Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/seventwoeight
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It's Monday, which means it's time for another prompt for the Bradbury Challenge. If you like this and you use it, please let me know so I can share the hell out of it. And, what the hell, you can have 100GPS because Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon gave me a whole bunch just for fanning them (oh boy, does that sound weird) and sharing is the thing to do.

It's taken me a minute to get to posting this because I finished the full draft of an article about the Moomins for a Scandinavian academic journal and now I have no braincells left.

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Bradbury Engine Prompt #02: 13/01/2025 Open in new Window. (E)
Another Story Engine Deck prompt to help those doing the Bradbury.
#2333365 by SevenTwoEight Author IconMail Icon
  •   1 comment
Yep, I do weird things for sure! A mere 10k to gain a new fan like you seems appropriate, though. Anyone who clicks my heart until it turns gold get the same GP boon. *Heart*

Congratulations on finishing your article! It sounds like a challenge, but you did it! YAY!
OK that was so frustrating! I set up my Bradbury collection as a book, and then when I tried to link individual entries, the system linked to the wrong item.

Anyway, here is my first entry for the Bradbury Challenge:

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Bradbury 25 01: Red Hills Open in new Window. (E)
A young man struggling with his place in the world encounters a dangerous stranger.
#2333188 by SevenTwoEight Author IconMail Icon

And the prompt used to build it: (feel free to nab this and use it in your own way)

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Bradbury Engine Prompt #1: 06/01/2025 Open in new Window. (E)
A bitter nerd wants to reclaim their birthright.
#2333017 by SevenTwoEight Author IconMail Icon
Allan Charles 🐾 Busy Busy Author Icon - Ahhhh that was my mistake! Now I know. Thank you so much for that.
SevenTwoEight Author Icon - When you're viewing something on WdC, it'll have the id number at the top. To make referencing easier, clicking once will copy the number into the clipboard, but clicking a second time will copy it with the appropriate ML tag, e.g. {item:1234567}, {entry:1234567}, {note:1234567} etc. You can then paste that where you want to refer to it.
Dave Ryan Author Icon - Again, super useful information! THANK YOU!
I have to ask. Why SevenTwoEight?
It's my favourite number. When I was about 13, I submitted a story to a magazine, and had to figure out a word count. This was using an electric typewriter with a screen that didn't do word counts automatically. I figured out there were 728 average words on a single-spaced page, and that somehow latched in my head because I see letters and numbers in colour and those colours looked fantastic to me.
SevenTwoEight Author Icon - That's quite interesting. *Laugh*
New blog entry, all about falling down in the snow and in life more generally: "A Blog at the End of the World (2025)Open in new Window.:
         "003. I fell down in the snowOpen in new Window.

I got through all that marking and another lot has just arrived. I'll save that for next week.
Woke myself up to write a blog entry. I was going to do this daily but then marking happened, as it inevitably does. "A Blog at the End of the World (2025)Open in new Window.:
         "002. Marking on IceOpen in new Window.

Job interview sucked yesterday. I really cannot wait for them to let me know I didn't get it.

UPDATE: I didn't get it.
Good morning and happy Tuesday!

How are you all doing?

I have a job interview today. It's snowed again, so I'm relieved it's a remote interview via Zoom.

I'm still figuring out the details of the story for this week's Bradbury entry. I barely wrote any fiction yesterday but got a chunk of work done on my book proposal, so that's something, huh.
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Best wishes with the job interview
This took far longer than I wanted, but I finally set up a folder for prompts for the Bradbury.

I'm using The Story Engine Deck, and have popped photos of the prompt.

GOAL: Add a prompt on Monday and post the story on Friday.

You are welcome to use the prompt if you find it helpful! Once I've settled in a bit here and can get my head around contests and such I'll add GPS for people who'd like to add their stories for points.

Because what do points win? Prizes!

Or kudos, at least.

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The Bradbury Engine Open in new Window. [ASR]
Weekly prompts from The Story Engine Deck.
by SevenTwoEight Author Icon
Good morning, WdC!

How are you all this morning?

What's going on in your world? I just adopted a dragon from GERVIC Author Icon (I hope I paid for it right).

It's freezing cold, but we survived the night. The river levels are high (as you can see) and we're hoping that they don't get any higher.

Today, I've got two essays to mark and a writing workshop to lead. I should really be working on an article and the book proposal, too.

Sometime later, I might even get to write some fiction. I'm debating entering the Bradbury, and I even signed up, but I'm not great at short fiction and time is a factor.

Meanwhile, have a great day everyone, with your hot/cold beverage of preference.
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Awesome! I'm glad you're starting to get involved in our member-hosted activities.

And, you did the registration for dragon adoption and payment correctly.
More rain! We're already flooded out and freezing.

I did manage to write about 400 words for Stone Thief this evening, which is the most I've done this whole weekend.

I'm channelling the feeling of having to get up and mark a lot of long essays tomorrow morning into writing about an awful factory.

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Go Kermit!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/seventwoeight