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Ten More Steps edited today.

 Ten More Steps Open in new Window. (E)
Written for a five minute writing exercise at the Live Poet Society.
#2036555 by Stargazer ~ DavidtheDreamer Author IconMail Icon


Hello Sophie. Sophy is 23! Author Icon Thank you for your newsletter titled; The Illusion of Control. For me, the title says it all. I believe that control is indeed an illusion and the willingness to see through that veil and set down the need to control is a gift.

I send you healing for your continued recovery from surgery.

Thank you for choosing "Ten More StepsOpen in new Window. as one of your Editor’s Picks for "Spiritual Newsletter (April 1, 2015)Open in new Window.




Ten More Steps

 Ten More Steps Open in new Window. (E)
Written for a five minute writing exercise at the Live Poet Society.
#2036555 by Stargazer ~ DavidtheDreamer Author IconMail Icon


Merit Badge in NAFP GROUP
[Click For More Info]

For the Most Outstanding Poetry writing in the Genre of Native American. Your description's were to say the least perfection!!!! *^*Smile*^*Much love and many blessings. Thank you.

Your NAFP Friends/Sisters
Shelley & Cissy

It is an honor to receive this Merit Badge. Thank you Cissy and Shelley.
Hello Cissy I Love WDC! Cissy❤ Author Icon and Shelley ShelleyA~15 years at WDC Author Icon

Thank you for choosing "ThunderOpen in new Window. as one of the winners for your contest "N.A. First Peoples' Form Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. Wow! Four poems tied for first place. I have never seen that happen before. What an honor it is to be amongst these great poets.

Congratulations turtlemoon-dohi Author Icon ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon on your winning poems as well. Great work everyone! *Bigsmile*





I received the hard copy of the Certificate of Copyright from the US Library of Congress for © A Word Is Worth A Thousand Pictures


  •   1 comment
Congrats bro!!!! *Heart*


 Freedom Open in new Window. (13+)
Rage against self confinement
#2032386 by Stargazer ~ DavidtheDreamer Author IconMail Icon


Hello Kittiara kittiara

I enjoyed reading your newsletter. You raised some interesting questions regarding valuing life.

Thank you for choosing "Haiku 0100Open in new Window. as An Editor’s Pick for "Spiritual Newsletter (February 25, 2015)Open in new Window.

Best regards,


Thank you Angels in my Ear Author Icon, Dave Author Icon and Cinn Author Icon for choosing "MemoirsOpen in new Window. as the 3rd place Winner *Bigsmile* for round 20 of "Shadows and Light Poetry ContestOpen in new Window..

Congratulations to the other Winners and to the Honorable Mentions for this round.

What a great contest with so many wonderful poets and poems. *Smile*

Memoirs Open in new Window. (E)
Written for “The Amazing 55 Word Story Contest”
#1972102 by Stargazer ~ DavidtheDreamer Author IconMail Icon
Image Protector
Shadows and Light Poetry Contest Open in new Window. (E)
Do you love the challenge and creativity of free verse poetry? This contest is for you.
#1935693 by Choconut Author IconMail Icon

Best regards,


2014 Quills Awards nominee
2014 Golden Scroll nominee
Member OPA ~ Oregon Poetry Association

** Image ID #2028748 Unavailable **


My poet hat is off to everyone who attended the Live Poet Society tonight. What a wonderful sharing of poetry. I look forward to the next time we meet.

My very first Sonnet *Smile*

 Sonnet 0001 Open in new Window. (13+)
My first ever attempt at writing a sonnet.
#2030660 by Stargazer ~ DavidtheDreamer Author IconMail Icon


#milestone Haiku 0100 *Bigsmile*

 Haiku 0100 Open in new Window. (E)
#2030455 by Stargazer ~ DavidtheDreamer Author IconMail Icon

I hope that we can all scrape each inch of darkness from our hearts, and shine so bright with love, that poison thought or deed, won't find a place to settle in this
Your poetry moves the mind with waves of emotion that unearth buried thought.

Hello Finn. Finn O'Flaherty Author Icon

Thank you for your kind words. They shine bright.

I agree. May I release the poison within my heart so that it does not settle in this world.



Happy Valentine’s Day


{e:a box of chocolates for you  *Bigsmile* }
  •   1 comment
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! *Heart*

Quivering Seafoam

 Haiku 0099 Open in new Window. (E)
Quivering Seafoam
#2030453 by Stargazer ~ DavidtheDreamer Author IconMail Icon




#poem #HeartSoup Heartsoup promt word Hope

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/stargazer1