Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/spacefaction
Please follow an 18+ rating.*

I have finally finished my WDC Short Story for this month. It took me a little longer than usual because of the Cold I have been fighting and losing against for the last week and a half.

Because only about two and a half weeks remain until the end of this month, I won’t be doing a Shameless Plug Page or a Please Review Page for this Short Story. If anyone wants to read or review it, they will need to click on the link below.

 Locita/Heddus, Heddus/Locita Open in new Window. (18+)
Locita is a female. Heddus is a male. They are also the same individual on Deggun.
#2334915 by PureSciFi Author IconMail Icon

The only problem I may have with my latest Short Story is the last Section. I wanted to tie up all loose ends, and I think I have some, but not all of them. I needed more space but didn’t have it because of our Word Limitation problem. What do you think?

This Short Story has not only been created, but I have also posted two pages and an entry with it: a Shameless Plug, a Please Review Page, and this Notebook entry. You can access it with the link below or one of the abovementioned pages.

 Finding the Truth Open in new Window. (18+)
Taffane is about to lose her job for something she hasn’t done. So, why is she smiling?
#2331744 by PureSciFi Author IconMail Icon

I've added a new entry to my book, "Other Than ScriptwritingOpen in new Window.:
         "Not Another Mixed Blog EntryOpen in new Window.

I finished writing this Short Story last Friday. But because of work, I couldn’t create it until now. It’s the same for my Shameless Plug Page, my Please Review Page, and this Notebook entry. I couldn’t create them until now either. If you don’t want to click on one of these Pages, you can click on the link below. Either way, click on one of them.

 Blades: Power Quest Open in new Window. (18+)
Loonic and Avvia need help. Brodim and Taarina are there to help them with their quest.
#2330282 by PureSciFi Author IconMail Icon


Happy 11th WDC Anniversary, PureSciFi Author Icon!

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Music1* Happy Birthday To You! *Music2* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*

Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
Image Protector
Happy WDC Account Anniversary! *Smile*

I finished writing my latest Short Story a couple of days ago. But I couldn’t create it then because I had to remove some Shameless Plug Posts and some Please Review Posts before I could do it. I checked when I got up today. And they have been removed.

To read this Short Story, go to the Shameless Plug Page or the Please Review Page. You can also click the link below.

 Collecting Resources Open in new Window. (18+)
They have seven planets under their control now. But three of them are having problems.
#2326693 by PureSciFi Author IconMail Icon

Sorry, I'm about twelve and a half hours late in posting this blog entry. But you will see why if you read it.

I've added a new entry to my book, "Only My ScriptwritingOpen in new Window.:


I just finished writing and creating my latest Short Story. If I haven’t created my Shameless Plug Page and my Please Review Page yet, I will soon. You can wait until I create these pages or you can click on the link below.

 Where is Hullem? Open in new Window. (18+)
Their spaceship is falling apart. Can Geora find Hullem before it’s too late?
#2324896 by PureSciFi Author IconMail Icon

Recently, I finished my latest Short Story. With almost three left until the end of this month, I would probably post a Shameless Plug and a Please Review. But I won’t be doing that this month. If you still want to read and review this Short Story, you will need to click the link below.

 The Fourth Klamik War: After the War Open in new Window. (18+)
The Third Klamik War was supposed to be the last war. Now it's the fourth one, or is It?
#2323485 by PureSciFi Author IconMail Icon

I Created my latest Short Story a few days ago. However, I have had problems setting up The Shameless Plug Page and The Please Review Page. Especially, The Please Review Page.

The Shameless Plug Page had it briefly. But it got deleted by accident. So, I need to redo that page too. This has all been corrected. At least I hope it has been.

You can now find it on The Shameless Plug Page or The Please Review Page. This Short Story can also be found by clicking the link below.

 Food Feast Open in new Window. (18+)
The first day of work is always hard. It’s even harder on the Orbital Food Feast.
#2321813 by PureSciFi Author IconMail Icon

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Music1* Happy Birthday To You! *Music2* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
Happy birthday 🎁🎂🎁🎂🎁🎂🎁
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/spacefaction