Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ryyth07
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I am kind of feeling anxious bcz of oda , bruh I look up to him as a mentor but I am some times little jealous of him or you can say insecure bcz he published one piece at the age of 22 yrs old it means he already planned the whole story , And here I am one with a dream to write something even bigger and greater then one piece , something which can entertain everyone something which people get inspired from Like I got from harry potter, one piece , I am already 16 and I am not even good at basics , I just keep putting random ideas together , trying to learn skills I lack but sometimes I get feeling will I make it , do I have it in me , I think of a great idea only to know after that it's already been used somewhere which further downs my moral , but I know for sure writing fiction is what I love , writing a story which makes people laugh and smile is what will make me smile.
It takes time and practice to get better. Don't set yourself crazily high standards right from the start, as it'll just get you down when you can't reach them. Start with short stories, enter a few contests at WdC, ask around for reviews, and over time you should steadily see your work improve.
I agree with Dave Ryan Author Icon, it takes time and lots and lots of practice to move beyond the basics. You're only 16 so you have plenty of time! Especially at the start, your ideas don't all have to be completely original. Write about things that are interesting to you and focus on learning and practicing the basics first. Then when you do get a grand original idea, you'll have the tools to bring it to life.
I am stuck , I don't know what to write further
It's a pain when that happens. I started something a couple of months ago, made great initial progress, and am now struggling to finish it as I can't quite land the ending.
Dave Ryan Author Icon - hey I have made a new entry to my story " A box changed my fate " I did some changes so plz make sure to check it out and leave ur reviews.
Aren't u guys afraid uploading ur stores what if someone steal it .how do u make sure someone don't steal ur idea
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Amethyst Angel 🍀 Author Icon - I've written about this on my blog at https://maxgriffin.net/copyrights-and-other-rights/

There's a shorter version at "About CopyrightsOpen in new Window., written for members of the Short Fiction Roundtable...for more information about that group see "About the Short Fiction RoundtableOpen in new Window.
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Ryyth, you own the copyright to your original work as soon as you post it on WDC or otherwise create it in fixed form (just telling or reading it to someone doesn't "fix" it, but writing it down does). WDC automatically puts a copyright notice at the bottom of the WDC page where you posted it, although the law does not require such notice to establish the copyright.

However, if you plan to publish something, you should always protect it with a passkey--drop me a note if you don't know how to do this. The reasons have to do with what rights publishers might want to purchase from you.

You can still get reviews by sharing your passkey with people you trust. Such limited sharing also will not impair your later ability to later sell things like 'first rights' or 'exclusive rights' to your work, rights that you own as a consequence of your copyright.

If you have questions, feel free to drop me a note. I'm not a lawyer, though, and for legal advice you should consult an attorney.
I have made a new entry to my story " A box changed my fate " I did some changes so plz make sure to check it out and leave ur reviews.
Hey I have made a new entry to my story " A box changed my fate " I did some changes so plz make sure to check it out and leave ur reviews.
How to share your portfolio work outside this web like on insta or whatsapp

You just use the url.

For your portfolio, that would be:


For a specific item, you just use the item number, e.g.


Both versions work, but the item has to be public - any restrictions will block access from external readers.

And, if you want community recognition by bringing in external traffic, you can tag the link to identify yourself as the source, e.g.


Dave Ryan Author Icon - http://www.Writing.Com/authors/ryyth07 also works for the portfolio.
Is there any course which u guys have followed to learn writing or creative writing from basic to pro .plz recommend me
I don't know actually how to write , I am 16 and want to be best writer to write the greatest stories of all time but here I am with no writing skills , I can imagine scenes of the story and write it down but not Like a story is supposed to be written like with perfect narration what should I do , what should I Learn and from where.also I am currently writing one story but I give narration task to chatgpt and I feel guilty for that
Yep, just keep practicing. You aren’t alone in your desire to be a better writer and storyteller… that’s why we’re all here *Smile* and remember, the more high quality literature you read, the better your instinct will become for knowing how a sentence and a story should flow.
In addition to the above, read as widely as you can. Think about why and how the writing works and see if similar techniques would be appropriate in your own work.
Dont sweat it. Start small with little short stories but dont cut corners and really push the boundaries of your capacity as a writer. Try and avoid being repetitive where you can and cook with feeling no posh measurements. Good luck out there
I want to write comedy but know nothing abt it , nothing coming to my mind I want to learnn
  •   1 comment
Tell stories to people, and if they laugh, jot it down in a notebook or your phone or whatever. Then read a bunch of comedy works to get a feel for how others write comedy.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Episode 4 - Omnious Vision Open in new Window. (E)
Continuation of story " A box changed my life "
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Episode 3- Beyond the door  Open in new Window. (E)
Continuation of story " The box that changed my life"
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ryyth07