Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sharmelle
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Good Day, my Writing.com Pals,

I'm looking to start a fundraiser in April/May with this would anyone be interested in giving out any packages for this fundraiser? It's for "Poetry Topic of the Month ContestOpen in new Window. and my premium membership fee. I'm considering adding one more group/contest that needs some help. So if you need some help with GPs, please come forward; I'm giving out 20% of my winnings.

"The Gnome Adventures Fundraiser ~ ClosedOpen in new Window.

Good Day, My Writing.com Pals,

Who here is also from Michigan?
Born and raised in Michigan, but now living in Texas.
Hang on... Michigan's a real place? I just thought it was, like, a term of endearment people used when describing Detroit and Flint. "I come from Detroit, Michigan," where Michigan is from the Romance "My Joking Friend."

Wow... a real place. Who'dda thunked it?
Everyone should know by now that I am a Michigander.
I've added a new entry to my book, "Sharmelle's Expressions 'n' HappinessOpen in new Window.:
         "February 22, 2025 ~ Catching up: PPC5 Week 28 Poem ~Open in new Window.
We are considering making changes to "Poetry Topic of the Month ContestOpen in new Window.

Marvelous Friend Author IconMail Icon and I have been discussing some changes that we would like your opinion on. They are...

We were thinking of having those interested in this contest to become members so we could occasionally send out announcements, newsletters, and other notifications. Now, it's not a requirement to do this; it's just an option that you may choose to take.

What would you think if we started to have reviews and comments with prizes to do so? I have a couple of MBs that could be used for this, and we may also give out gift points for this.

How do you feel about having the contest use different forms in your poetry entries sometimes? I'm thinking since we have it where you're allowed to enter three poems a month just use the form for one of the poems you enter in the contest. You don't have to use it in all three poetry entries unless you choose to do so yourself.

Please feel free to post anything regarding these ideas and any new ideas you may like to bring up to us at "We Are Considering Making Changes to the Poetry Contest"  Open in new Window.. Also please let us know if you'd like to be added as a member there.
  •   1 comment
The ideas all sound good to me, and I'm hoping to become able to enter more contests soon.
Is there anyone else interested in this "Note: We are considering making changes to [Link To..."? We are looking for feedback and anyone else wanting to become a member, please.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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Daddy, Daddy I Miss You Badly Open in new Window. (E)
Daddy, Daddy I Miss You Badly ~ Form: Sweetbriar ~ Turned into Song/Music

I have just made this poem longer for a buddy who is making it into a song/music for me. I was wondering if it would work in a song/music this way and if I need to make it any longer. I'll give anyone 500 GPs that can help me with this.
Friendly Neighborhood Derg Author Icon - I'm not sure because I've never done this before. Do you think this would be a proper song/music?

I was thinking of having it sung by going through the four stanzas in order, then having it go by putting Stanza One and Two, then Stanza One and Three, and Stanza One and Four together, and then having it sung with all the stanzas together again after that. I'm thinking of giving it a try and see how it sounds that way to go from there.

I'm accepting any other help/advise with this too because I've never done this before and I have another poem I'm making into a Song/music too. but the other poem I may need to put more work into it.

It has already been put to music I just needed to add more to the poem to make it a song/music.
Sharmelle's Expressions Author Icon - I wish I could help, but just to be helping. Unfortunately, my musical ability is non-existant. I've written a few items specifically as song lyrics, but I have no friends or family with the musical talent to write music for them. I recently tried to learn how to play the radio, but I gave it up as hopeless.
One thought occurs to me, but I don't know whether it would be helpful at all. You could consider reciting your poem with musical accompaniment behind it, but not linked lyrics & music as in a true song. I've heard this done and it was very effective, but I can't recall any specific example. The idea was used for open letter type recordings. There were several such items produced during the Vietnam era. The music was used to emphasize emotions rather than form an actual accompaniment with the words.
Sharmelle's Expressions Author Icon - Not sure I can help with that. Sorry.
I've added a new entry to my book, "Sharmelle's Expressions 'n' HappinessOpen in new Window.:
         "February 20, 2025 ~ Catching Up: ThankfulThursdayOpen in new Window.
I've added a new entry to my book, "Sharmelle's Expressions 'n' HappinessOpen in new Window.:
         "February 19, 2025 ~Fun Shopping at Walmart Day~Open in new Window.
I've added a new entry to my book, "Sharmelle's Expressions 'n' HappinessOpen in new Window.:
         "February 18, 2025 ~ Catching up:Tuesdays News ~Open in new Window.
I've added a new entry to my book, "Sharmelle's Expressions 'n' HappinessOpen in new Window.:
         "February 17, 2025 ~ Busy day ~Open in new Window.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sharmelle