Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/trey14
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trey  Author Icon
A long night of not being able to sleep... Haha, wrote 5 whole pages of plot for a story tonight. Trouble is, my story's pretty dark, and the rainy night doesn't help my case haha. I'll be sure to start posting stories and whatnot, didn't realize it'd been so long! Well, I soul tonight, but unfortunately it seems I don't have any typed ones with me and I should already be sleeping, so... I will in the morning then. Hope you all enjoy!
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Hi and welcome to W.Com.

Just thought I'd be first to write in your notebook! *Smile*

Checkout "The Newbies Academy GroupOpen in new Window.


*Star* Sisco. *Star*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/trey14