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Do you avoid reviewing poetry because you think you don't "get it?"
Do you enjoy reviewing poetry? Why or why not?
I only review if the poem pikes my interest.
deemac Author Icon -You should let the poet know if the are writing what seems pretensious or forced, so they can improve.
I like raw emotion in poetry instead of the fluff or highly metaphorical which seems to get lost in translation. Raw emotion, is real, authentic and sincere. The highly metaphorical ones I tend to skip because it is open to so many interpretations, so never really states what was intended to be said in the poem. I look for the emotion more than style of form.
*Star* Success Sunday *Star*

         Share a success you've had recently.

                    Big or small, we want to hear them all!


I made it to church on time with 5 minutes to spare!
I'm at least coming on to WdC to check emails, notifications and the newsfeed again. For a few days I was in a slump and couldn't even get myself to do that much.
A team member wasn’t performing well. I visited his market and showed him where he was going wrong. We put together a plan for him to work on. I don’t know if that qualifies as a success, but it did make me feel good. Instead of just asking him to go, I gave him one more chance. Even he has a family to keep.
On the importance of having community in your life.
Do you have a community (spiritual or otherwise) in your life? What's it like?
The regulars and staff at the pub. We joke around and abuse one another in a light-hearted way, but don't you dare mess with any of us if you're an outsider - stir one is to stir all. They are accepting, kind-hearted and look out for one another.

But the pub the is the centre of Australian towns. And out here, in the country, very much so.
I am pagan, but my best friends are muslim. Friendship transcends faith when it's meant to be.
I am a solitary eclectic witch so there isn't too much available as far as community opportunities. I have a few sister witches I communicate with online but that's about it.

Details: "A place to answer daily questions and spark conversations."

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Question of the Day! Open in new Window. [18+]
Come answer a question, share a laugh, encourage one another, and bring me a coffee!
by Quilli ☕ Author Icon

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Saturday Sentence...

         Give us a sentence that's exactly seven words.


Going to a book convention in May
Jeffrey Meyer Author Icon

puts on nerd-voice while pushing glasses back up the bridge of my nose — Actually, the US is a constitutionally protected republic with a democratically elected representational government.

I'm honestly not sure why it matters that much. After all, the entire reason for using a constitutionally protected republic is to prevent the vast majority from eliminating minority representation; which is the main problem with a pure democracy. It's the entire reason for having only two Senators from every state; regardless of their population. To balance the republic-side with the democracy-side, Congress also has the House of Representatives—based upon population.
However, people who usually make the distinction—in my experience—tend to lean politically-right. I find this confusing, considering the current state of affairs. Like when the POTUS uses the results of the '24 election to claim the majority gave him a mandate to destroy minority rights. So, we can conclude that people who bring up the distinction are willing to ignore the constitution—and the protections it provides—despite proclaiming the country to be a constitutional republic.

And yes, I do believe that people need better education in the US to prevent this kind of ignorance. However, I doubt eliminating the Department of Education will achieve that result.
H. C. Blakemore Author Icon - Not only do we (I) need to teach my children about it better; but I need to understand it completely first! This is actually more than I knew (which is also frightening). Thanks! *PirateFlag*
Three Word Thursday

What three words best describe a flowing river?

See a great response? Send them a Three Word Thursday badge!
from the left menu, "Points" --> "Merit Badges: Shop"

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Water moving downstream
Never Ending Story.
Riding a storm.
Help shape future drama newsletters! Tell me what you want to read about! There are some suggestions in the newsletter.
What’s the most compelling part of drama for you? Is it the tension, the tragedy, or something juicier?
Betrayal or deception
I deal with drama but hate it passionately.
All three! The juicy part of how the main character falls in love to the tragedy where they must save the one they love to the tension where the main character risks it all to save the ones they love.
Fantastic Friday

Tell us something

Tales-For-Kids Author Icon - Also; I stopped smoking. (2 Years.)
Dad  Author Icon
Tales-For-Kids Author Icon - Congratulations! Way to go. It's been hard, but in the end, worth it. Of course, since quitting in 1996, I've gained 80 pounds, but part of that is getting older and more sedentary.
I'm promoting my new dark fantasy comic at three conventions this year.
The setting of an action/adventure story is adventure in itself.
Just how important is setting to an action/adventure story?
The setting is essential in all writing.
The fights change depending on where you are. You can't yeet someone across the yard if you're in a library or a forest. I mean you can, but there will be a very different outcome. So, the setting is crucial to not only action/adventure, but any story. You have to know where the character is to understand why they do certain things, I think.
I want to be there when the shit hits the fan.
How to write a short story
Why do you write short stories?
If the shoe fits...
Usually if I write a short story, it is for a contest here on WDC.
JACE  Author Icon
Ever since I took a creative writing course in college, which focused on essays, I've really enjoyed writing shorter items, including short stories.

I also enjoy reading the short stories of O. Henry. Man, could that guy write.
*QuestionBR* Hey Writing.Com, we'd like to know! *QuestionB*

What are you reading this weekend?


Finally making more progress with

The Wager by David Grann
Tonight, I plan to read more of a book I have about forensic science. I might re-read the chapter I just finished. It's a particularly fascinating chapter!
I am reading The Study Havamal and Six Shifts to Improve Special Education and Other Interventions.
*NoteY*   Another reminder for our paid members:

Entries into our March 2025 paid membership contest, "Short Shots: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window., are due in by the end of March 31st, 2025 Writing.Com time -- that's Eastern. *Wink*

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Short Shots: Official WDC Contest Open in new Window. [ASR]
Use the photo to inspire your creativity. Write a short story and win big prizes!
by Writing.Com Support Author Icon

You've got plenty of time so don't miss this opportunity.

*Heart* A total of 1,750,000 Gift Points are up for grabs!

Good luck to all our entrants! *Smile*

  •   1 comment
He's a millionaire. She's a humble working girl. When they meet, the sparks fly...
Why do millionaires fall in love?
I keep hearing in my mind the words from a song, "Why do fools fall in love", but substituting 'millionaires' for 'fools'. Any group of people could be substituted there. It's a good reminder that we're all alike in some ways.
Everyone needs love. You can have all the money in the world, but for some people, that won't matter at all if you don't have someone to share it with and that's why even millionaires might fall in love.
It makes no sense to me, either.
Walrus on Wednesday

Name this walrus!

Mike  Author Icon
Sam the Moustache.
*Music2*   Musical Monday   *Music1*

What's your current musical obsession?

Leave a comment with your answer!


Simon Song From Young Royals
Dad  Author Icon
If it's music, I'm obsessed with it.
Obsessions of any kind seem unhealthy to me. I just enjoy good music that's been composed and played by talented people.
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