I've never been more proud to get a 1-star review!
Thank you Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'm actually rather nervous about mine... I'm afraid I wrote a 5 star poem for a 1 star contest ![]() |
Amethyst Angel 🍀 ![]() |
Whatever not starting anything. Just gonna duck tape my proverbial mouth shut and suck it up. Besides I deleted the note! Sick of my mouth and my fingers getting me in trouble! |
I'll reiterate something I've reiterated many times, I might not always agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it. |
Ms. TerrifyingTuber ![]() |
The Thursday round of
Is up you can answer it but no pressure! |
So after deciding that paying for parking and spending all day in Atlantic City isn't worth what the college there is offering. (Thats two hours driving and considering my Father in Law insists on driving, I don't wanna do that commute.) I've decided to go with an Online option. Arizona State University is offering a pretty comprehensive Cellular, Genetics and Human Development Bachelors program almost entirely online. With the option to transfer the credits I already earned potentially. Oh and I'd get to take a one week vacation for a mandatory Biochem Lab in Tucson, AZ during a Summer Semester. Throw me in that briar patch!(Or I have the option to complete the lab requirement at a local college.) I arranged to talk to University of Florida about their online degree program. I'll compare. Then it will be time to take the leap and apply. |
I did my third degree completely online. I was not prepared to do the whole university thing with kids with no life experience. It can be tough being "alone" in order to complete some of the tasks, and feedback is not the greatest from peers, but if you can get over the sense of isolation, I thoroughly recommend online university (college, I guess) for someone who is not straight out of high school. You've got this. |
Feeling inadquate, scared and like nobody in my real life really wants me around...oh yeah I've also got an in person campus tour I don't want to go to because Its an hour drive, I refuse to live on campus and I think I'm too stupid and unlikable. Sorry, I am in drama llama mode. |
S 🤦 ![]() |
I agree with Steven. Imposter Syndrome is real. Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that I care deeply about being a Christian. I don't claim to be a Christian because I think I'm really good at being one, but because I know myself to be painfully flawed, needing a Savior, and Jesus Christ is the only One I'm willing to trust with that task because He is The Only One, Who can accomplish that purpose. I can relate so much to the monk, Martin Luther and the preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. If memory serves me correctly, Luther coined the phrase, "At the same time saint and sinner." He came to this thought after bouts of insanity, due to the fight between not being perfect enough to be saved, and knowing that he had to be perfect in order to go to Heaven when he died. Finally, he realized, that he could never be perfect in himself. He needed Substitutionary Perfection. That comes from Jesus. That's where I am, too. When Spurgeon died, he was less than 60 years of age. During his years on Earth, he dealt with bouts of depression. On one of those unique Sundays when he was not preaching in a church himself, he stepped into a small country church and sat down on the back pew. The speaker for the service was a layman (as I recall.) He read one of Spurgeon's own written sermons word for word. Imagine his embarrassment when he shook Brother Spurgeon's hand at the back as the congregation exited the auditorium. "O, Brother Spurgeon, I am so sorry. I read one of your sermons this morning." Spurgeon's reply? "I know. It was what I needed to hear." Perfection is not possible for any human, including a Christian. However, humility and honesty are consistently found in the hearts and mouths of Christians. I aspire to that. |
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
If this sucks don't blame vampires, blame the brainless writer!(me!) |
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
![]() I must be getting sentimental in my late thirties. |
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Hey the rumor is there's a new question at
This one's a good way to remind ourselves we learn something new every day! "QOTD Feb 20th" ![]() |
I've been causing chaos in alternate universes again. I'm the villain in my own soap opera! "Re: February 17, 2025" ![]() Go check out Jeremy's activity and you too can do absurdly awful things too! |
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
At a word count of 1764. I've reached an ending—for now. I want to add a battle scene but this is so long already. And adding that scene will require a huge resolution that will take me ages to figure out and write. Gotta move on and come rewrite later. |
It's taken a long time to admit it but part of me needs a break from being so darn serious. The politics news and just plain old doom and gloom is crammed down my throat all day every day in real life. I'll vent about it in my journal but here, at WDC, I've decided I like to take a break from all that and escape reality into humor or whatever. After I finish the piece I'm writing, bye-bye all bad crap the world brings to my door step! I'm gonna use my writing here to escape and goof off! |
Just a little a lot late but I just put up Thursday's question at
If you can read this color font and want to come answer my question please do! Even if you can't, you're still welcome to come chat. "QOTD Feb 13th" ![]() |
I pulled my first all nighter since college! Why? Giant overnight snowstorm and having read Stephen King's The Shining don't mix well. Just to make sure we weren't trapped by the snow, I stayed up till 3am and then had a meeting at 9:30 am. Then fell asleep and had a weird recurring nightmare about multiple dimensions. On the plus side: I feel twenty years younger and have a new idea for some Sci-Fi! |
Amethyst Angel 🍀 ![]() |