Hello once again. Just wanting to talk about a difficult topic. Just summarising what I read. If you find that you resonate with what's being said why not do something about it. What I am talking about is impostor phenomenon, impostor experience and impostor syndrome. Suzanne Ives Glantz first studied impostor syndrome in female college students and faculty. It is it's not a disease or an abnormality and it isn't necessarily tied to depression anxiety or self-esteem. Where do these fields off fraudulence come from? People who are highly skilled or accomplished tend to think others are just as skilled this can spiral into THESE feelings. Other people and as Angelou and Einstein experienced there's often no threshold of accomplishment that puts these feelings to rest feelings of imposter ISM aren't restricted to highly skilled individuals; either everyone is susceptible to a phenomenon known as pluralistic ignorance where we each doubt ourselves privately but believe we're alone in thinking that way because no one else voices their doubts, since it's tough to really know how hard our peers work how difficult they find themselves there's no easy way to dismiss feelings that were less capable than the people around us intense feelings of imposter. ISM can prevent people from sharing their great ideas or applying for jobs and programs where they'd excel at least so far the most sure fire way to combat impostor syndrome is to talk about it many people suffering from impostor syndrome are afraid that if they ask about their performance their fears will be confirmed and even when they receive feelings of fraudulence but on the other hand hearing that an advisor or mentor has experienced feelings of impostor can help relieve those feelings. the same goes for peers even simply finding out there's a term for these feelings, can bean incredible relief once you're aware of the phenomenon you can combat your own impostor syndrome by collecting and revisiting positive feedback. WE ARE NOT THE CAUSE OF PROBLEMS. INVESTIGATE to recognize that your own competence may never be able to banish these feelings entirely but we can have open conversations about academic or professional challenges with increasing awareness of how common these experiences are perhaps we can feel freer to be frank about our feelings and build confidence in some simple truths you have talent you are capable and you belong everyone can use a little extra kick of confidence sometimes find out |
Hello just completed an article on benefits of walking. Been meaning to do it. Will try to share with you too, one of these days. In the mean time get walking because it get the heart, mind, body , joints and other things working in the way they should and you will be ripping the benefits for years to come. |
Just read a story by Kittiara on how to over come fear of rejection. Well that was very motivational and I feel encouraged to do the things I was too scared t do. As she said at best our life will remain the same or can change for the better. I choose to give it a go and see my dreams come true. Thank you so being open and honest about your experiences. I will check in again next week and let you know how I am getting on. |
Well, today marks 5 years of my being a member. Wow, time truly goes by so quick. I guess I have not been as active as I had imagined I would be. I am going to start and get serious with my writing now and see were life will take me. Hopefully this time next year I will be at a different level. I am now reading more and certainly trying to write more on this platform and in personal life. So to all the new comers out there. The trick is just to make up your mind, make time and stick with it no matter what. Because what I found was, I got busy with work, life, chores and everything else thus pushing own dream to a corner only to be pursued when I have time, not tired or simply remember. Don't take that route because it leads no no progress. Instead, just make time. If possible set a date , day or time that you will sit down and write no matter what is happening around you. Someone even suggested recording your thoughts then transcribing them at a latter time. I thought that was a nite idea although I don't do it personally. I prefer to put pen to paper or see the words right in font of me as this gets me inspired. So get writing. Well to end my story I say this is me at my 5th anniversary/ birthday as a member. So how has your journey been and how long have you been on it. Are you making progress? Are you were you imagined you would. As for me, I am wide awake now. So I say to you no matter what, keep going and don't lose hope. I am off to celebrate my special day. Perhaps I will go shopping for a new note book. Have a blessed day |
It is 2022. can not believe how fast time is moving. One simply has to make time and not wait for time, lest you find you have done nothing. |
My fraud-fear was always: I'm not really a writer, I'm just a "wanna-be." I'm not intelligent, or well-educated, I haven't read the classics so I couldn't possibly ever be good enough, there are all these things that everyone else is or has done but I haven't. If they find out I'm a fraud, I'll feel like crawling under a rock and staying there. So instead, I'll just sit on my rock by myself and watch from the sidelines.
Yeah? (As folks on the newsfeed know, since I've been on WdC, I don't even know where my rock is anymore