Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/roscoej
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
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*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*

As your anniversary approaches, I am truly grateful you have been a member of the Writing.com community! Here's to many more years of devotion to your craft as a writer! *Bigsmile*
A special day is coming up for you this month.

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Today I learned that my cat, my Baby, has kidney disease. She is old, I know this, but none the less this doesn't make the news any easier to take.

She is 17 years old but as I told my wife, "I want her to drink from the well" (a "Tuck Everlasting" reference.

Your pets certainly do become part of your family.
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Sorry about your 'BABY'
Greetings to a Fellow Brainstormer. Hope you are doing well. Always: Megan

Boston, where are you?????
Hi, Boston! It's been a while. Hope all is well.
*Star* Happy 2011 to YOU! *Star*
*Balloonp* Happy 10th to you too!! *Balloonb*
*Balloonp* Happy WDC Birthday!!! *Balloonb* *Bigsmile* Hope you are having fun!
*Balloonv**Balloonv* I hope you're having a blast celebrating WDC's 10th Birthday!! *Wink*
Hello, my friend! *Heart* Thank you for the message left in my notebook, and know that I think the world of you also. *Cakeb* Happy WDC 10th to you too!!!!
*Star* Happy 10th to you! *Star*
*Bigsmile* Happy 10th to you as well! Thanks for visiting me!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/roscoej