Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/staine
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Three other adults living here, cleaned all day yesterday, went to bed sinks empty, work up full, yet no one owned up.*Mallet*
It was raining and snowing, no the sun's out and the heat is crazy. Make up your mind.
Good Night, Little me is off tomorrow. Hugs *Cleaver*

Discovery with a judge July 10, wish me luck.
  •   1 comment
Good luck
Gosh what A day

Nighty. nighty, Work first thing. then I'll be back, don't fear *Laugh* Headache is better, so I good sleep will do little me dandy.
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Love this song!
Splitting Headache so no cutting fruit tonight.
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I know that feeling all too well. Hope you feel better fast.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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List of Horror, Fantasy, Non Fiction Open in new Window. (E)
A list for reference of all my books, movies and games.
Just got off. A535 and chocolate milk, night all, may the dark things under your bed, hug you as your dream.

I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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List of Horror, Fantasy, Non Fiction Open in new Window. (E)
A list for reference of all my books, movies and games.
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Well, this list is doing nothing more than depressing me. *Sob*
Way to remind me of my lack of a bookshelf, Missy!

Winter is coming. *Laugh*
Spring a few days ago, but still 1 birthday in April, all were born in snowstorms. I miss GOT.
With so much streaming, and digital, ads are struggling for money. That said ya think I could not see ads not relevant to me, like diapers and dog shampoo.

Under a heavy snowfall warning.
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Good morning.

Good Night, one more loner shift ans Little me will have Monday off.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/staine