! After reading "Colours of SpaceOpen in new Window. that I discovered on the search pages, I have the following comments to offer:

*ButtonV*Overall Impression:
         The language used throughout this piece was hard to comprehend and this slowed me down. I understand that the effect was to utilize the voice of academic, medical practitioners. However, I needed to pause and focus on each word separately in order to understand the piece, detracting from the potential enjoyment of, what was effectively a horror story in the flavor of Frankenstein.
         There were some places where I enjoyed the humor that had been created, complimented by the use of the language. This humor was, I believe, subtle and used to quite nice effect in places.

         My main suggestion here would be to work on developing a smoother flow to the narrative. The reliance on long words and academic-speak resulted, for me, in a narrative that I found hard to follow.
         I wonder whether these are his personal journal entries or whether it is meant to be a scientific repository of observations. If the former, then I would like to see more of his personal feelings coming through in the form of natural language. If the latter, then I would not expect the descriptions that were used (eg. lie, on that flat, surgical-cold table)

         In general, I found the punctuation and grammar to be reasonable, even though I do not profess to be particularly knowledgeable in this area. There were some parts where I was not sure of whether it was your deliberate action to create the images or whether there was a break in the grammar rules, but I have highlighted some of them as follows:
Once embalmed with the essence of her stillborn life, my darling Patricia will once more stay in the company of her once warm breath.
Propped up against the surgical table, Patricia was now next to as alive as she would ever be
My body fell back and onto the floor in amazement.

         I certainly found this story interesting and was eager to read through to the end to see what would transpire. I certainly commend you with the effort that you made in creating this story and I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.

         Please note that these are my personal views and you are free to accept or not any of the observations made.

abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author IconMail Icon


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Stand  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! Author IconMail Icon

After reading your poem "StandOpen in new Window., I would like to share my personal reaction to it.

         I found this poem to be very much "in your face" with its staccato pattern. I believe you have worked hard to get each line's imagery working together in a form of back and forth and conflicting struggles. This is, in my opinion, nicely done.
         I also enjoyed the visual flow of the structure as it created a wave-like vision with its point at the top. It shows the thought that has gone into creating each work and line and image and I enjoyed it.

Personal Reaction:
         The rhythm of the words had me feeling a strong thump-thump through each line. It was almost in the fashion of a boxing match where I am receiving first the left punch followed by the right hook.

Pace and timing:
         I found the pace of the poem strong and quick without a moments respite, except where I decided to take a breadth reading through the poem. I did find it a bit of a challenge trying to keep going throughout the poem without any indication of pause, or time to take a breadth.

         I found this poem to be an easy length in order to be able to read it in one sitting and get the full impact of the message, as I perceived it. Also, I think that repeating some of the lines later on in the piece gave me a chance to remind myself of the elements and imagery being created. Well done with that.

         I thoroughly enjoyed reading this poem and, except for the issue of pausation, felt it grip me and take me on a strong, desperate journey.

Once again, thank you for sharing your creativity with me. It has helped to make my day joyful and uplifted. Keep writing.

~~Image ID# 1969661's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Projects  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good one
Review of Hello, Kitty!  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Gaby Author IconMail Icon! After reading "Hello, Kitty!Open in new Window. that I found in your portfolio, I would like to share my observations. These are only my observations and you are entitled to accept them or not at your discretion. I offer these observations as a reader of the item with an assumption based upon how you have categorized the story.

General comments:
You had this item marked as comedy and so I was looking for the humor. Although, like everything else, humor is a matter of taste and some people may not see the same things as funny that others do, I did understand the humour of the situation in this story. The horror of finding your home inundated with little kittens and then having the situation resolved by introducing a dog into the situation that the cat decides to take a liking to is filled with twists and turns that helps develop the ongoing confusion in the story. *Star*
This piece was an enjoyable light read and was easy to understand. *Star*

Reading this story and based upon the amount of narrative you have devoted to the kittens and their shenanigans, I assume these little mites were the main characters of the story. *Star* If this is the case then I would have enjoyed seeing a little more about the individualism of these kittens to add some "humanness" to their actions.*Smile*

The setting in your story is easy to visualize and understand assuming that it is a plain house. *Star* I would wonder though what the home would smell like after several weeks of having thirteen kittens in it. *Smile*

As I have already mentioned, the humor of the story is indicated through the reader associating the situation with their own personal experience. I have had the situation of having a cat that gave birth to kittens and the ensuing shambles as they explored their environments. *Star* You were also able to bring the story to a satisfactory conclusion which allowed me to be satisfied with the read. *Star* Well done.


Although I have not tried to do a complete edit, there were a couple of areas through your piece where the language detracted from my enjoyment of the piece and I have highlighted them as follows:
1. As we sat down to drink coffee, the kittens cried, scratched, jumped around, turned over the sugar bowl, intentionally nibbled on the milk, and wouldn't would not back away no matter what. - Contractions should preferably only be used in dialogue and not in narrative.
2. Two weeks later, the furry little creatures didn't did not budge an inch. - same as above.
3. Placing it on the floor, I called for the kittens and the they ran up to me to see what's what was going on. - probably a typo that was missed.

*Star* Thank you for taking the time to create this item and making it available to be enjoyed.*Star*

My signature for reviews

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Flea Bank  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Enclosed 20,000GPs with a request for a "Political" MB

Review of DRIVE-IN  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with Unofficial Erotica Newsletter ...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Hi Ben Garrick Author IconMail Icon! After reading "DRIVE-INOpen in new Window., I offer you these comments:

These comments are my personal opinion based upon my reading of your story. As such, you are free to ignore those items you feel are not relevant to your story.

Story Strengths:

The story was easy to read and follow. There were also some interesting moments and some nice humor interspersed throughout the prose.

It was also easy to discern between the various characters that allowed the story to be easily understood. Their motivations in the story was also clear.


There is a lot of action going on in the story and you have moved from one scene to another very quickly. Although this helps with keeping the pace of the story moving, I found it difficult to realize where I was at some points through the story.

I wonder whether the information you provide in the first few paragraphs of the story, which is fundamentally backstory, could be better included throughout the story. This will give you the opportunity to start with the dig at you brother's friends girlfriend, as I believe this is the real start of your story.

I would also suggest that you could include more dialogue between the characters. This will help enhancing their various characters more.

*Star* Thank you for sharing your work!

December First Chapter Contest - CLOSED Open in new Window. (13+)
Contest for first chapters from NaNoWriMo 2013 novels. Contest is CLOSED and being judged.
#1953328 by abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author IconMail Icon

> Cheers,
> abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author Icon

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Here is a donation for this fabulous initiative.
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Jeannie🌺 Author IconMail Icon.

It is always fascinating to read why other people feel the urge to write and your story highlighted some of the key events in your life that demonstrated your passion for writing. The honesty and openness about this piece is obvious and I commend you for getting this story out there. I certainly get the impression of a fearful little girl hiding behind their writing.

Your story here s one of a number of individual anecdotes about key events that have been highlighted quite briefly and it appears as a brief synopsis of your life. I would have enjoyed being able to connect more with your story through considering the scenes you describe similar to how you described the schoolhouse.

Otherwise, I enjoyed reading this. Well done.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi ! After reading "'Don't call me Shirley!'Open in new Window., I offer you these comments:

Story Strengths:

Using an incident in trying to deal with the public service, especially the IRS is a fertile area to develop a story with humor as we can all relate to the frustration one has in dealing with them. Your story captures this nicely and especially the way you relate your reactions to the incident.


You have a lot of material here that can be used to develop the incident and the growing frustrations you were experiencing quite nicely. I would suggest that you develop this further through providing increased narrative of your reactions to the various indignities you were required to face.


There were a couple of places where your punctuation needs to be updated. For example I said to myself ,"My first name ....

*Star* Thank you for sharing your work!

> Cheers,
> abcoachnz-Sometimes around Author Icon

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
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