I've added a new entry to my book, "†Confessions of a Pseudonym" ![]() "Ten Ways To Name Your Character" ![]() (more for my personal go-to-guide as I tend to spend an unreasonable amount of time trying to name my characters especially when writing anything fantasy-related...which is why I don't write a lot of fantasy anyway. Hah!) ![]() ![]() |
Yep. All tried and true. Nicknames like Pinky, Tex and Tennessee attest to that. Red Tex? Probably not a ballerina... which would be a nice twist. "John/Julia was sent to dance school as a child, still has the moves but drives a Harley and is known as Red Tex to you... a.k.a. Ready to his/her girl/boy friend. |
Howdy, Folks. Thanks for all your hugs and well wishes - re: my last notebook entry. Still down in the dumps, but I'm doing my best to shake it off (no pun intended) Hope your day is going much better. I'm currently re-watching The Sandman on Netflix (quite an enjoyable show) and yes, I've read the graphic novels as well. ![]() |
Sandman the series is indeed interesting and I liked the sudden change of scenario, this sudden uncertainty with interesting graphic and realistic events all happening very much within the plot, did enhance the watching experience. Not the least the Sandman's acting skills were a treat to watch. |
Aww hope you get to feeling sunny 😎🌻 soon! I love Pusheen too! My granddaughter got me a coffee cup with the kitty 🐈! Kitty hugs 🤗🌹 to you 😘. |
(in my quest to get a streak completed for goodness sakes! Hah!) So, I've been on a sort of TCM binge recently, and since the Oscars are coming up, I've been (re)introduced to some great classic movies as TCM has been focusing on Oscar-winning movies over the years. (almost makes today's movies look like...meh...in some ways, doesn't it?) Anyhoo, Lolita (the one directed by Stanley Kubrick) is currently on my screen, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand yeah. ![]() (I still love you James Mason! ![]() I read the book eons ago, and have to confess that it bored me to death. ![]() (just seemed to be rambling at some point...and yes, I am aware it was his descent into paranoia and craziness with what happened between he and Lolita) So, question of the day - what's your favorite book to movie adaption ever? |
Oh hooooo! So, we've got quite a few of you who are fans of classic rock, eh? Nice! ![]() Now, here's another favorite of mine to share with you fine folks today: And here's my question to you...ignoring what the band's said about the meaning of the lyrics, when you first heard the song, what did it mean to you? I'm curious to know your thoughts. |
Love this - it's my go to Karaoke song ![]() |
So today is 'World Radio Day', which reminds me of how important that lil' equipment was as a child growing up in my small wittle corner of the world. Remember this thing? That was me every Saturday, in the wee hours of the morning (time zone difference and all), hoping to catch another episode of Rick Dee's Weekly Top Forty ![]() Fun times. ![]() |
I seek one more couple, folks! My toothache is getting worse with all the sweet nothings I've read so far, but I shall put up with it for just one more lovey dovey pals/friends/buddies/amigos/whatever. So hurry!! "Note: *Heart* Love is in the Air!! *^*Heart*..." [[Embed over limit (10).]] ![]() |
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
If you love steampunk or just want to be mesmerized by one's creativity when it comes to the use of AI, then please check out Fredrik Jonsson on Facebook (wish there was a way to link his videos here) Well, Click This Link Instead ![]() ![]() but yeah...his stuff is enough to trigger one's writing muses (especially the sci-fi/steampunk fanatics). Methinks H.G. Wells and co. would approve. ![]() |
Carol St.Ann ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Amethyst Angel 🍀 ![]() ![]() |
Do you ever sit back and wonder how amazing architecture and human ingenuity used to be in the past? Yes, you could make the argument about today's technology being great, but I mean when you think of the resources available to those folks - at the time - do you just sit back and go 'wow'...or am I just weird? Case in point, my recent curiosity regarding 'The Crystal Palace'. ![]() These days, in London, most folks just assume you're talking about the football club or the buses that actually take you there, but I had to go digging into just why it was given such a name and voila...mind blown! [[Embed over limit (10).]] (Love her storytelling) [[Embed over limit (10).]] (imagine if it still existed ![]() So, is there any place - that no longer exists - that you would have loved to visit? |
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
And since folks seem terrified of reading my stuff ![]() So, first five folks to take time out of their busy schedules to give this a read and a proper review (I don't expect essays), will earn an MB of their choice. Or I just pick something you don't already have. So, go ahead and be a nice: ![]() I promise not to bite...much! Edit: Whoooohoooo! Thanks so much for the great reviews, folks! And just because I got my five reviews doesn't mean you can't read it if you want. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |