Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wilroy
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Roy  Author Icon
With just 5 days left, it’s safe to say the Nosedive No More Kickstarter campaign will end without reaching its goal. As the sun sets on April 1st, Nosedive will enter those hallowed halls of projects un-funded.
Roy  Author Icon
Since I know not everyone has time to read an entire manuscript, I added an audio excerpt to my campaign page. Visit {https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nosedivenomore/nosedive-no-more?ref=user_me...} to have a listen.
Roy  Author Icon
Finally launched my Kickstarter campaign fund my publishing project for Nosedive No More. If you'd like to know more about this project you can visit the campaign page at kickstarter.com. Feel free to check out the manuscript here (Item: 2225657)on Writing.com and share your thoughts!

I look forward to hearing from the community!

The kickstarter is a 404 error.

And if you'd like us to read it, put the ID number as {item:XXXXXX} where the X's are the item's number. That way we can go straight there.

Good luck!
Roy  Author Icon
S 🤦 Author Icon - finally got it to work! Thanks again!
Roy  Author Icon
Hello again! Finally got the link my kickstarter campain to work, so if anyone is still mildy curious/interested you can check it out here:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nosedivenomore/nosedive-no-more. I would really appreciate your help in bringing Nosedive No more to life; or just some constructive feedback.

There's a link to the manuscript on the campaign page or you can go there directly:
 Nosedive No More Open in new Window. (E)
A young bat has to master the art of landing... Bat Style!
#2225657 by Roy Author IconMail Icon
(thanks again Dave Ryan)

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Roy  Author Icon
Ok, that last attempt didn't quite go ans intended. bact to the drawing board!
  •   1 comment
You'll get it. Keep trying.
Roy  Author Icon
I've added the item number to my last post. Unfortunately, I couldn't ge the link to work but if you follow the hashtag, It'll take you to the backer tracker page and from there you can go to the campaing overview for more info; if interested.

Thanks again S. for the head-up!
Hi Roy,

The links use curly brackets, not round ones, e.g.



"Nosedive No MoreOpen in new Window.



gives a lot more detail

 Nosedive No More Open in new Window. (E)
A young bat has to master the art of landing... Bat Style!
#2225657 by Roy Author IconMail Icon

There are a lot of other types of links. In the menu on the left of each page

Writing.Com Tools -> WritingML: Docs & Help

gives a handy reference.
Roy  Author Icon
Dave Ryan Author Icon - Hi Dave, thanks for that info!
Roy  Author Icon
Yet another revision. Will I ever be finished?
  •   1 comment

There's a missing verse:

How many notes must a man write down
about all the typos he's found?
How many times must he revise his work
to get the damn thing off the ground?
How many times can he rewrite it all
and still remain mentally sound?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
the answer is blowin' in the wind.

request for review expiring 7:30 am on 17th
Roy  Author Icon
Kickstarter campaing is ready to go, just gotta work up the courage to hit "Launch"!
Roy  Author Icon
Whoo hoo! I got a grand total of ONE person following my kickstarter campaign! Ceeeelabration time, come on!
Roy  Author Icon
Almost ready to kickstart my kickstarter campaign! Visit the preview page below and hit the notify button it you'd like to help me bring Nosedive to life!

Become a backer! visit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nosedivenomore/nosedive-no-more
Roy  Author Icon
Last night, I did a reading of Nosedive no more for a live audience (of one; my daughter😉) and got rave reviews!
Roy  Author Icon
I've just uploaded an updated version of Nosedive No More. I think the revision fever has broken🤞 :
 Nosedive No More Open in new Window. (E)
A young bat has to master the art of landing... Bat Style!
Roy  Author Icon
It seems, having posted Nosedive No More here, I've been stung by the notorious revision bug! Here,s to getting Nosedive across the finish line! *Bat2*
Roy  Author Icon
The version of Nosedive No More I'm intending to publish is posted. Feel free to stop by and have a looky-peek! Of course, feedback is welcome.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wilroy