Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rose12345
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hi everyone I'm coming back after a long time, l miss you 😭
JACE  Author Icon
Welcome back, writer Author Icon. I hope life cuts you some slack and let's you shine here.
JACE Author Icon - espérant
To have followers on social media is very difficult 🤣
It was my goal for last week but it was impossible 😂 I am very tired and I don t know how is my goal for this week
It was planned for weekly goal but as I'm tired...?!
I drink a lot of coffee a day what about you ?
I go through crazy amounts of Pepsi Max. I really need to cut down, but at least I go for the decaf version if I can find it. *Smile*
Dave Ryan Author Icon - ws my poison as well... but I switched to EDs when PM stopped having the kick.
stevengepp - I recently switched to the decaf version. I recall trying decaf colas when they first came out years ago and they were vile, but they've improved it no end. So now I'm sugar-free and caffeine-free, but I still get tut-tutted at by my dentist as they're acidic as hell and bad for the teeth.
Hi there is anyone
How are you?
Hi writer Author Icon My name’s Sue. Welcome to WdC.
Angelica Weatherby- HappyVDay Author Icon - Iam fine thank you
Sumojo Author Icon - Thank you
I am always stressed when daughter's exams arrive, what about you?
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Thank you
What's your beautiful photo did you take
In this last week
What's your lunch for today
Bacon sandwich
Young people and screens
On the occasion of first May Worker's Day, I wish all the workers of the world iron health and a long, successful life
Today is rainy and cold is on 21degres
What is the weather like in there
writer Author Icon - Ok I understand now that 70 degrees Fahrenheit equal 20 celcius
writer Author Icon - That is true. *Smile*
Jay O'Toole Author Icon - you are welcome
Gérer bien mon temps afin que je puisse réaliser tous mes projets de la semaine
  •   1 comment
Welcome to WdC! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Are you speaking French? *Confused* Sorry, I only speak English and this is an English site, but we are happy to let you practice your English here. *Smile*

If you want to try writing some poetry, it doesn't require much knowledge of grammar. *Laugh* Here is a contest especially for newbies. *Delight* "The Newbie Poetry AwardOpen in new Window.

Good luck and welcome to WdC! *Bigsmile*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rose12345