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*Confettir* *Confettib* *Cake2* HAPPY 3RD WDC ANNIVERSARY, REX! *Cake* *Confettip* *Confettiv*
*Confettir* *Confettib* *Cake2* HAPPY 2ND WDC ANNIVERSARY, REX! *Cake* *Confettip* *Confettiv*
Two weeks ago I swore that I wouldn't publish anything on WDC until I'd reviewed 100 other works. So far I've done a grand total of....13.

Clearly, I need to step up the pace a bit.

Alas, today is my bi-weekly day of respite from all responsibilities and social interaction, as I engage in my OTHER (aside from writing) form of escapism...college football. Luckily, that "endeavor" is passive, so the plan is to read and review as much as possible.

Go Gators!
Hoo Boy does this sound like a broken record (note to younger readers: "records" were, generally, music recorded on a wax disc, that, when an electrified needle was applied...you know what? Never mind.) Anyway, I've opted out of WDC for a bit due to, well, life, and just when I was about to jump back in Hurricane Irma swatted us, taking out (in addition to roof, trees, power, etc) our internet connection. This is my 7th hurricane, btw, but the first that interrupted creative inspiration.

That said, my writer's block has been breeched, and the waters are a'roaring. I've got 100 ideas, and unfortunately for you, I'm about to unleash them. Before I do, however, I'm going to pay my penance and review 100 works before I throw any of mine out there. Have something you want reviewed? Send it my way.
It's been over a month now since I've logged onto WDC. Unlike past lapses, I have no dramatic excuses this time. I suppose, as wannabe-writer, I could conjure up something, but the fact is I've just been busy and lazy.

Anyway, time to saddle back up that horse and get back to the buffoonery that is what I pass off as writing!
  •   1 comment
Welcome back, Rex.
Not sure what's going on here....

I'm working all weekend, so no time for WDC. I pop in tonight and see my inbox is full of all kinds of goodies (reviews, merit badges, and awardicons, oh my!) I'll figure it out, but in the meantime, pre-emptive thanks to all!
Happy 10-year-anniversary to you "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group member!

Thanks for all you do to help Writing.com be a much brighter
and positive place! *Bigsmile*
*Bigsmile* YAY!! Thanks for all you do at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group and sharing your special flair! *Fire* *Salute*
On your special day, I"m dropping by to say:

An image to brighten a day

Praise A Member of The Power Group  (E)
It's Power's 10th anniversary year! Appreciate a member of the day. Open to EVERYONE.
#2101408 by Maryann
...A 'Maryann' Happy New Year sig
Congratulations for being a featured "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group member at
Praise A Member of The Power Group  [E]
It's Power's 10th anniversary year! Appreciate a member of the day. Open to EVERYONE.
by Maryann

Party divider

Well (NSFW language follows for this paragraph only) it's been a s***ty week. Sorry, no other way to put it. For a law enforcement community still recovering from this summer's Pulse massacre, we weighted our hearts once again this weekend with the funerals of two officers who gave their lives serving their oaths to bring the wicked to justice. Ever been to a cop or military funeral? Not a fun experience, but it really brings home the sacrifice others (and especially their families) give to make our world a better place. RIP Sgt Clayton (OPD) and Deputy Lewis (OCSO.)

(Family-friendly language resumes) After the Pulse shootings I retreated from my one escape...writing. I regretted it, because I came to understand that we all need outlets. Not really ready to write right now, but to distract myself today I'm engaging myself in a Power Reviewer's Raid (this one for preferred authors) to keep my mind active.

Absolutely not looking for sympathy here...save that for the families and loved ones of the fallen officers. The fact is, sadly, that I only had passing interactions with both officers. Really, this is a self-affirmation after this summer's experience. Keep doing what you love, is what I tell myself. That means keep serving the community you care about, and keep doing what you love.
  •   1 comment
Ok, you hooked me WDC. Signed up for another annual membership. I guess I'm all in now!
  •   1 comment
Sneaky buggers, aren't they? lol I think they send crack through the photons emitted from our screens in order to get us addicted!
(Related to last entry) Since I'll be stepping away from flash fiction going forward, I'm going to engage in a bit of self-promotion and announce that my last entry won the daily contest (always humbling) and was unlike anything I've written so far. Unintentionally, I created something that Dr. Seuss might've imagined on one of his less-inspired days. Anyway, I actually liked it (and I can't say that about 95% of my stuff so far.)

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2106160 by Not Available.
Two days ago I commemorated my 1st year on WDC with a self-indulgent list of accomplishments. Yesterday I balanced the scales by broadcasting my litany of failures from the past year. Today, I look forward to Year Two, and the successes and failures yet to come!

Related note: thanks to ruwth for bringing to my attention a topical contest...

Dear Me: Official WDC Contest  (E)
What are *your* goals for the new year? Think it over, write a letter and win big prizes!
#597313 by Writing.Com Support

Moving on, the overall goal of Year 2 is to improve as a writer. To do that (and because I'm a compulsive list-maker) I've set the following sub-goals:

1) Expand, Expand, Expand! I can't thank "The Daily Flash Fiction Challenge" enough for inspiring me to write again on a semi-regular basis. So thankful, in fact, that today I nominated to for a Quills Award for "Best Contest" (not sure if it's eligible, as rules reading/following isn't my thing, but it certainly is worthy.) On that note, why not take the time to nominate something you enjoyed this year? I received my 1st nomination recently, and it absolutely made my day!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1536048 by Not Available.

That said, as good as flash fiction has been for me, it's also been limiting. I can't call myself a novelist as I've never actually written one, but I feel longer formats better suit the bizarre ideas bouncing around my head. Thus, a goal for Year 2 is to work more in the 2-5k word range and see where it goes.

2) Step Outside! Everything I write will be "published" here on WDC first, but should I come up, through sheer luck and chance, with a story that's actually any good I want to have the courage to send it out into the world. By that I mean submit an item for consideration in external contests in the analog world, or even publication elsewhere. Everyone here at WDC is so nice...even the critiques are soft. I need to feel the cold punch of a rejection form letter to really gauge how I'm doing! :)

3) Produce! With the exception of a long, unintended break, I feel I was fairly productive this past year. Still, a writer writes, right? I've always measured productivity by finished product, but if I'm to accomplish Goal #1, I need to redefine it as "keep working." If an item takes a day, great. A week? Ok. A month? If that's what it needs, I have to find the patience to give it that.
Happy 1st. Anniversary, Rex!
Too many characters to center, I guess...
Looks good on this end, and thanks!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rexkramer