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Happy anniversary
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Right now I am in the middle of writing my first book. It has been going hard sometimes. Because I had broken six bones in my left foot. So I had to stop working on my book, to I got better. I hope to finish my book by March or April of this year.
I have been thinking about writing about a young who has some type handicap. And fall in love with able body person. But she is, so scare to love this person, because, she thinks, he only pity her, because of her handicap. But, he fall deeply in love with, because she is very special. I thought about title of the book: Trust In Yourself And Trust Again. I have been thinking a lot about writing this book. I been thinking a lot about character of the woman, with the handicap, and the guy too. This would be my first novel I have written.
Try writing out an outline of what you want the book to accomplish, character development, the major milestones of their relationship, the struggles she faces with her disability. Keep in mind she is just as complicated a personality even though she is disabled. Don't let that one characteristic take over.
Congratulations on starting your first novel! Though I must say, the title seems a bit long to me. It seems more like 2 titles, but that's just my opinion. *Wink*

I think it's awesome that you want to write about a person with a disability. I feel they are often either underrepresented or represented in a bad light. Bunny Sox is right about making sure there is more to her than just her disability. It's important to have depth in our characters. *Smile*

Great idea--Good luck! *Shamrock*
Well I been trying to figure out about writing my first novel. And trying to stay warm in Pittsburgh, because it is getting to be colder here now, and I don't care for the cold. Because, I have Cerebral Palsy and the cold weather bother my left side. Getting back to writing my first novel, I really not sure what to write about. I love to read romance books, because I read them a lot. I ask my family what I should write about , but my said, it would come to me, I am ready to write my first book. I would like input from people, that's what has be happening with me.
Welcome to WdC, Renee! As for what to write, I don't know. I agree that it will probably come to you. You can start by entering some contests. Sometimes a prompt will spur an idea that leads to more than just a story.

There are several ways to find contests. You can check out my challenge. I offer contests to enter every single month. *Bigsmile* "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window. You can also go down to the Previously Highlighted Contests dropnotes and see tons of contests. Just be sure they are active. You can tell by looking in the upper right corner area to see when the last time someone posted was (or you can scroll down to the forum) or the last time the page was edited.

Another way to find contests the Community tab on the left side. Click that and a menu will pop up that lists Contests as the 4th thing. Click Contests and it will take you to a page that lists a bunch...not all, by any means, but a bunch.

Good luck! And again, welcome!
You know you could do a whole romance about a girl who runs away from home and gets taken in by a cool couple who protect her. In her new life she discovers self worth and learns she is worth the effort
You can take any story you like--Bible story, Shakespeare, graphic novel, etc. and then change it. Modernize it like West Side Story did to Romeo and Juliet. Demodernize it. Turn it into a fantasy. Be sure to change enough that it's not plagiarism, but there are basically no new ideas, or so they say. *Wink*

Good luck!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sloan16