Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thawthorne
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
*Confettir* *Balloong* *Confettib* *Cake2* HAPPY 2ND WDC ANNIVERSARY, SAD MACHINE! *Cakep* *Confettio* *Balloonr* *Confettiv*
Even when I'm walking on the wire. Even when I set myself on fire. Why do i always feel invisible?

*People* *Person* *People*
Are you sure you don't mean invincible?
If no one sees you, you still exist. Be your own first audience and don't worry about others. You can't control them.

-sigh- I wish my mom wouldn't think that there is something wrong with me. *Irritated* *Worry* *Frown*
  •   1 comment
She probably doesn't understand you or who you really are inside. Don't let it get you down. Remember, you're your own person!


Just some quick (fanfiction) story concepts:

         Soulmate AU: You cannot see anyone else's reflection except your soulmate's. Person A actively avoids mirrors because of the fear of seeing their soulmate, and becomes friends with Person B because of it. Then one day, they are in a mirrored elevator and they see each other's reflection.

         Family AU: Person A has a family with Person B

         Soulmate AU: Communicates with soulmate by writing on arms. Any pain either one goes through, the other goes through it too.

Alright. Just some filler stuff for fanfiction.
As for Soulmate AU with the mirrors, where do the vampires come in? *Smirk2*
Sorry. I couldn't resist!

Hey. I'm back. I'm okay. I'm healing, thanks to my beloved new girlfriend. She's the sweetest thing.
*Rabbit* *HeartB* *Cat*
I lost him... I lost the one I loved... My chest hurts... Help me... *HeartBroken* *Sob*
Thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend. *Cry*
If you can, speak to friends and family. As TJ said writing about your feelings is a great healer and moves the heart on. I would wholly recommend that.

Be kind to yourself. You could find a good book and lose yourself in another story/world - it does help to empty your brain of the hurt and negative thoughts.

If you live near the coast or lake the water is a healer too. Sitting by the waves writing poetry/story is great.

I wish you well *Hug*
Hey, it's my Birthday! I'm really happy, because I'm no longer an edgy 13 year old! Hah hah!
Happy 🎂.
Happy Birthday *Smile*
Mm. I'm still alive. Just very inactive. Sorry.
I'm going to walk out of school today. I don't care how many people are going to try to stop me. I feel that we need to honour those who died in the school shootings, so I'm walking out. *Grave* *CountryUS* *People* *Cross1* *FlowerV*
Does anyone want to try and stop me?
I hope you walked out and I hope others joined you! *Heart*
Sally We did. The majority of the students stayed inside though. It was a life-changing experience. *FlowerV*
Well done, you!
I walked out. It was dead silent. Everyone was standing in a line, just staring at the sky, or staring at the trees. People in harmony. Popular kids, mean kids, loner kids. Everyone was standing there, together, not speaking, not laughing. Just silent. A message from my friend:
         "We walked out. Not just for the remembrance of the Parkland victims, but for the safety of myself and my peers. In the moment, those kids thought they were safe. [CITY] is only safe if we stand together. If we cannot be heard in here, we will gladly do it out. This cannot go on."
#smstandswithparkland #enough
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thawthorne