Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/soldier1996
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
This profile won't let me create, edit, or delete any items. This is why I've created a new one "Grunt4Life" just so everybody knows that's me.
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#1977162 by Not Available.
My poem "Broken Smile" will be deleted in one week if I don't receive a rating and/or review. I had very little faith in it to begin with so please if anyone likes it at all leave a rating. Even a bad rating is helpful.
Should I try again to make a sequel to my short story "Rest For the Wicked" or should I make a completely different story? I'm unsure. Thoughts?
If I don't get a review or rating within a decent time period after something is written, I assume it's not good and delete it. I've had a few people ask me why I keep deleting my work. If you like something of mine, tell me please. I'm not gonna keep something up so it can waste space.
There are a LOT of items on this site! If you delete yours quickly, chances are no one has had a chance to see them yet. The best way to receive reviews is to give reviews and become more active in the community.
I meant if it is viewed and there is no rating or review. I do wait for a considerable amount of views before I delete an item. Also, if I have something up for an extended period of time and it has little or no views, it too will be deleted. Why take up the space?
Oh my god...I think I just met the love of my life
Congratulations and all the best! I love such updates. *Wink*

Next time write how, where and who too so we can have a bit more fun.
thank you :')
Finally after all the s*** my ex put me through, I may have finally found the one. We shall see :)
Oh this sounds exciting. Do enjoy finding love. Good luck.
And she let me get my hopes up for nothing. Thanks.
Sorry I haven't been writing like I said, I've been sick and busy with school lately. I'm also dealing with some relationship problems at the moment, so I'll get to work asap.
So I dumped my gf because I found out she has been lying to me. A LOT. and keeping secrets from me. A LOT. What I need is a girl who can be open and truthful with me. I'm just thankful I found out now as opposed to after I was going to propose. :{ I really need to evaluate people better. </3
Sorry I haven't been writing much. I've been busy with school lately, and I'll try to get back to work as soon as possible.
I am asking that anyone who has ready any of my work in the past to ready my newest poem The Wolf It is dedicated to my soon-to-be fiance. I dedicate it to her because her nickname growing up was "Wolfie Girl" due to the way her eyes shine when struck by moonlight. I plan to read it to her just before I propose. I need to know what you think of it. Please read it, rate it, and if you have time leave a review. I appreciate it greatly and I will thank you all individually.
Merry Christmas everyone! I won't be writing until after New Years unless I find time. Everyone have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza or whatever you celebrate (:
To tell the truth, I feel like s***. Probably not gonna be working on much anytime soon. Sorry. :\
Due to a lack of interest, I will not be continuing writing End of Times.
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/soldier1996