I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
If you're in search of some different reading/viewing material today, I have a few recommendations from "Watch This Space!" [18+] for ya. I'm working on a new entry to be released this weekend, so now is a good time to get caught up on some entries I really enjoyed writing (and/or feel are incredibly useful viewing). "A Matter of Truth and Individual Work" "A Cornucopia of Stupid Loopholes" "Getting It All in Frame" "Girl Is a Four Letter Word" "Florida in the 60s" |
Loved the Florida in the 60s. I didn't get there till 74. Seemed like everything was geared towards tourist even then. |
I've added a new entry to my book, "American Hot Shit" : "Inglorious Snippets, Part 9" |
WANTED: REVIEWS ON A JOURNAL ENTRY I am looking to turn "The Good News Announcer" into an essay to add to my portfolio. I am looking for volunteers who can provide feedback on the following aspects in particular. Formatting changes (as the entry's formatting isn't particularly formal) Tone (I am aiming for informal but not too sassy.) Title Suggestions Other examples of positive news reporting that meet each criterion Feel free to review the entry or even just drop me an email if doing a full review isn't your thing. |
Kåre เลียม Enga - The problem with me adding more entries is this. My journal is rated XGC. This means my newsfeed posts will need to be rated 18+, something that limits their reach. Turning this entry into an essay in my port will hopefully address that limitation. However, in its current state the entry is not ready to be made into a static item. |
Elisa, Stik of Clubs - Yep. If you can make each essay a separate 13+ item it would help. That or a 13+ blog specifically for these entries. Non-academic (pitch towards high school students?) might reach a broader audience. Titles with a hook (but not click-bait)? As far as sass and sarcasm... it doesn't always work with serious issues. |
Kåre เลียม Enga - Setting up a book item for this is highly unlikely to happen. I try to use my book items as little as possible. Besides, separate static items mean less distraction for readers since there is a defined end point. |