Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tuozzo
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In the category, "Sometimes even the Oxford comma doesn't entirely prevent ambiguity," I just read the following Google review for a local Goodwill location:

Clean, cheap, and pleasant staff.

I'll take a dozen, please.
Sure it's not for a brothel?
Robert Waltz Author Icon - I'm not sure of anything anymore, but if it is, I'll take two dozen, please.
So the employees shower regularly, make minimum wage, and don't take out their frustrations on the customers.

I must admit, I've never been to a business where I felt the need to investigate the hygiene habits of the employees.
I think I may have just slept through NaNo. *Quill**Books3**Books1*
I actively ignored it. I tend to instinctively avoid anything that's a "groupspeak/groupthink" type project and NaNo seems very much a rahrah cheerleading thing.
Aiva Raine Author Icon - You're probably correct about it being a cheerleading kind of thing, but we all need a little cheering up and cheering on, at times. So, IMHO NaNoWriMo is generally a good idea. Like almost anything, it's not for everyone.
Humble Poet PNG Author Icon -
Agreed- I'm bah humbug about stuff like that, but it doesn't mean that it isn't fine for others.
I'll be in Tulum tomorrow, if anyone wants me to pass on a message to the Mayan gods. 🇲🇽🏯☀️🍸

Happy Thanksgiving!
Hannah Gadsby on "high functioning autism" and going from teacher's pet to teacher's nemesis in one lesson.

I was teacher's pet until the same teacher expelled me.
In all seriousness, as one who works with children on the spectrum, this was actually VERY helpful.
Annette Author Icon - That must have been devastating. *Heart*
Let me get this straight: After years of hearing from English teachers and Stephen King - writer that we should limit adverbs in our writing, now Google is telling us to use more, if we want search algorithms to rank our blogs and other web copy?? According to this article from SEO experts at Yoast, we should incorporate transition words (aka, conjunctive adverbs) in at least 30% of our sentences.

https://yoast.com/transition-words-why-and-how-to-use-them/#h-what-does-the-transition-word-check-in-yoast-seo-do  Open in new Window.
Walk quickly but do not run.
Walk slowly but never saunter.

And learn how to flâner. Je suis un flaneur.
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - yeah, you are! *Trainb**Hotair**Plane**Earth**Planet**Beach**Mountains**Rose**PoseyV*
Brandiwyn🎶 Author Icon - I just explained that to someone here. 10 weeks of whatever.
Ain't she a woman?

Well, yes, she was, but she never actually said it that way. See for yourself:

https://www.thesojournertruthproject.com/compare-the-speeches  Open in new Window.

I may be addicted to the Facebook "Snooze for 30 days" button.
It's NaNoWriMo, so I'm just gonna leave this here: https://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/

What?? Just resurrecting an old tradition.
I haven't seen this cookie in awhile. How many years have it been? *Laugh*

We get do competitive over this back then.
Elycia Lee ☮ March Forward Author Icon - I am not sure how many years it has been, but if I could find my saves from all those years ago, I probably have soooo many cookies now!
Let the novel writing commence!
National Novel Writing Month starts in the next 24 hours:

Tokyo: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Mumbai: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Moscow: [Refresh to load countdown.]
York: [Refresh to load countdown.]
New York: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Nashville: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Reno: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Honolulu: [Refresh to load countdown.]
South Pole: Depends where you're standing
North Pole: Only Santa Knows *SantaHat*
LinnAnn -Book writer Author Icon - Reno is Pacific time. *Thumbsup*
Brandiwyn🎶 Author Icon - I just never think of it. lol I'm trying to clean house because it won't get done during November. roflol
LinnAnn -Book writer Author Icon - same here. getting angel eggs done for midnight, and also working on table, no room on it at all right now.
Happy Diwalioween de los Muertos to all who celebrate. *Sun**Bulby**Ghost**Skull**Coffin**Grave*
This might be a fun place to go if the USA and Russia are getting along; if Uber and Starbucks moved in; and if you pay attention to the reviewer who said, "Great place but you need to be very careful not to fall of the edge. The “flat earth edge ahead” sign is poorly lit." I suppose some roads might help, too, but I can deal without them if someone else is driving.

Is it me, or does the island look like a Stormtrooper doing the backstroke in the satellite view?

  •   1 comment
I've been to the westernmost point of the continental US. That, though? That's just too cold.

For now.
I finally learned the difference between gray and grey. I've always wondered. 👍
Brandiwyn🎶 Author Icon - My inner pedant wants to remind you that black, white, and gray/grey are not technically colo(u)rs, but I laughed anyway.
Robert Waltz Author Icon - Right, I hear you. "One is the partially visible presence of all colors, and the other is the partially visible presence of all colours" just didn't have the same comedic punch. 🤣
Brandiwyn🎶 Author Icon - Waltz's First Law applies here: Never let the facts get in the way of a good joke. Or a bad one. Especially a bad one.
Apparently, today's readers are lazy. So I've decided to try writing a novel with nothing but headers, one-liners, and punchy marketing copy.
Me: Tell my friend's family to enjoy their vacation with a Jamaican accent

ChatGPT: "Yuh fi tek it easy an' enjoy di vibes, mi fren! Nuh worry 'bout nutten, just relax an' mek di good times roll. Hope unuh soak up di sun, di sand, an' all di blessings! Walk good an' enjoy every moment pon yuh vacation!"

"The good times roll"? Isn't that from New Orleans?

Well I concede that when I read it out loud and tried to imitate Jamaican accent, it almost rolls off the tongue. AI did an okay job. Not "Airey" though.
1. Kind of tired of hearing how Gen X is the "forgotten generation". We're just good at flying under the radar. 😉

2. This article may have some decent points, but it's mostly crap. I stopped reading here: "In the past, Gen X were the Kings and Queens of thrifting. They adored the vintage look and loved getting clothes at discounted prices. Back then, the shoes people wore or the brand of clothes people had on didn't matter as much." What on earth?? We invented brands that matter. Two words: Air Jordans.

3. I'm also tired of hearing how millennials and Gen Z can't take care of themselves. It may be true for some of them, but if so, it's the fault of their helicopter parents... Helicopter parents who were probably, once upon a time, latchkey kids.


What generational stereotypes annoy you the most?
We Baby-Boomers are getting older, but I don’t want to be considered irrelevant.

The tools of our day would still be okay with me, now. Wall phone with a 50-foot cord would be preferable, annd infinitely better than a phone in the pocket with an infinite “tether.” Maybe I don’t want people to be able to call me when I’m on a long walk.
I dislike how we used to be Generation X or Y (not sure which) and all of sudden, we are grouped with the millennials. Feels like we don't belong anywhere. We existed before the term millennials even existed.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tuozzo