Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/seuzz
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
The latest polls have closed for "The Book of Masks," and results have been posted: "NailbitersOpen in new Window.. But a new poll is now up: "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window., and one is continuing: "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.
I've posted a new chapter in "Book of Masks"--"A Drive to DistractionOpen in new Window., which is the choice voted in the most recent poll. There's a new poll to go with the new chapter, and more long-range polls remain open as well. Details are on "The Book of Masks HomepageOpen in new Window.
I've added two new polls for "Book of Masks" readers: "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. and "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.. A description of these polls is up on the blog: "Let's Have Some More PollsOpen in new Window.
I've resumed writing in "The Book of Masks" with a new branch. You can find links to it at the blog: "A New StartOpen in new Window.
I'm back at work on "The Book of Masks": "Plunging Back InOpen in new Window.
"As I Said in the Forum ...Open in new Window. I ain't dead. I was just pining for the fjords for a few months.
Happy anniversary.
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
I've updated "The Book of Masks HomepageOpen in new Window. with a new entry, "Happy New Year!Open in new Window..
Update: Sudden Death round in the "Book of Mask" poll is now over.
Once again, a "Book of Masks" poll has had to move into Sudden Death. For details, see my blog post "Again, Sudden DeathOpen in new Window..
Update to my previous news post: The Sudden Death round on yesterday's poll has been completed and a winner declared: "Poll Tied -- Sudden DeathOpen in new Window..
I have been running a poll—"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.—on how to continue my latest branch in the "Book of Masks" interactive. That poll was tied at the deadline, so it has entered Sudden Death phase. For the rules of Sudden Death, go here: "Poll Tied -- Sudden DeathOpen in new Window.
I've a new blog post -- "Commission Ideas WelcomeOpen in new Window. -- specially announcing that I am interested at the moment in doing commissions. My standard commission contract can be viewed at "Commission ContractOpen in new Window..
Major item update to "The Book of Masks HomepageOpen in new Window.: The results of the most recent poll, plus links to a new poll, a commentary thread, and a preview of the next storyline to be continued!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/seuzz