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anyone interested in reading something that I am getting started on, email me and let me know, I would really like some feedback on how it sounds so far, or if anything needs to be fixed/corrected
Working on a new novel, i am almost 42 pages in and I am still going strong... It is a story about possession, would anyone be interested in reading it and giving feedback on it?
So, random question... what's everyone's view on sub/Dom relationships?? Just curious
I'm naive so I think relationships should be equal. Sub/dom eradicates the human rights? But that is because I read Fifty Shades of Grey and I think that sort of relationship is just horrible. Horrible!
Even if just slight, there is always a sense of sub/dom. That's what I've always seen anyways
I'm into it like extremely, into the whole aspect is exciting in a way that is unexplainable
Ok, so it's a new year and I'm troubled... I have no idea what to do!!!! So I have plans on making the life changing decision to lose some weight, but it is not as easy as I thought....

I guess I'm just... I'm afraid of failure above all... I don't know what to do... I want to I just don't really know where to start......
Start simple. Do some light weight excersizes to get yourself in the groove. As for food, that's the hardest part
*hugs* You can do it. Making small steps does help and trying to not look at it as an all or nothing situation. Having a treat shouldn't equal a fail and with many things, it's trial and error to find which method/approach will work best for you.

I recommend for sure having non-scale goals to help. Like I found some fitness goals to do that I enjoy so that I have something to strive for besides seeing a number on the scale. Has really helped.
Thank you all for the great advice!! It really does help
So I have a question for everyone here.. Is it possible to fall back in live with someone whim which you were with before and is it possible to get another chance with that person???
Fall back in love? Yes. Get another chance? 50/50
I'm hoping to get another chance in crazy over this person have been for four years
The main reason to hate being a female....the damn thing that occurs once a month.... Ugh.... I hate it because I have cysts... I feel like my insides are going to come out... On top of that I have gallstones.... Ugh... Smh
Ok, so my boyfriend came over on Sunday and stayed until today (Tuesday), and it was amazing. I never knew what it felt like to be in a relationship with your best friend until now. Not only could we be ourselves around each other, but also act like major idiots too.. I truly love this man... He may in fact be the one......

Also, first kiss. UNFORGETTABLE... I have waited a these years for that and it was totally worth it.. So happy!!!

So this weekend has been pretty good, especially tonight. My mom went to go see my dad in Arkansas on Saturday because his work has hom travelling all over and being gone weeks at a time, and they needed time alone with each other. Anyway, they surprised us tonight. My dad came all the way from Arkansas just to give my sister and I chocolate and have pizza with us... Happy Valentine's Day, I enjoyed seeing him again. Will miss him when he leaves at three a.m. to get back to work. Hope he gets to come home next weekend if not we are all gonna drive to Arkansas to see him... I LOVE MY DAD!!!!
Added my competition entry on here.. Right now the title, is untitled... It isn't complete yet, but any feedback would be really great as of right now... Kind of at a standstill....
Brad Paisley's song Little Moments is the cutest thing ever. There was this one guy who said his wife knocked him down the stairs and we he got out of intensive care they got married, that was over 50 years ago, and he fall in love with her more and more each day... Too cute, I couldn't help but laugh....
Listening to the song Mr. Know it All by Kelly Clarkson.... great song, this song is pretty much my way of taking a stand against, all the people I was with who tried to control me. No man OWNS ME, I am my own person!!!! They don't a thing about me!!!! :D
Ok, so some random chatter this evening.... I have become a fan of Lindsey Stirling. She plays the violin with a twist of dubstep, and it sounds really awesome. I am especially obsessed with it, because the violin happens to be one of my favorite instruments and plays beautiful music!!!
Lindsey Stirling is a fantastic artist! I really like her covers of famous video game tracks; somehow, she manages to make the most epic battle music sound peaceful and serene. She's brilliant!
Oh yeah, I know... It is amazing, my friend introduced me to her music when he and I were listening to dubstep one day.. He told me to give him an instrument, I said violin, and I was blown away.... Round table Rival is a really good one she does, and so is Crystallize.. two of my favorites....
People of writing.com, writers of all type, I need your help!!
I am having a major writer's block moment, and I have no idea what to do at this very moment. I am having difficulties, adding to my competition entry and also just writing things in general, I have no idea what is going on. I usually write romance, or horror/romance, or even the occasional mystery romance as well. I also wrote a few erotica type things, but now I have a blank memory... nothing is coming to me. If anyone, has any ideas or suggestions, please send them my way, any type of help would be greatly appreciated at this moment...
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