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Happy anniversary 🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂
Happy anniversary
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*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Happy wdc anniversary.
So my teacher had use doing fake job interviews to help us get jobs when we're old enough since most of us right now are fourteen or firthteen. She called us out randomly and we get graded by how good we did. She also teaches us about how to deal with different types of jobs and had us fill out fake applications and tax papers. She's a really good teacher and its good to learn these at a young age so when we do become old enough we have everything we need to know.
happy anniversary
any tips on how to get out a stuck earring? The back is a slide off one and it just wants to stay on and it wont come off at all.
Twist it in your ear to get it moving and then try pulling it off. or get some pliers.
im slowly going back to the dark place i fought so hard to get out of...
You need to fight it. It's too easy to get stuck there and so hard to get back out of it. I know you are hurting, and rightly so! But you need to remember that you deserve much better than what was done to you and you are better off knowing now, than after investing years of your life with someone who is so careless with your heart and feelings. I know it's hard, but try to look ahead and know that there is happiness out there for you.
You need to get outside. You need to go into daylight and let it shine on you. Sunlight, obviously not directly into your eyes, but sunlight hitting the retinas is directly tied to hormones in your brain that make you feel happy, dull anxiety, and chase off dark thoughts. Yes, the sun drives out the darkness. In every sense of the word.
So, log out. Get dressed for whatever weather you have, and take a stroll around the block. Or two. Then come back and tell me how you feel. I'll check back here in a couple of hours.
Even when im at my lowest I make sure my friends are okay and i don't care about myself
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I'm glad you always care about your friends, but to give them your best, you must be at your best. Be sure to take care of yourself as well! *Heart*
my bestfriend just fell in love with the person that broke my heart...I loved him more then I love myself, more then i ever loved myself! But he just keeps hurting me
I hope this doesn't come across as flippant, but that's pretty typical in the teenage years. I hope she's able to work through it. *Heart* Just because we love someone, doesn't mean we need to be with them. And the same goes for those who love us. We don't need to be with them if they aren't good for us. *Wink*

Another piece of advice, if your friends and/or family think someone is not good for you, there's a good chance they are seeing something you aren't because you are currently blinded by love. But eventually, you'll see the truth and likely regret your decisions, especially if they alienated people who truly cared about you and only wanted the best for you. Friends and/or family don't like them = Warning sign! *FlagR* *Stop*
Some best friend.
Oh, I misread that! SO SORRY! Yeah, Annette is right. "Some best friend."

But I still stand by my statement that if your friends and family don't like someone, pay attention to that. Sure, it might not apply in this situation (unless everyone already told you your best friend was a bad person), but it's still words to remember for the future. *Wink*
So i just had a breakup with my boyfriend well ex since he sexually assaulted my friend...
He also cheated on me with another girl and flirted with other girls
Yikes! You are definitely better off without him! *Angry*
I just saw this. He's a very bad person. Stop giving him your energy and start putting yourself first.

You deserve a boyfriend who sees you as his equal and who chooses your wellbeing above all else.
worried about a friend who just had a break up and wont respond to me at all. Please give me tips on what to do!
I would say to just text and let them know you care and are happy to listen to them if they need to talk. Unless they have threatened to hurt themselves, they may just need time alone. If they do threaten, you need to contact someone in authority, a parent or teacher or someone.

It's good to reach out and let them know you are there for them. Everyone deals with this type of thing in their own way. *Hug1**Cry**Hug2* On their behalf, thank you for being such a good friend!
I agree with Schnujo. If there has not been any threat of harm on the part of your friend, it's important not to worry overmuch about what you don't know for sure.

The single best thing you can do as a friend is to just be available. As Schnujo said, you can reach out to let them know you care about them and you're there to support them. A short and simple message like that is best in difficult times, and even if you don't receive a response for a while, they will likely understand and appreciate that you're there if they feel the need for some extra support.

In the meantime, just let them have some space. If a great amount of time passes and you don't hear from them, maybe you could send a very short and meaningful, "I'm thinking about you," or something like that. But try to avoid sending anxious messages, especially close together.

The fact that you care and are available is the most important thing you can offer them, and the calmer and gentler your message(s) to them are, the more meaningful and helpful they will be.

And if you feel the need for some extra support through this time, don't be shy about reaching out to myself or another member of Writing.com. There are lots of supportive people here who have dealt with similar situations as yours.

Take care, okay?

*Heart* Lynn
I saved a chipmunk! The poor thing got hit and I noticed it, I had fallen while skating and my knee and ankle were bloody but I made sure the poor thing was alright and I got the humane society and made sure they got it before i left it to go home and clean up my injuries.
Awww, bless your heart! That sounds like something I would do. I hope you weren't injured too badly!

I once saved an injured duck from some mean boys who thought it was fun to kick it around. I made sure it was safe, fed, and let it recover. Then my kids and I set it free near a pond closeby. (I did call the wildlife place that was supposed to take care of things like that, but after a few hours they still didn't show up. I called them back and they told me they didn't have time to "look into it," so I took care of it myself... *Laugh* Ahhh...those were the days!
That was so sweet of you! That chipmunk was very lucky! *Heart* I hope you are okay as well!
My boyfriend knows what its like when i have a mental breakdown now and i feel like crying
  •   1 comment
Please know that you are not done in any of this. I know it can feel like you are, but believe me, you aren't. Those who are a part of our lives, and intend to stay that way, have to know what we may go through and educate themselves on it. It can make all of the difference in the world. I am here if you need to talk. Hang in there. I know it gets so old, but tings will improve. *Heart*
Mother has a migraine and i really just want to be at home and not school. Not having the best day either, I stayed up half the night cause I have issues sleeping. So i really just want to curl up on the floor and suffer as i try to sleep. I can sleep for a few hours before i jolt awake and i can't sleep at all and i have to stay up. I normally only sleep for two hours then stay awake the rest of the night.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/vera101