Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/xkiba4lifex
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I was thinking Sandy might want to take advantage of the situation you and her are in for this chapter.
Quick update.

I have blocked Silver Dragon from My Items, My Posts and ever messaging me again. He has schemed constantly behind my back, disrespected me in messages to others.

Frankly I just want to write, I don't want to deal with the drama he causes
You should probably know that he sent me (and whomever else he considers to be part of his writing "team") a request for intervention on his behalf, asking that I downvote your post and comment about how great he was.

As is obvious, I'm not going to do that. He got himself into this and he can get himself out.

Just letting you know if comments or messages like that start flooding your inbox.
EliteLitter Author Icon - Yeah, he did that to me too. Obviously i also rejected it.
Doom  Author Icon
Ah, now it makes more sense why they messaged me out of the blue with a massive list of characters! I don't even want to know what they did originally to get to this point!
Event Is Over
  •   1 comment
The links don't work
Event Is Over
  •   1 comment
Damn this is difficult as i don't know any of them. But i will see what i can do haha.

Thanks for the event!
Event is over
zeal  Author Icon
love that werewolf girs are having their turn, but i like to remind people that loona is not an werewolf or an wolf
One of these times there'll be a character I'm familiar with. *FacePalm*
Event is over
Event is over
Cant wait to see who else ends up in this event.
500 words? I don't know if I'll manage it.
About to upload mine, thanks for the additional hours.
And the event is over! Over 120 submissions.

I hope you all liked it
Wow, now that is a lot! Probably the most you've done for an event before? Great job and thanks for all the good stuff!
What an event! Massive thank you for all the brilliant chapters you’ve done this month
Great event. Thanks for all the chapters as always!
August Event is now active!

For those familiar with my Christmas event, it will be similar. All throughout August, you can request chapters down below, and I will hopefully do them. I will only write chapters in this list!

- Can write as many requests as you can, but limit is 3 on the Event at a time
- I will message you 'You got a Present' once I publish it.
- Only Requests in my Shrunk Near Your Favorite Girl interactive
- Can request entirely new girls if desired.
- Event ends on the 31st of August.

REMEMBER to like others requests. Gives me more incentive and chance to write those since I will be satisfying more people

I will be choosing what chapters i want, and please accept that you might end up with 0 presents at the end if your requests dont interest me. Excited to see what chapters you all come up with

I don't see an option to like other requests in the event. Is there some option locked behind a paywall or is there something else we can do in place of that?
Question: Are we allowed to request for any of your interactive stories? Or is it just "Shrunk Near Your Favorite Girl X" only again?
Thanks for the event! I will send my requests during next week.
And the winners are in!

They are.

1. Coolguy
2. ShrunkenElf
3. 152
4. Nagini
5. Random Anon
6. Supah_Franky
7. Dinglish
8. Dollfan
9. Nonyour
10. Sloth

Sorry to those that didn't win. I won't be doing another one for a while, but I will give a heads up. I will be doing a Present event all of September. So plenty of free chapters there
Another raffle!

Like this post to enter and I will pick 10 winners. Those 10 winners will get a free chapter request each from one of my interactives!

Winners will get announced in 24 hours
Another Raffle!

Enter this Raffle by liking this comment. Once you do, there is a chance you can win!

5 Winners will get 2 chapters each for one of my interactives! Winners will be selected randomly, and announced in 24 hours.

Best of luck to everyone
Cool, I just noticed these raffles.
Proving why you are the GOAT of all size writers.
I almost loose this one. Good luck to everyone!
~Happy WDC-aversary~
And the raffle has been decided. Like I said, I put all the names in a random generator, so I'm not picking favorites here.

The first winner is: Brucasco!

The second winner is: Flurley!

They both get five.

Next time I do this, there will be 3 winners who get 3 chapters, so till next time
  •   1 comment
Wow! i certainly wasn't expecting this. Thank you very much for the raffle!
Another Raffle! Simplly like this comment to Enter the Raffle, and within 24 hours I will randomly pick the winners.

There will be 2 winners this time, and they can request 5 chapters from me each. From any of my interactives!
Excited for this one lol

Best of luck everyone
I'm winning this one fellas
Damm i almost don't make it on time 😅

Thanks for the raffle to Lover and good luck to everyone!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/xkiba4lifex