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Happy anniversary 🎁🎉🎁🎉🎁
Happy anniversary
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Happy Writing.Com account anniversary.

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Happy wdc anniversary
In Ragging storms
In Storming winds
My soul walk through fire
My Soul climbed the Pillar of Life
Searching through the trails it throw at me
Lonely on my way
I meet Friends, foes and Enemies
Going, climbing the same Pillar
Some helped along the way
While others left me to die
But, I keep on pushing and never stopped fighting
My soul filters in tiredness
But my Courage Keeps pushing me forward
My Speed left me with no strength
But deep inside of me, something keeps telling me to keep going
I might be like a coward attimes
But nothing will stop me
Am a warrior of the Nigh ocean
Am a warrior in the storming Wind
Am a warrior in the Ragging fire of Life
Untill the End of my days
Come Worth me
I will Never Stop fighting Until I achieve Victory
Only then will I Put myself at ease
Am just one man on the street
Am just one individual among many
The Street is Bleeding
Brother's fight against themselves
Mother and her children are enemies
The Street is Bleeding
Everyone want to get rich by any means available to them
The Street is Bleeding
People using humans flesh for ritual
Nobody want to wait on the Creator's clock anymore
The Street is Bleeding
The Spirit of Hustle is Die
There is no real hustle in the street anymore
The Street is Bleeding
All I see is fake smiles on people's face
The Street is Bleeding
Depression is the order of the day in our world
The Street is Bleeding
All I can do is pray,wait and hope for a better life on the street

I believe in Warfare, Because everyday of our lives is a war; the hustle's in the streets, in banks, Government organizations, Private organizations, even the businesses we create are all at War. The emotions we put in those things are also wars in its own ways, be it physical or Spiritual. The rich want to keep getting richer everyday and even the poor want to get rich is too... War or should I say fighting with oneself. What I have come to learn about life is that, "Until the day we die, The Warring we face Everyday will never come to an end and Whatever we are going through let us remember that God is always watching and he is still doing Wonders".
Be better
Be stronger
Be the Best
Be fantastic
Be Fearless
Be Graceful
Be Awesome
Be Excellent
Be Brave
Be Courageous
Learns are learn in everything we do, your life is a story and lesson.
I think too much and it affecting my sleep..my heartaches a lots and it killing me daily...my head hurt but what can i do the pains wouldn't stop coming and am left alone in endless thoughts of wide ocean of impossibility drowning to life, Lonely knows my name but am trying to be strong.. Lonely knows my name but am giving it all a go..Nobody knows the real me and nobody will ever understand me..I love too much but that because I can't change my nature.
  •   1 comment
Maybe some counseling might help. I'm definitely glad you are expressing yourself rather than keeping it all inside, though. *Care*
There is Time to love and be love back in return
There is time to fear
There is time to be courageous
There is time to be a coward and run
There is time to stay and fight
There is time to Cry
There is time to Laugh

Everything we do have their own time but what matters most is the Time they choose to happen in our lives.
Be gentle, listen, observe, Get your tactics right and Make your move when its least expected.
Be a Predator because it in you
Listen to me!!!
If u run I will run with you
If u cry I will cry together with you
If u need someone to talk to I will give you the very best of my attention
If u need a friend I will be the best friend you never had
If you jump up a bridge
Am not gonna jump in after you but am gonna cry my heart out and am never gonna Stop missing you each rising of the sun.

With my Words Unspoken
I agree with stolenthrones. *Heart*
Am always full of Sad story
Lonely is my middle name because I always help people whenever they are in needs but nobody is there for me
Nobody hear my crying heart because am in the darkness and all I see is nothing but endless darkness.
They thought am prefect, they thought I don't need saving but they forget that I too am human like them, I wasn't born this way but I choose to be the way I am
Lonely is my middle name because am always crying for help
I'm so sorry! That's so sad! I'm glad you are there for others but am sorry they aren't there for you. *Hug1**Cry**Hug2*
We're here for you!! You have at least a few fans. I really get what you are saying. I feel that way sometimes too. I am in a pretty dark place right now but I think I am still able to remind us both that time moves forward and eventually the darkness will be replaced by light.
My Color
Each time I look at the moon my soul comes alive
Each time I look at the moon I wonder how peaceful it might be up there
Each time I look at the moon, words of vision runs through my vein like a boiling Lava of blood river
Each time I look at the moon, Dark clouds runs through it surface but it always comeback out brighter
Each time I look at the moon it renew my Energy and Gives me hope of a better tomorrow
Am electrify by the Sight of the moon
My soul Adopt the color of the moon becomes one in the darken of the Night it light shines through the Whole Earth
The moon is a Part of Me
The moon is the real definition of my soul
And I Learn to live with it always.
@ Adedoyin samson
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/samsonite