Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thinnchrispy
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Something like the others  (E)
I don't think this is finished...
Writer's block...even after trying to actually map it out and outline it along with little character bios, which I never do. I usually just free-write and edit and chop it all up...Does anyone have suggestions or tips that help when you get stuck? I would really appreciate it.
I try not to think about it and do things that make me happy - other than writing. Some reading, a movie, some photography away from the desk usually gets me out of the rut.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 I was born a rambling man  (E)
A single run-on sentence, in an attempt at some poetry, edited and uploaded.
I am sincerely exhausted mentally everytime I hear a new "word," if one can truly call them words. And I am not talking about actual words, I mean the pseudo-conjunctions, I guess that's what I will call them. You know the ones I'm talking about. s*** like, "Octomom," or "Selfie." Both of which have been added to Webster's, which is insane to me.

The Ad and Marketing professionals are turning our kids' brains to mush, and ours' as well, but we aren't being raised in this maelstrom of ignorance. Smart phones make you an idiot, especially if you were pretty idiotic beforehand. Auto-correct has a hand or two in it as well.

The fact that women and woman are used interchangeably by all the Facebook philosophers, amongst other words that are not necessarily spelled incorrectly, just used wrong, proves to me that these tools are more of a curse than a blessing. More of a toy than a tool, rather.

Penmanship is dying as well. When was last time any of us actually wrote a lengthy letter by hand to someone that wasn't either overseas or incarcerated? And why would we? They can get emails too.

I digress. I just think about these things when I am reading an article in a newspaper or journal, or even online, from a source that's supposed to be professional and credible, and I catch more than a few misspellings or wrongly used words.

I hope whoever reads this, and anyone on here really, feels the same because it is getting ridiculous. That's all I have to say about that. *Forest Gump voice*

PS...this is my first time, so be gentle.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thinnchrispy