Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/teaandcrumpets
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
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*HeartP* It's open! My first contest.

Check it out and write me an awesome poem or story. *HeartP*

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The Dark & Twisted Romance Contest Open in new Window. (13+)
For those who love Dark Romance.
#2334816 by Channie Author IconMail Icon

I will be holding my first contest on February 14! I find it very exciting but I'm really looking forward to it. Don't shoot me if there are some mistakes in it.*Rolling*

Donations are very welcome *HeartBl*

*Wip* It's currently under construction, but soon there will be more to see. *Wip*
Once you have your contest up, I will check it out.
Impatiently waiting to see what you got! Shoot you, oh heavens no; but I may be willing to donate a little as well as participate.
*Fireworks10* It's my time to shine!
The snake represents wisdom, elegance, charm and mystery. The snake is also seen as a symbol of transformation. This sign is also praised for its adaptability, intuition and excellent ability to observe.*Fireworks6*

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Shine away!

Many know that my sister Kit Author IconMail Icon lives in Scotland and that there has recently been a huge storm. She has been without power or heating ever since. This may last until Tuesday!
So she cannot come online until then.

I didn't know Kit has a Sister on WDC! Sounds terrible in Scotland and think we are getting the tail end of this storm now but not nearly as bad. Hope the power is back soon.
Jellyfish Author Icon - I am her younger sister, and have been here at WDC for a little over a year now *Ha*
Hey, please tell your sister. Joey says there is a spare bedroom here in Bartow. It's 68 degrees today, and I have two generators in the garage.

Is this really true? *Blush*
I have been nominated 5 times! *shock*
Thank you for those who believe in me. *Heart*

Quill 2024 Nominee
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Congratulations! *Heart*
Story time! there is something new in my portfolio (finally) *HeartRainbow*

"A Leisurely LoveOpen in new Window.

Almost new year! ( Not really it's still afternoon)
But I wish all my wdc friends a good and healthy new year with a lot of love and laughter *Fireworks5*

24 minutes more, and it's new year here.
Happy new year to you ChannieBear!
Kit  Author Icon


I want to share a beautiful song with you.
Tomorrow my father will be operated on for the second time for cancer, but he also has mild dementia. I'm afraid of the outcome, will he be even more forgetful after the operation? there is a good chance, they say. Anyway, I'll be there for them.
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Glad you can be there. Keeping your family in prayer, especially your father. *Pray* *Heartv* *Pray* *Heartv* *Pray*

That's all I say for the one who still dares to throw a snowball.*Whistle*
Ohh someone is funny..yes you Anon!
Don’t kink shame. Some folks are into yellow snow *Eyesleft*

Jeremy Author Icon - No kink shaming here, make them extra juicy for those who want *Wink*
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Well Thank you Anon, that was cold!
Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends *HeartO*

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I feel like toothless, having to pull another tooth *ouchh*

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Seems like the dentist is always finding ways to take my money and inflict pain.

*Stop* *Stop* *Stop*

Please help my friend, This year he is participating in NaNoWriMo and can use all the help!*BurstR*

"Note: Most of you know me from the myriad of conte..."

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Finally something new *Fireworks1*

 The Lie Open in new Window. (13+)
When secrets come out
#2329065 by Channie Author IconMail Icon

Last year I received a membership as a gift from an anonymous giver (thanks still). *HeartRate1*
I hesitated for a while about staying, but of course I will! *GreetR*
With a little help from my sister I was able to extend it. When I have some GF again (I'm broke now) I will send some MB to the people I can't live without.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/teaandcrumpets