Something new in my port...
Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ? |
R.A.T.! Random Aussie Tune! This is part of my ongoing attempt to make Australia seem like a country not just populated by wildlife out to kill you (even though it is) and always on fire or under water (only half the time, to be honest) by posting songs I like by Aussie (not Kiwi) artists. In Australia, we have a thing called 'pub rock.' It is our term for the straight ahead rock and roll that we grew up seeing in pubs and clubs from the late 1960s through to the mid-1990s, based on what is now called classic rock. However, in the UK they had their own version of pub rock. It was still played in pubs and still rock, but lighter, a little less serious, and more indebted to the 1960s Liverpudlian sound at heart. And Australia had a few of these bands. That's where Dave & The Derros come in! Don't take it seriously, some songs too naughty even for Australian radio, and just a load of fun. Seen live? No. Overseas success? Maybe a smidge in the UK. 'Nice Legs, Shame About The Face' by Dave And The Derros (1979) |
A week in and no entries for
A visual prompt, one banned item... Come on! Give it a go! |
R.A.T.! Random Aussie Tune! This is part of my ongoing attempt to make Australia seem like a country not just populated by wildlife out to kill you (even though it is) and always on fire or under water (only half the time, to be honest) by posting songs I like by Aussie (not Kiwi) artists. Into every country comes music that makes the world go... "What the f...?" Well, in 1980, this song came out (and, yes, I own the album it comes from). I did not realise until some fifteen years later they were even Australian; I assumed they were from the UK (the UK band Black Gorilla released a version in 1981 which is the one all over YT). But, well, for a while there, this was the song you heard school kids screaming at each other. Sure, it might have been for only a few months, but... Yeah. This song is weird, and I still know all the lyrics. Seen live? No. Overseas success? In Europe, yeah! 'Gimme Dat Banana' by Dark Tan (1980) |
So, I was asked on Discord if Australians have the Easter Bunny... We do, but... We have supported this since it first started; Haigh's Chocolates comes from my hometown, and so we felt we had to support it. More than that, Haigh's is some of the finest chocolate you can eat. Haigh's are also not the only ones who do the Bilby no - it is done by many manufacturers. Why support a destructive nasty critter like the rabbit when Bilbies are so much better? So, if you can, may I recommend trying an Easter Bilby this year? PS I've had some US chocolate. Sorry... but... No. |
New question over at
It might be... "QOTD Friday March 7, 2025" ![]() |
I've added a new entry to my book, "The Bradbury" ![]() "Week 13, 2025 - Carry You Home" ![]() Written for "Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..." No review necessary. |
R.A.T.! Random Aussie Tune! This is part of my ongoing attempt to make Australia seem like a country not just populated by wildlife out to kill you (even though it is) and always on fire or under water (only half the time, to be honest) by posting songs I like by Aussie (not Kiwi) artists. Sticking with the Aussie Rules theme one last time, this time we look at Mark "Jacko" Jackson, an Aussie Rules player who ventured into "music", boxing and acting - he played a great hero off-sider in the short-lived (unfairly so) TV series The Highwayman (starring Flash Gordon, Sam Jones) but is best known for his series of Energiser battery adverts ( (the trivia in my head is insane...) - but this song is the one thing he is known for. That and doing handstands after scoring a goal. He is a nutcase, admits it and relishes in it. He is a breath of fresh air, a sports star who does not take himself seriously. He is a clown... albeit one who could rip your head off. And this is the theme song of too many people in this country (puts hand up sheepishly). I have a great memory of watching a bunch of 6 year olds doing this for a school concert in the late 1980s... OI! Seen live? No. (But I have met him!) Overseas success? Hahahahaha! You're kidding, right? 'I'm An Individual' by Jacko (1985) |
I've added a new entry to my "Writing Blog Number 2" ![]() "20250305 Publishers et al. To Avoid" ![]() A link to a long list, but such an important list for those wanting to publish... traditional, self or vanity! |
What's commonly sold as "American cheese," however, is officially "pasteurized process cheese food," basically a chemical substitute for real cheese. Again, nothing inherently wrong with chemicals; everything you eat has chemicals, by definition. But the only thing this stuff has in common with actual cheese is that the delivery truck passed a dairy farm on the way from the factory to the store. Its primary draw is that it's cheap, but once you start thinking "this is the way cheese is supposed to taste," you're doomed.
Apart from the (real) American cheese, we don't have many native US cheeses; they're almost all copies or derivatives of, primarily, British, French, Italian, or Swiss styles. One might argue "Monterey Jack," but that stuff was invented when Monterey was part of Mexico. There are, I've heard, efforts to remedy this, but they're all small-scale, while Kraft "Pasteurized Process Cheese Food" Singles, the kind you get from the store that's basically plastic individually wrapped in plastic, is freakin' everywhere.
And don't get me started on "cheese" that comes out of a spray can. Yes, that's a thing. I tried to describe it to someone in France who spoke and understood English perfectly well, but the concept still got lost in translation. It probably lowered his already low opinion of Americans, just like I'm doing right now.
As for non-alcoholic beer, there's obviously a market for that as well, but I consider it an abomination.