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happy birthday
Happy anniversary 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈
🦉 June 2023 Update

Two years?! Owl! Stop playing long-ass RPGs and games with RNG systems! You even have a real computer now instead of that janky tablet!

So yeah, same plan. Still working on the same backlog. With even more new projects backed up in the pipeline now... About... 50% done porting to Docs... My main holdup is turning a spaghetti timeline mess into several neat, streamlined timelines that overlap and intersect here and there. But I need to determine hard starting and stopping points for each, axe some chapters, edit others, write new ones to stitch and fill holes... Gonna need to write several dimensional-altering events to bleed timelines, loose choice options, and chapter threads together just to change format cause I am tired, folks... Not of Queen Bee! But the CYOA format is a mess and doesn't work on other sites. I’ve exhausted most of the easy, linear timelines. Why have I not done all of the easy ones yet? Uggh... Now for the terrifying messes too... I have a lovely Beta, but she cant help till I get my stuff to Docs... I am so slow... It seems that wrangling my anxiety problems doused a bit of that urgency too... I’m not saying that I want to go back to being Poe all the time IRL, I’ve retained my ability to Darkfic... But the fire I once had under the hood is now a dim glow... Well... Depending on my mood, had some 6 hour binge writing sessions and now there is ANOTHER new timeline. And I’m not even at the target character’s introduction yet! But it's like a scroll for 20 seconds on one note already... I wish the notes had a word count. It's already scary!

I’m keeping bios though! I’m Autistic, I NEED to describe characters in ABSURD detail! But that bloats chapters... Anyway, I need to crackdown and get some serious porting, writing, and editing done!

Oh and learning AO3’s tags... That should be a fun learning experience... As I said in my intro, same plan as 2 years ago. I recently realized just how BURIED my story is in a larger interactive here. That 10 K character limit KILLS me too. I have ASD, I need my space to overexplain in Autistic detail! 10 K... Is never enough. I have to have weird breaks in chapters, I hate it, it messes with my whole flow every time... Also some niche topics and such that I probably should’ve been tagging for years, I want to avoid angry comments about my trigger warning minefield of a fic... But also tagging so people can find niche topics on purpose.

Once more, Owl Out 🦉
I get it. I do. Gotta make money. I think Black case just means you have stories in your portfolio. So yeah, roughly reader or writer...

Set to anyone. It's that a free member/guest server limit I mentioned. Whenever I have free membership or get logged out, I can't read MY OWN interactive chapters 99% of the time except rarely in the small hours of the morning... That wore me down for months. It really was a combo of things... Plus I don't own the interactive my Magnum Opus is in... So I can’t edit chapters, and I’m trying to do rewrites and reorganization. I thought long and hard about moving, I’ve been here almost 15 years and I’ve seen things. Mostly my closest people leaving. Only one OG is left, the owner of the interactive... No one else from back then is still around, my original mentor... His health slowly took him, genetic condition. My fanfic literary hero slowly slowed down and quietly left at some point... If not for Wayback Archive... He was doing Isekai before it was a thing! There was one other... She dipped years ago too. My memory is both terrible and impeccable. There is a Lilo and Stitch quote that guts me... But it's relevant. “If you wanna leave, you can. I’ll remember you though. I remember everyone that leaves...” It's a curse... So yeah, I’ll be around to chat, but I think I have too much emotional baggage here, among other things.

Paid at a certain level can do 3 branches. Yes. It gets murky with editing and free membership.

Advertise? Not particularly to be fair. I don’t have enough feedback to gauge with. This is the most talk about my story had here in YEARS.

59? Wow. I started when I was... 16... I think... Most are probably old ghost accounts from years ago or all are very shy, probably the former. I had maybe... 2 or 3 people email once or twice over the years? And one of those was just a complaint that there was too much plot between the kink... What? How dare I...

I feel you... 🤣 The struggle!
Ohhh...I understand. I didn't quite get the server limits thing you were talking about...nor did I know about that. I can see how that would suck. *Pthb*

I didn't know we can edit our own interactives. I've only added to ones here and there over the years, mostly from folks who beg because I'm not much into what most of them are about. *Wink* If I ad to a naughty one, it's usually a filler chapter where they are going between places and not much happens because I have a reputation to uphold. *Angelic* I did notice I couldn't edit my own additions--annoying. I should suggest that, I think. It would be nice to edit out a typo or whatever. Can you edit when another person messes up in your interactive?

Yeah, a lot of my original friends on here are either gone or dead. That's why I'm always around chatting and making new friends. *Angelic* Sure, it might SEEM like it's to be helpful, but it's also helping me keep an active social life--good for the brain. *Laugh*

When I say "advertise," I mean on the Newsfeed, not the paid ads. I've never actually done those and know nothing about them except that they exist. IMO, they don't work because I don't pay attention to them, but that might just be me. *Laugh* Do you know now to post a link to your interactive? If you need a refresher, let me know. People are more likely to read or add or whatever one wants if there's a link right there. People are lazy. *Wink*

Too much plot between the kink?!? *Rolling* *Rolling* *Rolling* *Rolling* *Rolling* OMG! That literally made me laugh out loud!!! THAT IS AWESOME!! I really hope I can hold onto that memory because I love it! *Inlove2* Thank you for sharing that! *Laugh*
Server limits. Yeah... They’re a pain.

Edit your own, cannot edit posted chapters. I have SEVERAL YEAR’S LONG outstanding minor typos I am dying to fix! That I can’t till I port to Docs. I’m the opposite, I brazenly write the taboo! Edit or delete. I used to edit bad grammar, then just delete really low-quality chapters, but for years I’ve just let it fester cause I have my own story, not fixing others’ bad grammar and spelling. But if it's so bad an OG is emailing me... Gah! I don't have time!

I don't socialize well... ASD, so it’s extra painful when my tiny circle grows smaller. My circle is barely considered a family huddle these days... Yeah, I go for more like 1 handful of people and keep them close. Rather than number. My Beta knows me better than my mother by a landslide!

So I hate forced multiplayer content in games... When did fanfic get a social media aspect to it in the last 15 years? People on Reddit are throwing out mad Acronyms I’ve never heard! I realize I write kinkfic or smut or whatever. But I really gotta shout it from the rooftops? I thought tags were the idea, at least on AO3, anyway. Even if I “advertised” here, character limit, not my interactive/no edit privileges, and also Interactives eventually run out of... Code? Space? Limit? They are forced to end at a certain point, like in the hundreds but Queen Bee starts at like chapter 150 on page like 50... Compounding issues. Only 1 arc, has burned out... And I know how to revive it... I was thinking ahead years ago. Eventually the interactive would’ve ground my whole story to a SCREECHING halt. One time my “1 chapter” was at least 5 interactive chapters after annoying chopping up and a screeching halt to all writing momentum that day... Believe me, I know people are lazy! I have multiple hyperlinks in longer bios lol.

It's the only old email from my teen years that I still have, even screenshotted that sucker! I laughed out loud when I got it! 🤣 It's the ONLY unsolicited feedback I’ve ever received and it is glorious! 😂 (Not the real quote) “Sir! There is too much plot in my porn! In the future, please try to refrain from such distractions or post elsewhere, good day to you, sir!” Again not the quote, but I want to print and frame that email. Cherish it as I have! I’m glad I could make your day. I could be a one-hit wonder on Reddit with my “So this is my only comment ever” story. But honestly it's like, how do you think they got there?!
Happy birthday
Happy anniversary
Update to all Queen Bee readers.

So, old Owl is not dead... So... 2021 was a bust! I had planned to be up and running again in June... Honestly, I’ve just been too tired and burnt out. My new job after I moved at the beginning of this year... I won’t say it's “Japanese Black Company” level... But still VERY scummy... Getting the Flu this past week was a blessing! I was working 6 days a week, no overtime cause of sly “Business Days” and pay period scheduling nonsense... Scummy and slick... Long story short... I’ve been focused on video games more than writing cause that’s easier, mentally. I just need to know that the silent handful of you that have read and enjoyed Queen Bee and lurked, but never talked to me will follow me when I eventually move to AO3 in 2022, my New Year's resolution is port all 300 something chapters in a reasonable amount of time... I included a WDC specific reference in one of the chapters I plan to port. So I’ll know if at least one followed me, haha. I have a lot of plans and not a lot of energy... Not saying I need a Stan to encourage me, it's all on me to get motivated but... I realize every journey begins with the first step but... So daunting... This is probably one of my last posts here, so... Starting to feel that bittersweetness...

- Owl Out 🦉
Long week with a lot to do in the coming year. I'll follow in the new move. *Smile*
I know you will lol, Queen Bee couldn't exist without you! It's mostly just copy-pasting from the interactive to Docs. The hard part is reformatting for AO3 and especially organizing this mess... Started rewriting those two or so chapters so the plot doesn't break but without plagiarizing, though obviously, I write Elana differently because I created her lol. But after that’s done... It’s just untangling this mess. Getting the rough mess to Docs is the time crunch aspect... Though I do plan to refocus my Queen Bee time more effectively in 2022. I may have some help actually... I’ll text the info to you later, behind-the-scenes editing and all that, just in case there are any Queen Bee lurkers. Hehe.
So I’ve been working on Queen Bee for 6 or 7 years now. I’ve never really gotten any feedback except from people I specifically ask. The view numbers lately have also not been so hot... Chapters and bios both. It becomes disheartening after enough time. 3 months up for single-digit numbers in some places. I’m thinking of promoting on the r/fanfiction subreddit to get the numbers up, maybe that will motivate me. I’ve felt beaten down lately by the numbers from the last set of chapters and bios... I dread checking now. The amount of hours I put into research, writing and editing VS the payoff is so lopsided that it's not even funny anymore. The amount of research and editing for bios alone for Animal Army and War Witch that I’ve already done almost doesn’t seem worth it to actually go ahead and do the chapters. I have enough notes for probably 30 - 50 chapters between Animal Army and War Witch. But if my days of work only get me single-digit numbers... It’s just demoralizing... I recently went to check posted chapters to keep the new set of Human Elana chapters consistent... As I said in my last post, it is Pride Month, so I am trying to get Animal Army out there because of just how out and proud that version of Elana is... But I know that the numbers are gonna kill me. Because by far, Animal Army and War Witch are the most ambitious projects to date, and I’ve poured so many hours into them. But based on previous chapters, getting like 5 views for several days of work just kills any motivation to continue. This is becoming a long rant so...

- Owl Out 🦉
Keep in mind that the nice thing about views is they always go up. Your most recent chapter is in double digits. ^_^ Exciting stuff coming up.
True... But I sent a text with my future plans. I’ll make an announcement when the time comes, but based on advice from Reddit... Several things are not working in my favor as far as potential views go, thinking of moving to AO3... All 300 current Queen Bee chapters... Which will backlog me... And I’d have to reformat... Oof... But... I definitely would have more views and feedback without the throttling and having to pay for features y’know? People on Reddit wanted to check my profile and couldn't because of the various systems in place here... Which I was unaware of until now... I think it's time... I can always move my audience with me too... I’m seriously considering it. They made REALLY good points... I’ll send you link later. Several things were brought to my attention... But anyway... Maybe I’ll do up to Animal Army... OR start with Animal Army on AO3 to test the waters... Like I said... I’m taking it under serious consideration at this point... 10 views in 3 months is ridiculous if you take a step back and think about it... Or like 20 if that's what you meant by double digits...
We are 1/3 of the way through Pride Month already, so I seriously hope to get some Queen Bee chapters out this month. I have maybe a dozen various VR Scenario chapters ready to go, it's just a matter of posting them. Human Elana is in the works... If I could get Ally’s Animal Army out this month I would be so happy! Cause that’s my next project after getting Human Elana caught up to her bio updates. Even just the intro of Animal Army would make me happy and that's just about her clone... The Animal Army version of my main character Elana is arguably the loudest and proudest version of her. Although... Human Elana is all about her new relationship with Kate though... So any chapters out are wins in my book. I’m so close to Animal Army, it's just a matter of motivation and peace and quiet in this house... Have a... Mechanically inclined housemate who likes using power tools until 5 AM... At least I have a time goal and some chapters ready to go at the first opportunity to post... That's something at least! Happy Pride Month everyone! I know I am extremely late to the party... 😅

- Owl Out 🦉 (The artist formerly known as His Divine Shadow. Now with 50% less Edgelord)
I had a nice and well-thought-out thing written up to reintroduce myself and give a status update... I go to post it and the system auto-logged me out sometime while typing and before posting, so it's just gone now... 🙄 Now I’m just extremely annoyed... Anyway, working on VR chapters for Queen Bee. Short version, 5 Tales of Arcadia chapters that just need review for Momblank, Commander Zadra, Morgana la Fey, Mary Wang, and Zelda Nomura. I will post them after I complete So I’m a Spider, So What? Chapters, mainly focused on Shiraori cause she is best girl, fight me! Followed by both main supermodel androids with dumptruck backsides from Nier: Automata, 2B and A2. Fun fact: Allegedly 2B’s butt has more polygons than ALL of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time combined! I love 2B, she's my gaming crush probably, besides Ms. Kawakami from Persona 5.

- Owl Out 🦉 (The artist formerly known as His Divine Shadow, same content, now with 30% less Edgelord!)
Indeed. Plotting out the first Shiraori scenario now. Shiraori is a woman of very few words, so I had to read the wiki a bit to construct the scenarios since the anime is taking its sweet time to converge the timelines of flashback and current timeline... Wish me luck! I really want to make sure my girl has an accurate personality cause it's so different from Kumoko’s and more like her pre-reincarnation self, Wakaba. For the purposes of this story, in order for it to be fun she might have to be drunk... Apparently the White Weaver and 10th Regiment General of the Demon Lord’s Army is a mega lightweight 😂
Good Luck. *Shamrock*

Sounds very cool. *Smile*

Thanks! As you well know, Shiraori is my bae and I want to do her proper justice, lol. You’ll love it! After this set of chapters, you might finally add Tales of Arcadia to your list, probably So I’m a Spider too, and finally watch endings A - E of Automata, lol.
Hello fans of CBWF and Queen Bee. I needed a break and it got out of hand and went longer than intended. I will be back at it this week starting with some fun VR chapters set in Tales of Arcadia, Nier: Automata, XCOM and whatever else I throw in there before I do Human Elana, followed by Ally’s Animal Army and finally, War Witch, since those bios have a bit more work and research to be done till they are ready. I have a small book written in my notes for Animal Army so... It’s gonna be big. Hehe. Lots of ideas for War Witch as well. I would really like to apologize to my readers for the lack of activity. Also, I will be changing my WDC handle soon. I’ve been HDS since I was an edgy teenager... It’s been like 10 years... So, for the last time as HDS...

- HDS out

No R34 exists of HER, it's been 2 and a half years since 3 Below aired... I’m like, floored here!

But anyway yeah. I have quite a backlog... Totally forgot I also have minimum 3 So I’m A Spider scenarios cooked up 😂 But tonight I have a little bit of time to do hopefully at least do the Morgana chapter. This one practically writes itself, as soon as Cersei- I mean Morgana started grooming Claire and giving her pet names, the gears started turning lol. I mean... “My little lamb” isn’t necessarily sexual... But when Lena Heady says it, it just kinda always sounds that way. Haha! 😂 Seriously... Tales of Arcadia is so good KSC! The series finale, Rise of the Titans is airing this summer BTW.
Hot have to check it out. ^_^
I seriously love Momblank. I literally rewatched every episode she appears in to fine tune her mannerisms and whatnot for the chapter. The wiki is actually really lacking in her quotes and whatnot. But yeah, Tales of Arcadia is really fun. Wizards is the shortest but spoils the other two. 3 Below can more or less be watched standalone, but takes place after season 3 of Trollhunters which is by far the longest of the three. So that's something to keep in mind. The order is technically Troll Hunters, 3 Below, Wizards. But I watched season 1 of 3 Below first.
I’m sorry for my lack of activity lately. I’m working on Platinuming several Vita and PS3 games before the stores shut down early this summer. But when I finish up XCOM: Enemy Within’s Army of 4 trophy and a couple of spinoff Hyperdimension Neptunia Games... I will be back in force cause I still have TONS of Queen Bee ideas ready to go! I’m crossing my fingers that this process only takes a couple of weeks, and I will hold off XCOM II just to get some Queen Bee content out. So anyone that’s been supporting me, such as “Anonymous” every year with the membership, be you one person or several. I thank you for your patience. I will seriously come back in force! I have quite a few easy VR chapters I could do very quickly, for example. Like the women of XCOM, at least I got some story ideas out of it. Haha! This saves a ton of time on bios at least. It's not for nothing, I just had the rug pulled out from under me, so to speak.
Good luck with your Gaming and writing. *Smile*
Thanks as always KSC. Going well so far, the stories will be worth the wait. I’ve already talked your ear off about Human Elana and Animal Army. I’ll be good an de-stressed and ready to write if the XCOM run goes well, going well so far lol. Knock on wood. Allergies have reigned in after my birthday. Really only March kicks my butt! 😂 So I will try and be efficient and not keep the readers waiting y’know? I’m am SO tempted to do a little XCOM story, Dr. Vahlen in the first game is just so hot... I don't know if it's the German accent or that she looks good in a labcoat or that she is hot and smart! 😂

Warmest wishes for a happy birthday!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*GiftV* *Giftp* *Gifty* *GiftG* *GiftT*
  •   1 comment
Thank you! I had a pretty good one, haha.
Hey all, HDS here again with a quick update. It's springtime and my seasonal allergies have been beating the fudge out of me the past few weeks. I’m behind on Queen Bee and have been watching a lot of Netflix while I’ve been feeling under the weather. Anyway I started rewatching the Tales of Arcadia series, and I have decided I’m going to do some chapters about a few characters I find very attractive and that shockingly have no fan art or fanfics online! I may have disproved Rule 34! Anyway, after I finish rewatching 3 Below, I'm doing some chapters on the lovely Momblank/Lu-C/Lucy Blank, the derpy ‘50s housewife robot, she is seriously adorable! After some VR chapters based around Tales of Arcadia, I will try to have the Human Elana chapters up soon. New bios are in editing now. Animal Army is most likely pushed to April, unfortunately. I think you all are gonna love Momblank though to hold you over in the meantime. Heck, maybe watch 3 Below yourself. You don't necessarily have to watch Troll Hunters first, but it does help, and 3 Below does mildly spoil a few things from Troll Hunters.
Note: This story will have fetish content.

Hope you feel better. *Smile* Heh heh if it doesn't exist ... it will. Rule 34 always wins in the end. *Laugh* A lot of exciting story ideas you have planned. Best of luck with your writing HDS. *Smile*

By the end of April I’ll be fine. It will exist when I make it apparently O_o So I guess it is true, but until I do... It doesn't exist... Trippy to think about... 3 Below is fun though, Momblank is seriously so cute! She can even rock a beehive lol. I highly recommend you at least watch the season 1 episodes “D’Aja Vu” and “The Arcadian Job”. Troll Hunters crossover + time loop and Area 51 Heist episodes. Both of them perfectly encapsulate the show and Momblank has some of her best scenes. Like making pancakes for the Troll Hunters and running a taco truck in Area 51 as a distraction while also acting as the “Oracle” for the mission being the girl in the chair, so to speak, just like Barbara Gordon. She is in 90% of episodes anyway though.
After another late night, the Dollhouse arc is up and Proto-Prime is now caught up to her Reader’s Guide bio. Will most likely work on Human Elana next then finally Ally’s Animal Army. Fetish content warning, blah, blah, blah.

-HDS out
Yay the first arc I can sit back, relax and enjoy without having to stress about juggle with editing. You did really good. *Bigsmile* Thank you for writing HDS. ^_^
Awesome, thanks! In the back of my mind there is always the thought that there is derp somewhere... 🤷‍♀️ Since you’re behind on bios, Kate’s model friends are human versions of a few Animal Army characters. I know that names like Hilda (Thesaurus) and Imani (Flamingo) wouldn’t immediately jump out at you. My hope is that these characters drum up interest for the severely lagging Animal Army bios. Since they share names and I use the One Steve Rule 99% of the time and Animal Army is next after I catch up Human Elana to her bio. Cause she's SO fun, being Kate's bodyguard and personal assistant. Basically her b-word (Really hard to get used to this PG rating rule 😅)
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