Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/t.s.bowman
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hope you had an amazing holiday season this year, love! *Heart*

A few weeks away and nothing but junk mail in my inbox when I come back. On the bright side, WDC hasn't reminded me it's my birthday in a few days. Last year it told me almost two weeks in advance.

It's been quite a while since I have been able to find the time to log on here...much less get any writing done. Work is hectic...family is...well...family.

Hopefully things can settle down and I will be able to get some writing done. I actually have a couple of pretty good ideas. Well...I think they are pretty good anyway. Go figure I would actually GET an idea or two when I don't have a whole lot of time to do much about it.

The catch 22 of writing! Ideas only come to you when you can't do anything about it. *Facepalm*
*sigh* Eeryday I log into this place and think maybe, just maybe, this will be the day someone sends me an email and asks how I am doing.

But, alas, the only emails I get around here are from the site itself trying to talk me into buying GP, or one of the three newsletters I get.
Ugly? *Laugh* Like... the colors and stuff? Some of the background colors and whatnot changed when they made the customizable skins. Just... choose a different one. I've been changing mine here and there. For ummm... 5+ years I just used the same one.

So... are you going to keep us in suspense? How are ya? *Wink*
I'm doing pretty well. Work is okay and I am still enjoying the job.

Of course, it's graduation season and so things here are chaotic to say the least. *Smile*

I really am going to try to be around here a little more cuz I miss you all.
Huh. One year ago today I started my account here. How do I know this since I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday?

Why...the WDC system sent me an email about it.

I was kinda surprised it didn't tell me I should give myself the gift of some GP or maybe a nice coffee mug.
Meh. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose.

I think you should send me the novel and let me read it. LOL
*Laugh* The entire novel is right here:

Pantser Novel -- NaNo 2014  (18+)
FINISHED! 11/30/14
#2017978 by Cinn
Hokay. I'll start on it in a couple of days.
While I truly appreciate the reviews I get here since I don't havea whole lot of time to do many, I find it kinda funny (no really, I get a chuckle) when I get reviews for the "Pantsers" United group.

It is, however, good to know that my explanation of the group is informative enough. *Smile*
You should give me access to edit it so that I can make it look pretty. No pre-planned prettiness of course... spur of the moment beautification, promise! *Laugh*
Ummm....uhhh...how do I do that??? Been a while since I have done anything like that around here. LOL
Well...made it through the long, dull, mind numbing orientation (40 hours worth) at my new job. I finally get to start the real work on Monday.
Stability is definitely one of the biggest attractors as far as why I applied there. The only person on the management team who has been with the company less than 10 years is the IT guy who just got hired a couple of months ago.

The working conditions are great as well. I have worked in some pretty nasty places and this isn't going to be one of them. There are always dirty, nasty jobs that will occasionally come up, but nothing like what I have dealt with before. It's kind of odd too, because I will be working at a drywall plant. You would figure there would be tons of dust around, but there isn't. They have a great dust collector system so the place stays pretty darn clean.

It also helps that the money is good. LOL
I imagine that OSHA would have a fit if they had dust everywhere. That would have to be unsafe to inhale the stuff for years.

I'm happy that you finally found something good, love! No more being too strapped for cash to enjoy life. *Smile* Of course, with that many kids, money will always be a little tight I imagine. *Laugh*
It will always be a little tight. But now, at least I will be able to pick up decent insurance and gain vacation time and actually be able to afford to USE it well.

Things will still be a little tight..but not nearly as tight as before.
Well..while I appreciate the system sending me a Happy Birthday email...I do find it kinda funny that it came in a full week early. LOL
Nahhh. I have never had a problem with my age. Hell..I consider myself lucky to have actually made it this long. LOL

They just want to make sure you don't forget! *Laugh*
Riot that's entirely possible. I do have really bad short term memory. LOL
Hmmm...it seems I was tagged in a "invalid Post".

Ummm....what??? LOL

Why even bother notifying me of it if the post was deemed invalid and I couldn't see it anyway?
Generally, that means they deleted the post, love. The system notifications are faster than the person deleting it. *Wink*

Are you just dying of curiosity now? *Laugh*
One of these days I'll learn to refrain from responding to a Three Word Thursday note or any of the ones like it that show up on the newsfeed.

It's been weeks since I got an email that didn't involve a newletter or a fundraiser of some sort.

I came home a couple of days ago, after posting in the Three Word Thursday feed to my inbox saying I had 40 new emails. 37 of them were notebook replies.


I know I haven't been spending much time on this site and that is for a couple of reasons. One..it's complicated/hard to find stuff at times. Another is the fact that I don't really want to pay for "advanced" stuff like a bigger port. And I am not one for begging so going to the ROAK folks isn't something I am gonna do.

Sometimes, it seems that this place revolves around the GPs and how to get them rather than revolving around the writing. People (with some exceptions) do reviews for the GPs. I did almost 40 reviews when I started here and was under teh impression that as long as I kept reviewing, I would get reviews in turn when I posted things. Well..except for a couple of people who regularly took a look at my work, that wasn't true either.

I'm not saying I dislike the site. One of the people I met here is someone I would consider a pretty good friend even though we haven't spoken much lately.

There are just a few things that make a fellow that thinks like I do feel that finding a less complicated place where concentrating on the writing is the priority is a better option.
I came to Writing.com to WRITE. Occasionally, I attempted reviewing. Occasionally, I received a review. I continue to write every day and was grateful for a place to post my work; to see it on the screen and to see the writings of other writers when I chose to. Occasionally, I purchased GPS to keep paying for my membership; when I had too many items written for my port, I paid for an upgraded, now to Premium. AT ALL times, my primary purpose was to write and to review and hope for reviews. I found challenges in entering contest which led me to write more often and the reviews helped me improve my writing skills. This wonderful world of writers serves as a place where I can decide how to spend my time without anyone looking over my shoulder. I came to write and to learn from other writers and have always kept that goal even when I found Newsfeed and began more interactions with members here. I have never pressured myself to join activities; I gave time to that because I wanted to. I didn't worry about how many readers I had; I didn't try to be promoted to Yellow Preferred Author; I used my time my way: writing. I learned how to participate in the activities which I wanted, never felt any pressure. This wonderful site does not require any more than any writer chooses to give. That's why I love being here. I can be who I am as a person and as a writer. If I really want reviews, I make sure to put correct genre and type of item on everything I post...Now as a Reviewer (60 this month to Newbies plus more) I look specifically on the Noticing Newbies, Request a Review and similar b-items to read who has shown both genre and type and are on those b-items; others make a note on Newsfeed if they want a review. You too can request reviews, everyone can. I know that my time on Writing.com is my own time and there are no demands; not even as Yellow briefcase; I just keep doing what I want to do. I put no pressure on myself and nobody else pressures me. Keep Writing, my friends. Just keep writing. AND don't forget to have fun here too. *Smile* ANN
Please let me emphasize again: be sure, when you post any item in your portfolio, be sure to give it both genre and type of item (not "other") and you will get more reviews. I guarantee it because I'll choose it.
ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy It wasn't my intention to disparage anyone as far as whether or not their purpose/focus is on the writing. I know of several people here who are very serious about it. I'm one of them.

But there are times when it seems like most of the things on this site revolve around a game of "Grab The GPs." I mean...look how many GPs you have to gather to get the upgrades you have bought. It takes an awful lot of work and an awful lot of time to be able to gather that many. I don't think I have garnered enough GPs to buy an upgrade in the entire time I have been here.

I had someone send me enough GPs to buy an upgrade, and I am definitely grateful for that. I do enjoy the site. I like the people here. I just don't have the kind of time to dedicate that it takes to actually KEEP an upgraded membership. And I most certainly don't have the money to pay for one. There are two teenagers and two under ten in my house. I don't have spare money for much of anything.

As far as the reviews, I know it's supposed to work on a quid pro quo basis. I just haven't seen it working for me at any point.

And I most definitely won't spend GPs to pay someone to do one here when another site I am on has no GPs or anything like that. If you have posted and reviewed, you'll get reviews. How many depends on the people you have done one for.

I'm not saying the other site is better. I will say that it is far less complicated and much more user friendly. You don't need a Newbies Academy (which I was very grateful for when I joined here) or a mentor to show you around over there. I had a friend check it out and she said it was too "old school" for her and I don't hold it against her. I guess I am just a simple guy who likes things uncomplicated.

When I first started here, I tried my best to be as active as possible. But I found myself using a lot of time here that would have been better served actually writing. I had to make a decision on what I would be doing with my time. I still check in here on a daily basis and will continue to do so. I just don't spend as much time here as I used to.
Would anyone who donated GP to the Pantsers United Comedy Contest fund please let me know so that I can return their GP. If no one responds, I will just donate the GP to the ROAK fund.

Also, if you sent me a survey/essay for the e book project, please re send it or request a new one. For some reason, when I emptied my email box, I lost a couple of them and I don't remember which ones they were. I am really sorry about this. I want to make sure that everyone who wanted to be involved will be.
You can see who donated by going to the gp log in your group tools on the group page.
I already deleted the group. I didn't know about that option.
Would anyone who donated to the Pantsers United Comedy Contest Fund please let me know via email how much they had donated so I can return the GP? I have shut down the contest and would like to get everyone their donations back.

I hate to shut it down but I have been spreading myself too thin as of late and I am unable to put in the kind of time necessary to keep it going.

Right now, I have to concentrate on my own writing because it has suffered greatly over the last 6 months or so. I have a couple of short story projects and one novel that I really need to get to work on. My family time has declined as well and I simply can't accept that if I'm not making any progress in my writing.

Unfortunately, that also means I wont be able to spend a whole lot of time here since I absolutely have to cut back on computer time if it's not being used for writing.

I'm sorry about the contest.

Family and real life come first..always. No need to apologise for that my friend. Wishing you well with your writing and look forward to your dropping in now and again. Take Care
If no one replies, you could just donate the funds to "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group *Smile*

Just a thought... *Bigsmile*
That sounds like a plan, Sisco. I'll give it a week or two. If no one responds, the donation will be sent to ROAK.
OK folks. After many delays and some real life issues to take care of, and with great regret that it took so long...here are the winners for the "Invalid Item

Third place - "Invalid Item

Second place - "Invalid Item

And the winner is.......

First place - "Invalid Item


Thanks to all who entered, and thanks for being so patient in my absence.

I will be awarding the prizes shortly.
Due to unforseen circumstances, I have been unable to complete the judging for the "Invalid Item.

I hate the fact that I have made everyone wait for the results, but I promise I will get them up before the end of next week.

The promised prizes WILL be awarded.

Thanks to everyone who entered and thank you al so much for your patience.
I sure hope the "Invalid Item wasn't a One Time Wonder. We are several days into the next cycle and there have been no entries so far. We are still tabulating the results from last round, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep entering.

Come on, folks. You KNOW you have a story just sitting in the back of a drawer or in an old Word file. You really want to break out that silly thing you wrote a couple of years ago.

Bring them on. We're willing and ready to give them a read. *Smile*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/t.s.bowman