It is so cool that you are recording your experiences with your work and places you visit. It is interesting to hear about places to visit and to eat! This entry was fun to read and I had to smile at the wrong assumptions!
The writing was clear with a mix of fact and humour. I enjoyed the Buffalo Wings section where your making the exception
turned out so well!
The article is organized well with subtitles and a hint of where you go next. The voice is personal, inviting readers into your world. I liked the greetings at the end too.
HI Words Whirling 'Round! I am here with a review to celebrate you!
Wow! The title to this poem was intriguing! What a great word. Thanks for the note on it's meaning.
I had so much fun reading this poem and had a good laugh! The details are so clear and show well the meaning of "spuddle". Black toast and not turning the coffee on shows how out of sorts the poet was. I had to laugh at the end.... even though I don't like coffee. I got the frustration of the situation.
It was a pleasure to read the poem aloud with its clear rhyme and easy rhythm. You might put quote marks around the words the child speaks. Awesome piece for a coffee addict!
Whew! This word search was a challenge. I am glad you left some space between certain word phrases as it helped me find them. It took me awhile to find "melya"!
I find the words are interesting especially the addition of places to have coffee. The title is appealing too though I was unsure that places would be classed paraphenalia. LOL Yet it covers everything.
You might expand your introduction adding your rationale for the topic and maybe some colour or emoticons just for fun and aesthetics. I had fun solving this puzzle. Thanks for sharing this entertaining item.
Your word search was fun to do and the last word I found was the word "coffee"! I wonder if it is because I don't like coffee. I found it to be complex enough to be challenging.
Adding the story master and story mistress as words were interesting choices for the topic. I might have added Lilly to the list too as she is the coffee addict! LOL The word "cream" might be a topical word to add as some folks like cream in coffee.
I had fun with this bit of entertainment. In your introduction you could add some colour and emoticons maybe for fun and maybe link the activity.
Oh my gosh! What a pain to find unusable merchandise. Who sells stuff like that! In such a short piece you really captured the feeling of the buyer and how frustrated she was. It felt at the end like she was an impulse buyer and convinced her self not to buy.
It is interesting that you begin with the question before you notice the holes. Was the question about telling the seller about the flaws?
It is so cool to be able to write a whole episode with meaning in so few words. Good job!
Personal Impression I love trees and talk to them so this poem really appealed to me. I could so imagine their words and know they do communicate with each other. I watched a cool show about such a topic. The poem is delightful and imaginative with fabulously clear images and I couldn't stop reading...more than twice! I had a great time.
Tone, Form & Flow This was an excellent free verse poem filled with effective use of assonance and consonance, vibrant imagery. The soundscape was delicious as repeated sounds like c, "knurled knee" "canopy of seclusion". The first line enjambment was effective. I could feel the mood as you describe in such detail with clarity of a specific image or idea in each verse. I enjoyed the flow very much. Too many cool images to choose from. Consistent punctuation served the work. I liked the emphatic "But!"
Emotional Impact I was touched by the connection you made to trees and nature as a place to be inspired. I love the idea of trees keeping one's secrets. It is a magical place I quickly entered into and wished I was there too! That owl is sweet!
Thanks for sharing your mystical vision! I am there. Excellent poem. Write on!
Personal Impression I chose this poem as the title made me curious and as I read it reminded me of those socks that get lost in the dryer somehow! I had so much fun and laughed a lot. Pets are a handful.
Tone & Mood & Impact I enjoyed the changing tone and mood. I felt the confusion, mystery to the surprise and then the acceptance of the reason things disappeared. The happiness of finding the things and then just giving in allows you to know where you might find the next things that go missing.
The tone was vibrant and drew me into the emotion of the moment. It was easy to enter the experience and images like "hungry couch" and "sneaky elf" were funny. I felt bad about the loss of the ring and laughed at the tv remote having disappeared. One does here this does happen. LOL Sixteen dollars gone!!! Too cute and a smart creature!
Rhyme, Form & Flow I really enjoyed the vitality of the voice as it changes and it had a pleasant flow with an easy rhyme scheme. While the syllable count of lines was inconsistent I thought it suited the emotional content. I had fun reading and nothing jarred me out of the poem. The images were specific and clear adding to the entertainment value and the use of assonance and consonance added to the soundscape in an effective manner. Punctuation served the read. I wondered if "tis" should have an apostrophe before it.
Thanks for sharing your vision! I was truly entertained and could really imagine such a situation. The trinkets the dog would take were original and comical too. The name certainly would suit the pup! This must have been fun to write.
I was intrigued by the title as it is a relevant question we all consider
I appreciate your sincere voice here. I felt for the woman who was not sure about motherhood and recall my own doubts about my gifts. Yet you did it! And so it was meant to be. If others see your gift of being a matriarch, you too must know it. Motherhood is so important. Not everyone can do it. Doubt is just meant to bring you down.
You make good points about parents with certain talents trying to pass on to their children though not always so as we do rebel. I think we get caught in programming of society and until we break free we tend to follow status quo! Yet we create some cool stuff even if we don't know why we are here.
I think we are born to BE whoever we are... a journey of discovery with no right or wrong experience.
I liked the image of the "blank canvas" and how vulnerable children are as they absorb what they see just like we did. I wonder if that is where some confusion comes from as we try to honour parents and the opinions of others, at least until we mature. We can always choose if we know we can.
This was a vulnerable response to the prompt. Thanks for sharing who you be!
I enjoy dragon stories and I have seen the first movie about Toothless, though it was some time ago. The story captures Toothless and the twin's personalities in this fanfiction piece.
The first paragraph sets the scene and I could imagine Toothless lazing. I wondered if the comment about Barf and Belch were Toothless's or the narrator.
The description of the dragon's attitude toward the twins is subtle but clear. The mix of narration and dialogue is effective. The conversations forward the story and reveal feelings and character consistently. The action scene demonstrating Camikazi's potential technique of abusing Hiccup added to the drama and revealed the twins strengths. I liked the light hearted end of High five! LOL
I wondered for a while if the twins were playing a trick on Toothless.
You missed a quotation mark at the start of What do you think, Sis?”
I am still confused a bit on who the narrator was. I am not a pro on this though.
It was fun to read this episode and I am curious about the next phase especially from the last line about it being epic!
The title gave me a clue to the theme and I was imagining all the things that could go with having the wrong address. It appealed to my curiosity.
I enjoy Sherlock Holmes tales so this has an appealing theme and your use of the number 22 from the prompt is perfect. The two addresses do have similarities so it makes sense the man would get mixed up maybe. Even the rhyming names add to the humour of the tale.
The first line set the place and drew me in as we do not know who would be at the door.
The description of the man was clear both physical and in his action. I thought Mr. Jones was helpful inspite of him thinking the man rude. He did see he might need help. I thought of Peter Pan when you said lost something Precious and Jones thought the man lost. I think you could put Mr. Jone's thoughts to himself in italics as it is not spoken aloud.
Interesting word "askance". I am not sure I have seen it too often! Cool.
You did a good job with making a complete episode in so few words! Wow. I think you could do another little chapter so we can see what will happen next.
Thanks for sharing your style and joining in the party!
Happy days
Celebrating 22 years of WDC history with a review for you!
Wow! Your personal heartfelt expression really engaged me and I had to keep reading. I enjoyed learning a bit more about your amazing self too.
I totally related to your experience about the technical aspects. Bitem? Ahhh! I too found mentors who were so patient with my questions. Truly you described the essence of WDC as inspirational with a world family vibe, supportive and inclusive. No wonder we get addicted. So much to do, learn and share. A loving home.
The piece was coherently written and easy to follow as you share the benefits you have received from the site. I agree with your ideas. I never thought of the benefit to the brain and yep being actively engaged and learning does that. Excellent point!
It is wonderful to pay tribute here to some of yor mentors. We all need to know we are appreciated.
I notice you mention the story Master and mistress y another name: word Master. Was this on purpose? Interesting.
Thank you for sharing your awesome response to the prompt. The voice sounded like it was speaking to WDC and its creators and participants. Your gratitude shone through the work. You rock.
Happy days Amyjo! Welcome to WDC!
Celebrating 22 years of WDC history with a review for you!
Wow! This poem was a moving tribute to your sister. Condolences that she left so early. It is hard to deal with such illness and bittersweet when one is happy the sick one is not suffering anymore. Yet, the absence is sad! Kudos for you now able to express the relationship you had with her and your hope for her. The idea of wings is beautiful.
The voice of the poet speaking to the deceased is effective as we do often talk to those who have gone on, as if we sense they are somehow aware of us.
I would add "Experience" Or "Emotional" as a genre as opposed to "Writing" as it is more specific.
I wanted to add the word "was" in the second line to improve flow and add length of line. eg. was so short.
The poem has a 4 line structure with a good rhyme scheme. I did not notice an even syllable count for an even flow yet reading aloud I was only thrown out a bit in the first verse which could a bit of tweaking. Of course the short lines could be for effect. "Cancer took you in your prime, your life it did distort" came to mind. But that is just me playing. I wondered about the word "interesting" . I liked the image of the crazy schemes and you leave it to our imagination. I have 3 sisters so I can imagine. The thing is we could change teams!
Some use of alliteration like "thick as thieves" and assonance assisted the flow and soundscape. Minimum punctuation works well here.
Thanks for sharing such a vulnerable theme in a poetic manner and for sharing your gift. I could enter into the memory written from an observant voice. Good job! Thanks for letting me play in your expression.
HI DRSmith! I am here with a review to celebrate you!
Oh wow! This is hilarious and I had a great time reading the trials of trying to gift the commandments. Brilliant ideas and with each culture the refusal and its reason makes sense. Too funny.
It was a pleasure to read the poem aloud with its clear rhythm and rhyme pattern and its vibrant dialogue throughout. It was quite dramatic and easy to make out the different voices and cultural clues. Use of assonance and consonance also added to the flowing soundscape. Well done.
I was drawn right into the tale with its vivid images and characters. I couldn't wait to see what would come next! I had to laugh at him going to Mexico and then you did well picking the commandment for the French. You have Moses and the assumed "quirk" or habit of the Jewish archetype down pat as with the other cultures. What a creative and original piece of fun.
Your muse had a brilliant day coming up with this well conceived and constructed epic tale. I was so entertained. The picture was a colourful addition as well.
Light on the path as you write on!! Thanks for all of your contributions through your years here at WDC!
HI Walkinbird. I am here with a review to celebrate you!
Wow! I can really hear the voice of Arwen here as she regales the details of her being and her love for Aragorn as he sees him off on his journey. You capture her sadness that she may not go and may not see him again. The last line is sorrowful as I imagine her having no more sight as she was bid to leave the land as well. The voice is potent in its emotion.
It has a Tolkien flair and the use of elvish language is effective and fun! Thanks for the little translation too!
The free style suits the theme and emotional content and you have created a fine soundscape with your use of assonance and consonance. It was a pleasure to read aloud and get caught up in the flow and her vision. The language reflects her time and culture as well.
Thanks for sharing this powerful lament that shows your understanding and enjoyment of these characters. A wonderful tribute to their love and to Tolkien!
Hi Buddhangela! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you!
I so enjoy limericks and find them a challenge, especially the comical tone of them! So I was happy to see this one. I also love fairies so the topic was appealing.
You capture the belief about the fae in the last line where the family is in despair. According to legends the fae can steal away young ones and they are never seen again. Cool. The contrast between a marriage to a Baron and the fae is comical as well as I am sure the family was happy about the status that would have come! I can imagine the woe is me!
The limerick form is well constructed but for the first line, which only has 8 syllables instead of nine. I like the Irish tone suggested in the last line with the dropped letters. The poem flowed in a jaunty way and was fun to read and imagine the scene.
A little thought: you could say "our Erin" and then in the last line use "our family" as if one of the family was telling the tale. It would give that extra syllable in line one. I sometimes find that first line tough too.
Thanks for sharing your craft and entering the contest! You rock.
Light on the path as you write on.
HI DragonWrites! I am here with a review to celebrate you!
I so enjoy these types of poems as they feel like stream of consciousness. The reflection of what love is is a relevant theme and well captured in this free style poem. I liked the flow and the mix of opinion and questioning ending with a hopeful romantic wish. Wonderful to read aloud.
Your images are clear and appealing as the poet considers the deep question and seems to dream of the perfect definition and feeling of love. Adding a wish for a partner adds a romantic tone.
I like the originality of the stanzas which take us on a mind journey and the struggle to know love and yet unready to strike out yet to experience, all the while asking questions for knowledge and truth and hope. I was engaged from the start with the question/answer, doubt/hope and romantic longings. It was appealing to read aloud.
Ending with "I do" seems to settle the query! Good job! Thanks for sharing your gift.
HI Chrisdaltro! I am here with a review to celebrate you!
Oh I love fairies! So yep I recall adding this awesome poem in my newsletter and never got around to reviewing it. Here I am with fond memories.
I enjoyed the story line of this poem and was sad at the end. It reminded me of Peter Pan where Tink almost dies. At least they clapped and believed again. The use of the "I' voice narrating as a fairy was effective to draw us into her tale. The details of her life are clearly described. I could imagine her.
While the rhyme is steady with well chosen thematic words, I notice the rhythm does not see to have a definite pattern. It makes for a wild read yet you needed the details. Could be tightened if you were to revise. For example, Words like "somehow" are not vivid or poetic.
It is really sad to think fairies can annoy folks. You had me hoping more would remember the magical beings. I agree with their mission to sparkle and shine! I have seen them light up the night.
I liked your tribute to the fay and it is a challenge to tell a story in a poem form so good for you for sharing this bit of magic.
HI Genipher! I am here with a review to celebrate you!
Wow! I love it. A sonnet with a leprechaun! How original. The title makes sense for the theme too!
This was so fun to read aloud and the theme for the sonnet had a comical air which is unique. I loved it. I could see the imagery you created as well as the tone of the speaker. It is told like a tale with effective dialogue and a surprise as to the traded item. Wonderful.
I am not sure what the taboo words were for the prompt as it changes in the contest each time. The form has the feel and flow of a sonnet and the language suits the time and fantasy theme.
The rhythm and rhyme are effective and the tone is clear. The conversation has a lilt of the Irish!
When he speaks you do not need to begin verse 4 with quotation marks as the dialogue continues from the speaker in the previous verse.
I like the narrator who begins the tale though usually I think sonnets are spoken by one person. Maybe. This is so creative and fun with mischief and a happy summative couplet I really enjoyed the originality. Not sure I have read many happy or comical sonnets. They are usually plaintive or emotional. Your version is original and as I tend to like happier things, I loved it!
I like cinquains and was happy to find your unique creations that you add to your novels. It is cool to attribute them too. I love cats so this was an easy choice for me. You have captured the comparison of human to cat brilliantly! They can be deceiving as they are so cute but yep, superior!
The form is intact according to the definition and the use of story type lines feels unique and invites personal response. Your use of repeating sounds in words adds to the flow and soundscape. A pleasure to read aloud. The pause in the second line is effective and the use of "I" twice in the line creates the idea of being supreme. I was wondering about centering it as we usually see them centered. This works as is though.
In a definition I learned for this, there is a connection between the first and last a contrast or simile. Eg. I might have said something like "Supreme, I think I am..." in the first two lines... and it would contrast with the "I'm not". LOL That is just my switch if I used the alternative style. Your expression is effective as I could also see then idea of "I'm not thinking... which would make you not supreme too! A cat would think you were not thinking so well to think you rule.
Thanks for sharing your poetic stylings. I had so much fun!
And congrats on your anniversary and gratitude for all of your many contributions over the years. You rock!
Hiya HollyMerry! I am here with a review to celebrate you as "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" celebrates 15 years here at WDC!
I found your wonderful stash of poetry and had to jump in to read! You have a unique voice. I could really feel the whole aura of atmosphere as Jane Eyre wanders to moor. You have captured her vividly. I felt the depth of her feeling of loss.
I enjoyed reading the language aloud for its flow and soundscape created by rhyme, assonance, consonance and effective enjambments. The punctuation and varying line lengths with a line of verse. Elegant!
Word choice is thematic and the tone and language reflects the time and place of the poem theme. So many awesome lines like : "Beneath the wind’s banshee keen." kept me reading. You have a gift!
Impressive creation and well conceived. I loved it! Thanks for sharing your Word wizardry.
Hiya MeganRose! I am here with a review to celebrate you as "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" celebrates 15 years here at WDC!
Whew! This was a tough prompt and you did it! The song has rhyme and beat and I loved the wisdom in the refrain.
The composition has an interesting flow with short phrasings with in a line. Cool!
Your ideas and images are well chosen to show the fragility both the negative version and ones like love! Nice job!
Adding some ways to overcome the low vibes of fragile times added a positive and inspiring message as well.
Thanks for entering the rabbit hole and stretching your skills to new heights!
Congratulations on your promotion KingsideCastle. . I am here with a review to celebrate you as "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" celebrates 15 years here at WDC!
Down the rabbit hole memories! I am judging a new round so I thought I would go back in history...your story. LOL I remember this cool exercise and enjoyed how you always tried to get chess references into the prompt!
The title is brilliant as the mirror reading part of the prompt and the word "match" gave me a clue that this might refer to a game. Indeed, you have the chess reference. What a great idea to play the opposite colour with the opposite hand showing the reversal of the place. You did repeat the idea of daytime/nighttime but it added to the nonsense.
I enjoyed reading the poem aloud as it flowed readily with its effective rhyme and beat. I did notice a pattern in the verses. Though a few lines are off syllable count it did not detract from the read and meaning.
The backwards mirror image is cool and something I learned there was a gimmick for! LOL What do I know about tech!
Thanks for sharing this entertaining poem! Well done.
Hi whiskerface! Here I am with a review to celebrate you! I love chocolate chip cookies so I could not resist checking this out on the random read!
Yum! I like the recipe as you use real butter and the semi sweet chocolate. I like bittersweet so this really works. I wondered what nuts would be the best for flavour. Did you have a favourite?
The directions were easy to follow and it was so cool to add the ways you can prep the cookies for a pan, or even a roll and slice. I never thought of doing that. Bars would be cool too and thanks for adding the difference in bake times for each type. Cool.
Adding high altitude baking is a convenient element. I knew it was different but now learned how it changes. Cool!
Yummy! I could use one of these right now, but will have to settle for ice cream and chocolate chips for a treat. LOL
Welcome to WDC, Satwinder Vig I am here with a review to celebrate you!
I liked the title that makes an intriguing one for a self help book. Evocative. Your short report shares the intent of the book clearly and that it is accessible to most people in its simplicity. Good idea to keep it simply said!
It is interesting that you apologize for old info that might be there after publishing as this is true of many books. A time thing we can do little about.
Thanks for sharing your interest in spirituality. Maybe you can share some of the ideas in another article.
I was fascinated by the name of this flower so the title hooked curiousity. The picture is beautiful and adds colour, effect and realism to your description.
I can't imagine it's smell. EW!!! It is cool that smelling it is actually one of its attractions for people. I guess it is a fascination. Wow.
Your blog has a friendly vibe and shares facts and your experiences with this rare plant.
I enjoyed reading it aloud. I wondered what it does once the 3 days of blooming are up. I guess it has done its work til it blooms again. It is very interesting.
Thanks for sharing another delightful piece of New York!
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