Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sumojo
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Lake Bonewater Open in new Window. (13+)
Two scientists inadvertently awaken something best left asleep
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 The Best Laid Plans  Open in new Window. (E)
Tara ensures her wedding is perfect.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Panda Pandemonium Open in new Window. (E)
A man tries to return a Christmas gift.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Image Protector
Sheriff Cody Open in new Window. (E)
Cody finds himself a little out of his normal environment
This is a good story. Trust me.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Image Protector
Win Some, Lose Some  Open in new Window. (13+)
After a windfall, Gloria and Paul thought their troubles were over.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 The Game Open in new Window. (E)
A game of chance. Played to the death.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Sickly Spirit  Open in new Window. (E)
Dialogue only chat with a hypochondriac ghost
Happy WDC anniversary.
  •   1 comment
Thank you so much Damon.
Cheers Sue
Happy anniversary 🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂
  •   1 comment
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 The Way Back Open in new Window. (E)
Clara fights to return
Sorry I missed your anniversary, I hope you recieved some gifts here on WDC

All the best
Take care!
Thank you so much. I’ve been spoiled by all the reviews and congratulations.
Cheers Sue

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Balloonr* Happy WdC Anniversary! *Balloonr* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*

Happy WDC Anniversary!

Happy WDC Anniversary, Sue!

Carry on ...*Witch*

Happy WDC-aversary!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sumojo