Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/yaksha
Please follow an 18+ rating.*

I'm new here, was introduced to the site more than 7 years ago by an English teacher but never dared to use it. I would love to get feedback on my writing please *SuitHeart*

Before reading please make sure to check the rating.

Here's the link!
" Butterflies Open in new Window.
The piece may be rated otherwise, but the intro (the header) is just good to be rated E. You may want to change that so more people will read it. You can adjust the content rating as you like in the setting.
I agree. Your description is innocent enough and can be rated E.

I read (but didn't have time to give an official review for) the story. Nice. *Smile* But your rating is too high, IMO. The rating 18+ is for items that contain references to violence or drugs. Yours does. But GC (when did we get this rating? *Confused*) is for "excessive" references to violence or drugs. Yours isn't that much. And XGC is for "extreme" references to violence or drugs. Yours definitely isn't that. *Wink*

It is better to accidentally rate it too high, IMO, but it's best to rate it just right so you can get the maximum readers. *Wink* But I do appreciate that you posted a warning on the Newsfeed note you posted here! GOOD JOB! It's not necessary, but it's nice that you did that. *Smile*

You can edit your item and change the rating for the intro (to E) and for the entire piece (to 18+) by going to your story and in the upper right corner, you'll see a gear. Click that and choose Edit Item (or something like that). Be sure to save your edits when you are done. *Wink*

Then, you can come here and edit this note. *Bigsmile* In the upper right corner of your note, you'll see a little down arrow thingy. Click that and it will say something like Edit Note as one of the choices. Click that. Below the note you'll see a text box to edit. After you save your changes (which should include removing the warning and making the link a bitem link, if it wasn't already (because I'm not sure if the system changed it to an item link automatically based on your intro rating). Bitem links are more eye-catching, plus the description entices readers as well. *Smile*

Good job already discovering how to use the buttons above the text box, BTW! Well done with the bold and color! *Delight*

I can't believe you remember this site from 7 years ago! *Shock2* Well, I'm very glad you came! And I'm extremely impressed with your English! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
I forgot to mention that if you edit your Newsfeed note and then, after saving, realize you need to edit it again, you need to refresh the page before you can edit again. *Wink*

Also, you can edit your original Newsfeed note, but you cannot edit comments or I would have edited mine to fix my parentheses situation. *Laugh*

If you see this post, may you please review my short story "Butterflies", before reading verify the rating.

Thank you!
Welcome to WdC, Yaksha! You are more likely to get people to read it if you post a link. *Wink* There are 2 main ways people post links on here--item and bitem (big item) links.

To post any code, you use the curly braces located above the square brackets on your keyboard. You also need the 7-digit item number located on the item between the title and description, but usually you don't need to copy and paste that. Normally, it will automatically populate after the colon.

There are no spaces when you create the link, not even after the colon. I'll use my own challenge as an example to show you what they look like. (Feel free to check out my challenge. *Bigsmile*)

{item:2109126} = "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window.

{bitem:2109126} *Down*

Image Protector
The Contest Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon

Good luck and welcome to WdC!
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/yaksha