Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/whysnowflakes
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Happy 8th WDC account anniversary!
*Quill**Delight* Happy NanoWriMo!
I see you didn't have sponsor yet so I am happy to do so.!
Good luck. May your muse smile on you today. *Wand*
Thank you so much for sponsoring me, eyestar~* ! Your generosity is very much appreciated! Happy November, and I hope your muse smiles on you as well *Smile*
Life has you busy I can see, hope all is well with you, miss you around the site!

See ya once you have some more time!
Summer is crazy! There will be five kids running around my house for three months. Consequently, I will be gone until the end of August. My account expired and there's no point in renewing until I have time, so if you need to reach me for any reason, please post a message here.

I wish you all a wonderful summer (or winter, as the case may be). Happy writing! See you all in August!

~ Robin*Bird*
  •   1 comment
Have a great summer Robin!
To everyone that I owe a review or a response of any kind to:

My sincerest apologies for the constant delays and excuses this month. I've had a series of personal issues and stresses that have reduced me to not much more than a lurker here on WDC. Thank you for your patience while I sort out my issues and get my act together. This community is valuable to me and I'd hate to lose the friendships here because I've failed to respond and/or fulfill my promises. I'm working on it, and next month is already looking much better.
Take care of yourself first *Heart*
Priority number 1: You.
The rest of us can wait~ *Smile*

For some reason, I'm reading my own text as passive-aggressive. I apologize for this, that is not my intention. Get done what needs done IRL, then come do reviews when you're ready!
I'm struggling with a rewrite on two different stories. They're just ok enough that I can almost fix them within the document... but not quite. I need to just start over. Maybe writing on paper will be easier. ???

Does anyone have any advice for this problem? My muse doesn't want to come back to work after the weekend. *Frown*
I have found writing on paper does help me. A few other things I find helpful is to read about contests going on, doing random reviews, looking at pictures, or watching the news.
I know that when I'm struggling to find inspiration, I like to take a legal pad and get away from my normal routine. Sometimes sitting on my porch helps, or otherwise leaving my normal desk (and its associated problems) behind.

Being creative into a judgmental MS Word document is a difficult task for sure.
Thank you so much for all of my Valentine's pampering with "Invalid Item I felt well and truly spoiled *Heart*
For anyone who's interested, I just posted my NaNoWriMo novel. Reviews award gift points*Smile*

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#1959784 by Not Available.
*Football* Go Broncos!!!!!!!!!*Football*
Hello! I'm just reminding you about the awesome activities currently available for members of "WDC Addicts Anonymous. We'd love to see you join in! If you simply don't have time for these, feel free to just drop by the "Gift Shop Review forum and say hi anyway. *Smile*

The Addict's Challenge  (E)
A set of tasks for members of WDC Addicts Anonymous to complete in order to earn an MB
#1972939 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

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#1974286 by Not Available.
Interesting thoughts on what messages we want to send (our children) in the stories we love. Enjoy!


Sometimes I wish I wasn't on any social media and really did live under a rock. There was a shooting today at the high school my parents went
to, right here in Denver. What's wrong with these people who do @#!* like this, especially right before the holidays?! Sometimes I just hate people so much! It wrecks lives and scars people.

Please pray for the students and surrounding community of Arapahoe High School.
  •   1 comment
How devastating. Keeping all of the students and community in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers. There is no understanding this type of behaviour. Sick people commit sick acts of violence there is no understanding and there is no reasoning why or how. ((HUGS))
Oh, how I want to see this movie!

  •   1 comment
Truth moment: I've never cared to see a movie in theaters before, but this one is the first one in memory that I actually desire to see on the silver screen. Ever.

Robin, thanks for sharing this gem!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/whysnowflakes