Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/scorpio76
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I always like to find quotes that have meaning.This one fits my mood today.
"No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness." ~Aristotle
I have been without my voice going on a week due to Laryngitis and I can't tell you how much it makes me realize how much I take my ability to talk for granted.Lesson definitely learned.
Well have not been on to do much due to have lost my voice entirlely
and on antibiotics hopefully my creativity will start flowing again until then
I have come to terms that I have a little case of writer's block.
I came home today after work to find in my inbox that somebody
anonymous paid for a 3month upgrade to this sight and just would
like to thank you whoever did this to let you know how great that made me feel and that your encouragement and act of kindness is very appreciated and will continue the writing hopefully better than before with practice.
Thank you very much .
Life experiences do make us wiser and through out the years I've came
up with this one thought that seems to make sense to me

You cannot make up the time that is lost,
but not make the same mistake twice
and live in the moment that time allows us
hello,im a definitely a newbie-starting to get into my creative side again
and thought this site could help me with that
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/scorpio76