I was thinking Sandy might want to take advantage of the situation you and her are in for this chapter. |
August Event is now active! For those familiar with my Christmas event, it will be similar. All throughout August, you can request chapters down below, and I will hopefully do them. I will only write chapters in this list! Rules - Can write as many requests as you can, but limit is 3 on the Event at a time - I will message you 'You got a Present' once I publish it. - Only Requests in my Shrunk Near Your Favorite Girl interactive - Can request entirely new girls if desired. - Event ends on the 31st of August. REMEMBER to like others requests. Gives me more incentive and chance to write those since I will be satisfying more people I will be choosing what chapters i want, and please accept that you might end up with 0 presents at the end if your requests dont interest me. Excited to see what chapters you all come up with |
And the winners are in! They are. 1. Coolguy 2. ShrunkenElf 3. 152 4. Nagini 5. Random Anon 6. Supah_Franky 7. Dinglish 8. Dollfan 9. Nonyour 10. Sloth Sorry to those that didn't win. I won't be doing another one for a while, but I will give a heads up. I will be doing a Present event all of September. So plenty of free chapters there |
As is obvious, I'm not going to do that. He got himself into this and he can get himself out.
Just letting you know if comments or messages like that start flooding your inbox.