Repost from user Robyn is PUBLISHED! ![]() ![]() Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing Sneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty ThingSneaky Gifty Thing [#2051665] Sneaky Gifty Thing *Magnify* *Magnify* *Magnify* WDC Birthday Scavenger Hunt *Magnify* *Magnify* *Magnify* Day One Challenge - Word Play Find this sneaky, blue gift image (see above) in the following items: keahs het nski L_ s_t_ f_r _r_ter_ naim nuem fo ym topr Submit your answers in our SURVEY *Right* "WdC Birthday Scavenger Hunt" . DO NOT post them in this newsfeeds or in email. The FIRST person to submit the correct answers (in ONE survey) wins an Inquisitive badge. All other participants will be put into a lucky draw for a Birthday badge. Don't foget to *Boxcheck* "Yes this is for a newsfeed challenge" AND include "Day One newsfeed challenge" in the survey post, OR IT WILL NOT COUNT! It will also confuse me :P Any ties will be decided by virtual dice. All Scavenger Hunt Newsfeed Challenges will remain "open" until someone submits the right answers or the birthday week ends (September 7th). Any "new finds" will go towards member's "master lists." Please re-post this notice in your newsfeeds so other members can participate! |
I've added a new entry to "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Entry" ![]() This is my first blog entry in a month! P.s thanks writingbyjazzy for reminding me to update my blog post, by updateing yours! |
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done anything on WDC because I was doing a summer church program. It was really awesome, you could feel the Spirit of God move. It was the best month of life! Anyway I plan to write some more on WDC, probably with the coauthored novel with Elfin Dragon-finally published ![]() ![]() |
Hello everyone! I've been inactive for a bit with writing, I've been very busy. But right now I'm writing a novel with Elfin Dragon-finally published ![]() ![]() |
Oh wow, so it is like a novel that will be co-written? ![]() |
Yep :) |
Writers block is a pain in the butt, I haven't been able to write anything for a good while, but I heard reading books helps you write, so I read catcher in the rye. Maybe not quite the exact style I want to use,considering the blankity blank blank number of curse words but it was a really good book. |
Hmm writers block is still VERY extreme right now, anyone have any good contests going on? |
Hello people who are reading this! Today I looked at my GP balance and noted something odd. That odd thing is that I have 40000 more GPs than I thought I did, which came to me as a suprise, mostly because I wasn't expecting it. You know, thats the key to a suprise, not expecting it. I looked through my mail and it seems to be an automatic refund for my basic membership that a very nice person bought me. And that amazingly nice person that I would like to thank is....... somebody whose name is anonymous! Thank you, anonymous ![]() ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |
Thank you hightower! P.S You didn't comment first, so flattery will get you nowhere ![]() |
Thanks, I always try really hard to keep them balanced! P.S If you don't get the pun (which I'm pretty sure nobody reading this will) check out this wiki article: |
Boy, technical goof-ups can be funny! I want to thank RAOK for giving a very nice upgraded membership! And since a random stranger also gave me basic before RAOK upgraded me, I now have both XD! So I want to say thank you RAOK, and thank you random person, I really did not expect this! I am thankful for both of you! |
Well due to many factors, most of all writer's block, I am currently writing a book report, which has to be done anyway. P.S Does anyone know a cure for the block that affects writer's? |
I usually think about anything at all. My favorite thing to do, other than writing. Which would be different music artist, authors, artists (the kind that draw) and what they draw, what sewing projects I'm working on, what video games I'm currently trying to get through, my to-do list and maybe check out a few of the contests here on WDC - sometimes they give me a few ideas to stir the old memory glands. ![]() |
OK it's official, most of items are locked, loaded and in four weeks (if RAOK doesn't come through) purged. I wish I could buy upgraded, but I really don't have tht money. I will still write, but I can't upload until either I get purged or I get upgraded, and I do hope I will be upgraded, not purged. I am not asking for donations, but for prayers, or at least "Good luck"s. Thank you, Tacoman. |
Hello people! I had a vacation, and I didn't write any, unfortunately. VERY unfortunately, my paid membership is about to expire, so I sent a request to RAOK. It expires today so I really hope they come through ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Can someone please answer this poll?
I've added a new item to my portfolio: