Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wheezyharp
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Writing.com is a group inside of a group. It's unique in that it has a built-in audience. As I write this, there are 3042 people online here. That's a pretty good size group of potential readers 'of our stuff'. Writing.com is divided into many sections. I'm still new here (and lost here). Maybe some of you are, too. No, none of us will ever get all 3042 people to read our thoughts, but it's more than anywhere else that I know.
  •   1 comment
Welcome and thanks for the optimism.
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wheezyharp