Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/zreef
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
How do I make a storry
Hi Johny labra,

Click this link  -  "Get Started With Your AccountOpen in new Window. -  then click on "Create your first item."

Also, make sure to stop by "Noticing NewbiesOpen in new Window. to introduce yourself and for more help getting started.

I did but no luck I wanted to write some thing but it just showd me tips on getting started without telling me where to go to create a story
Yeah. Unfortunately not a step-by-step guide. I should have given you the long version ( "Create/Edit a Static ItemOpen in new Window. ) that's more helpful including explanations.

1. In the Left Column, click on "Create New Item" with the green cross.
2. Under "Free Membership," click "Static Item"
3. Insert a "Title," "Brief Description" and then select an "Intro Rating."
Rating should be "E", but make sure your Title and Description don't use words that aren't allowed. See "Content Rating System (CRS)Open in new Window.

Most of the other fields are optional. The "Create/Edit a Static ItemOpen in new Window. covers those in detail.

Hope this helps.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/zreef